blob: c3747df99dd2cb7ad6a8f34af4eddf72a14be316 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/server.h>
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
::fidl::DispatchResult TryDispatch(void* impl, ::fidl::IncomingMessage& msg,
fidl::internal::MessageStorageViewBase* storage_view,
::fidl::Transaction* txn, const MethodEntry* begin,
const MethodEntry* end) {
if (!msg.ok()) {
txn->InternalError(fidl::UnbindInfo{msg}, fidl::ErrorOrigin::kReceive);
// |TryDispatch| is used to ad-hoc compose protocols by trying a series of
// |TryDispatch|. If the message has an error, exit the cascade of dispatch
// attempts early since it is meaningless to keep trying otherwise.
return ::fidl::DispatchResult::kFound;
auto* hdr = msg.header();
while (begin < end) {
if (hdr->ordinal == begin->ordinal) {
fidl::Status decode_status = begin->dispatch(impl, std::move(msg), storage_view, txn);
if (unlikely(!decode_status.ok())) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(decode_status.reason() == fidl::Reason::kDecodeError);
txn->InternalError(UnbindInfo{decode_status}, fidl::ErrorOrigin::kReceive);
return ::fidl::DispatchResult::kFound;
return ::fidl::DispatchResult::kNotFound;
void Dispatch(void* impl, ::fidl::IncomingMessage& msg,
fidl::internal::MessageStorageViewBase* storage_view, ::fidl::Transaction* txn,
const MethodEntry* begin, const MethodEntry* end) {
::fidl::DispatchResult result = TryDispatch(impl, msg, storage_view, txn, begin, end);
switch (result) {
case ::fidl::DispatchResult::kNotFound:
txn->InternalError(::fidl::UnbindInfo::UnknownOrdinal(), ::fidl::ErrorOrigin::kReceive);
case ::fidl::DispatchResult::kFound:
::fidl::Status WeakEventSenderInner::SendEvent(::fidl::OutgoingMessage& message) const {
if (auto binding = binding_.lock()) {
if (!message.ok()) {
return message.error();
return fidl::Status::Ok();
return fidl::Status::Unbound();
void WeakEventSenderInner::HandleSendError(fidl::Status error) const {
if (auto binding = binding_.lock()) {
binding->HandleError(std::move(binding), {UnbindInfo{error}, ErrorOrigin::kSend});
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl