blob: 7f730cb943ef45dd68ac48d61f76b533935eae68 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_host) {
host_test_data("test_data") {
out_dir = get_label_info(":anything($target_toolchain)", "target_out_dir")
sources = [
deps = [
if (is_fuchsia) {
assert(current_toolchain == default_toolchain,
"//build/images/* are only valid in the Fuchsia toolchain")
# Parameters shared between recovery-eng and recovery-installer
recovery_base = {
testonly = true
generate_fvm = !bootfs_only
# We avoid compressing blobs in the blobfs image so that they can be more
# effectively compressed by the ZBI compressor that is tuned to zstd max.
if (generate_fvm) {
assembly_compress_blobs = false
ramdisk_fvm_in_zbi = true
include_component_id_index = true
devmgr_config = [ "virtcon.disable=true" ] + zedboot_devmgr_config
cmdline = [
bootfs_labels = [
bootfs_labels += [
if (custom_signing_script != "") {
zbi_signing_script = custom_signing_script
zbi_signing_script_deps = [ "//build/images/custom_signing:deps" ]
} else if (use_vboot) {
zbi_signing_script = vboot_action.script
zbi_signing_args = vboot_action.args
zbi_signing_script_deps = vboot_action.deps
inputs = vboot_action.inputs
group("recovery") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
core_name = "core-recovery"
_core_realm_deps = [
# TODO( deprecate appmgr from this product config
_core_realm_deps += appmgr_core_shards
core_realm("core") {
package_name = core_name
restrict_persistent_storage = false
deps = _core_realm_deps
core_realm("core-eng") {
package_name = core_name
restrict_persistent_storage = false
deps = _core_realm_deps + [ "//src/developer/sshd-host:core_shard" ]
root_realm("root") {
core_package_name = core_name
recovery_packages = [
recovery_system_image_deps = [ "//bundles/packages/prod:broadcom" ]
recovery_eng_packages =
recovery_packages + [
# So recovery can read board name and version info:
# So components can be launched:
# Use eng allowlists:
# Enable ffx support.
# Enable SSH (for engineering builds):
# Basic command-line tools:
# Command-line interface to wlan stack:
# Device side of zxdb & fidlcat:
# The SWD stack for OTAs.
recovery_installer_packages =
recovery_eng_packages - [
] +
assembled_system("recovery-eng") {
forward_variables_from(recovery_base, "*")
base_packages = recovery_eng_packages + [ ":core-eng" ]
system_image_deps = recovery_system_image_deps
# TODO( Move this metadata to assembled_system.gni.
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "recovery-eng"
path = rebase_path("$target_out_dir/recovery-eng/recovery-eng.zbi",
type = "zbi"
if (custom_signing_script != "" || use_vboot) {
images += [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "recovery-eng.signed"
path = rebase_path(
type = "zbi.signed"
assembled_system("recovery-fdr") {
base_packages = recovery_packages + [ ":core" ]
generate_fvm = !bootfs_only
system_image_deps = recovery_system_image_deps
# We avoid compressing blobs in the blobfs image so that they can be more
# effectively compressed by the ZBI compressor that is tuned to zstd max.
if (generate_fvm) {
assembly_compress_blobs = false
ramdisk_fvm_in_zbi = true
include_component_id_index = true
devmgr_config = [ "virtcon.disable=true" ]
cmdline = []
bootfs_labels = [
bootfs_labels += [
if (custom_signing_script != "") {
zbi_signing_script = custom_signing_script
zbi_signing_script_deps = [ "//build/images/custom_signing:deps" ]
} else if (use_vboot) {
zbi_signing_script = vboot_action.script
zbi_signing_args = vboot_action.args
zbi_signing_script_deps = vboot_action.deps
inputs = vboot_action.inputs
assembled_system("recovery-installer") {
forward_variables_from(recovery_base, "*")
base_packages = recovery_installer_packages + [ ":core-eng" ]
system_image_deps = recovery_system_image_deps
# The installer needs to see all partitions on the system so that it can
#determine the installation source and destination
fshost_config = {
gpt_all = true
# TODO( Move this metadata to assembled_system.gni.
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "recovery-installer"
path = rebase_path(
type = "zbi"
if (custom_signing_script != "" || use_vboot) {
images += [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "recovery-installer.signed"
path = rebase_path(
type = "zbi.signed"