blob: 4b2d9e36ea13c40995051eb95a97d7e777c4ed47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "error_test.h"
#include "test_library.h"
// This file tests the temporal decomposition algorithm by comparing the JSON IR
// resulting from a versioned library and its manually decomposed equivalents.
// See also and
namespace {
// Returns true if str starts with prefix.
bool StartsWith(std::string_view str, std::string_view prefix) {
return str.substr(0, prefix.size()) == prefix;
// If the line starts with whitespace followed by str, returns the whitespace.
std::optional<std::string> GetSpaceBefore(std::string_view line, std::string_view str) {
size_t i = 0;
while (i < line.size() && line[i] == ' ') {
if (StartsWith(line.substr(i), str)) {
return std::string(line.substr(0, i));
return std::nullopt;
// Erases all "location" and "maybe_attributes" fields from a JSON IR string.
// These are the only things can change when manually decomposing a library.
// Also removes all end-of-line commas since these can cause spurious diffs.
// Note that this means the returned string is not valid JSON.
std::string ScrubJson(const std::string& json) {
// We scan the JSON line by line, filtering out the undesired lines. To do
// this, we rely on JsonWriter emitting correct indentation and newlines.
std::istringstream input(json);
std::ostringstream output;
std::string line;
std::optional<std::string> skip_until;
while (std::getline(input, line)) {
if (skip_until) {
if (StartsWith(line, skip_until.value())) {
skip_until = std::nullopt;
} else {
if ((skip_until = GetSpaceBefore(line, "\"location\": {"))) {
} else if ((skip_until = GetSpaceBefore(line, "\"maybe_attributes\": ["))) {
} else {
if (line.back() == ',') {
output << line << '\n';
return output.str();
// Platform name and library name for all test libraries in this file.
const std::string kPlatformName = "example";
const std::vector<std::string_view> kLibraryName = {kPlatformName};
// Helper function to implement ASSERT_EQUIVALENT.
void AssertEquivalent(const std::string& left_fidl, const std::string& right_fidl,
std::string_view version) {
TestLibrary left_lib(left_fidl);
left_lib.SelectVersion(kPlatformName, version);
ASSERT_EQ(left_lib.compilation()->library_name, kLibraryName);
TestLibrary right_lib(right_fidl);
right_lib.SelectVersion(kPlatformName, version);
ASSERT_EQ(right_lib.compilation()->library_name, kLibraryName);
auto left_json = ScrubJson(left_lib.GenerateJSON());
auto right_json = ScrubJson(right_lib.GenerateJSON());
if (left_json != right_json) {
std::ofstream output_left("decomposition_tests_left.txt");
output_left << left_json;
std::ofstream output_right("decomposition_tests_right.txt");
output_right << right_json;
ASSERT_STREQ(left_json, right_json,
"To compare results, run:\n\n"
"diff $(cat $FUCHSIA_DIR/.fx-build-dir)/decomposition_tests_{left,right}.txt\n");
// Asserts that left_fidl and right_fidl compile to JSON IR that is identical
// after scrubbbing (see ScrubJson) for the given version. On failure, the
// ASSERT_NO_FAILURES ensures that we report the caller's line number.
#define ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(left_fidl, right_fidl, version) \
ASSERT_NO_FAILURES(AssertEquivalent(left_fidl, right_fidl, version))
TEST(DecompositionTests, EquivalentToSelf) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, fidl, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, fidl, "2");
TEST(DecompositionTests, DefaultAddedAtHead) {
auto with_attribute = R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = struct {};
auto without_attribute = R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = struct {};
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(with_attribute, without_attribute, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(with_attribute, without_attribute, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(with_attribute, without_attribute, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, AbsentLibraryIsEmpty) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
@available(added=2, removed=3)
library example;
type Foo = struct {};
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
auto v2 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=2, removed=3)
library example;
type Foo = struct {};
auto v3_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3_to_head, "3");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, SplitByMembership) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
type TopLevel = struct {
first uint32;
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
type TopLevel = struct {};
auto v2_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
type TopLevel = struct {
first uint32;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2_to_head, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, SplitByReference) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
type This = struct {
this_member That;
type That = struct {
that_member uint32;
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
type This = struct {
this_member That;
type That = struct {};
auto v2_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
type This = struct {
this_member That;
type That = struct {
that_member uint32;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2_to_head, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, SplitByTwoMembers) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
type This = struct {
first That;
second That;
type That = struct {};
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
type This = struct {};
type That = struct {};
auto v2 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=2, removed=3)
library example;
type This = struct {
first That;
