blob: aed94458e9a8ee6fea619176de32a2c12e235dbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This header contains forward definitions that support sending and receiving
// wire domain objects over Zircon channels for IPC. The code generator should
// populate the implementation by generating template specializations for each
// class over FIDL method/protocol markers.
// Note: a recurring pattern below is a pair of struct/using declaration:
// template <typename T> struct FooTraits;
// template <typename T> using Foo = typename FooTraits<T>::Foo;
// The extra |FooTraits| type is a workaround for C++ not having type alias
// partial specialization. The code generator would specialize |FooTraits|,
// and the using-declarations are helpers to pull out items from the struct.
namespace fidl {
template <typename FidlMethod>
struct WireRequest;
template <typename FidlMethod>
struct WireResponse;
template <typename FidlMethod>
struct WireEvent;
namespace internal {
template <typename FidlMethod>
struct TransactionalRequest;
template <typename FidlMethod>
struct TransactionalResponse;
template <typename FidlMethod>
struct TransactionalEvent;
} // namespace internal
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// WireSyncEventHandler is used by synchronous clients to handle events for the
// given protocol.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireSyncEventHandler;
// WireAsyncEventHandler is used by asynchronous clients to handle events and
// adds a callback for to report fatal errors.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireAsyncEventHandler;
// WireServer is a pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
// This interface uses typed channels (i.e. |fidl::ClientEnd<SomeProtocol>|
// and |fidl::ServerEnd<SomeProtocol>|).
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireServer;
// This is a temporary forward declaration to allow the //sdk/lib/sys/component
// service library to conditionally support natural servers when it is available.
// Intentional empty line to avoid language servers picking up this doc comment.
// TODO( Remove this after the unified bindings are in the SDK.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class Server;
template <typename FidlMethod>
class WireResponseContext;
template <typename FidlMethod>
class WireResult;
template <typename FidlMethod>
class WireUnownedResult;
#endif // __Fuchsia__
namespace internal {
template <typename FidlMethod>
struct WireOrdinal;
// |IncomingMessageStorage| allocates the necessary storage for receiving a
// transactional message of type |FidlType| from its corresponding transport.
// The allocation may be inline if reasonably small. It is useful for allocating
// bespoke amount of memory when the code path is certain what is the message
// type, such as during synchronous calls.
// |FidlType| must be a specialization of |TransactionalResponse|.
// This class is shared between wire and natural types - both receive messages
// of the same shapes and then perform their own decoding.
template <typename FidlType>
struct IncomingMessageStorage;
// |IncomingMessageHandleStorage| allocates the necessary storage for receiving
// the handles for a transactional message of type |FidlType| from its
// corresponding transport. It is useful for allocating bespoke amount of memory
// when the code path is certain what is the message type, such as during
// synchronous calls.
// |FidlType| must be a specialization of |TransactionalResponse|.
// This class is shared between wire and natural types - both receive messages
// of the same shapes and then perform their own decoding.
template <typename FidlType>
struct IncomingMessageHandleStorage;
// |IncomingEventsStorage| allocates the necessary storage for receiving any one
// of the possible events defined in |FidlProtocol| from its corresponding
// transport. The allocation may be inline if reasonably small. It is useful for
// allocating bespoke amount of memory when the code path is certain what is the
// protocol type, such as during synchronous event handling.
// |FidlProtocol| must be a protocol marker type.
// This class is shared between wire and natural types - both receive messages
// of the same shapes and then perform their own decoding.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
struct IncomingEventsStorage;
// |IncomingEventsHandleStorage| allocates the necessary storage for receiving
// the handles for any one of the possible events defined in |FidlProtocol| from
// its corresponding transport. It is useful for allocating bespoke amount of
// memory when the code path is certain what is the protocol type, such as
// during synchronous event handling.
// |FidlProtocol| must be a protocol marker type.
// This class is shared between wire and natural types - both receive messages
// of the same shapes and then perform their own decoding.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
struct IncomingEventsHandleStorage;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// |WireWeakEventSender| borrows the server endpoint from a binding object and
// exposes methods for sending events using managed memory allocation.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireWeakEventSender;
// |WireWeakBufferEventSender| borrows the server endpoint from a binding object and
// exposes methods for sending events using caller-controlled allocation.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireWeakBufferEventSender;
// |WireEventSender| borrows a server endpoint and exposes methods for sending
// events using managed memory allocation.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireEventSender;
// |WireBufferEventSender| borrows a server endpoint and exposes methods for
// sending events using caller-controlled allocation.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireBufferEventSender;
// |WireWeakAsyncClientImpl| implements one-way FIDL calls with managed buffers.
// It borrows the transport through a weak reference when making calls.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireWeakOnewayClientImpl;
// |WireWeakAsyncClientImpl| implements asynchronous FIDL calls with managed
// buffers. It borrows the transport through a weak reference when making calls.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireWeakAsyncClientImpl;
// |WireWeakOnewayBufferClientImpl| implements one-way FIDL calls with
// caller-provided buffers. It borrows the transport through a weak reference
// when making calls.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireWeakOnewayBufferClientImpl;
// |WireWeakAsyncBufferClientImpl| implements asynchronous FIDL calls with
// caller-provided buffers. It borrows the transport through a weak reference
// when making calls.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireWeakAsyncBufferClientImpl;
// |WireSyncClientImpl| implements synchronous FIDL calls with managed buffers.
// It contains an unowned transport handle.
// TODO( Consider merging this implementation with
// |WireWeakSyncClientImpl| to support thread-safe teardown of
// |fidl::WireSyncClient|s.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireSyncClientImpl;
// |WireWeakSyncClientImpl| implements synchronous FIDL calls with managed
// buffers. It borrows the transport through a weak reference when making calls.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireWeakSyncClientImpl;
// |WireSyncBufferClientImpl| implements synchronous FIDL calls with
// caller-provided buffers. It contains an unowned transport handle.
// TODO( Consider merging this implementation with
// |WireWeakSyncBufferClientImpl| to support thread-safe teardown of
// |fidl::WireSyncClient|s.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireSyncBufferClientImpl;
// |WireWeakSyncBufferClientImpl| implements synchronous FIDL calls with
// caller-provided buffers. It borrows the transport through a weak reference
// when making calls.
// TODO( Generate this class.
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireWeakSyncBufferClientImpl;
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireEventHandlerInterface;
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireEventDispatcher;
template <typename FidlProtocol>
struct WireServerDispatcher;
// |WireBufferCompleterImpl| implements FIDL replies with wire types using
// caller-provided buffers.
template <typename FidlMethod>
class WireBufferCompleterImpl;
// |WireCompleterImpl| implements FIDL replies with wire types using managed
// buffers.
template <typename FidlMethod>
class WireCompleterImpl;
// |WireCompleterBase| composes |WireBufferCompleterImpl| and |WireCompleterImpl|
// to provide the overall completer API.
template <typename FidlMethod>
class WireCompleterBase;
// |WireMethodTypes| gives access to:
// - the completer type associated with a particular method.
// - if two-way and uses the error syntax: the application error type in the
// error syntax.
// - if two-way: the thenable type associated with a particular method.
template <typename FidlMethod>
struct WireMethodTypes;
#endif // __Fuchsia__
} // namespace internal
namespace testing {
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireTestBase;
template <typename FidlProtocol>
class WireSyncEventHandlerTestBase;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace fidl