blob: 36858c19ee4ccab844087cf649b41ac914c043d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/traits.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fitx/result.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#if defined(__clang__) && __has_attribute(uninitialized)
// Attribute "uninitialized" disables -ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern
// (automatic variable initialization) for the specified variable.
// This is a security measure to better reveal memory corruptions and
// reduce leaking sensitive bits, but FIDL generated code/runtime can
// sometimes prove that a buffer is always overwritten. In those cases
// we can use this attribute to disable the compiler-inserted initialization
// and avoid the performance hit of writing to a large buffer.
#define FIDL_INTERNAL_DISABLE_AUTO_VAR_INIT __attribute__((uninitialized))
namespace fidl {
class MemoryResource {
MemoryResource() = default;
virtual ~MemoryResource() = default;
// Allocates a |num_bytes| sized buffer, aligned to |FIDL_ALIGNMENT|.
// If the buffer resource cannot satisfy the allocation, it should return
// nullptr, and preserve its original state before the allocation.
// |num_bytes| represents the size of the allocation request.
virtual uint8_t* Allocate(uint32_t num_bytes) = 0;
// An |AnyMemoryResource| is a type-erased object that responds to allocation
// commands and updates the state of the underlying memory resource referenced
// by it.
// Using |inline_any| ensures that there is no heap allocation, which would
// otherwise defeat the purpose of caller-allocating flavors.
// See |AnyBufferAllocator|.
using AnyMemoryResource = fit::inline_any<MemoryResource, /* Reserve */ 24, /* Align */ 8>;
// Holds a reference to any storage buffer. This is independent of the allocation.
struct BufferSpan {
BufferSpan() = default;
BufferSpan(uint8_t* data, uint32_t capacity) : data(data), capacity(capacity) {}
uint8_t* data = nullptr;
uint32_t capacity = 0;
// Type erasing adaptor from |BufferSpan| to |AnyBufferAllocator|.
// See |AnyBufferAllocator|.
friend AnyMemoryResource MakeFidlAnyMemoryResource(fidl::BufferSpan buffer_span);
namespace internal {
// The largest message to store on the stack.
static constexpr size_t kMaxMessageSizeOnStack = 512;
// A stack allocated uninitialized array of |kSize| bytes, guaranteed to follow
// FIDL alignment.
// To properly ensure uninitialization, always declare objects of this type with
template <size_t kSize>
struct InlineMessageBuffer {
static_assert(kSize % FIDL_ALIGNMENT == 0, "kSize must be FIDL-aligned");
InlineMessageBuffer() {}
InlineMessageBuffer(InlineMessageBuffer&&) = delete;
InlineMessageBuffer(const InlineMessageBuffer&) = delete;
InlineMessageBuffer& operator=(InlineMessageBuffer&&) = delete;
InlineMessageBuffer& operator=(const InlineMessageBuffer&) = delete;
BufferSpan view() { return BufferSpan(data(), kSize); }
uint8_t* data() { return data_; }
const uint8_t* data() const { return data_; }
constexpr size_t size() const { return kSize; }
FIDL_ALIGNDECL uint8_t data_[kSize];
static_assert(sizeof(InlineMessageBuffer<40>) == 40);
static_assert(alignof(std::max_align_t) % FIDL_ALIGNMENT == 0,
"BoxedMessageBuffer should follow FIDL alignment when allocated on the heap.");
// A heap allocated uninitialized array of |kSize| bytes, guaranteed to follow
// FIDL alignment.
template <size_t kSize>
struct BoxedMessageBuffer {
static_assert(kSize % FIDL_ALIGNMENT == 0, "kSize must be FIDL-aligned");
BoxedMessageBuffer() { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(FidlIsAligned(bytes_)); }
~BoxedMessageBuffer() { delete[] bytes_; }
BoxedMessageBuffer(BoxedMessageBuffer&&) = delete;
BoxedMessageBuffer(const BoxedMessageBuffer&) = delete;
BoxedMessageBuffer& operator=(BoxedMessageBuffer&&) = delete;
BoxedMessageBuffer& operator=(const BoxedMessageBuffer&) = delete;
BufferSpan view() { return BufferSpan(data(), kSize); }
uint8_t* data() { return bytes_; }
const uint8_t* data() const { return bytes_; }
constexpr size_t size() const { return kSize; }
uint8_t* bytes_ = new uint8_t[kSize];
// Pick the appropriate message buffer implementation based on size requirements.
template <size_t kSize>
using MessageBuffer = std::conditional_t<kSize <= kMaxMessageSizeOnStack,
InlineMessageBuffer<kSize>, BoxedMessageBuffer<kSize>>;
// Outgoing messages only have to be as big enough to hold known fields.
template <typename FidlType>
using OutgoingMessageBuffer =
MessageBuffer<internal::ClampedMessageSize<FidlType, MessageDirection::kSending>()>;
// |AnyBufferAllocator| is a type-erasing buffer allocator. Its main purpose is
// to extend the caller-allocating call/reply flavors to work with a flexible
// range of buffer-like types ("memory resources").
// This class is similar in spirit to a |std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator|,
// except that it is specialized to allocating buffers (ranges of bytes).
// This class is compact (4 machine words), such that it may be efficiently
// moved around as a temporary value.
// If initialized with a |BufferSpan|, allocates in that buffer span. If
// initialized with a reference to some arena, allocates in that arena.
// To extend |AnyBufferAllocator| to work with future buffer-like types,
// declare this function for a user type |R| in the same namespace as the
// user type:
// fidl::AnyMemoryResource MakeFidlAnyMemoryResource(R memory_resource);
// If possible, it is recommended to only declare this function as a friend of
// the user type (i.e. declare it within the user type definition, the "hidden
// member friend pattern"), such that it is hidden from qualified calls and only
// findable by ADL.
class AnyBufferAllocator {
// Allocates a buffer of size |num_bytes|.
// If the underlying memory resource cannot satisfy the allocation, it should
// return nullptr, and preserve its original state before the allocation.
uint8_t* Allocate(uint32_t num_bytes) { return memory_resource_->Allocate(num_bytes); }
// Attempt to allocate |size| bytes from the allocator, returning a view when
// successful and an error otherwise.
fitx::result<fidl::Error, fidl::BufferSpan> TryAllocate(uint32_t num_bytes);
template <typename MemoryResource>
friend AnyBufferAllocator MakeAnyBufferAllocator(MemoryResource&& resource);
// This constructor should only be used by |MakeAnyBufferAllocator|.
explicit AnyBufferAllocator(AnyMemoryResource&& memory_resource)
: memory_resource_(std::move(memory_resource)) {}
AnyMemoryResource memory_resource_;
static_assert(sizeof(AnyBufferAllocator) <= 4 * sizeof(void*),
"AnyBufferAllocator should be reasonably small");
template <typename MemoryResource>
AnyBufferAllocator MakeAnyBufferAllocator(MemoryResource&& resource) {
// The |MakeFidlAnyMemoryResource| function will be found via
// argument-dependent-lookup.
return AnyBufferAllocator(MakeFidlAnyMemoryResource(std::forward<MemoryResource>(resource)));
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl