blob: 155808988faa3f0a8a5e6df85f63b415f67328f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package parser
import (
func TestParseValues(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
expectedValue ir.Value
testCases := []testCase{
{gidl: `1`, expectedValue: uint64(1)},
{gidl: `-78`, expectedValue: int64(-78)},
{gidl: `3.14`, expectedValue: float64(3.14)},
{gidl: `-3.14`, expectedValue: float64(-3.14)},
{gidl: `raw_float(0)`, expectedValue: ir.RawFloat(0)},
{gidl: `raw_float(0b10_10)`, expectedValue: ir.RawFloat(0b10_10)},
{gidl: `"hello"`, expectedValue: "hello"},
{gidl: `"\x00"`, expectedValue: "\x00"},
{gidl: `"\""`, expectedValue: "\""},
{gidl: `true`, expectedValue: true},
{gidl: `null`, expectedValue: nil},
{gidl: `#0`, expectedValue: ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: ir.Handle(0),
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
{gidl: `#123`, expectedValue: ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: ir.Handle(123),
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
{gidl: `restrict(#123)`, expectedValue: ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: ir.Handle(123),
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
{gidl: `restrict(#123, rights: read + write)`, expectedValue: ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: ir.Handle(123),
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsRead | fidlgen.HandleRightsWrite,
{gidl: `SomeRecord {}`, expectedValue: ir.Record{
Name: "SomeRecord",
{gidl: `SomeRecord { the_field: 5, }`, expectedValue: ir.Record{
Name: "SomeRecord",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "the_field",
Value: uint64(5),
{gidl: `SomeRecord { the_field: null, }`, expectedValue: ir.Record{
Name: "SomeRecord",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "the_field",
Value: nil,
{gidl: `SomeRecord { 0x01020304: { bytes = [1, 2] }, }`, expectedValue: ir.Record{
Name: "SomeRecord",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
UnknownOrdinal: 0x01020304,
Value: ir.UnknownData{
Bytes: []byte{1, 2},
{gidl: `SomeRecord { f1: 0x01, }`, expectedValue: ir.Record{
Name: "SomeRecord",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "f1",
Value: uint64(1),
{gidl: `SomeRecord {
the_field: SomeNestedRecord {
foo: 5,
bar: 7,
}`, expectedValue: ir.Record{
Name: "SomeRecord",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "the_field",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "SomeNestedRecord",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "foo",
Value: uint64(5),
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "bar",
Value: uint64(7),
{gidl: `[]`, expectedValue: []ir.Value{}},
{gidl: `[1,]`, expectedValue: []ir.Value{uint64(1)}},
{gidl: `[1,"hello",true,]`, expectedValue: []ir.Value{uint64(1), "hello", true}},
{gidl: `[null,]`, expectedValue: []ir.Value{nil}},
{gidl: `[repeat(1):2]`, expectedValue: []ir.Value{uint64(1), uint64(1)}},
{gidl: `[repeat("hello"):2]`, expectedValue: []ir.Value{"hello", "hello"}},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{})
value, err := p.parseValue(rightsConfiguration{allowRights: true})
checkMatch(t, value, tc.expectedValue, err)
func TestFailsParseValues(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
expectedErrorSubstr string
testCases := []testCase{
{gidl: `"`, expectedErrorSubstr: "improperly escaped string"},
{gidl: `"\xwrong"`, expectedErrorSubstr: "improperly escaped string"},
{gidl: `#-1`, expectedErrorSubstr: `want "<text>", got "-"`},
{gidl: `SomeRecord { 0x01020304: 5, }`, expectedErrorSubstr: "unexpected tokenKind"},
{gidl: `restrict(#123, type: channel, rights: read + write)`, expectedErrorSubstr: "unknown restrict label"},
{gidl: `[repeat(1):0]`, expectedErrorSubstr: "expected non-zero"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{})
_, err := p.parseValue(rightsConfiguration{allowRights: true})
checkFailure(t, err, tc.expectedErrorSubstr)
func TestFailsParseValuesRightsDisabled(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
expectedErrorSubstr string
testCases := []testCase{
{gidl: `restrict(#123, rights: read)`, expectedErrorSubstr: "rights are disabled for this section"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{})
_, err := p.parseValue(rightsConfiguration{allowRights: false})
checkFailure(t, err, tc.expectedErrorSubstr)
func TestParseBytes(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
expectedValue []encodingData
testCases := []testCase{
// empty
gidl: `{ alpha = [] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: nil,
// base 10
