blob: 2e795b79e38b7f8740ef48627722b889a6e4340c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "fidl/flat_ast.h"
namespace fidl::flat {
// The class / namespace of the handle, used for compatibility checking with
// transports.
enum class HandleClass {
kZircon, // zx.handle
kDriver, // fdf.handle
kBanjo, // only referenced by client_end / server_end
std::string_view HandleClassName(HandleClass handle_class);
std::optional<HandleClass> HandleClassFromName(std::string_view name);
struct Transport {
enum class Kind {
kZirconChannel, // @transport("Channel")
kDriverChannel, // @transport("Driver")
kBanjo, // @transport("Banjo")
kSyscall, // @transport("Syscall")
// e.g. kZirconChannel.
Kind kind;
// e.g. "Channel".
std::string_view name;
// The class of handle used to represent client and server endpoints of this transport
// (e.g. zx.handle for @transport("Channel")).
std::optional<HandleClass> handle_class;
// The classes of handles that can be used in this transport.
std::set<HandleClass> compatible_handle_classes;
bool IsCompatible(HandleClass) const;
static std::optional<Transport> FromTransportName(std::string_view transport_name);
static std::set<std::string_view> AllTransportNames();
static std::vector<Transport> transports;
} // namespace fidl::flat