blob: 875e50f94524b0ff414d23a9e1ea456006b2c2cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/internal/display_error.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <optional>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <zircon/status.h>
#endif // __Fuchsia__
namespace fidl {
// Reason for a failed operation, or how the endpoint was unbound from the
// client/server message dispatcher.
// |Reason| is always carried inside a |fidl::Status| or |fidl::UnbindInfo|. As
// such, it is always accompanied with a |status| value. The documentation below
// describes precise semantics of the |status| under different reasons.
// While it is possible to write a switch-case on the |Reason| enum, note that
// some enum members may have subtle semantics, and new reasons may be
// introduced over time, hence always write a `default:` case. Furthermore,
// consider whether per-reason special casing is really needed, and consider one
// of the following instead:
// - Whether the `.ok()` and `is_peer_closed()` etc. accessors in
// |fidl::UnbindInfo| are sufficient.
// - Whether the error may be propagated outwards and eventually logged at the
// top level.
enum class Reason {
// The value zero is reserved as a sentinel value that indicates an
// uninitialized reason; it will never be returned to user code.
__DoNotUse [[deprecated("Add a `default:` case in switch statements")]] = 0,
// The user invoked `Unbind()`.
// If this reason is observed when making a call or sending an event or reply,
// it indicates that the client/server endpoint has already been unbound, and
// |status| will be |ZX_ERR_CANCELED|.
// If this reason is observed in an on-unbound handler in |fidl::UnbindInfo|,
// |status| will be |ZX_OK|, since it indicates part of normal operation.
kUnbind = 1,
// The user invoked `Close(epitaph)` on a |fidl::ServerBindingRef| or
// Completer and the epitaph was sent.
// This reason is only observable when part from a |fidl::UnbindInfo|.
// |status| is the result of sending the epitaph.
// The endpoint peer was closed. For a server, |status| is ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED.
// For a client, it is the epitaph. If no epitaph was sent, the behavior is
// equivalent to having received a ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED epitaph.
// An error associated with the dispatcher, or with waiting on the transport.
// |status| contains the associated error code.
// For a server, the user is still responsible for sending an epitaph,
// if they desire.
// An error associated with reading to/writing from the transport e.g.
// channel, that is not of type "peer closed".
// |status| contains the associated error code.
// For a server, the user is still responsible for sending an epitaph,
// if they desire.
// Failure to encode an outgoing message, or converting an encoded message
// to its incoming format (tests or in-process use cases).
// |status| contains the associated error code.
// For a server, the user is still responsible for sending an epitaph,
// if they desire.
// Failure to decode an incoming message.
// |status| contains the associated error code.
// For a server, the user is still responsible for sending an epitaph,
// if they desire.
// A malformed message header, message with unknown ordinal, or unexpected
// reply was received. Alternatively, an unhandled transitional event was
// received during synchronous event handling.
// |status| contains the associated error code.
// For a server, the user is still responsible for sending an epitaph,
// if they desire.
// An ordinal was received which was not recognized, but the the method or
// event is flexible.
// |status| contains the associated error code. Since the method is flexible,
// the channel will remain open unless the user explicitly decides to close
// it.
// |ErrorOrigin| indicates in which part of request/response processing did a
// particular error occur.
enum class ErrorOrigin {
// Reading from the transport, decoding, running business logic, etc.
// Writing to the transport, encoding, etc.
namespace internal {
// A sentinel value that indicates an uninitialized reason. It should never be
// exposed to the user.
constexpr inline static ::fidl::Reason kUninitializedReason = static_cast<::fidl::Reason>(0);
static_assert(static_cast<int>(::fidl::Reason{}) == static_cast<int>(kUninitializedReason));
// Predefined error messages.
extern const char* const kErrorInvalidHeader;
extern const char* const kErrorUnknownTxId;
extern const char* const kErrorUnknownOrdinal;
extern const char* const kErrorTransport;
extern const char* const kErrorChannelUnbound;
extern const char* const kErrorWaitOneFailed;
extern const char* const kErrorSyncEventBufferTooSmall;
extern const char* const kErrorSyncEventUnhandledTransitionalEvent;
extern const char* const kCallerAllocatedBufferTooSmall;
extern const char* const kUnknownInteraction;
extern const char* const kUnsupportedTransportError;
} // namespace internal
// |Status| represents the result of an operation.
