blob: 4157b75f1ec2d8e90eb160f50ab954faba6418b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/lexer.h>
#include <fidl/parser.h>
#include <fidl/raw_ast.h>
#include <fidl/source_file.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "error_test.h"
#include "test_library.h"
namespace {
// Test that an invalid compound identifier fails parsing. Regression
// test for
TEST(ParsingTests, BadCompoundIdentifierTest) {
// The leading 0 in the library name causes parsing an Identifier
// to fail, and then parsing a CompoundIdentifier to fail.
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library 0fidl.test.badcompoundidentifier;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind);
// Test that library name formatting checks are done in the parser
TEST(ParsingTests, BadLibraryNameTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library a_b;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrInvalidLibraryNameComponent);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(library.errors()[0]->msg.c_str(), "a_b");
// Test that otherwise reserved words can be appropriately parsed when context
// is clear.
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodParsingReservedWordsInStructTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(library example;
type struct = struct {
field bool;
type flexible = struct {};
type strict = struct {};
type resource = struct {};
type InStruct = struct {
foo struct;
bar flexible;
baz strict;
qux resource;
as bool;
library bool;
using bool;
array bool;
handle bool;
request bool;
string bool;
vector bool;
bool bool;
int8 bool;
int16 bool;
int32 bool;
int64 bool;
uint8 bool;
uint16 bool;
uint32 bool;
uint64 bool;
float32 bool;
float64 bool;
true bool;
false bool;
reserved bool;
// Test that otherwise reserved words can be appropriately parsed when context
// is clear.
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodParsingReservedWordsInConstraint) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(library example;
alias T = fidl.uint8;
type S = struct {};
// Keywords
const as T = 1;
alias as_constraint = vector<S>:as;
const library T = 1;
alias library_constraint = vector<S>:library;
const using T = 1;
alias using_constraint = vector<S>:using;
const alias T = 1;
alias alias_constraint = vector<S>:alias;
const type T = 1;
alias type_constraint = vector<S>:type;
const const T = 1;
alias const_constraint = vector<S>:const;
const protocol T = 1;
alias protocol_constraint = vector<S>:protocol;
const service T = 1;
alias service_constraint = vector<S>:service;
const compose T = 1;
alias compose_constraint = vector<S>:compose;
const reserved T = 1;
alias reserved_constraint = vector<S>:reserved;
// Layouts
const bits T = 1;
alias bits_constraint = vector<S>:bits;
const enum T = 1;
alias enum_constraint = vector<S>:enum;
const struct T = 1;
alias struct_constraint = vector<S>:struct;
const table T = 1;
alias table_constraint = vector<S>:table;
const union T = 1;
alias union_constraint = vector<S>:union;
// Builtins
const array T = 1;
alias array_constraint = vector<S>:array;
const handle T = 1;
alias handle_constraint = vector<S>:handle;
const request T = 1;
alias request_constraint = vector<S>:request;
const string T = 1;
alias string_constraint = vector<S>:string;
const optional T = 1;
alias optional_constraint = vector<S>:optional;
// Primitives
const bool T = 1;
alias bool_constraint = vector<S>:bool;
const int8 T = 1;
alias int8_constraint = vector<S>:int8;
const int16 T = 1;
alias int16_constraint = vector<S>:int16;
const int32 T = 1;
alias int32_constraint = vector<S>:int32;
const int64 T = 1;
alias int64_constraint = vector<S>:int64;
const uint8 T = 1;
alias uint8_constraint = vector<S>:uint8;
const uint16 T = 1;
alias uint16_constraint = vector<S>:uint16;
const uint32 T = 1;
alias uint32_constraint = vector<S>:uint32;
const uint64 T = 1;
alias uint64_constraint = vector<S>:uint64;
const float32 T = 1;
alias float32_constraint = vector<S>:float32;
const float64 T = 1;
alias float64_constraint = vector<S>:float64;
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodParsingHandlesInStructTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(library example;
type obj_type = strict enum : uint32 {
NONE = 0;
VMO = 3;
EVENT = 5;
PORT = 6;
LOG = 12;
SOCKET = 14;
JOB = 17;
VMAR = 18;
FIFO = 19;
GUEST = 20;
VCPU = 21;
TIMER = 22;
IOMMU = 23;
BTI = 24;
PMT = 26;
PAGER = 28;
CLOCK = 30;
resource_definition handle : uint32 {
properties {
subtype obj_type;
type Handles = resource struct {
plain_handle handle;
bti_handle handle:BTI;
channel_handle handle:CHANNEL;
clock_handle handle:CLOCK;
debuglog_handle handle:LOG;
event_handle handle:EVENT;
eventpair_handle handle:EVENTPAIR;
exception_handle handle:EXCEPTION;
fifo_handle handle:FIFO;
guest_handle handle:GUEST;
interrupt_handle handle:INTERRUPT;
iommu_handle handle:IOMMU;
job_handle handle:JOB;
pager_handle handle:PAGER;
pcidevice_handle handle:PCI_DEVICE;
pmt_handle handle:PMT;
port_handle handle:PORT;
process_handle handle:PROCESS;
profile_handle handle:PROFILE;
resource_handle handle:RESOURCE;
socket_handle handle:SOCKET;
suspendtoken_handle handle:SUSPEND_TOKEN;
thread_handle handle:THREAD;
timer_handle handle:TIMER;
vcpu_handle handle:VCPU;
vmar_handle handle:VMAR;
vmo_handle handle:VMO;
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodParsingHandleConstraintTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(library example;
type obj_type = strict enum : uint32 {
NONE = 0;
VMO = 3;
type rights = strict bits : uint32 {
resource_definition handle : uint32 {
properties {
subtype obj_type;
rights rights;
type Handles = resource struct {
plain_handle handle;
subtype_handle handle:VMO;
rights_handle handle:<VMO, rights.TRANSFER>;
// Test that otherwise reserved words can be appropriarely parsed when context
// is clear.