type That = struct {};
auto v3_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
type This = struct {
first That;
second That;
type That = struct {};
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3_to_head, "3");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, Recursion) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
type Expr = flexible union {
1: num int64;
2: add struct {
left Expr:optional;
right Expr:optional;
@available(added=2, removed=3)
3: mul struct {
left Expr:optional;
right Expr:optional;
2: reserved;
3: reserved;
4: bin struct {
kind flexible enum {
ADD = 1;
MUL = 2;
DIV = 3;
MOD = 4;
left Expr:optional;
right Expr:optional;
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
type Expr = flexible union {
1: num int64;
2: add struct {
left Expr:optional;
right Expr:optional;
auto v2 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=2, removed=3)
library example;
type Expr = flexible union {
1: num int64;
2: add struct {
left Expr:optional;
right Expr:optional;
3: mul struct {
left Expr:optional;
right Expr:optional;
auto v3 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=3, removed=4)
library example;
type Expr = flexible union {
1: num int64;
2: reserved;
3: reserved;
4: bin struct {
kind flexible enum {
ADD = 1;
MUL = 2;
DIV = 3;
left Expr:optional;
right Expr:optional;
auto v4_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
type Expr = flexible union {
1: num int64;
2: reserved;
3: reserved;
4: bin struct {
kind flexible enum {
ADD = 1;
MUL = 2;
DIV = 3;
MOD = 4;
left Expr:optional;
right Expr:optional;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3, "3");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4_to_head, "4");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, MutualRecursion) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = struct {
str string;
bars vector<box<Bar>>;
type Bar = struct {
foo box<Foo>;
str string;
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
auto v2 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=2, removed=3)
library example;
type Foo = struct {
str string;
type Bar = struct {
foo box<Foo>;
auto v3 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=3, removed=4)
library example;
type Foo = struct {
str string;
bars vector<box<Bar>>;
type Bar = struct {
foo box<Foo>;
auto v4 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=4, removed=5)
library example;
type Foo = struct {
str string;
bars vector<box<Bar>>;
type Bar = struct {
foo box<Foo>;
str string;
auto v5_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = struct {
str string;
bars vector<box<Bar>>;
type Bar = struct {
str string;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3, "3");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4, "4");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v5_to_head, "5");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v5_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, MisalignedSwapping) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
const LEN uint64 = 16;
const LEN uint64 = 32;
type Foo = table {
1: bar string;
1: bar string:LEN;
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
const LEN uint64 = 16;
auto v2 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=2, removed=3)
library example;
const LEN uint64 = 16;
type Foo = table {
1: bar string;
auto v3 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=3, removed=4)
library example;
const LEN uint64 = 16;
type Foo = table {
1: bar string:LEN;
auto v4_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
const LEN uint64 = 32;
type Foo = table {
1: bar string:LEN;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3, "3");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4_to_head, "4");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, StrictToFlexible) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
type X = struct {
@available(added=2, removed=4)
y Y;
@available(added=2, removed=3)
type Y = strict enum { A = 1; };
type Y = flexible enum { A = 1; };
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
type X = struct {};
auto v2 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=2, removed=3)
library example;
type X = struct {
y Y;
type Y = strict enum { A = 1; };
auto v3 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=3, removed=4)
library example;
type X = struct {
y Y;
type Y = flexible enum { A = 1; };
auto v4_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
type X = struct {};
type Y = flexible enum { A = 1; };
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3, "3");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4_to_head, "4");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, NameReuse) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
@available(added=2, removed=3)
type Foo = struct {
bar Bar;
@available(added=1, removed=4)
type Bar = struct {};
@available(added=4, removed=7)
type Foo = struct {};
@available(added=4, removed=6)
type Bar = struct {
foo Foo;
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
type Bar = struct {};
auto v2 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=2, removed=3)
library example;
type Foo = struct {
bar Bar;
type Bar = struct {};
auto v3 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=3, removed=4)
library example;
type Bar = struct {};
auto v4_to_5 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=4, removed=6)
library example;
type Foo = struct {};
type Bar = struct {
foo Foo;
auto v6 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=6, removed=7)
library example;
type Foo = struct {};