// If the operation was successful:
// - `ok()` returns true.
// - `status()` returns ZX_OK.
// - `reason()` should not be used.
// If the operation failed:
// - `ok()` returns false.
// - `status()` contains a non-OK status code specific to the failed operation.
// - `reason()` describes the operation which failed.
// |Status| may be piped to an output stream (`std::cerr`, `FX_LOGS`, ...) to
// print a human-readable description for debugging purposes.
class [[nodiscard]] Status {
constexpr Status() = default;
~Status() = default;
// Constructs a result representing a success.
constexpr static Status Ok() { return Status(ZX_OK, internal::kUninitializedReason, nullptr); }
// Constructs a result indicating that the operation cannot proceed
// because the corresponding endpoint has been unbound from the dispatcher
// (applies to both client and server).
constexpr static Status Unbound() {
return Status(ZX_ERR_CANCELED, ::fidl::Reason::kUnbind, ::fidl::internal::kErrorChannelUnbound);
// Constructs a result indicating that the operation cannot proceed
// because a unknown message was received. Specifically, the method or event
// ordinal is not recognized by the binding.
constexpr static Status UnknownOrdinal() {
return Status(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, ::fidl::Reason::kUnexpectedMessage,
// Constructs a transport error with |status| and optional |error_message|.
// |status| must not be |ZX_OK|.
constexpr static Status TransportError(zx_status_t status, const char* error_message = nullptr) {
// Depending on the order of operations during a remote endpoint closure, we
// may either observe a |kTransportError| from writing to a channel or a
// peer closed notification from the dispatcher loop, which is less than
// ideal and racy behavior. To squash this race, if a transport failed with
// the |ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED| error code, we always consider the reason to be
// |kPeerClosed|.
::fidl::Reason reason = Reason::kTransportError;
if (status == ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED) {
reason = Reason::kPeerClosed;
return Status(status, reason, error_message);
// Constructs a status for an unknown interaction.
constexpr static Status UnknownInteraction() {
return Status(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, ::fidl::Reason::kUnknownInteraction,
// Constructs a status for a peer sending a transport_err result enum variant
// with a status which is not supported.
constexpr static Status BadPeerTransportErr() {
return DecodeError(ZX_ERR_INTERNAL, ::fidl::internal::kUnsupportedTransportError);
constexpr static Status EncodeError(zx_status_t status, const char* error_message = nullptr) {
return Status(status, ::fidl::Reason::kEncodeError, error_message);
constexpr static Status DecodeError(zx_status_t status, const char* error_message = nullptr) {
return Status(status, ::fidl::Reason::kDecodeError, error_message);
constexpr static Status UnexpectedMessage(zx_status_t status,
const char* error_message = nullptr) {
return Status(status, ::fidl::Reason::kUnexpectedMessage, error_message);
constexpr Status(const Status& result) = default;
constexpr Status& operator=(const Status& result) = default;
// Status associated with the reason. See documentation on |fidl::Reason|
// for how to interpret the status.
// Generally, logging this status alone wouldn't be very useful, since its
// interpretation is dependent on the reason.
// Prefer logging |error| or via |FormatDescription|.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t status() const { return status_; }
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Returns the string representation of the status value.
[[nodiscard]] const char* status_string() const { return zx_status_get_string(status_); }
#endif // __Fuchsia__
// A high-level reason for the failure.
// Generally, logging this value alone wouldn't be the most convenient for
// debugging, since it requires developers to check back to the enum.
// Prefer logging |error| or via |FormatDescription|.
[[nodiscard]] ::fidl::Reason reason() const {
ZX_ASSERT(reason_ != internal::kUninitializedReason);
return reason_;
// Returns if the operation failed because the peer endpoint was closed.
// If this error happens on the client side and an epitaph was received,
// |status| contains the value of the epitaph.
// This error is of interest since some protocol users may consider the peer
// going away to be part of its normal operation, while others might not.
bool is_peer_closed() const { return reason_ == Reason::kPeerClosed; }
// Returns if the operation failed because the async dispatcher is shutting
// down.
bool is_dispatcher_shutdown() const {
return reason_ == fidl::Reason::kDispatcherError && status() == ZX_ERR_CANCELED;
// Returns if the operation failed because it was canceled (i.e. the user or
// another unrelated error tore down the binding in the meantime).
bool is_canceled() const {
return reason_ == fidl::Reason::kUnbind && status_ == ZX_ERR_CANCELED;
// Renders a full description of the success or error.
// It is more specific than |reason| alone e.g. if an encoding error was
// encountered, it would contain a string description of the specific encoding
// problem.
// If a logging API supports output streams (`<<` operators), piping the
// |Status| to the log via `<<` is more efficient than calling this function.
[[nodiscard]] std::string FormatDescription() const;
// Returns a lossy description of the error. The returned |const char*| has
// static lifetime, hence may be retained or passed around. If the result is a
// success, returns |nullptr|.
// Because of this constraint, the bindings will attempt to pick a static
// string that best represents the error, sometimes losing information. As
// such, this method should only be used when interfacing with C APIs that are
// unable to take a string or output stream.
[[nodiscard]] const char* lossy_description() const;
// If the operation was successful.
[[nodiscard]] bool ok() const { return status_ == ZX_OK; }
// If the operation failed, returns information about the error.
// This is meant be used by subclasses to accommodate a usage style that is
// similar to |fitx::result| types:
// fidl::WireResult bar = fidl::WireCall(foo_client_end)->GetBar();
// if (!bar.ok()) {
// FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "GetBar failed: " << bar.error();
// }
const Status& error() const {
ZX_ASSERT(status_ != ZX_OK);
return *this;
void SetStatus(const Status& other) { operator=(other); }
// Returns a pointer to populate additional error message.
[[nodiscard]] const char** error_address() { return &error_; }
// A human readable description of |reason|.
[[nodiscard]] const char* reason_description() const;
// Renders the description into a buffer |destination| that is of size
// |length|. The description will cut off at `length - 1`. It inserts a
// trailing NUL.
// |from_unbind_info| should be true iff this is invoked by |UnbindInfo|.
// Returns how many bytes were written, not counting the NUL.
size_t FormatImpl(char* destination, size_t length, bool from_unbind_info) const;
friend class UnbindInfo;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostream, const Status& result);
friend struct fidl::internal::DisplayError<fidl::Status>;
constexpr Status(zx_status_t status, ::fidl::Reason reason, const char* error)
: status_(status), reason_(reason), error_(error) {}
zx_status_t status_ = ZX_ERR_INTERNAL;
::fidl::Reason reason_ = internal::kUninitializedReason;
const char* error_ = nullptr;
// Logs a full description of the result to an output stream.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostream, const Status& result);
// Implement |DisplayError| for |fidl::Result|.
template <>
struct fidl::internal::DisplayError<fidl::Status> {
static size_t Format(const fidl::Status& value, char* destination, size_t capacity);
// |Error| is a type alias for when the result of an operation is an error.
using Error = Status;
// |UnbindInfo| describes how the channel was unbound from a server or client.
// The reason is always initialized when part of a |fidl::UnbindInfo|.
// |UnbindInfo| is passed to |OnUnboundFn| and |AsyncEventHandler::Unbound| if
// provided by the user.
class UnbindInfo : private Status {
// Creates an invalid |UnbindInfo|.
constexpr UnbindInfo() = default;
~UnbindInfo() = default;
constexpr explicit UnbindInfo(const Status& result) : Status(result) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(reason() != internal::kUninitializedReason);
constexpr static UnbindInfo UnknownOrdinal() { return UnbindInfo{Status::UnknownOrdinal()}; }
// Constructs an |UnbindInfo| indicating that the user explicitly requested
// unbinding the server endpoint from the dispatcher.
