blob: 03de202273e98bfc01c49137148a68d621b4e6f4 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
from util import parse_step, prepend_step
from types_ import *
FidlDefs = Dict[FidlRef, FidlDef]
def reverse_test(test: CompatTest) -> Tuple[CompatTest, Dict[str, str]]:
Returns a new CompatTest representing the reverse of the provided test,
as well as a mapping from each file in the input test to its new name
in the output test (for example, hlcpp/ might become hlcpp/
in the reversed test). Each entry is a path relative to the test root.
title = test.title
max_step_num = get_num_steps(test)
fidl, old_to_new_fidl = reverse_fidl_steps(test.fidl, max_step_num)
bindings: [str, Steps] = {}
old_to_new: [str, str] = {}
for b, steps in test.bindings.items():
rev_steps, old_to_new_src = reverse_src_steps(
steps, old_to_new_fidl, max_step_num)
bindings[b] = rev_steps
# convert from FidlRefs to full source paths
old_to_new_fidl = {
test.fidl[old].source: fidl[new].source
for old, new in old_to_new_fidl.items()
return CompatTest(title, fidl, bindings), old_to_new
def reverse_fidl_steps(fidl: FidlDefs, max_step_num: int) -> (
FidlDefs, Dict[FidlRef, FidlRef]):
# we assume that alphabetical ordering will match chronological ordering
# (this is the case based on current naming conventions, e.g. step_0N_foo)
refs = sorted(fidl.keys())
reversed_refs = reverse_steps(refs, max_step_num)
instructions = reverse_instructions(
[list(s.instructions) for s in fidl.values()])
# we hardcode this below so double check that the input paths have the
# expected format
for s in fidl.values():
assert s.source.startswith('fidl/') and s.source.endswith('.test.fidl')
result: FidlDefs = {}
old_to_new: Dict[FidlRef, FidlRef] = {}
for old_name, new_name, instructions in zip(reversed(refs), reversed_refs,
result[new_name] = FidlDef(f'fidl/{new_name}.test.fidl', instructions)
old_to_new[old_name] = new_name
return result, old_to_new
def reverse_src_steps(
transition: Steps, old_to_new_fidl: Dict[FidlRef, FidlRef],
max_step_num: int) -> (Steps, Dict[str, str]):
# accumulate all src step paths
src_steps: List[str] = [transition.starting_src]
[s.source for s in transition.steps if isinstance(s, SourceStep)])
# get a mapping from old path to new path (each key value pair refers to the
# same source file)
reversed_steps = reverse_steps(src_steps, max_step_num)
old_to_new_src = dict(zip(reversed(src_steps), reversed_steps))
# accumulate all steps in a list (starting fidl/src order is determined by
assert transition.steps, 'transition has at least one change'
all_steps = [transition.starting_fidl, transition.starting_src
] if isinstance(transition.steps[0], FidlStep) else [
transition.starting_src, transition.starting_fidl
s.source if isinstance(s, SourceStep) else s.fidl
for s in transition.steps
if all_steps[-1] in old_to_new_fidl:
starting_fidl = old_to_new_fidl[all_steps.pop()]
starting_src = old_to_new_src[all_steps.pop()]
starting_src = old_to_new_src[all_steps.pop()]
starting_fidl = old_to_new_fidl[all_steps.pop()]
reversed_steps = []
instructions = reversed(
[s.instructions for s in transition.steps if isinstance(s, SourceStep)])
for step in reversed(all_steps):
if step in old_to_new_fidl:
new = old_to_new_fidl[step]
FidlStep(fidl=new, step_num=parse_step(new)[1]))
new = old_to_new_src[step]
return Steps(starting_fidl, starting_src, reversed_steps), old_to_new_src
def reverse_steps(steps: List[str], max_step_num: int) -> List[int]:
Takes a list of strings composed of step number and names, and returns what
they should be when reversed, e.g.
>>> reverse_steps(['step_00_foo', 'step_01_bar', 'step_03_baz'], 3)
['step_00_baz', 'step_02_bar', 'step_03_foo']
This function will preserve any leading parts of a path and any file
# separate out just the filenames
heads, steps = zip(*[os.path.split(s) for s in steps])
# separate out step numbers from names
names, step_nums = zip(*[parse_step(s) for s in steps])
new_step_nums = reverse_step_nums(step_nums, max_step_num)
# merge the step numbers and names back together
result = [prepend_step(s, n) for s, n in zip(names, new_step_nums)]
# re-prepend the paths back onto the reversed filenames
return [os.path.join(h, r) for h, r in zip(reversed(heads), result)]
def reverse_step_nums(nums: List[int], max_step_num: int) -> List[int]:
assert nums[
0] == 0, 'every sequence of steps needs to have an initial state'
return [0] + [max_step_num + 1 - n for n in reversed(nums[1:])]
def reverse_instructions(ins: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]:
assert ins[0] == [], 'initial state shouldnt have associated instructions'
return [[]] + list(reversed(ins[1:]))
def get_num_steps(test: CompatTest) -> int:
all_steps = [s for steps in test.bindings.values() for s in steps.steps]
return max([s.step_num for s in all_steps])