blob: cee037533138677fa76b0293f568b1eafc677bfa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
{{- define "Method:Event:WireMessagingHeader" }}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
{{- if .Response.IsResource }}
{{- IfdefFuchsia -}}
{{- end }}
struct {{ .WireEvent }} final {{- if .HasResponsePayload }} : public {{ .ResponsePayload }}{{ end }} {
{{- range .ResponseAnonymousChildren }}
using {{ .ScopedName }} = {{ .FlattenedName }};
{{- end }}
{{ if (and .ResponseFlattened .HasResponsePayload) }}
explicit {{ .WireEvent.Self }}({{ .ResponsePayload }} base) : {{ .ResponsePayload }}(std::move(base)) {}
{{- end }}
{{- if .ResponseArgs }}
explicit {{ .WireEvent.Self }}({{ RenderParams .ResponseArgs }}) : {{ .ResponsePayload }}
{{- if .ResponseFlattened -}}
{{- "{ " }}{{ RenderForwardStructParams .ResponseArgs }}}
{{- else -}}
({{ RenderForwardParams .ResponseArgs }})
{{- end -}}{}
{{- end }}
{{ .WireEvent.Self }}() = default;
{{ if .HasResponsePayload }}
template <bool IsRecursive>
struct ::fidl::internal::WireCodingTraits<{{ .WireEvent }}, ::fidl::internal::WireCodingConstraintEmpty, IsRecursive>
: public WireStructCodingTraitsBase<{{ .WireEvent }}, ::fidl::internal::WireCodingConstraintEmpty, IsRecursive> {
static constexpr size_t inline_size = {{ .Response.TypeShapeV2.InlineSize }};
static void Encode(
internal::WireEncoder* encoder, {{ .WireEvent }}* value, ::fidl::internal::WirePosition position, RecursionDepth<IsRecursive> recursion_depth) {
fidl::internal::WireCodingTraits<{{ .ResponsePayload }}, ::fidl::internal::WireCodingConstraintEmpty, IsRecursive>::Encode(
encoder, value, position, recursion_depth);
static void Decode(
internal::WireDecoder* decoder, ::fidl::internal::WirePosition position, RecursionDepth<IsRecursive> recursion_depth) {
fidl::internal::WireCodingTraits<{{ .ResponsePayload }}, ::fidl::internal::WireCodingConstraintEmpty, IsRecursive>::Decode(
decoder, position, recursion_depth);
{{- end }}
struct {{ .WireTransactionalEvent }} final {
fidl_message_header_t header;
{{ if .ResponseArgs }}
{{ .WireEvent }} body;
explicit {{ .WireTransactionalEvent.Self }}({{ RenderParams .ResponseArgs }})
: body({{ .WireEvent }}({{ RenderForwardParams .ResponseArgs }})) {
{{- end }}
{{ .WireTransactionalEvent.Self }}() {
{{- if .Response.IsResource }}
void _CloseHandles() {
{{- if .ResponseArgs }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
void _InitHeader();
template <bool IsRecursive>
struct ::fidl::internal::WireCodingTraits<{{ .WireTransactionalEvent }}, ::fidl::internal::WireCodingConstraintEmpty, IsRecursive>
: public WireStructCodingTraitsBase<{{ .WireTransactionalEvent }}, ::fidl::internal::WireCodingConstraintEmpty, IsRecursive> {
static constexpr size_t inline_size = {{ .Response.TypeShapeV2.InlineSize }} + sizeof(fidl_message_header_t);
static void Encode(
internal::WireEncoder* encoder, {{ .WireTransactionalEvent }}* value, ::fidl::internal::WirePosition position, RecursionDepth<IsRecursive> recursion_depth) {
*position.As<fidl_message_header_t>() = value->header;
{{- if .HasResponsePayload }}
WireCodingTraits<{{ .WireEvent }}, WireCodingConstraintEmpty, IsRecursive>::Encode(
encoder, &value->body, position + sizeof(fidl_message_header_t), recursion_depth);
{{- end }}
static void Decode(
internal::WireDecoder* decoder, ::fidl::internal::WirePosition position, RecursionDepth<IsRecursive> recursion_depth) {
{{- if .HasResponsePayload }}
WireCodingTraits<{{ .WireEvent }}, WireCodingConstraintEmpty, IsRecursive>::Decode(
decoder, position + sizeof(fidl_message_header_t), recursion_depth);
{{- end }}