gidl: `{ alpha = [1, 2, 3] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{1, 2, 3},
// base 16
gidl: `{ alpha = [0x0, 0xff, 0xA, 0x0a, 7] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{0, 255, 10, 10, 7},
// character codes
gidl: `{ alpha = ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'},
// positive number
gidl: `{ alpha = [num(2147483647):4] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f},
// negative number
gidl: `{ alpha = [num(-32768):2] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{0x00, 0x80},
// padding
gidl: `{ alpha = [padding:3] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{0, 0, 0},
// repeat a byte
gidl: `{ alpha = [repeat(0x33):3] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{0x33, 0x33, 0x33},
// multiple byte generators in same list
gidl: `{ alpha = [num(127):2, repeat(0x33):3] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{0x7f, 0x00, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33},
// mix plain bytes, characters, and generators
gidl: `{ alpha = [num(127):2, 255, padding:1, 'A'] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{0x7f, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 'A'},
// trailing comma allowed
gidl: `{ alpha = [1,2,] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{1, 2},
// multiple wire formats, same bytes (empty), ordering 1
gidl: `{ alpha, beta = [] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: nil,
WireFormat: "beta",
Bytes: nil,
// multiple wire formats, same bytes (empty), ordering 2
gidl: `{ beta, alpha = [] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "beta",
Bytes: nil,
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: nil,
// multiple wire formats, same bytes (non-empty)
gidl: `{ alpha, beta = [1, 2, 3] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{1, 2, 3},
WireFormat: "beta",
Bytes: []byte{1, 2, 3},
// multiple wire formats, different bytes
gidl: `{
alpha = [1, 2, 3],
beta = [repeat(4):3],
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Bytes: []byte{1, 2, 3},
WireFormat: "beta",
Bytes: []byte{4, 4, 4},
for _, tc := range testCases {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{"alpha", "beta"},
value, err := p.parseByteSection()
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
checkMatch(t, value, tc.expectedValue, err)
func TestParseBytesFailures(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
errSubstring string
testCases := []testCase{
gidl: `{}`,
errSubstring: "no bytes",
gidl: `{ alpha = [PADDING:0] }`,
errSubstring: "invalid byte syntax",
gidl: `{ alpha = [thisisnotagenerator(1):0] }`,
errSubstring: "invalid byte syntax",
gidl: `{ alpha = [padding:0] }`,
errSubstring: "non-zero",
gidl: `{ alpha = [num(65536):2] }`,
errSubstring: "exceeds byte size",
gidl: `{ alpha = [num(-32769):2] }`,
errSubstring: "exceeds byte size",
gidl: `{ alpha, alpha = [] }`,
errSubstring: "duplicate wire format",
gidl: `{ alpha = [], beta, alpha = [] }`,
errSubstring: "duplicate wire format",
gidl: `{ this_is_not_a_wire_format = [] }`,
errSubstring: "invalid wire format",
for _, tc := range testCases {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{"alpha", "beta"},
_, err := p.parseByteSection()
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("error was expected, but no error was returned")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tc.errSubstring) {
t.Errorf("expected error containing %q, but got %q", tc.errSubstring, err.Error())
func TestParseHandles(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
expectedValue []encodingData
testCases := []testCase{
// no entries
gidl: `{}`,
expectedValue: nil,
// empty list
gidl: `{ alpha = [] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Handles: nil,
// one handle
gidl: `{ alpha = [#0] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Handles: []ir.Handle{0},
// several handles
gidl: `{ alpha = [#42, #1, #3] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Handles: []ir.Handle{42, 1, 3},
// trailing comma allowed
gidl: `{ alpha = [#0,#1,] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Handles: []ir.Handle{0, 1},
// multiple wire formats, same handles (empty), ordering 1
gidl: `{ alpha, beta = [] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Handles: nil,
WireFormat: "beta",
Handles: nil,
// multiple wire formats, same handles (empty), ordering 2
gidl: `{ beta, alpha = [] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "beta",
Handles: nil,
WireFormat: "alpha",
Handles: nil,
// multiple wire formats, same handles (non-empty)
gidl: `{ alpha, beta = [#0, #1] }`,
