blob: 6bc40b9ae0c2c57a675caec7f0cc0f8452688056 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/framework/engine/runner.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <zircon/sanitizer.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <deque>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/framework/target/process.h"
namespace fuzzing {
using ::fuchsia::fuzzer::CoverageEvent;
using ::fuchsia::fuzzer::MAX_PROCESS_STATS;
RunnerPtr RunnerImpl::MakePtr(ExecutorPtr executor) {
return RunnerPtr(new RunnerImpl(std::move(executor)));
RunnerImpl::RunnerImpl(ExecutorPtr executor)
: Runner(executor), target_adapter_(executor), coverage_provider_(executor), workflow_(this) {
seed_corpus_ = Corpus::MakePtr();
live_corpus_ = Corpus::MakePtr();
pool_ = std::make_shared<ModulePool>();
void RunnerImpl::AddDefaults(Options* options) {
if (!options->has_runs()) {
if (!options->has_max_total_time()) {
if (!options->has_max_input_size()) {
if (!options->has_mutation_depth()) {
if (!options->has_detect_exits()) {
if (!options->has_detect_leaks()) {
if (!options->has_run_limit()) {
if (!options->has_pulse_interval()) {
ZxPromise<> RunnerImpl::Configure(const OptionsPtr& options) {
return fpromise::make_promise([this, options]() -> ZxResult<> {
options_ = options;
return fpromise::ok();
.and_then(target_adapter_.GetParameters().or_else([] {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to load seed corpora.";
return fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_CANCELED);
.and_then([this](const std::vector<std::string>& parameters) {
return AsZxResult(seed_corpus_->Load(target_adapter_.GetSeedCorpusDirectories(parameters)));
zx_status_t RunnerImpl::AddToCorpus(CorpusType corpus_type, Input input) {
switch (corpus_type) {
case CorpusType::SEED:
return seed_corpus_->Add(std::move(input));
case CorpusType::LIVE:
return live_corpus_->Add(std::move(input));
Input RunnerImpl::ReadFromCorpus(CorpusType corpus_type, size_t offset) {
Input input;
switch (corpus_type) {
case CorpusType::SEED:
seed_corpus_->At(offset, &input);
case CorpusType::LIVE:
live_corpus_->At(offset, &input);
return input;
zx_status_t RunnerImpl::ParseDictionary(const Input& input) {
Dictionary dict;
if (!dict.Parse(input)) {
return ZX_OK;
Input RunnerImpl::GetDictionaryAsInput() const { return mutagen_.dictionary().AsInput(); }
// Asynchronous workflows.
ZxPromise<FuzzResult> RunnerImpl::Execute(Input input) {
return TestOneAsync(std::move(input), kNoPostProcessing)
.and_then([](const Artifact& artifact) -> ZxResult<FuzzResult> {
return fpromise::ok(artifact.fuzz_result());
.or_else([](const zx_status_t& status) -> ZxResult<FuzzResult> {
if (status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return fpromise::error(status);
return fpromise::ok(FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS);
ZxPromise<Input> RunnerImpl::Minimize(Input input) {
auto corpus = live_corpus_;
auto options = CopyOptions(*options_);
// Check that the input can be minimized, and that minimizationis bounded.
return TestOneAsync(std::move(input), kNoPostProcessing)
.or_else([](const zx_status_t& status) {
if (status == ZX_ERR_STOP) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Test input did not trigger an error.";
return fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
return fpromise::error(status);
.and_then([this](Artifact& artifact) -> ZxResult<Artifact> {
if (!options_->has_runs() && !options_->has_max_total_time()) {
<< "'max_total_time' and 'runs' are both not set. Defaulting to 10 minutes.";
return fpromise::ok(std::move(artifact));
.and_then([this, fuzz_result = FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS, input = Input(),
minimize = ZxFuture<Artifact>()](Context& context,
Artifact& original) mutable -> ZxResult<Input> {
if (fuzz_result == FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS) {
// First pass.
std::tie(fuzz_result, input) = original.take_tuple();
while (true) {
if (!minimize) {
// Ratchet down the input one byte.
