blob: 2b1f23857218eaaeda26679f444424b203e77080 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace fidl {
using Substitutions = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
// Holds a string with named variables to replace, using a dictionary of
// key/value string pairs (map<std::string,std::string>). The variable format is
// $name or ${name}. Variables that without a matching key in the substitution
// map are left unchanged. "$$" converts to "$" without interpreting either "$"
// as part of a variable name.
// Example:
// TemplateString ts("change '${ORIGINAL}' to '${REPLACEMENT}'");
// std::string value = ts.Substitute({
// {"ORIGINAL", prefix},
// {"REPLACEMENT", replacement},
// });
class TemplateString {
explicit TemplateString(std::string str) : str_(std::move(str)) {}
// Constructs an empty template.
TemplateString() : TemplateString("") {}
// Returns true if the template string is not empty.
explicit operator bool() const { return !str_.empty(); }
// Returns the string value after replacing all matched variables in the
// template string with the values for the matching keys.
// If |remove_unmatched| is true, variables without matching keys are
// removed from the string.
std::string Substitute(Substitutions substitutions, bool remove_unmatched) const;
// Returns the string value after replacing all matched variables in the
// template string with the values for the matching keys.
// Variables without matching keys are left in place.
std::string Substitute(Substitutions substitutions) const {
return Substitute(std::move(substitutions), false);
// Returns the template string with unreplaced variables (as given at
// construction).
inline const std::string& str() const { return str_; }
std::string str_;
} // namespace fidl