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Handles: []ir.Handle{0, 1},
WireFormat: "beta",
Handles: []ir.Handle{0, 1},
// multiple wire formats, different handles
gidl: `{
alpha = [#0, #1],
beta = [#1, #0],
expectedValue: []encodingData{
WireFormat: "alpha",
Handles: []ir.Handle{0, 1},
WireFormat: "beta",
Handles: []ir.Handle{1, 0},
for _, tc := range testCases {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{"alpha", "beta"},
value, err := p.parseHandleSection()
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
checkMatch(t, value, tc.expectedValue, err)
func TestParseHandlesFailures(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
errSubstring string
testCases := []testCase{
gidl: `{ alpha = [0] }`,
errSubstring: `want "#", got "<text>"`,
gidl: `{ alpha = [#-1] }`,
errSubstring: `want "<text>", got "-"`,
gidl: `{ alpha, alpha = [] }`,
errSubstring: "duplicate wire format",
gidl: `{ alpha = [], beta, alpha = [] }`,
errSubstring: "duplicate wire format",
gidl: `{ this_is_not_a_wire_format = [] }`,
errSubstring: "invalid wire format",
for _, tc := range testCases {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{"alpha", "beta"},
_, err := p.parseHandleSection()
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("error was expected, but no error was returned")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tc.errSubstring) {
t.Errorf("expected error containing %q, but got %q", tc.errSubstring, err.Error())
func TestParseHandleDefs(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
expectedValue []ir.HandleDef
testCases := []testCase{
// no entries
gidl: `{}`,
expectedValue: nil,
// one handle
gidl: `{ #0 = event() }`,
expectedValue: []ir.HandleDef{
{Subtype: fidlgen.Event, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights},
// several handles
gidl: `{ #0 = event(), #1 = event(), #2 = event() }`,
expectedValue: []ir.HandleDef{
{Subtype: fidlgen.Event, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights},
{Subtype: fidlgen.Event, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights},
{Subtype: fidlgen.Event, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights},
// handle rights
gidl: `{ #0 = event(rights: execute) }`,
expectedValue: []ir.HandleDef{
Subtype: fidlgen.Event,
Rights: 16,
// handle rights groups
gidl: `{ #0 = event(rights: basic) }`,
expectedValue: []ir.HandleDef{
Subtype: fidlgen.Event,
Rights: 49155,
// adding handle rights
gidl: `{ #0 = event(rights: execute + write ) }`,
expectedValue: []ir.HandleDef{
Subtype: fidlgen.Event,
Rights: 24,
// subtracting handle rights
gidl: `{ #0 = event(rights: basic - transfer ) }`,
expectedValue: []ir.HandleDef{
Subtype: fidlgen.Event,
Rights: 49153,
for _, tc := range testCases {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{})
value, err := p.parseHandleDefSection(rightsConfiguration{allowRights: true})
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
checkMatch(t, value, tc.expectedValue, err)
func TestParseHandleDefsFailures(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
errSubstring string
testCases := []testCase{
gidl: `{ #1 = event() }`,
errSubstring: `want #0, got #1`,
gidl: `{ #0 = event(), #2 = event() }`,
errSubstring: `want #1, got #2`,
gidl: `{ #0 = invalidsubtype() }`,
errSubstring: "invalid handle subtype",
gidl: `{ #0 = event }`,
errSubstring: `want "(", got "}"`,
gidl: `{ #0 = event(rights) }`,
errSubstring: `want ":", got ")"`,
gidl: `{ #0 = event(rights:) }`,
errSubstring: `want "<text>", got ")"`,
gidl: `{ #0 = event(rights: + basic) }`,
errSubstring: `want "<text>", got "+"`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{})
_, err := p.parseHandleDefSection(rightsConfiguration{allowRights: true})
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("error was expected, but no error was returned")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tc.errSubstring) {
t.Errorf("expected error containing %q, but got %q", tc.errSubstring, err.Error())
func TestParseHandleDefsFailuresRightsDisabled(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
errSubstring string
testCases := []testCase{
gidl: `{ #0 = event(rights: basic) }`,
errSubstring: `rights are disabled for this section`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{})
_, err := p.parseHandleDefSection(rightsConfiguration{allowRights: false})
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("error was expected, but no error was returned")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tc.errSubstring) {
t.Errorf("expected error containing %q, but got %q", tc.errSubstring, err.Error())
func TestParseUnknownData(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
expectedValue ir.UnknownData
testCases := []testCase{
// empty
gidl: `{ bytes = [] }`,
expectedValue: ir.UnknownData{
Bytes: nil,
// bytes
gidl: `{ bytes = [0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef] }`,
expectedValue: ir.UnknownData{
Bytes: []byte{0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef},
// bytes and handles
gidl: `{ bytes = [0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef], handles = [#3, #4] }`,
expectedValue: ir.UnknownData{
Bytes: []byte{0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef},
Handles: []ir.Handle{3, 4},
for _, tc := range testCases {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{})
value, err := p.parseUnknownData()
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
checkMatch(t, value, tc.expectedValue, err)
func TestParseUnknownDataFailures(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
gidl string
errSubstring string
testCases := []testCase{
gidl: `{}`,
errSubstring: "missing required parameter 'bytes'",
gidl: `{ value = Foo { bar: 3 } }`,
errSubstring: "parameter 'value' does not apply to unknown data",
gidl: `{ bytes = [1, 2, 3], bytes = [4, 5] }`,
errSubstring: "duplicate parameter 'bytes' found",
for _, tc := range testCases {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(tc.gidl), Config{})
_, err := p.parseUnknownData()
t.Run(tc.gidl, func(t *testing.T) {
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("error was expected, but no error was returned")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tc.errSubstring) {
t.Errorf("expected error containing %q, but got %q", tc.errSubstring, err.Error())
func TestParseSuccessCase(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty") {
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
first: "four",
bytes = {
v1 = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
all, err := parse(gidl)
expectedAll := ir.All{
EncodeSuccess: []ir.EncodeSuccess{{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "first",
Value: "four",
Encodings: []ir.HandleDispositionEncoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
CheckHandleRights: false,
DecodeSuccess: []ir.DecodeSuccess{{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "first",
Value: "four",
Encodings: []ir.Encoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
checkMatch(t, all, expectedAll, err)
func TestParseEncodeSuccessCase(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
encode_success("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty") {
handle_defs = {
#0 = event(rights: write),
#1 = channel(),
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
first: "four",
bytes = {
v1 = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
handle_dispositions = {
v1 = [
{ #0, type: event, rights: basic + signal },
{ #1 },
all, err := parse(gidl)
expectedAll := ir.All{
EncodeSuccess: []ir.EncodeSuccess{{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty",
HandleDefs: []ir.HandleDef{
{Subtype: fidlgen.Event, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsWrite},
{Subtype: fidlgen.Channel, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights},
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "first",
Value: "four",
Encodings: []ir.HandleDispositionEncoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
HandleDispositions: []ir.HandleDisposition{
Handle: 0,
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeEvent,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsBasic | fidlgen.HandleRightsSignal,
Handle: 1,
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
CheckHandleRights: true,
checkMatch(t, all, expectedAll, err)
func TestParseDecodeSuccessCase(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
decode_success("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty") {
handle_defs = {
#0 = event(rights: write),
#1 = channel(),
bytes = {
v1 = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
handles = { v1 = [ #0 ] },
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
first: "four",
handle0: #0,
handle1: restrict(#1, rights: basic + signal),
all, err := parse(gidl)
expectedAll := ir.All{
DecodeSuccess: []ir.DecodeSuccess{{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty",
HandleDefs: []ir.HandleDef{
{Subtype: fidlgen.Event, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsWrite},
{Subtype: fidlgen.Channel, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights},