{{- if .Response.IsResource }}
{{- EndifFuchsia -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "Method:Event:WireMessagingSource" }}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
{{- if .Response.IsResource }}
{{- IfdefFuchsia -}}
{{- end }}
void {{ .WireTransactionalEvent }}::_InitHeader() {
::fidl::InitTxnHeader(&header, 0, {{ .OrdinalName }}, {{ .DynamicFlagsName }});
{{- if .Response.IsResource }}
{{- EndifFuchsia -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "Method:Event:NaturalMessagingHeader" }}
{{- IfdefFuchsia -}}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
template <>
class {{ .NaturalEvent }} final
{{- if .EventMessageBase }} : public {{ .EventMessageBase }} {{ end }} {
{{- if .HasResponsePayload }}
{{- if .Result }}
using {{ .EventMessageBase }}::result;
{{ .NaturalEvent.Self }}({{ .EventMessageBase }} v) : result(std::move(v)) {}
{{ .NaturalEvent.Self }}() = delete;
{{- else }}
using {{ .ResponsePayload }}::{{ .ResponsePayload.Self }};
{{ .NaturalEvent.Self }}({{ .EventMessageBase }} v) : {{ .ResponsePayload.Self }}(std::move(v)) {}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
template <>
struct {{ .EventMessageTraits }} final {
static constexpr bool kHasPayload = {{ .HasResponsePayload }};
{{- if .HasResponsePayload }}
using Payload = {{ .ResponsePayload }};
{{- end }}
{{- if .Result }}
template <>
class {{ .NaturalEventConverter }} {
using DomainObject = {{ .ResponsePayload }};
static {{ .NaturalEvent }} FromDomainObject(DomainObject o) {
if (o.result().err().has_value()) {
return ::fitx::error(std::move(o.result().err().value()));
} else {
{{- if .Result.ValueParameters }}
return ::fitx::ok(std::move(o.result().response().value()));
{{- else }}
return ::fitx::ok();
{{- end }}
static DomainObject IntoDomainObject({{ .NaturalEvent }}&& m) {
if (m.is_error()) {
return DomainObject{ { .result = {{ .Result.ResultDecl }}::WithErr(m.error_value()) } };
} else {
{{- if .Result.ValueParameters }}
return DomainObject{ { .result = {{ .Result.ResultDecl }}::WithResponse(std::move(m.value())) } };
{{- else }}
return DomainObject{ { .result = {{ .Result.ResultDecl }}::WithResponse({}) } };
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- EndifFuchsia -}}
{{- end }}
{{- define "Method:Event:NaturalMessagingSource" }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "Method:Event:Traits:TypeConversionsHeader" }}
template <>
struct WireNaturalConversionTraits<{{ .WireEvent }}, {{ .NaturalEvent }}> {
static {{ .NaturalEvent }} ToNatural({{ .WireEvent }} src);
static {{ .WireEvent }} ToWire(fidl::AnyArena& arena, {{ .NaturalEvent }} src);
template <>
struct NaturalTypeForWireType<{{ .WireEvent }}> {
using type = {{ .NaturalEvent }};
template <>
struct WireTypeForNaturalType<{{ .NaturalEvent }}> {
using type = {{ .WireEvent }};
{{- end }}
{{- define "Method:Event:Traits:TypeConversionsSource" }}
{{ .NaturalEvent }} WireNaturalConversionTraits<{{ .WireEvent }}, {{ .NaturalEvent }}>::ToNatural({{ .WireEvent }} src) {
{{- if .HasResponsePayload }}
return {{ .NaturalEvent }}(
WireNaturalConversionTraits<{{ .ResponsePayload.Wire }}, {{ .EventMessageBase }}>::ToNatural(std::move(src)));
{{- else }}
return {{ .NaturalEvent }}();
{{- end }}
{{ .WireEvent }} WireNaturalConversionTraits<{{ .WireEvent }}, {{ .NaturalEvent }}>::ToWire(fidl::AnyArena& arena, {{ .NaturalEvent }} src) {
{{- if .HasResponsePayload }}
return {{ .WireEvent }}(
WireNaturalConversionTraits<{{ .ResponsePayload.Wire }}, {{ .EventMessageBase }}>::ToWire(arena, std::move(src)));
{{- else }}
return {{ .WireEvent }}();
{{- end }}
{{- end }}