blob: 715f38ffad104fe7382e0f01973f18f62a5594c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/fuzzer/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/interface_request.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/common/async-deque.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/common/async-types.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/common/input.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/common/runner.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/framework/engine/adapter-client.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/framework/engine/corpus.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/framework/engine/coverage-client.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/framework/engine/module-pool.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/framework/engine/mutagen.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/framework/engine/process-proxy.h"
namespace fuzzing {
// The concrete implementation of |Runner|.
class RunnerImpl final : public Runner {
~RunnerImpl() override = default;
// Factory method.
static RunnerPtr MakePtr(ExecutorPtr executor);
void set_target_adapter_handler(TargetAdapterClient::RequestHandler handler) {
void set_coverage_provider_handler(CoverageProviderClient::RequestHandler handler) {
// |Runner| method implementations.
void AddDefaults(Options* options) override;
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT zx_status_t AddToCorpus(CorpusType corpus_type, Input input) override;
Input ReadFromCorpus(CorpusType corpus_type, size_t offset) override;
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT zx_status_t ParseDictionary(const Input& input) override;
Input GetDictionaryAsInput() const override;
ZxPromise<> Configure(const OptionsPtr& options) override;
ZxPromise<FuzzResult> Execute(Input input) override;
ZxPromise<Input> Minimize(Input input) override;
ZxPromise<Input> Cleanse(Input input) override;
ZxPromise<Artifact> Fuzz() override;
ZxPromise<> Merge() override;
ZxPromise<> Stop() override;
Status CollectStatus() override;
// |Reset|s input queues, records start times, and notifies monitors that the workflow is
// starting. This method is called automatically by |Workflow::Start|.
void StartWorkflow(Scope& scope) override;
// Drops remaining inputs from queues, |Disconnect|s, and notifies monitors that the workflow is
// done. This method is called automatically by |Workflow::Finish|.
void FinishWorkflow() override;
// Indicates how the engine should handle inputs that don't trigger an error.
enum PostProcessing {
// No-op.
// Add the input's coverage to the overall coverage.
// Determine if any of the input's coverage is new. If so, record the coverage in the input and
// add it to the live corpus.
// Determine if any of the input's coverage is new. If so, add it to the overall coverage and
// add the input to the live corpus.
explicit RunnerImpl(ExecutorPtr executor);
// Returns a promise to generate |num_inputs| inputs for testing by taking them from the
// |processed| queue, mutating corpus elements, and sending them to the |generated| queue. If
// |num_inputs| is 0, this will continuously generate new inputs until the |processed| queue is
// closed and empty.
// If a workflow does not depend on the coverage produced by each input, a |backlog| of inputs can
// be generated, e.g. while waiting for target processes to respond. A |backlog| of 0 makes the
// generation of each input depend on the processing of the previous one.
ZxPromise<> GenerateInputs(size_t num_inputs, size_t backlog = 0);
// Returns a promise to generate inputs from "cleaning" the provided |input|. To clean the input,
// it replaces each byte with either a space or 0xFF. It keeps the change if the modified input
// triggers an error, as determined by examining the test outputs that are sent to the |recycler|.
Promise<> GenerateCleanInputs(const Input& input, std::shared_ptr<AsyncDeque<Artifact>> recycler);
// Returns a promise to |GenerateInputs| and |TestInputs|. This will first iterate through the
// seed and live corpora before mutating new inputs. See |GenerateInputs| for details on
// |backlog|.
ZxPromise<Artifact> FuzzInputs(size_t backlog = 0);
// Returns a promise to test a single |input|. The promise returns an artifact if found or an
// error; in particular it returns |ZX_ERR_STOP| if it completed without finding an artifact.
// Inputs that do not trigger errors are analyzed according to the given |mode|.
ZxPromise<Artifact> TestOneAsync(Input input, PostProcessing mode);
// Returns a promise to test each non-empty input of a |corpus| in turn. The promise returns an
// artifact if found or an error; in particular it returns |ZX_ERR_STOP| if it completed without
// finding an artifact.
// Inputs that do not trigger errors are analyzed according to the given |mode|.
// Callers may specify they wish to |collect_errors| rather than stopping on the first artifact
// found. See |TestInputs| for additional details.
using InputsPtr = std::shared_ptr<std::vector<Input>>;
ZxPromise<Artifact> TestCorpusAsync(CorpusPtr corpus, PostProcessing mode,
InputsPtr collect_errors = nullptr);
// Returns a promise that will read successive |Input|s from the |generated| queue, test them, and
// release them to the |processed| queue. The promise returns an artifact if found or an error;
// in particular it returns |ZX_ERR_STOP| if it completed without finding an artifact to return.