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "first",
Value: "four",
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "handle0",
Value: ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: ir.Handle(0),
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "handle1",
Value: ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: ir.Handle(1),
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsBasic | fidlgen.HandleRightsSignal,
Encodings: []ir.Encoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
Handles: []ir.Handle{0},
checkMatch(t, all, expectedAll, err)
func TestParseEncodeFailureCase(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
encode_failure("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-too-long") {
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
the_string: "bonjour", // 6 characters
all, err := parse(gidl)
expectedAll := ir.All{
EncodeFailure: []ir.EncodeFailure{{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-too-long",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "the_string",
Value: "bonjour",
checkMatch(t, all, expectedAll, err)
func TestParseDecodeFailureCase(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
decode_failure("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-wrong-length") {
type = TypeName,
bytes = {
v1 = [
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
// one character missing
all, err := parse(gidl)
expectedAll := ir.All{
DecodeFailure: []ir.DecodeFailure{{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-wrong-length",
Type: "TypeName",
Encodings: []ir.Encoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
checkMatch(t, all, expectedAll, err)
func TestParseBenchmarkCase(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
benchmark("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty") {
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
first: "four",
all, err := parse(gidl)
expectedAll := ir.All{
Benchmark: []ir.Benchmark{{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "first",
Value: "four",
checkMatch(t, all, expectedAll, err)
func TestParseSucceedsBindingsAllowlistAndDenylist(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty") {
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
first: "four",
bytes = {
v1 = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
bindings_allowlist = [go, rust],
bindings_denylist = [dart],
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(gidl), Config{
Languages: []string{"go", "rust", "dart"},
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{ir.V1WireFormat},
var all ir.All
err := p.parseSection(&all)
expectedAll := ir.All{
EncodeSuccess: []ir.EncodeSuccess{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "first",
Value: "four",
Encodings: []ir.HandleDispositionEncoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
BindingsAllowlist: &ir.LanguageList{"go", "rust"},
BindingsDenylist: &ir.LanguageList{"dart"},
CheckHandleRights: false,
DecodeSuccess: []ir.DecodeSuccess{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "OneStringOfMaxLengthFive",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{
Name: "first",
Value: "four",
Encodings: []ir.Encoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
BindingsAllowlist: &ir.LanguageList{"go", "rust"},
BindingsDenylist: &ir.LanguageList{"dart"},
checkMatch(t, all, expectedAll, err)
func TestParseFailsBindingsAllowlist(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty") {
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
first: "four",
bytes = {
v1 = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
bindings_allowlist = [go, rust],
bindings_denylist = [dart],
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(gidl), Config{
Languages: []string{"rust", "dart"},
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{ir.V1WireFormat},
var all ir.All
err := p.parseSection(&all)
checkFailure(t, err, "invalid language 'go'")
func TestParseFailsBindingsDenylist(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty") {
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
first: "four",
bytes = {
v1 = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
bindings_allowlist = [go, rust],
bindings_denylist = [dart],
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(gidl), Config{
Languages: []string{"rust", "go"},
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{ir.V1WireFormat},
var all ir.All
err := p.parseSection(&all)
checkFailure(t, err, "invalid language 'dart'")
func TestParseSucceedsMultipleWireFormats(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("MultipleWireFormats") {