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodParsingReservedWordsInUnionTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(library example;
type struct = struct {
field bool;
type InUnion = strict union {
1: foo struct;
2: as bool;
3: library bool;
4: using bool;
5: array bool;
6: handle bool;
7: request bool;
8: string bool;
9: vector bool;
10: bool bool;
11: int8 bool;
12: int16 bool;
13: int32 bool;
14: int64 bool;
15: uint8 bool;
16: uint16 bool;
17: uint32 bool;
18: uint64 bool;
19: float32 bool;
20: float64 bool;
21: true bool;
22: false bool;
23: reserved bool;
// Test that otherwise reserved words can be appropriately parsed when context
// is clear.
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodParsingReservedWordsInProtocolTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(library example;
type struct = struct {
field bool;
protocol InProtocol {
as(struct {
as bool;
library(struct {
library bool;
using(struct {
using bool;
array(struct {
array bool;
handle(struct {
handle bool;
request(struct {
request bool;
string(struct {
string bool;
vector(struct {
vector bool;
bool(struct {
bool bool;
int8(struct {
int8 bool;
int16(struct {
int16 bool;
int32(struct {
int32 bool;
int64(struct {
int64 bool;
uint8(struct {
uint8 bool;
uint16(struct {
uint16 bool;
uint32(struct {
uint32 bool;
uint64(struct {
uint64 bool;
float32(struct {
float32 bool;
float64(struct {
float64 bool;
true(struct {
true bool;
false(struct {
false bool;
reserved(struct {
reserved bool;
foo(struct {
arg struct;
arg2 int32;
arg3 struct;
TEST(ParsingTests, BadCharPoundSignTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library test;
type Test = struct {
#uint8 uint8;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrInvalidCharacter);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(library.errors()[0]->msg.c_str(), "#");
TEST(ParsingTests, BadCharSlashTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library test;
type Test = struct / {
uint8 uint8;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrInvalidCharacter);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(library.errors()[0]->msg.c_str(), "/");
TEST(ParsingTests, BadIdentifierTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library test;
type test_ = struct {
uint8 uint8;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrInvalidIdentifier);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(library.errors()[0]->msg.c_str(), "test_");
class LocaleSwapper {
explicit LocaleSwapper(const char* new_locale) { old_locale_ = setlocale(LC_ALL, new_locale); }
~LocaleSwapper() { setlocale(LC_ALL, old_locale_); }
const char* old_locale_;
TEST(ParsingTests, BadInvalidCharacterTest) {
LocaleSwapper swapper("de_DE.iso88591");
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.maxbytes;
// This is all alphanumeric in the appropriate locale, but not a valid
// identifier.
type ß = struct {
x int32;
ASSERT_ERRORED_TWICE_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrInvalidCharacter,
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodEmptyStructTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(library fidl.test.emptystruct;
type Empty = struct {};
TEST(ParsingTests, BadErrorOnTypeAliasBeforeImports) {
SharedAmongstLibraries shared;
TestLibrary dependency(&shared, "dependent.fidl", R"FIDL(library dependent;
type Something = struct {};
TestLibrary library(&shared, "example.fidl", R"FIDL(
library example;
alias foo = int16;
using dependent;
type UseDependent = struct {
field dependent.Something;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrLibraryImportsMustBeGroupedAtTopOfFile);
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodAttributeValueHasCorrectContents) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Empty = struct{};
std::unique_ptr<fidl::raw::File> ast;
std::unique_ptr<fidl::raw::Attribute> attribute =
ASSERT_STREQ(attribute->maybe_name->span().data(), "foo");
ASSERT_TRUE(attribute->args.size() == 1);
std::unique_ptr<fidl::raw::AttributeArg> arg = std::move(attribute->args[0]);
auto arg_value = static_cast<fidl::raw::LiteralConstant*>(arg->value.get());
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodMultilineCommentHasCorrectContents) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
/// A
/// multiline
/// comment!
type Empty = struct {};
std::unique_ptr<fidl::raw::File> ast;
std::unique_ptr<fidl::raw::Attribute> attribute =
ASSERT_EQ(attribute->provenance, fidl::raw::Attribute::Provenance::kDocComment);
// We set the name to "doc" in the flat AST.
