blob: 91220fc3b8a5813e5b020d6083d9d7f68442f8ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "peridot/bin/context_engine/context_repository.h"
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <lib/context/cpp/formatting.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/clone.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/optional.h>
#include "peridot/bin/context_engine/debug.h"
#include "peridot/lib/rapidjson/rapidjson.h"
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
namespace modular {
ContextGraph::ContextGraph() = default;
ContextGraph::~ContextGraph() = default;
void ContextGraph::AddEdge(const Id& from, const Id& to) {
void ContextGraph::Remove(const Id& id) {
auto parents = GetParents(id);
for (const auto& parent : parents) {
for (const auto& child : children_[id]) {
// TODO(thatguy): Decide what to do about orphaned children.
std::set<ContextGraph::Id> ContextGraph::GetParents(const Id& id) const {
auto it = parents_.find(id);
if (it == parents_.end())
return {};
return it->second;
std::set<ContextGraph::Id> ContextGraph::GetChildrenRecursive(
const Id& id) const {
std::set<Id> children;
std::list<Id> to_visit{id};
while (!to_visit.empty()) {
auto cur = to_visit.front();
auto it = children_.find(cur);
if (it != children_.end()) {
children.insert(it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
to_visit.insert(to_visit.begin(), it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
return children;
std::vector<ContextGraph::Id> ContextGraph::GetAncestors(const Id& id) const {
std::vector<Id> ancestors;
std::set<Id> visited;
std::list<Id> to_visit;
auto it = parents_.find(id);
if (it == parents_.end())
return ancestors;
to_visit.insert(to_visit.begin(), it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
while (!to_visit.empty()) {
auto cur = to_visit.front();
if (!visited.insert(cur).second)
ancestors.insert(ancestors.begin(), cur);
it = parents_.find(cur);
if (it != parents_.end()) {
to_visit.insert(to_visit.end(), it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
return ancestors;
namespace {
ContextRepository::Id CreateValueId() {
// TODO(thatguy): Prefer to use a string UUID.
static uint32_t next_id = 0;
return std::to_string(next_id++);
ContextRepository::Id CreateSubscriptionId() {
static uint32_t next_id = 0;
return std::to_string(next_id++);
void LogInvalidAncestorMetadata(const fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadata& from,
fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadata* to,
const char* type) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Context value and ancestor both have metadata type ("
<< type
<< "), which is not allowed. Ignoring value metadata.";
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Value metadata: " << *to;
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Ancestor metadata: " << from;
void MergeMetadata(const fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadata& from,
fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadata* to) {
#define MERGE(type) \
if (from.type) { \
if (to->type) { \
LogInvalidAncestorMetadata(from, to, #type); \
} else { \
fidl::Clone(from.type, &(*to).type); \
} \
// Go through each type of metadata on |from|, and copy it to
// |*to|. However, if anything in |from| already exists in |*to|,
// that's an error, since a value's ancestors can only have one
// node of each type (story, module, entity, etc).
#undef MERGE
} // namespace
ContextRepository::ContextRepository() : debug_(new ContextDebugImpl(this)) {}
ContextRepository::~ContextRepository() = default;
bool ContextRepository::Contains(const Id& id) const {
return values_.find(id) != values_.end();
ContextRepository::Id ContextRepository::Add(
const Id& parent_id, fuchsia::modular::ContextValue value) {
FXL_DCHECK(values_.find(parent_id) != values_.end()) << parent_id;
return AddInternal(parent_id, std::move(value));
ContextRepository::Id ContextRepository::Add(
fuchsia::modular::ContextValue value) {
return AddInternal("", std::move(value));
void ContextRepository::Update(const Id& id,
fuchsia::modular::ContextValue value) {
// TODO(thatguy): Short-circuit if |value| isn't changing anything to avoid
// spurious update computation.
auto it = values_.find(id);
FXL_DCHECK(it != values_.end()) << id;
it->second.value = std::move(value);
InProgressUpdate update;
// Updating a value can affect all of its children, so we need to re-process
// and reindex them.
auto children = graph_.GetChildrenRecursive(id);
for (const auto& child : children) {
auto child_it = values_.find(child);
FXL_DCHECK(child_it != values_.end()) << child;
debug_->OnValueChanged(graph_.GetParents(id), id, it->second.value);
ContextRepository::Id ContextRepository::AddInternal(
const Id& parent_id, fuchsia::modular::ContextValue value) {
const auto new_id = CreateValueId();
// Add the new value to |values_|.
ValueInternal value_internal; = new_id;
value_internal.version = 0;
value_internal.value = std::move(value);
auto it = values_.emplace(new_id, std::move(value_internal));
if (!parent_id.empty()) {
// Update the graph.
graph_.AddEdge(parent_id, new_id);
InProgressUpdate update;
if (parent_id.empty()) {
debug_->OnValueChanged({}, new_id, it.first->second.value);
} else {
debug_->OnValueChanged({parent_id}, new_id, it.first->second.value);
return new_id;
void ContextRepository::Remove(const Id& id) {
auto it = values_.find(id);
if (it == values_.end()) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Attempting to remove non-existent value: " << id;
InProgressUpdate update;
// Removing a value can affect all of its children, so we need to re-process
// and reindex them.
auto children = graph_.GetChildrenRecursive(id);
for (const auto& child : children) {
auto child_it = values_.find(child);
FXL_DCHECK(child_it != values_.end()) << child;
fuchsia::modular::ContextValuePtr ContextRepository::Get(const Id& id) const {
auto it = values_.find(id);
if (it == values_.end())
return fuchsia::modular::ContextValuePtr();
fuchsia::modular::ContextValue value;
fidl::Clone(it->second.value, &value);
return fidl::MakeOptional(std::move(value));
fuchsia::modular::ContextValuePtr ContextRepository::GetMerged(
const Id& id) const {
auto it = values_.find(id);
if (it == values_.end())
return fuchsia::modular::ContextValuePtr();
fuchsia::modular::ContextValue merged_value;
fidl::Clone(it->second.value, &merged_value);
// Copy the merged metadata (includes ancestor metadata).
fidl::Clone(it->second.merged_metadata, &merged_value.meta);
return fidl::MakeOptional(std::move(merged_value));
fuchsia::modular::ContextUpdate ContextRepository::Query(
const fuchsia::modular::ContextQuery& query) {
return QueryInternal(query).first;
ContextRepository::Id ContextRepository::AddSubscription(
fuchsia::modular::ContextQuery query,
fuchsia::modular::ContextListener* const listener,
fuchsia::modular::SubscriptionDebugInfo debug_info) {
// Add the subscription to our list.
Subscription subscription;
subscription.query = std::move(query);
subscription.listener = listener;
subscription.debug_info = std::move(debug_info);
const auto id = CreateSubscriptionId();
auto it = subscriptions_.emplace(id, std::move(subscription));
// Notify the listener immediately of our current state.
QueryAndMaybeNotify(&it.first->second, true /* force */);
// TODO(thatguy): Add a client identifier parameter to AddSubscription().
debug_->OnSubscriptionAdded(id, it.first->second.query,
return id;
void ContextRepository::AddSubscription(
fuchsia::modular::ContextQuery query,
fuchsia::modular::ContextListenerPtr listener,
fuchsia::modular::SubscriptionDebugInfo debug_info) {
auto id =
AddSubscription(std::move(query), listener.get(), std::move(debug_info));
listener.set_error_handler([this, id] { RemoveSubscription(id); });
// RemoveSubscription() above is responsible for freeing this memory.
subscriptions_[id].listener_storage = std::move(listener);
ContextDebugImpl* ContextRepository::debug() { return debug_.get(); }
void ContextRepository::AddDebugBinding(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::modular::ContextDebug> request) {
debug_bindings_.AddBinding(debug_.get(), std::move(request));
void ContextRepository::RemoveSubscription(Id id) {
auto it = subscriptions_.find(id);
FXL_DCHECK(it != subscriptions_.end());
std::pair<fuchsia::modular::ContextUpdate, ContextRepository::IdAndVersionSet>
ContextRepository::QueryInternal(const fuchsia::modular::ContextQuery& query) {
// For each entry in |query->selector|, query the index for matching values.
IdAndVersionSet matching_id_version;
fuchsia::modular::ContextUpdate update;
for (const auto& entry : *query.selector) {
const auto& key = entry.key;
const auto& selector = entry.value;
std::set<ContextIndex::Id> values = Select(selector);
fuchsia::modular::ContextUpdateEntry update_entry;
update_entry.key = key;
update_entry.value =
for (const auto& id : values) {
auto it = values_.find(id);
FXL_DCHECK(it != values_.end()) << id;
matching_id_version.insert(std::make_pair(id, it->second.version));
for (auto& it : *update.values) {
if (it.key == key) {
return std::make_pair(std::move(update), std::move(matching_id_version));
void ContextRepository::QueryAndMaybeNotify(Subscription* const subscription,
bool force) {
std::pair<fuchsia::modular::ContextUpdate, IdAndVersionSet> result =
if (!force) {
// Check if this update contains any new values.
IdAndVersionSet diff;
std::set_symmetric_difference(result.second.begin(), result.second.end(),
std::inserter(diff, diff.begin()));
if (diff.empty()) {
subscription->last_update = result.second;
void ContextRepository::ReindexAndNotify(
ContextRepository::InProgressUpdate update) {
for (auto& value : update.removed_values) {
index_.Remove(, value.value.type, value.merged_metadata);
for (auto* value : update.updated_values) {
// Step 1: reindex the value.
// Before we add the newest metadata values to the index, we need to remove
// the old values from the index. |value.merged_metadata| contains whatever
// we added to the index last time.
index_.Remove(value->id, value->value.type, value->merged_metadata);
index_.Add(value->id, value->value.type, value->merged_metadata);
// Step 2: recompute the output for each subscription and notify its
// listeners.
for (auto& it : subscriptions_) {
QueryAndMaybeNotify(&it.second, false /* force */);
void ContextRepository::RecomputeMergedMetadata(ValueInternal* const value) {
value->merged_metadata = fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadata();
// It doesn't matter what order we merge the ancestor values, because there
// should always only be one of each type, and thus no collisions.
std::vector<Id> ancestors = graph_.GetAncestors(value->id);
for (const auto& ancestor_id : ancestors) {
const auto& it = values_.find(ancestor_id);
FXL_DCHECK(it != values_.end());
const auto& ancestor_value = it->second;
MergeMetadata(ancestor_value.value.meta, &value->merged_metadata);
MergeMetadata(value->value.meta, &value->merged_metadata);
std::set<ContextRepository::Id> ContextRepository::Select(
const fuchsia::modular::ContextSelector& selector) {
std::set<ContextIndex::Id> values;
index_.Query(selector.type, selector.meta, &values);
return values;
} // namespace modular