auto v7_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3, "3");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4_to_5, "4");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4_to_5, "5");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v6, "6");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v7_to_head, "7");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v7_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, ConstsAndConstraints) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
const LEN uint64 = 10;
type Foo = table {
1: bar Bar;
@available(added=3, removed=4)
1: bar string:LEN;
@available(added=4, removed=5)
1: bar Bar;
type Bar = struct {};
type Bar = table {};
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
const LEN uint64 = 10;
type Foo = table {
1: bar Bar;
type Bar = struct {};
auto v2 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=2, removed=3)
library example;
const LEN uint64 = 10;
type Foo = table {
1: bar Bar;
type Bar = table {};
auto v3 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=3, removed=4)
library example;
const LEN uint64 = 10;
type Foo = table {
1: bar string:LEN;
type Bar = table {};
auto v4 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=4, removed=5)
library example;
type Foo = table {
1: bar Bar;
type Bar = table {};
auto v5_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = table {};
type Bar = table {};
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3, "3");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4, "4");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v5_to_head, "5");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v5_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, AllElementsSplitByMembership) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
@available(added=2, removed=5)
type Bits = bits {
FIRST = 1;
@available(added=3, removed=4)
@available(added=2, removed=5)
type Enum = enum {
FIRST = 1;
@available(added=3, removed=4)
@available(added=2, removed=5)
type Struct = struct {
first string;
@available(added=3, removed=4)
second string;
@available(added=2, removed=5)
type Table = table {
1: first string;
@available(added=3, removed=4)
2: second string;
@available(added=2, removed=5)
type Union = union {
1: first string;
@available(added=3, removed=4)
2: second string;
@available(added=2, removed=5)
protocol TargetProtocol {};
@available(added=2, removed=5)
protocol ProtocolComposition {
@available(added=3, removed=4)
compose TargetProtocol;
@available(added=2, removed=5)
protocol ProtocolMethods {
@available(added=3, removed=4)
Method() -> ();
@available(added=2, removed=5)
service Service {
first client_end:TargetProtocol;
@available(added=3, removed=4)
second client_end:TargetProtocol;
@available(added=2, removed=5)
resource_definition Resource : uint32 {
properties {
first uint32;
@available(added=3, removed=4)
second uint32;
auto v1 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
auto v2 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=2, removed=3)
library example;
type Bits = bits {
FIRST = 1;
type Enum = enum {
FIRST = 1;
type Struct = struct {
first string;
type Table = table {
1: first string;
type Union = union {
1: first string;
protocol TargetProtocol {};
protocol ProtocolComposition {};
protocol ProtocolMethods {};
service Service {
first client_end:TargetProtocol;
resource_definition Resource : uint32 {
properties {
first uint32;
auto v3 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=3, removed=4)
library example;
type Bits = bits {
FIRST = 1;
type Enum = enum {
FIRST = 1;
type Struct = struct {
first string;
second string;
type Table = table {
1: first string;
2: second string;
type Union = union {
1: first string;
2: second string;
protocol TargetProtocol {};
protocol ProtocolComposition {
compose TargetProtocol;
protocol ProtocolMethods {
Method() -> ();
service Service {
first client_end:TargetProtocol;
second client_end:TargetProtocol;
resource_definition Resource : uint32 {
properties {
first uint32;
second uint32;
auto v4 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=4, removed=5)
library example;
type Bits = bits {
FIRST = 1;
type Enum = enum {
FIRST = 1;
type Struct = struct {
first string;
type Table = table {
1: first string;
type Union = union {
1: first string;
protocol TargetProtocol {};
protocol ProtocolComposition {};
protocol ProtocolMethods {};
service Service {
first client_end:TargetProtocol;
resource_definition Resource : uint32 {
properties {
first uint32;
auto v5_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3, "3");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4, "4");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v5_to_head, "5");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v5_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, AllElementsSplitByReference) {
auto fidl_prefix = R"FIDL(
library example;
const VALUE uint32 = 1;
const VALUE uint32 = 2;
type Type = struct {
value bool;
type Type = table {
1: value bool;
// Need unsigned integers for bits underlying type.
alias IntegerType = uint32;
alias IntegerType = uint64;
// Need uint32/int32 for error type.
alias ErrorIntegerType = uint32;
alias ErrorIntegerType = int32;
protocol TargetProtocol {};
protocol TargetProtocol {
auto v1_prefix = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=2)
library example;
const VALUE uint32 = 1;
type Type = struct {
value bool;
alias IntegerType = uint32;
alias ErrorIntegerType = uint32;
protocol TargetProtocol {};
auto v2_to_head_prefix = R"FIDL(
library example;
const VALUE uint32 = 2;
type Type = table {
1: value bool;
alias IntegerType = uint64;
alias ErrorIntegerType = int32;
protocol TargetProtocol { Method(); };
auto common_suffix = R"FIDL(
const CONST uint32 = VALUE;
alias Alias = Type;
// TODO( Uncomment.
