blob: 00f27335f033b6de79a464154fd17a2919e6f27c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO( Fix null safety and remove this language version.
// @dart=2.9
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';
void closeHandles(List<Handle> handles) {
for (final handle in handles) {
// Until Dart provides access to the zx_object_get_info syscall, check
// that the koid getter returns invalid to determine if the handle is valid
// (see
bool isHandleClosed(Handle handle) => handle.koid == ZX.KOID_INVALID;
/// The handle subtypes that are supported by GIDL. This should match the
/// supportedHandleSubtypes defined in the GIDL IR.
enum HandleSubtype {
// Descriptor of a handle type and rights, as defined in GIDL.
class HandleDef {
HandleDef(this.subtype, this.rights);
final HandleSubtype subtype;
final int rights;
// To support a new subtype in createHandles, add a new entry to this map.
const Map<HandleSubtype, List<Handle> Function(int numHandles)> _handleFactory =
HandleSubtype.event: _createEvents, _createChannels,
/// Create a list of HandleInfos `result` where `subtype of result[i] == subtypes[i]`
List<HandleInfo> createHandleInfos(List<HandleDef> handleDefs) {
// First, calculate the number of handles of each subtype that is needed
Map<HandleSubtype, int> handleCounts = {};
for (final def in handleDefs) {
handleCounts[def.subtype] =
handleCounts.putIfAbsent(def.subtype, () => 0) + 1;
// Then, batch create the correct number of handles for each subtype. This
// makes it possible to use both handles of a pair whenever possible.
Map<HandleSubtype, List<Handle>> handles = Map.fromIterable(
key: (entry) => entry.key,
value: (entry) => _handleFactory[entry.key](entry.value),
// Rearrange the created handles into the order specified by the input and reduce
// their rights appropriately.
List<HandleInfo> result = [];
for (final def in handleDefs) {
// reuse the handle counts as an index into the handles list
final handle = handles[def.subtype][--handleCounts[def.subtype]];
final reducedRightsHandle = handle.replace(def.rights);
int type;
if (def.subtype == HandleSubtype.event) {
} else if (def.subtype == {
} else {
throw Exception('unknown handle subtype');
return result;
/// Create a list of Handles `result` where `subtype of result[i] == subtypes[i]`
List<Handle> createHandles(List<HandleDef> handleDefs) {
return createHandleInfos(handleDefs)
.map((handleInfo) => handleInfo.handle)
List<Handle> _createChannels(int numHandles) {
final numPairs = (numHandles / 2).ceil();
List<Handle> channels = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numPairs; i++) {
final pair = ChannelPair();
assert(pair.status == ZX.OK, 'could not create test channel');
channels.addAll([pair.first.handle, pair.second.handle]);
if (numHandles % 2 == 1) {
assert(channels.length == numHandles);
return channels;
List<Handle> _createEvents(int numHandles) {
// Use eventpairs since Dart does not have support for creating events.
final numPairs = (numHandles / 2).ceil();
List<Handle> events = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numPairs; i++) {
final pair = EventPairPair();
assert(pair.status == ZX.OK, 'could not create test event');
events.addAll([pair.first.handle, pair.second.handle]);
if (numHandles % 2 == 1) {
assert(events.length == numHandles);
return events;