if (input.size() < 2) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Input is " << input.size()
<< " byte(s); will not minimize further.";
return fpromise::ok(std::move(input));
auto next_input = input.Duplicate();
next_input.Truncate(input.size() - 1);
// Start each fuzzing pass using the seed corpus and the minimized input.
live_corpus_ = Corpus::MakePtr();
auto status = live_corpus_->Add(std::move(next_input));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to reset corpus: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
return fpromise::error(status);
// Imitate libFuzzer and count from 0 so long as errors are found.
run_ = 0;
minimize = FuzzInputs();
if (!minimize(context)) {
return fpromise::pending();
if (minimize.is_error()) {
return fpromise::error(minimize.error());
auto artifact = minimize.take_value();
if (artifact.fuzz_result() == FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Did not reduce error input beyond " << input.size()
<< " bytes; exiting.";
return fpromise::ok(std::move(input));
// TODO( This needs a more rigorous way of deduplicating crashes.
if (artifact.fuzz_result() != fuzz_result) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Different error detected; will not minimize further.";
return fpromise::ok(std::move(input));
input = artifact.take_input();
.then([this, corpus, options = std::move(options)](ZxResult<Input>& result) mutable {
live_corpus_ = corpus;
*options_ = std::move(options);
return std::move(result);
ZxPromise<Input> RunnerImpl::Cleanse(Input input) {
// The general approach of this loop is to take tested inputs and their fuzzing results and return
// them to |GenerateCleanInputs| as |Artifacts|.
return fpromise::make_promise([this, generate = Future<>(),
recycler = AsyncDeque<Artifact>::MakePtr(),
test_inputs = ZxFuture<Artifact>(), receive = Future<Input>(),
result = Artifact(FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS, std::move(input)),
artifacts = std::array<Artifact, 2>(),
num_artifacts = 0U](Context& context) mutable -> ZxResult<Input> {
while (true) {
if (!generate) {
generate = GenerateCleanInputs(result.input(), recycler);
if (!test_inputs) {
test_inputs = TestInputs(kNoPostProcessing);
if (!receive) {
receive = processed_.Receive();
if (generate(context) && generate.is_error()) {
// |GenerateCleanInputs| only returns an error if its queues close unexpectedly.
return fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
if (test_inputs(context)) {
if (test_inputs.is_error()) {
auto status = test_inputs.error();
if (status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return fpromise::error(status);
return fpromise::ok(result.take_input());
// Cleansed input triggered an error. Use it as the basis for further attempts.
result = test_inputs.take_value();
artifacts[0] = result.Duplicate();
artifacts[1] = result.Duplicate();
receive = nullptr;
num_artifacts = 2;
} else if (receive(context)) {
if (receive.is_error()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Output queue closed unexpectedly.";
return fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
// Cleansed input didn't trigger an error. Save it for recycling.
artifacts[num_artifacts++] = Artifact(FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS, receive.take_value());
} else {
// Still testing an input.
return fpromise::pending();
if (num_artifacts < artifacts.size()) {
// Recycle inputs in pairs, one for each "clean" byte.
if (recycler->Send(std::move(artifacts[0])) != ZX_OK ||
recycler->Send(std::move(artifacts[1])) != ZX_OK) {
// No more inputs are needed; all done.
return fpromise::ok(result.take_input());
num_artifacts = 0;
ZxPromise<Artifact> RunnerImpl::Fuzz() {
return FuzzInputs(/* backlog= */ options_->mutation_depth()).wrap_with(workflow_);
ZxPromise<> RunnerImpl::Merge() {
// First, accumulate the coverage from testing all the elements of the seed corpus.
auto collect_errors = std::make_shared<std::vector<Input>>();
return TestOneAsync(Input(), kAccumulateCoverage)
.or_else([this](const zx_status_t& status) {
return CheckPrevious(status).and_then(TestCorpusAsync(seed_corpus_, kAccumulateCoverage));
.and_then([](const Artifact& artifact) -> ZxResult<Artifact> {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Seed corpus contains an input that triggers an error: '"
<< artifact.input().ToHex() << "'";
return fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
.or_else([this, collect_errors](const zx_status_t& status) {
return CheckPrevious(status).and_then([this, collect_errors] {
// Next, measure what coverage each element of the live corpus provides beyond that
// accumulated by the seed corpus. After this step the live corpus contains only valid,
// measured inputs.
auto unmeasured = live_corpus_;
live_corpus_ = Corpus::MakePtr();
return TestCorpusAsync(unmeasured, kMeasureCoverageAndKeepInputs, collect_errors);
.or_else([this, collect_errors](const zx_status_t& status) {
return CheckPrevious(status).and_then([this, collect_errors] {
if (!collect_errors->empty()) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Corpus contains input(s) that trigger error(s):";
for (auto& input : *collect_errors) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << " '" << input.ToHex() << "'";
// Finally, accumulate the coverage from each element of the live corpus. The live corpus
// will be stably sorted by size, number of features measured above, and lexicographical
// order. Only elements that add coverage not accumulated by previous elements will be
// kept.
auto measured = live_corpus_;
live_corpus_ = Corpus::MakePtr();
return TestCorpusAsync(measured, kAccumulateCoverageAndKeepInputs);
.and_then([](const Artifact& artifact) -> ZxResult<> {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Previously successful input triggered an error: '"
<< artifact.input().ToHex() << "'";
return fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
.or_else([this, collect_errors](const zx_status_t& status) {
return CheckPrevious(status).and_then([this, collect_errors]() -> ZxResult<> {
// As a final step, keep any inputs that triggered errors.
for (auto& input : *collect_errors) {
if (auto status = live_corpus_->Add(std::move(input)); status != ZX_OK) {
return fpromise::error(status);
return fpromise::ok();
ZxPromise<> RunnerImpl::Stop() {
stopped_ = true;
return workflow_.Stop();
Status RunnerImpl::CollectStatus() {
Status status;
auto elapsed = zx::clock::get_monotonic() - start_;
size_t covered_features;
auto covered_pcs = pool_->GetCoverage(&covered_features);
status.set_corpus_num_inputs(seed_corpus_->num_inputs() + live_corpus_->num_inputs());
status.set_corpus_total_size(seed_corpus_->total_size() + live_corpus_->total_size());
std::vector<ProcessStats> all_stats;
all_stats.reserve(std::min<size_t>(process_proxies_.size(), MAX_PROCESS_STATS));
for (auto& process_proxy : process_proxies_) {
if (all_stats.size() == all_stats.capacity()) {
ProcessStats stats;
auto status = process_proxy.second->GetStats(&stats);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
} else {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to get stats for process: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
return status;
// Workflow-related methods.
void RunnerImpl::StartWorkflow(Scope& scope) {
run_ = 0;
start_ = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
pulse_start_ = start_ + zx::sec(2);
stopped_ = false;
// Watch for coverage events during the workflow.
auto task = fpromise::make_promise([this, watch = Future<CoverageEvent>()](
Context& context) mutable -> Result<> {
while (true) {
if (!watch) {
watch = coverage_provider_.WatchCoverageEvent();
if (!watch(context)) {
return fpromise::pending();
if (watch.is_error()) {
return fpromise::ok();
void RunnerImpl::FinishWorkflow() {
stopped_ = true;
// Methods to generate fuzzing inputs.
ZxPromise<> RunnerImpl::GenerateInputs(size_t num_inputs, size_t backlog) {
// Set up parameters for determining what inputs to generate and for how long.
auto max_size = options_->max_input_size();
auto max_time = zx::duration(options_->max_total_time());
auto deadline = max_time.get() ? zx::deadline_after(max_time) : zx::time::infinite();
auto mutation_depth = options_->mutation_depth();
return fpromise::make_promise([this, backlog, max_size]() -> ZxResult<> {
// "Precycle" some inputs by making it look like they are ready for reuse.
for (size_t i = 0; i <= backlog; i++) {
auto status = processed_.Send(Input(max_size));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Input queue closed prematurely while preparing to fuzz: "
<< zx_status_get_string(status);
return fpromise::error(status);
return fpromise::ok();
.and_then([this, num_sent = 0U, num_inputs, deadline, num_mutations = mutation_depth,
recycle = Future<Input>()](Context& context) mutable -> ZxResult<> {
while (true) {
if (num_inputs != 0 && num_sent >= num_inputs) {
// Run limit will be reached by inputs already queued; all done.
return fpromise::ok();
if (zx::clock::get_monotonic() >= deadline) {
// Time limit reached; all done.
return fpromise::ok();
if (stopped_) {
// Interrupted; all done.
return fpromise::ok();
if (!recycle) {
// Use inputs recycled from earlier runs to reduce heap allocations.
recycle = processed_.Receive();
if (!recycle(context)) {
return fpromise::pending();
if (recycle.is_error()) {
// Queue was closed; all done.
return fpromise::ok();
auto input = recycle.take_value();
if (num_mutations >= mutation_depth) {
// Pick an input and mutate it |mutation_depth| times in a row.
num_mutations = 0;
auto status = generated_.Send(std::move(input));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// Queue was closed; all done.
return fpromise::ok();
.and_then([this] {
return fpromise::ok();
Promise<> RunnerImpl::GenerateCleanInputs(const Input& input,
std::shared_ptr<AsyncDeque<Artifact>> recycler) {
// To set up initial conditions, simulate having just completed an "extra" attempt.
constexpr size_t kMaxCleanseAttempts = 5;
auto attempts_left = kMaxCleanseAttempts + 1;
// Prepare the pipeline with some artifacts that make the attempt succeed and won't be reverted.
// This only fails if the |recycler| is closed, in which case the promise below returns an error.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (auto status = recycler->Send(Artifact(FuzzResult::CRASH, input.Duplicate()));
status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to prepare fuzzing input pipeline: "
<< zx_status_get_string(status);
// Ensure that a new attempt will be started.
auto offset = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - 1;
// The general approach is to produce two inputs at a time, each with one byte replaced by a
// space or 0xff. Bytes that are already a space or 0xff are skipped. Each iteration over all
// input bytes is an attempt, and inputs are produced until an attempt doesn't produce any errors
// or five attempts have been performed.
return fpromise::make_promise([this, recycler = std::move(recycler), receive = Future<Artifact>(),
artifacts = std::array<Artifact, 2>(), num_artifacts = 0U,
attempts_left, offset, found_error = false,
original = uint8_t(0)](Context& context) mutable -> Result<> {
while (true) {
// Recycle two artifacts.
if (!receive) {
receive = recycler->Receive();
if (!receive(context)) {
return fpromise::pending();
if (receive.is_error()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Recycled input queue closed unexpectedly.";
return fpromise::error();
artifacts[num_artifacts++] = receive.take_value();
if (num_artifacts < artifacts.size()) {
auto fuzz_result = artifacts[0].fuzz_result();
auto input0 = artifacts[0].take_input();
auto input1 = artifacts[1].take_input();
auto* data0 =;
auto* data1 =;
if (fuzz_result == FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS) {
// Last inputs didn't trigger any errors; restore the modified byte.
data0[offset] = original;
data1[offset] = original;
} else {
found_error = true;
// Find a "cleanable" byte, i.e. one that isn't already 0x20 or 0xff.
do {
if (++offset < input0.size()) {
// Continue the current attempt.
// Reached the end of the input. Start a new attempt.
offset = 0;
if (--attempts_left == 0 || !found_error) {
// Out of attempts, or last attempt didn't trigger any error. All done.
return fpromise::ok();
found_error = false;
} while (data0[offset] == 0x20 || data0[offset] == 0xff);
// Now actually clean the byte and send them to be tested.
original = data0[offset];
data0[offset] = 0x20;
data1[offset] = 0xff;
if (generated_.Send(std::move(input0)) != ZX_OK ||
generated_.Send(std::move(input1)) != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Input queue unexpectedly closed.";
return fpromise::error();
num_artifacts = 0;
// Methods to perform a sequence of fuzzing runs.