value = MultipleWireFormats {},
bytes = {
zero = [0],
one = [1],
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(gidl), Config{
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{"zero", "one"},
var all ir.All
err := p.parseSection(&all)
expectedAll := ir.All{
EncodeSuccess: []ir.EncodeSuccess{{
Name: "MultipleWireFormats",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "MultipleWireFormats",
Fields: []ir.Field(nil),
Encodings: []ir.HandleDispositionEncoding{
WireFormat: "zero",
Bytes: []byte{0},
WireFormat: "one",
Bytes: []byte{1},
CheckHandleRights: false,
DecodeSuccess: []ir.DecodeSuccess{{
Name: "MultipleWireFormats",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "MultipleWireFormats",
Fields: []ir.Field(nil),
Encodings: []ir.Encoding{
WireFormat: "zero",
Bytes: []byte{0},
WireFormat: "one",
Bytes: []byte{1},
checkMatch(t, all, expectedAll, err)
func TestParseFailsExtraKind(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty") {
type = Type,
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
first: "four",
bytes = {
v1 = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
_, err := parse(gidl)
checkFailure(t, err, "'type' does not apply")
func TestParseFailsMissingKind(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty") {
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
first: "four",
_, err := parse(gidl)
checkFailure(t, err, "missing required parameter 'bytes'")
func TestParseFailsUnknownErrorCode(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
encode_failure("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-too-long") {
value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
the_string: "bonjour",
_, err := parse(gidl)
checkFailure(t, err, "unknown error code")
func TestParseFailsNoBytes(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("NoBytes") {
value = NoBytes {},
bytes = {},
_, err := parse(gidl)
checkFailure(t, err, "no bytes")
func TestParseFailsDuplicateWireFormat(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("DuplicateWireFormat") {
value = DuplicateWireFormat {},
bytes = {
v1 = [],
v1 = [],
_, err := parse(gidl)
checkFailure(t, err, "duplicate wire format")
func TestParseSucceedsHandles(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("HasHandles") {
handle_defs = {
#0 = event(),
value = HasHandles { h: #0 },
bytes = {
v1 = [ repeat(0xff):4, padding:4 ],
handles = {
v1 = [ #0 ],
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(gidl), Config{
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{ir.V1WireFormat},
var all ir.All
err := p.parseSection(&all)
expectedAll := ir.All{
EncodeSuccess: []ir.EncodeSuccess{{
Name: "HasHandles",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "HasHandles",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{Name: "h"},
Value: ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: ir.Handle(0),
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
Encodings: []ir.HandleDispositionEncoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0},
HandleDispositions: []ir.HandleDisposition{
Handle: 0,
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
HandleDefs: []ir.HandleDef{
{Subtype: fidlgen.Event, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights},
CheckHandleRights: false,
DecodeSuccess: []ir.DecodeSuccess{{
Name: "HasHandles",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "HasHandles",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{Name: "h"},
Value: ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: ir.Handle(0),
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
Encodings: []ir.Encoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0},
Handles: []ir.Handle{0},
HandleDefs: []ir.HandleDef{
{Subtype: fidlgen.Event, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights},
checkMatch(t, all, expectedAll, err)
func TestParseSucceedsHandlesBeforeBytes(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("HasHandles") {
handle_defs = {
#0 = event(),
value = HasHandles { h: #0 },
handles = {
v1 = [ #0 ],
bytes = {
v1 = [ repeat(0xff):4, padding:4 ],
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(gidl), Config{
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{ir.V1WireFormat},
var all ir.All
err := p.parseSection(&all)
if err != nil {
func TestParseSucceedsHandlesDefsAfterHandles(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("HasHandles") {
value = HasHandles { h: #0 },
bytes = {
v1 = [ repeat(0xff):4, padding:4 ],
handles = {
v1 = [ #0 ],
// handle_defs at the end.