// Inputs that do not trigger errors are analyzed according to the given |mode|.
// Callers may specify they wish to |collect_errors| rather than return artifacts. In this case,
// errors will be cleared after the associated input has been saved, and testing will continue
// until it exhausts inputs and returns |ZX_ERR_STOP|.
ZxPromise<Artifact> TestInputs(PostProcessing mode, InputsPtr collect_errors = nullptr);
// Returns a promise that checks a |previous| error returned from a |Test...| method. The promise
// will complete successfully if the error was |ZX_ERR_STOP|, indicating the previous test did not
// find an artifact. Otherwise, the error will be forwarded.
ZxPromise<> CheckPrevious(zx_status_t previous);
// Returns a promise that updates the |Monitor|s with status periodically. To end updates, exit
// the given |workflow| scope.
Promise<> MakePulsePromise(int64_t pulse_interval, Scope& workflow);
// Returns a promise to coordinate the target processes to start a new run and get the next
// |Input| to be tested from the |generated_| queue. The promise will return any unexpected errors
// from target processes, or |ZX_ERR_STOP| if there are no more |Input|s. to be tested.
ZxPromise<Input> Prepare(bool detect_leaks);
// Sends the |input| to the |target_adapter_|, and returns a promise to wait for and return the
// results of the run. On completion, the promise will either return the error encountered when
// testing the |input| or whether a memory leak is suspected, i.e. the |input| caused more
// |malloc|s than |free|s.
Promise<bool, FuzzResult> RunOne(const Input& input);
// Adds a new process or module for coverage collection as represented by the given |event|. New
// processes are typically started as a result of the target adapter processing some input, and
// there in turn add their modules.
void AddCoverage(CoverageEvent event);
// Returns a promise to determine the cause of an error in the target process identified by the
// given |target_id|. In the case of multiple errors, only the first error is reported. However,
// determining the error cause typically involves waiting for the process to terminate.
// To accurately record which error is first, only the |target_id| is recorded initially, and the
// other details are collected asynchronously using this method.
Promise<bool, FuzzResult> GetFuzzResult(uint64_t target_id);
// Examines the effects of a previous call to |RunOne| with the given |input|. This may collect
// coverage and/or record new features for the input, according to the given |mode|.
void Analyze(Input& input, PostProcessing mode);
// Takes an |Input| and determines whether it should be retried to check for leaks or released for
// reuse by a workflow to generate new |Input|s. Returns whether the next run will retry the input
// to detect leaks, i.e. if the previous run was not |detecting| leaks, a leak was |suspected|,
// and there are leak detection |attempts_left|.
bool Recycle(Input&& input, size_t& attempts_left, bool suspected, bool detecting);
// Disconnects from the target adapter and all target processes.
void Disconnect();
// Clears errors and any inputs in queues and returns the runner to a "clean slate". This is
// useful when resuming after arrors, e.g. in a workflow that finds multiple errors.
void Reset();
// General configuration.
OptionsPtr options_;
uint32_t run_ = 0;
// Time at which a workflow starts.
zx::time start_ = zx::time::infinite_past();
// Time at after which "pulse" status updates may be sent to monitors.
zx::time pulse_start_;
// Flag to indicate no more inputs should be produced.
bool stopped_ = true;
// Input generation and management variables.
CorpusPtr seed_corpus_;
CorpusPtr live_corpus_;
Mutagen mutagen_;
// Queue of generated inputs for a workflow that are consumed by |TestInputs|.
AsyncDeque<Input> generated_;
// Interfaces to other components.
TargetAdapterClient target_adapter_;
CoverageProviderClient coverage_provider_;
// Feedback collection and analysis variables.
ModulePoolPtr pool_;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<ProcessProxy>> process_proxies_;
// A list of futures that include running the target adapter and awaiting errors or completion
// status from process proxies. This is primarily used within |RunOne|, but needs to be visible
// outside that method so completion futures for newly added processes can be added to it.
std::vector<Future<bool, uint64_t>> futures_;
fpromise::suspended_task suspended_;
// Queue of tested input for a workflow that are ready to be processed and/or recycled.
AsyncDeque<Input> processed_;
Workflow workflow_;
} // namespace fuzzing