blob: a4395b251266b3ce5e7f1c5596314258789f76f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
{{- define "Service:ForwardDeclaration:WireMessagingHeader" }}
{{ EnsureNamespace . }}
class {{ .Name }};
{{- end }}
{{- define "Service:WireMessagingHeader" }}
{{ EnsureNamespace . }}
{{ "" }}
{{- .Docs }}
class {{ .Name }} final {
{{ .Name }}() = default;
static constexpr char Name[] = "{{ .ServiceName }}";
// Client protocol for connecting to member protocols of a service instance.
class ServiceClient final {
ServiceClient() = delete;
ServiceClient(::zx::channel dir, ::fidl::internal::ConnectMemberFunc connect_func)
{{- with .Members }}
: dir_(std::move(dir)), connect_func_(connect_func) {}
{{- else }}
{ (void)dir; (void)connect_func; }
{{- end }}
{{- range .Members }}
{{ "" }}
// Connects to the member protocol "{{ .Name }}".
// Returns a |fidl::ClientEnd<{{ .ProtocolType }}>| on success,
// which can be used with |fidl::BindSyncClient| to create a synchronous
// client, or |fidl::WireClient| or |fidl::WireSharedClient| to create a
// client that supports both asynchronous and synchronous operations.
// # Errors
// On failure, returns a |zx::error| with status != ZX_OK.
// Failures can occur if channel creation failed, or if there was an issue making
// a || call.
// Since the call to |Open| is asynchronous, an error sent by the remote end will not
// result in a failure of this method. Any errors sent by the remote will appear on
// the |ClientEnd| returned from this method.
::zx::status<::fidl::ClientEnd<{{ .ProtocolType }}>> connect_{{ .Name }}() {
auto endpoints = ::fidl::CreateEndpoints<{{ .ProtocolType }}>();
if (endpoints.is_error()) {
return endpoints.take_error();
auto connection = connect_func_(
::fidl::StringView("{{ .Name }}"),
if (connection.is_error()) {
return connection.take_error();
return ::zx::ok(std::move(endpoints->client));
{{- end }}
{{- with .Members }}
::zx::channel dir_;
::fidl::internal::ConnectMemberFunc connect_func_;
{{- end }}
// Facilitates member protocol registration for servers.
class Handler final {
// Constructs a FIDL Service-typed handler. Does not take ownership of |service_handler|.
explicit Handler(::fidl::ServiceHandlerInterface* service_handler)
{{- with .Members }}
: service_handler_(service_handler) {}
{{- else }}
{ (void)service_handler; }
{{- end }}
{{- range .Members }}
{{ "" }}
// Adds member "{{ .Name }}" to the service instance. |handler| will be invoked on connection
// attempts.
// # Errors
// Returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if the member was already added.
::zx::status<> add_{{ .Name }}(
::fidl::ServiceHandlerInterface::MemberHandler<{{ .ProtocolType }}> handler) {
return service_handler_->AddMember("{{ .Name }}", std::move(handler));
{{- end }}
{{- with .Members }}
::fidl::ServiceHandlerInterface* service_handler_; // Not owned.
{{- end }}
{{- end }}