ASSERT_TRUE(attribute->args.size() == 1);
std::unique_ptr<fidl::raw::AttributeArg> arg = std::move(attribute->args[0]);
auto arg_value = static_cast<fidl::raw::LiteralConstant*>(arg->value.get());
" A\n multiline\n comment!\n");
TEST(ParsingTests, WarnDocCommentBlankLineTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
/// start
/// end
type Empty = struct {};
ASSERT_WARNED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::WarnBlankLinesWithinDocCommentBlock);
TEST(NewSyntaxTests, WarnCommentInsideDocCommentTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
/// start
// middle
/// end
type Empty = struct {};
ASSERT_WARNED_TWICE_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::WarnCommentWithinDocCommentBlock,
TEST(ParsingTests, WarnDocCommentWithCommentBlankLineTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
/// start
// middle
/// end
type Empty = struct {};
ASSERT_WARNED_TWICE_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::WarnCommentWithinDocCommentBlock,
TEST(ParsingTests, BadDocCommentNotAllowedOnParams) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Example {
Method(/// Doc comment
struct { b bool; });
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrDocCommentOnParameters);
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodCommentsSurroundingDocCommentTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(library example;
// some comments above,
// maybe about the doc comment
/// A
/// multiline
/// comment!
// another comment about the struct
type Empty = struct{};
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodBlankLinesAfterDocCommentTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(library example;
/// doc comment
type Empty = struct {};
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodBlankLinesAfterDocCommentWithCommentTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(library example;
/// doc comment
// regular comment
type Empty = struct {};
TEST(ParsingTests, WarnTrailingDocCommentTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Empty = struct {};
/// bad
ASSERT_WARNED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::WarnDocCommentMustBeFollowedByDeclaration);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadTrailingDocCommentInDeclTest) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Empty = struct {
a = int8;
/// bad
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 3);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[1], fidl::ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[2], fidl::ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadFinalMemberMissingSemicolon) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Struct = struct {
uint_value uint8;
foo string // error: missing semicolon
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadFinalMemberMissingTypeAndSemicolon) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Struct = struct {
uint_value uint8;
}; // error: want type, got "}"
// error: want "}", got EOF
ASSERT_ERRORED_TWICE_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind,
TEST(ParsingTests, BadMissingConstraintBrackets) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = struct {
bad_no_brackets vector<uint8>:10,optional;
ASSERT_ERRORED_TWICE_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind,
TEST(ParsingTests, BadMultipleConstraintDefinitions) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
const LENGTH uint32 = 123;
type Foo = struct {
bad_double_colon string:LENGTH:optional;
bad_double_colon_bracketed string:LENGTH:<LENGTH,optional>;
ASSERT_ERRORED_TWICE_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrMultipleConstraintDefinitions,
TEST(ParsingTests, GoodSingleConstraint) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = struct {
with_brackets vector<int32>:<10>;
without_brackets vector<int32>:10;
TEST(ParsingTests, BadSubtypeCtor) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = struct : uint32 {};
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrCannotSpecifySubtype);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadLayoutClass) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = foobar {};
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrInvalidLayoutClass);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadIdentifierModifiers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = struct {
data strict uint32;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrCannotSpecifyModifier);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadIdentifierWithConstraintsModifiers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Bar = table {};
type Foo = struct {
data strict Bar:optional;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrCannotSpecifyModifier);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadTypeDeclWithConstraintsModifiers) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type t1 = union { 1: foo uint8; };
type t2 = strict t1;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrCannotSpecifyModifier);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadIdentifierAttributes) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = struct {
data @foo uint32;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrCannotAttachAttributeToIdentifier);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadIdentifierWithConstraintsAttributes) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Bar = table {};
type Foo = struct {
data @foo Bar:optional;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrCannotAttachAttributeToIdentifier);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadTypeDeclOfEnumLayoutWithInvalidSubtype) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type TypeDecl = enum : "123" {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrInvalidWrappedType);
TEST(ParsingTests, BadMissingComma) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = struct {
data array<uint8 5>;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind);
} // namespace