blob: 5b133cf1e8f9502bdaa6923dee63ea2a7af14d4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/arena.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace fidl {
ArenaBase::~ArenaBase() { Clean(); }
void ArenaBase::Clean() {
// Call all the destructors (starting with the last allocated object).
// Because we only work with views, the destructors only close handles.
while (last_destructor_ != nullptr) {
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(last_destructor_) + FIDL_ALIGN(sizeof(Destructor)),
last_destructor_ = last_destructor_->next;
// Deletes all the extra blocks.
while (last_extra_block_ != nullptr) {
ExtraBlock* to_be_deleted = last_extra_block_;
last_extra_block_ = last_extra_block_->next_block();
delete[] reinterpret_cast<char*>(to_be_deleted);
uint8_t* ArenaBase::Allocate(size_t size, size_t count,
void (*destructor_function)(uint8_t*, size_t)) {
// Total size needed for the allocation (the header used for the deallocation and the data).
size_t block_size = FIDL_ALIGN(size * count);
// Checks that the multiplication didn't overflow.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((count == 0) || (block_size >= size));
if (destructor_function != nullptr) {
block_size += FIDL_ALIGN(sizeof(Destructor));
if (available_size_ < block_size) {
// The data doesn't fit within the current block => allocate a new block.
// Note: the data available at the end of the current block is lost forever (until the
// deallocation of the arena).
available_size_ =
(block_size > ExtraBlock::kDefaultExtraSize) ? block_size : ExtraBlock::kDefaultExtraSize;
size_t extra_block_size = available_size_ + FIDL_ALIGN(ExtraBlock::kExtraBlockHeaderSize);
last_extra_block_ =
new (new uint8_t[extra_block_size]) ExtraBlock(last_extra_block_, available_size_);
next_data_available_ = last_extra_block_->data();
// At this point we have enough space within the current block (either because there was enough
// space within the existing block or because we allocate a new block).
uint8_t* data = next_data_available_;
next_data_available_ += block_size;
available_size_ -= block_size;
if (destructor_function != nullptr) {
// Creates the data used to deallocate this allocation.
last_destructor_ = new (data) Destructor(last_destructor_, count, destructor_function);
return data + FIDL_ALIGN(sizeof(Destructor));
return data;
AnyMemoryResource MakeFidlAnyMemoryResource(AnyArena& arena) {
class ArenaMemoryResource : public MemoryResource {
explicit ArenaMemoryResource(AnyArena& arena) : arena_(&arena) {}
uint8_t* Allocate(uint32_t num_bytes) final {
return arena_->AllocateVector<uint8_t>(num_bytes);
AnyArena* arena_;
return AnyMemoryResource(std::in_place_type_t<ArenaMemoryResource>{}, arena);
} // namespace fidl