ZxPromise<Artifact> RunnerImpl::FuzzInputs(size_t backlog) {
auto num_inputs = options_->runs();
if (num_inputs != 0) {
// Adjust for fixed inputs tested first. Be careful not to double count the empty input.
num_inputs -= (seed_corpus_->num_inputs() + live_corpus_->num_inputs() - 1);
return TestOneAsync(Input(), kAccumulateCoverage)
.or_else([this](const zx_status_t& status) {
return CheckPrevious(status).and_then(
[this] { return TestCorpusAsync(seed_corpus_, kAccumulateCoverage); });
.or_else([this](const zx_status_t& status) {
return CheckPrevious(status).and_then(
[this] { return TestCorpusAsync(live_corpus_, kAccumulateCoverage); });
.or_else([this, backlog, num_inputs](const zx_status_t& status) {
return CheckPrevious(status).and_then(
[generate = ZxFuture<>(GenerateInputs(num_inputs, backlog)),
test = ZxFuture<Artifact>(TestInputs(kAccumulateCoverageAndKeepInputs))](
Context& context) mutable -> ZxResult<Artifact> {
if (generate(context) && generate.is_error()) {
return fpromise::error(generate.error());
if (!test(context)) {
return fpromise::pending();
return test.take_result();
.or_else([this](const zx_status_t& status) {
return CheckPrevious(status).and_then([]() -> ZxResult<Artifact> {
// Finished without finding an input that causes an error; return an empty artifact.
return fpromise::ok(Artifact());
ZxPromise<Artifact> RunnerImpl::TestOneAsync(Input input, PostProcessing mode) {
return fpromise::make_promise([this, input = std::move(input)]() mutable -> ZxResult<> {
return AsZxResult(generated_.Send(std::move(input)));
.and_then([this]() {
return fpromise::ok();
.and_then([this, mode] { return TestInputs(mode); });
ZxPromise<Artifact> RunnerImpl::TestCorpusAsync(CorpusPtr corpus, PostProcessing mode,
InputsPtr collect_errors) {
return fpromise::make_promise([this]() -> ZxResult<> {
// Prime the output queue.
return AsZxResult(processed_.Send(Input()));
.and_then([this, corpus, mode, collect_errors, test_inputs = ZxFuture<Artifact>(),
receive = Future<Input>(),
offset = 1U](Context& context) mutable -> ZxResult<Artifact> {
while (true) {
if (!test_inputs) {
test_inputs = TestInputs(mode, collect_errors);
if (!receive) {
receive = processed_.Receive();
if (test_inputs(context)) {
// Done testing inputs.
return test_inputs.take_result();
if (!receive(context)) {
// Still testing.
return fpromise::pending();
// Ready for the next input from the corpus.
if (receive.is_error()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Output queue closed prematurely.";
return fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
auto input = receive.take_value();
if (!corpus->At(offset++, &input)) {
if (auto status = generated_.Send(std::move(input)); status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Input queue closed prematurely: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
return fpromise::error(status);
ZxPromise<Artifact> RunnerImpl::TestInputs(PostProcessing mode, InputsPtr collect_errors) {
constexpr size_t kMaxLeakDetectionAttempts = 1000;
auto leak_detections = options_->detect_leaks() ? kMaxLeakDetectionAttempts : 0;
return fpromise::make_promise(
[this, mode, collect_errors, input = Input(), leak_detections, detect_leaks = false,
prepare = ZxFuture<Input>(),
run = Future<bool, FuzzResult>()](Context& context) mutable -> ZxResult<Artifact> {
while (true) {
// Reset process coverage and get a new input.
if (!prepare) {
prepare = Prepare(detect_leaks);
if (!prepare(context)) {
return fpromise::pending();
// Make sure no errors have been received before testing an input.
if (prepare.is_error()) {
return fpromise::error(prepare.error());
if (!run) {
input = std::move(prepare.value());
run = RunOne(input);
// Now check if the run has finished and if any process reported an error.
if (!run(context)) {
return fpromise::pending();
auto leak_suspected = false;
if (run.is_ok()) {
leak_suspected = run.take_value();
} else if (collect_errors) {
// If collecting errors, clear errors and continue. Simulate already having attempted to
// |detect_leaks| to true to skip analysis and leak detection.
detect_leaks = true;
run = nullptr;
} else {
return fpromise::ok(Artifact(run.error(), std::move(input)));
// Skip post-processing when repeating inputs for leak detection.
if (!detect_leaks) {
Analyze(input, mode);
// Iteration complete! Clear the futures so that the loop starts from the top again.
detect_leaks = Recycle(std::move(input), leak_detections, leak_suspected, detect_leaks);
prepare = nullptr;
// Methods to perform individual steps of a single fuzzing run.
ZxPromise<> RunnerImpl::CheckPrevious(zx_status_t status) {
return fpromise::make_promise([status]() -> ZxResult<> {
if (status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return fpromise::error(status);
return fpromise::ok();
ZxPromise<Input> RunnerImpl::Prepare(bool detect_leaks) {
return fpromise::make_promise([this, detect_leaks]() {
// Send start signals.
std::vector<ZxPromise<>> starts;
for (auto& [target_id, process_proxy] : process_proxies_) {
// Wait for processes to acknowledge.
return fpromise::join_promise_vector(std::move(starts));
.then([](Result<std::vector<ZxResult<>>>& results) -> ZxResult<> {
for (auto& result : results.value()) {
if (result.is_error()) {
// Ideally, processes should only return errors as a result of testing inputs.
<< "Detected error between fuzzing runs. This error cannot be associated "
"with a specific input. The fuzzer may be non-deterministic and/or "
"non-hermetic, and may need to be modified to make results more "
return fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
return fpromise::ok();
.and_then([this, generate = Future<Input>()](Context& context) mutable -> ZxResult<Input> {
if (!generate) {
generate = generated_.Receive();
if (!generate(context)) {
return fpromise::pending();
if (generate.is_error()) {
// No more inputs means the workflow is done.
return fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_STOP);
return fpromise::ok(generate.take_value());
Promise<bool, FuzzResult> RunnerImpl::RunOne(const Input& input) {
return fpromise::make_promise([this, &input, run_limit = options_->run_limit(),
timeout = Future<>(),
first = true](Context& context) mutable -> Result<bool, uint64_t> {
// Create a future for the per-run timeout. If this completes, it's an error.
if (run_limit && !timeout) {
timeout = executor()->MakeDelayedPromise(zx::duration(run_limit));
if (run_limit && timeout(context)) {
return fpromise::error(kTimeoutTargetId);
if (first) {
for (auto& [target_id, process_proxy] : process_proxies_) {
.or_else([] { return fpromise::error(kInvalidTargetId); })
.and_then([this]() -> Result<bool, uint64_t> {
for (auto& [target_id, process_proxy] : process_proxies_) {
if (auto status = process_proxy->Finish();
status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to signal process: "
<< zx_status_get_string(status);
return fpromise::ok(false);
first = false;
auto all_done = true;
auto leak_suspected = false;
for (auto& future : futures_) {
if (!future(context)) {
all_done = false;
if (future.is_error()) {
return fpromise::error(future.error());
leak_suspected |= future.value();
if (!all_done) {
suspended_ = context.suspend_task();
return fpromise::pending();
return fpromise::ok(leak_suspected);
.inspect([this](const Result<bool, uint64_t>& ignored) { futures_.clear(); })
.or_else([this](const uint64_t& target_id) { return GetFuzzResult(target_id); });
void RunnerImpl::AddCoverage(CoverageEvent event) {
auto target_id = event.target_id;
if (target_id == kInvalidTargetId || target_id == kTimeoutTargetId) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Received invalid target_id: " << target_id;
auto payload = std::move(event.payload);
if (payload.is_process_started()) {
// Handle new process.
auto instrumented = std::move(payload.process_started());
auto process_proxy = std::make_unique<ProcessProxy>(executor(), target_id, pool_);
auto status = process_proxy->Connect(std::move(instrumented));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to add proxy for process: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
process_proxies_[target_id] = std::move(process_proxy);
// Kick |RunOne| to check the |AwaitFinish| future.
if (payload.is_llvm_module_added()) {
// Handle new module for existing process.