// type Newtype = Type;
type BitsUnderlying = bits : IntegerType {
type BitsMemberValue = bits {
type EnumUnderlying = enum : IntegerType {
type EnumMemberValue = enum {
type StructMemberType = struct {
member Type;
type StructMemberDefault = struct {
member uint32 = VALUE;
type Table = table {
1: member Type;
type Union = union {
1: member Type;
protocol ProtocolComposition {
compose TargetProtocol;
protocol ProtocolMethodRequest {
protocol ProtocolMethodResponse {
Method() -> (Type);
protocol ProtocolEvent {
-> Event(Type);
protocol ProtocolSuccess {
Method() -> (Type) error uint32;
protocol ProtocolError {
Method() -> (struct {}) error ErrorIntegerType;
service Service {
member client_end:TargetProtocol;
resource_definition Resource : uint32 {
properties {
first IntegerType;
type NestedTypes = struct {
first vector<Type>;
second vector<array<Type, 3>>;
type LayoutParameters = struct {
member array<bool, VALUE>;
type Constraints = struct {
member vector<bool>:VALUE;
type AnonymousLayouts = struct {
first_member table {
1: second_member union {
1: third_member Type;
protocol AnonymousLayoutsInProtocol {
Request(struct { member Type; });
Response() -> (struct { member Type; });
-> Event(struct { member Type; });
Success() -> (struct { member Type; }) error uint32;
Error() -> (struct {}) error ErrorIntegerType;
auto fidl = std::string(fidl_prefix) + common_suffix;
auto v1 = std::string(v1_prefix) + common_suffix;
auto v2_to_head = std::string(v2_to_head_prefix) + common_suffix;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2_to_head, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v2_to_head, "HEAD");
TEST(DecompositionTests, Complicated) {
auto fidl = R"FIDL(
library example;
type X = resource struct {
x1 bool;
x2 Y;
x3 Z;
type Y = resource union {
1: y1 client_end:A;
@available(added=4, removed=5)
2: y2 client_end:B;
type Z = resource struct {
z1 Y:optional;
z2 vector<W>:optional;
type W = resource table {
1: w1 X;
protocol A {
A2(resource struct { y Y; });
protocol B {
B2(resource struct {
x X;
y Y;
protocol AB {
compose A;
compose B;
auto v1_to_2 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=1, removed=3)
library example;
type X = resource struct {
x1 bool;
protocol A {
protocol AB {
compose A;
auto v3 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=3, removed=4)
library example;
type X = resource struct {
x1 bool;
x2 Y;
type Y = resource union {
1: y1 client_end:A;
type Z = resource struct {
z1 Y:optional;
z2 vector<W>:optional;
type W = resource table {
1: w1 X;
protocol A {
protocol B {
protocol AB {
compose A;
auto v4 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=4, removed=5)
library example;
type X = resource struct {
x1 bool;
x2 Y;
x3 Z;
type Y = resource union {
1: y1 client_end:A;
2: y2 client_end:B;
type Z = resource struct {
z1 Y:optional;
z2 vector<W>:optional;
type W = resource table {
1: w1 X;
protocol A {
protocol B {
protocol AB {
compose A;
compose B;
auto v5 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=5, removed=6)
library example;
type X = resource struct {
x1 bool;
x2 Y;
x3 Z;
type Y = resource union {
1: y1 client_end:A;
type Z = resource struct {
z1 Y:optional;
z2 vector<W>:optional;
type W = resource table {
1: w1 X;
protocol A {
protocol B {
B2(resource struct {
x X;
y Y;
protocol AB {
compose A;
compose B;
auto v6 = R"FIDL(
@available(added=6, removed=7)
library example;
type X = resource struct {
x1 bool;
x2 Y;
x3 Z;
type Y = resource union {
1: y1 client_end:A;
type Z = resource struct {
z1 Y:optional;
z2 vector<W>:optional;
type W = resource table {
1: w1 X;
protocol A {
protocol B {
B2(resource struct {
x X;
y Y;
auto v7_to_head = R"FIDL(
library example;
type X = resource struct {
x2 Y;
x3 Z;
type Y = resource union {
1: y1 client_end:A;
type Z = resource struct {
z1 Y:optional;
z2 vector<W>:optional;
type W = resource table {
1: w1 X;
protocol A {
A2(resource struct { y Y; });
protocol B {
B2(resource struct {
x X;
y Y;
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1_to_2, "1");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v1_to_2, "2");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v3, "3");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v4, "4");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v5, "5");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v6, "6");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v7_to_head, "7");
ASSERT_EQUIVALENT(fidl, v7_to_head, "HEAD");
} // namespace