// **Note that this is not the same as |Status::Unbound|**:
// |Status::Unbound| means an operation failed because the required endpoint
// has been unbound, and is an error. |UnbindInfo::Unbind| on the other hand
// is an expected result from user initiation.
constexpr static UnbindInfo Unbind() {
return UnbindInfo{Status(ZX_OK, ::fidl::Reason::kUnbind, nullptr)};
// Constructs an |UnbindInfo| indicating that the server connection is
// closed explicitly by the user. |status| is the status of writing
// the epitaph to the channel. This is specific to the server bindings.
// Internally in the bindings runtine, |status| is also used to indicate
// which epitaph value should be sent. But this is not re-exposed to the user
// since the user provided the epitaph in the first place.
constexpr static UnbindInfo Close(zx_status_t status) {
return UnbindInfo{Status(status, ::fidl::Reason::kClose, nullptr)};
// Constructs an |UnbindInfo| indicating that the endpoint peer has
// closed.
constexpr static UnbindInfo PeerClosed(zx_status_t status) {
return UnbindInfo{Status(status, ::fidl::Reason::kPeerClosed, nullptr)};
// Constructs an |UnbindInfo| indicating the async dispatcher returned
// an error |status|.
constexpr static UnbindInfo DispatcherError(zx_status_t status) {
return UnbindInfo{Status(status, ::fidl::Reason::kDispatcherError, nullptr)};
UnbindInfo(const UnbindInfo&) = default;
UnbindInfo& operator=(const UnbindInfo&) = default;
// Reason for unbinding the channel.
// Generally, logging this value alone wouldn't be the most convenient for
// debugging, since it requires developers to check back to the enum.
// Prefer logging the |UnbindInfo| itself or via |FormatDescription|.
using Status::reason;
// Status associated with the reason. See documentation on |fidl::Reason|
// for how to interpret the status.
// Generally, logging this status alone wouldn't be very useful, since its
// interpretation is dependent on the reason.
// Prefer logging the |UnbindInfo| itself or via |FormatDescription|.
using Status::status;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Returns the string representation of the status value.
using Status::status_string;
#endif // __Fuchsia__
// Renders a full description of the cause of the unbinding.
// It is more specific than |reason| alone e.g. if an encoding error was
// encountered, it would contain a string description of the specific encoding
// problem.
// If a logging API supports output streams (`<<` operators), piping the
// |UnbindInfo| to the log via `<<` is more efficient than calling this
// function.
[[nodiscard]] std::string FormatDescription() const;
// Returns a lossy description of the unbind cause. The returned |const char*| has
// static lifetime, hence may be retained or passed around. If the result is a
// success, returns |nullptr|.
// Because of this constraint, the bindings will attempt to pick a static
// string that best represents the cause, sometimes losing information. As
// such, this method should only be used when interfacing with C APIs that are
// unable to take a string or output stream.
using Status::lossy_description;
// Returns true if the unbinding was initiated by the user, that is, the user
// called Unbind/Close on the server side to proactively teardown the
// connection.
// This case is only observable from the server side. Note that the client
// side `on_fidl_error` method on the event handler is never called with an
// |UnbindInfo| that is user initiated - `on_fidl_error` is meant to handle
// errors.
[[nodiscard]] bool is_user_initiated() const {
switch (reason()) {
case internal::kUninitializedReason:
return false;
case Reason::kUnbind:
case Reason::kClose:
return true;
return false;
// Returns if the transport was unbound because the peer endpoint was closed.
// This error is of interest since some protocol users may consider the peer
// going away to be part of its normal operation, while others might not.
using Status::is_peer_closed;
// Returns if the transport was unbound because the async dispatcher is
// shutting down.
using Status::is_dispatcher_shutdown;
// Returns if the user invoked `Close(epitaph)` on a |fidl::ServerBindingRef| or
// completer and the epitaph was sent.
// This case is only observable from the server side.
// |status| is the result of sending the epitaph.
bool did_send_epitaph() const { return reason() == Reason::kClose; }
// Reinterprets the |UnbindInfo| as the cause of an operation failure.
fidl::Status ToError() const { return Status(*this); }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostream, const UnbindInfo& info);
// Logs a full description of the cause of unbinding to an output stream.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostream, const UnbindInfo& info);
static_assert(sizeof(UnbindInfo) == sizeof(uintptr_t) * 2, "UnbindInfo should be reasonably small");
} // namespace fidl