blob: 24644b435c779e0a9f74dcff30ae6af206021337 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.modular;
// Debug service provider interface that provides the ability to listen to
// the internal state of the suggestion service.
interface SuggestionDebug {
1: WatchAskProposals(AskProposalListener listener);
2: WatchInterruptionProposals(InterruptionProposalListener listener);
3: WatchNextProposals(NextProposalListener listener);
// Waits until Suggestion Engine has reached a steady state such that no
// further activity will occur unless acted upon from the outside.
4: WaitUntilIdle() -> ();
// Calls |async::Loop::RunUntilIdle()|, which processes all immediately
// available messages. Unlike |WaitUntilIdle|, this does not wait for
// long-running delayed tasks.
5: RunUntilIdle() -> ();
interface AskProposalListener {
// Receives the current ask query and ranked proposals
1: OnAskStart(string query, vector<ProposalSummary> proposals);
// Receives notification of query completion or dismissal.
// |selected_proposal| is null if query was dismissed
2: OnProposalSelected(ProposalSummary? selected_proposal);
interface InterruptionProposalListener {
// Receives updates to the current proposal list and rankings
1: OnInterrupt(ProposalSummary interruption_proposal);
interface NextProposalListener {
// Receives updates to the current proposal list and rankings
1: OnNextUpdate(vector<ProposalSummary> proposals);
// This is necessary because a Proposal is not Clone-able, as CustomAction
// can contain an InterfaceHandle.
struct ProposalSummary {
string id;
string publisher_url;
SuggestionDisplay display;