handle_defs = {
#0 = event(),
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(gidl), Config{
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{ir.V1WireFormat},
var all ir.All
err := p.parseSection(&all)
expectedAll := ir.All{
EncodeSuccess: []ir.EncodeSuccess{{
Name: "HasHandles",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "HasHandles",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{Name: "h"},
Value: ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: ir.Handle(0),
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
Encodings: []ir.HandleDispositionEncoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0},
HandleDispositions: []ir.HandleDisposition{
Handle: 0,
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
HandleDefs: []ir.HandleDef{
{Subtype: fidlgen.Event, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights},
CheckHandleRights: false,
DecodeSuccess: []ir.DecodeSuccess{{
Name: "HasHandles",
Value: ir.Record{
Name: "HasHandles",
Fields: []ir.Field{
Key: ir.FieldKey{Name: "h"},
Value: ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: ir.Handle(0),
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
Encodings: []ir.Encoding{{
WireFormat: ir.V1WireFormat,
Bytes: []byte{255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0},
Handles: []ir.Handle{0},
HandleDefs: []ir.HandleDef{
{Subtype: fidlgen.Event, Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights},
checkMatch(t, all, expectedAll, err)
func TestParseFailsUndefinedHandleInValue(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("UndefinedHandleInValue") {
value = Value { h: #0 },
bytes = { v1 = [] },
_, err := parse(gidl)
checkFailure(t, err, "missing definition for handle #0")
func TestParseFailsUndefinedHandleInHandles(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("UndefinedHandleInHandles") {
value = Value {},
bytes = { v1 = [] },
handles = { v1 = [ #0 ] },
_, err := parse(gidl)
checkFailure(t, err, "missing definition for handle #0")
func TestParseFailsHandleUsedTwiceInValue(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("HandleUsedTwiceInValue") {
handle_defs = { #0 = event() },
value = Value { h0: #0, h1: #0 },
bytes = { v1 = [] },
_, err := parse(gidl)
checkFailure(t, err, "handle #0 used more than once in 'value' section")
func TestParseFailsHandleUsedTwiceInHandles(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("HandleUsedTwiceInHandles") {
handle_defs = { #0 = event() },
value = Value {},
bytes = { v1 = [] },
handles = { v1 = [ #0, #0 ] },
_, err := parse(gidl)
checkFailure(t, err, "handle #0 used more than once in 'handles' section")
func TestParseFailsUnusedHandle(t *testing.T) {
gidl := `
success("UnusedHandle") {
handle_defs = { #0 = event() },
value = Value {},
bytes = { v1 = [] },
_, err := parse(gidl)
checkFailure(t, err, "unused handle #0")
func parse(gidlInput string) (ir.All, error) {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(gidlInput), Config{
WireFormats: []ir.WireFormat{ir.V1WireFormat},
var all ir.All
err := p.parseSection(&all)
return all, err
func checkMatch(t *testing.T, actual, expected interface{}, err error) {
if err != nil {
t.Logf("expected: %T %v", expected, expected)
t.Logf("actual: %T %v", actual, actual)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, actual); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("expected != actual (-want +got)\n%s", diff)
func checkFailure(t *testing.T, err error, errorSubstr string) {
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error: %s", errorSubstr)
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), errorSubstr) {
t.Errorf("expected error containing %s, instead got %s", errorSubstr, err.Error())
func TestTokenizationSuccess(t *testing.T) {
cases := map[string][]token{
"1,2,3": {
{tText, "1", 1, 1},
{tComma, ",", 1, 2},
{tText, "2", 1, 3},
{tComma, ",", 1, 4},
{tText, "3", 1, 5},
{tEof, "", 0, 0},
"'1', '22'": {
{tText, "'1'", 1, 1},
{tComma, ",", 1, 4},
{tText, "'22'", 1, 6},
for input, expecteds := range cases {
t.Run(input, func(t *testing.T) {
p := NewParser("", strings.NewReader(input), Config{})
for index, expected := range expecteds {
actual, err := p.nextToken()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error reading next token: %s", err)
if actual != expected {
"#%d: expected %s (line: %d col: %d), actual %s (line: %d col: %d)", index,
expected, expected.line, expected.column,
actual, actual.line, actual.column)
t.Logf("#%d: %s", index, expected)
func TestVariousStringFuncs(t *testing.T) {
cases := map[fmt.Stringer]string{
tComma: ",",
tEof: "<eof>",
token{tComma, "whatever", 0, 0}: ",",
token{tText, "me me me", 0, 0}: "me me me",
isValue: "value",
for value, expected := range cases {
actual := value.String()
if expected != actual {
t.Errorf("%v: expected %s, actual %s", value, expected, actual)