blob: 7cab6860a3d73d8d543e6bceda1c6025582f8818 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# library_headers() is used to define the set of public headers for a given
# source_set(), static_library(), shared_library() or loadable_module(), and
# their eventual dependencies.
# Other targets can depend on a library_headers() target directly if they do
# not need to link to the library itself, e.g. if they include the headers
# to get type definitions only. This ensures higher build parallelism.
# A few important tips to use these efficiently:
# - Naming convention:
# A very common naming convention is to use "foo-headers" to name the
# library_headers() target used by library "foo".
# Alternatively, the Zircon artifacts have been using a slightly different
# convention used to shorten references to the target's name, i.e.:
# - If the library's target name is the same as the directory that defines
# it (e.g. //some/dir/foo:foo), use //some/dir/foo:headers as the label
# for the headers target as in:
# # in //some/dir/foo/
# library_headers("headers") { ... }
# source_set("foo") { ... }
# This allows references to look like //some/dir/foo:headers.
# - If this is not the case (e.g. //some/dir/foo:bar), then use the
# //some/dir/foo:bar.headers label instead, as in:
# # In //some/dir/foo/
# library_headers("bar.headers")
# static_library("bar") { ... }
# In the case where the target is the only thing defined by the
# file, it is ok to use //some/dir/foo:foo as its label, as in:
# library_headers("foo") { ... }
# But try to limit this to cases where it is certain that no library with
# the same name will be created in the future, to avoid updating all
# dependents when renaming the target from "foo" to "foo-headers" if that
# happens.
# - Header location:
# By default, the template assumes all paths listed in the `headers` argument
# are relative to an `include` subdirectory of the current directory.
# This can be overriden by defining the `include_dir` argument to a different
# value. For example, if all headers and sources are in the same directory
# as the file, one can use:
# library_headers("headers") {
# include_dir = "."
# headers = [ "foo.h" ]
# }
# - Dependencies:
# It is important to always depend on a library_headers() target through
# public_deps, and _not_ deps, as it ensures dependents will use the right
# include directory in their search path.
# As such, a library_headers() target should nearly never use 'deps',
# except when absolutely needed (i.e. when headers are auto-generated).
# This means that the library which owns the headers from the target should
# depend on the library_headers() target through public_deps, to ensure that
# anything that depends on it will be able to include the headers properly,
# as in:
# library_headers("headers") {
# headers = [
# "foo.h",
# ]
# }
# source_set("foo") {
# sources = [
# "",
# ]
# public_deps = [ ":headers" ]
# }
# Arguments:
# include_dir (optional)
# [path] Path to the top-level include directory that contains the header
# files for this library. Defaults to 'include'.
# headers (required)
# [list of paths] A list of header file paths, relative to the include_dir
# for this target.
# public_deps (optional)
# [list of GN labels] If defined a set of public dependencies for the
# headers. This is useful when the headers include the public headers
# from another library
# deps (optional)
# [list of GN labels] Avoid using this to depend on other headers targets.
# Using `deps` might be necessary in the case where the headers are
# auto-generated though.
# configs, public_configs, testonly, visibility (optional)
# Usual GN meaning.
template("library_headers") {
_include_dir = "include"
if (defined(invoker.include_dir)) {
_include_dir = invoker.include_dir
# This configuration ensures that the include_dir is used by any target
# that depends on it. It is listed as a public_configs in the main target
# definition below.
config("${target_name}.config") {
include_dirs = [ _include_dir ]
source_set(target_name) {
public = []
foreach(header, invoker.headers) {
public += [ "${_include_dir}/$header" ]
# source_set() already has a set of default configs that is set
# in //build/config/ Hence there is no need for:
# if (!defined(configs)) {
# configs = []
# }
if (defined(invoker.configs)) {
configs += invoker.configs
if (!defined(public_configs)) {
public_configs = []
public_configs += [ ":${target_name}.config" ]
if (is_kernel) {
if (!defined(public_deps)) {
public_deps = []
public_deps += [ "//zircon/system/public" ]