blob: dc6ee72650399ffbbdb5da177e3b6435e8aa9f72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <random>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/common/input.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/common/options.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/framework/engine/dictionary.h"
namespace fuzzing {
// Describes the types of mutation corresponding to the |Mutagen| methods below, and is used to
// record the sequence of mutations.
// The order here matters, as |Mutagen::Mutate| violates the abstraction a bit to get better
// performance: it uses the ordering to constrain which mutations to pick from based on the input
// size and output capacity.
// TODO( This is currently missing a strategy to pull from the dictionary.
// TODO( Add support for data-flow-guided fuzzing.
enum Mutation : uint8_t {
// 1 < size
// 1 < size <= capacity
// 0 < size <= capacity
// 0 < size < capacity
// 0 <= size < capacity
// This class represents the source of mutations when fuzzing. It is heavily inspired by libFuzzer's
// MutationDispatcher, here:
// During fuzzing, the framework will pick an input from the corpus, and pass it to this object. It
// will then use this object to generate a sequence of mutated inputs that it can send to the
// target adapter.
class Mutagen final {
Mutagen() = default;
~Mutagen() = default;
const Dictionary& dictionary() const { return dictionary_; }
// Callers can write data into the returned inputs.
Input* base_input() { return &base_input_; }
Input* crossover() { return &crossover_; }
// The sequence of mutations since the input was last set.
const std::vector<Mutation>& mutations() const { return mutations_; }
void set_dictionary(Dictionary dictionary) { dictionary_ = std::move(dictionary); }
void reset_mutations() { mutations_.clear(); }
// Adds default values to unspecified options that are needed by objects of this class.
static void AddDefaults(Options* options);
// Sets options.
void Configure(const OptionsPtr& options);
// Makes a copy of the previously configured input, mutates it using a pseudoradomly selected
// mutation strategy, and stores the result in |out|.
void Mutate(Input* out);
// All other the mutators below return true when they have successfully mutated and written |data|
// to |out|, and false otherwise. Each makes assumptions about the given |size|, which are
// enforced by |Mutate|, above. Callers should not call these directly except for testing. Use
// |Mutate| instead.
// Remove some bytes from |data| when writing to |out|. Assumes |size > 1|; |size > max_size| is
// allowed.
bool SkipSome(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, size_t max_size, Input* out);
// Shuffle some subsequence of |data| when writing it to |out|. Assumes |size > 1|.
bool Shuffle(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, Input* out);
// Flip a bit at some location in |data| when writing it to |out|. Assumes |size != 0|.
bool Flip(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, Input* out);
// Replace one byte in |data| when writing it to |out|. Assumes |size != 0|.
bool ReplaceOne(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, Input* out);
// Find and replace an unsigned integer value in |data| when writing it to |out|. Assumes
// |size != 0|.
bool ReplaceUnsigned(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, Input* out);
// Find and replace an ASCII representation of a number in |data| when writing it to |out|.
// Assumes |size != 0|.
bool ReplaceNum(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, Input* out);
// Replace some subsequence of |data| with another, possibly overlapping subsequence when writing
// it to |out|. Assumes |size != 0|.
bool ReplaceSome(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, Input* out);
// For each of |size1| bytes, choose from |data1| or |data2|, and write the result to |out|.
bool MergeReplace(const uint8_t* data1, size_t size1, const uint8_t* data2, size_t size2,
Input* out);
// Copy some section of |data| and insert it when writing |data| to |out|. Assumes
// |size < max_size|.
bool InsertSome(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, size_t max_size, Input* out);
// Interleave segments of |data1| and |data2| and write the result to |out|, up to
// |max_size|.
bool MergeInsert(const uint8_t* data1, size_t size1, const uint8_t* data2, size_t size2,
size_t max_size, Input* out);
// Insert one byte somewhere into |data| when writing it to |out|. Implies a "max_size" of
// |size + 1|.
bool InsertOne(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, Input* out);
// Insert a sequence created by repeating a byte somewhere into |data| when writing it to |out|.
// Assumes |size < max_size|.
bool InsertRepeated(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, size_t max_size, Input* out);
// Returns a random value.
template <typename T>
T Pick() {
return static_cast<T>(prng_());
// Returns a random value in [min, max].
template <typename T>
T Pick(T min, T max) {
return min + (Pick<T>() % (max - min + 1));
// Pick a random byte, with preference given to 0 and 255.
uint8_t PickPreferred();
// Pick a random byte, with preference given to special ASCII characters.
char PickSpecial();
OptionsPtr options_;
std::minstd_rand prng_;
Input base_input_;
Input crossover_;
Dictionary dictionary_;
std::vector<Mutation> mutations_;
template <>
bool Mutagen::Pick<bool>();
template <>
uint64_t Mutagen::Pick<uint64_t>();
} // namespace fuzzing