auto llvm_module = std::move(payload.llvm_module_added());
auto iter = process_proxies_.find(target_id);
if (iter == process_proxies_.end()) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Received module for unknown target_id: " << target_id;
auto& process_proxy = iter->second;
auto status = process_proxy->AddLlvmModule(std::move(llvm_module));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to add proxy for module: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
Promise<bool, FuzzResult> RunnerImpl::GetFuzzResult(uint64_t target_id) {
return fpromise::make_promise(
[this, target_id, process_proxy = std::unique_ptr<ProcessProxy>(),
result = ZxFuture<FuzzResult>()](Context& context) mutable -> ZxResult<FuzzResult> {
if (target_id == kTimeoutTargetId) {
// For timeouts, dump all threads to the sanitizer log.
constexpr size_t kBufSize = 1ULL << 20;
auto buf = std::make_unique<char[]>(kBufSize);
for (auto& [target_id, proxy] : process_proxies_) {
auto len = proxy->Dump(buf.get(), kBufSize);
__sanitizer_log_write(buf.get(), len);
return fpromise::ok(FuzzResult::TIMEOUT);
if (!result) {
// For all other errors, wait on the result from the process exitcode.
auto iter = process_proxies_.find(target_id);
if (iter == process_proxies_.end()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Cannot get error from unknown target_id: 0x" << std::hex
<< target_id;
return fpromise::error(ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
process_proxy = std::move(iter->second);
result = process_proxy->GetResult();
if (!result(context)) {
return fpromise::pending();
return result.take_result();
.or_else([](const zx_status_t& status) -> Result<FuzzResult, FuzzResult> {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to get result: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Defaulting to error type of 'crash'.";
return fpromise::ok(FuzzResult::CRASH);
.and_then([this](const FuzzResult& fuzz_result) -> Result<bool, FuzzResult> {
if (fuzz_result == FuzzResult::NO_ERRORS) {
return fpromise::ok(false);
// If it's an ignored exit(),just remove that one process_proxy and treat it like a success.
if (fuzz_result == FuzzResult::EXIT && !options_->detect_exits()) {
return fpromise::ok(false);
// Otherwise, it's really an error. Remove the target adapter and all proxies.
return fpromise::error(fuzz_result);
void RunnerImpl::Analyze(Input& input, PostProcessing mode) {
bool updated = false;
switch (mode) {
case kNoPostProcessing: {
case kAccumulateCoverage: {
case kMeasureCoverageAndKeepInputs: {
auto num_features = pool_->Measure();
if (num_features) {
if (auto status = live_corpus_->Add(std::move(input)); status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to save input: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
case kAccumulateCoverageAndKeepInputs: {
if (pool_->Accumulate()) {
if (auto status = live_corpus_->Add(std::move(input)); status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to save input: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
updated = true;
// After a few seconds, reassure the user that the fuzzer is running by reporting each run that
// equals a power of 2, unless it was already reported above.
if (!updated && (run_ & (run_ - 1)) == 0 && zx::clock::get_monotonic() > pulse_start_) {
bool RunnerImpl::Recycle(Input&& input, size_t& attempts_left, bool suspected, bool detecting) {
// Determine if leak detection is needed and thereby where to send the input. Leak detection is
// expensive, so the strategy is as follows:
// 1. Try inputs once without leak detection.
// 2. If leak detection is requested, check if leaks are suspected (unbalanced malloc/frees).
// 3. If a leak if suspected, do the normal feedback analysis and then try the input again, this
// time with leak detection. Skip the feedback analysis on the second try.
// 4. Keep track of how many suspected leaks don't result in an error. After
// |kMaxLeakDetections|, disable further leak detection.
if (attempts_left) {
if (detecting) {
// Already tried detecting a leak. Decrement the number of attempts.
if (attempts_left == 0) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Disabling leak detection: No memory leaks have been found in any inputs "
<< "suspected of leaking. Memory may be accumulating in some global state "
<< "without leaking. End-of-process leak checks will still be performed.";
} else if (suspected) {
// Leak detection is still possible, and the last run exhibited a suspected leak. Push the
// input to the front of the queue to retry with leak detection.
if (auto status = generated_.Resend(std::move(input)); status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to resend input: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
} else {
return true;
// Send input to be recycled.
if (auto status = processed_.Send(std::move(input)); status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to recycle input: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
return false;
// Clean-up methods.
void RunnerImpl::Disconnect() {
void RunnerImpl::Reset() {
} // namespace fuzzing