blob: 70d217f2f5fabc92f3a4868e9045e1dfb3e47d90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/string_view.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/transaction.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <thread>
#include <type_traits>
#include <fidl/test/coding/fuchsia/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace {
class Transaction : public fidl::Transaction {
Transaction() = default;
explicit Transaction(sync_completion_t* wait, sync_completion_t* signal)
: wait_(wait), signal_(signal) {}
std::unique_ptr<fidl::Transaction> TakeOwnership() override { ZX_ASSERT(false); }
zx_status_t Reply(fidl::OutgoingMessage* message) override {
if (wait_ && signal_) {
sync_completion_wait(wait_, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
return ZX_OK;
void Close(zx_status_t epitaph) override {}
~Transaction() override = default;
sync_completion_t* wait_;
sync_completion_t* signal_;
using Completer = fidl::WireInterface<::fidl_test_coding_fuchsia::Llcpp>::ActionCompleter::Sync;
// A completer being destroyed without replying (but needing one) should crash
TEST(LlcppTransaction, no_reply_asserts) {
Transaction txn{};
ASSERT_DEATH([&] { Completer completer(&txn); }, "no reply should crash");
// A completer being destroyed without replying (but needing one) should crash
TEST(LlcppTransaction, no_expected_reply_doesnt_assert) {
Transaction txn{};
fidl::Completer<fidl::CompleterBase>::Sync completer(&txn);
// A completer replying twice should crash
TEST(LlcppTransaction, double_reply_asserts) {
Transaction txn{};
Completer completer(&txn);
ASSERT_DEATH([&] { completer.Reply(1); }, "second reply should crash");
// It is allowed to reply and then close
TEST(LlcppTransaction, reply_then_close_doesnt_assert) {
Transaction txn{};
Completer completer(&txn);
// It is not allowed to close then reply
TEST(LlcppTransaction, close_then_reply_asserts) {
Transaction txn{};
Completer completer(&txn);
ASSERT_DEATH([&] { completer.Reply(1); }, "reply after close should crash");
// It is not allowed to be accessed from multiple threads simultaneously
TEST(LlcppTransaction, concurrent_access_asserts) {
sync_completion_t signal, wait;
Transaction txn{&signal, &wait};
Completer completer(&txn);
std::thread t([&] { completer.Reply(1); });
sync_completion_wait(&wait, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
// TODO( Hide assertion failed messages from output - they are confusing.
ASSERT_DEATH([&] { completer.Reply(1); }, "concurrent access should crash");
ASSERT_DEATH([&] { completer.Close(ZX_OK); }, "concurrent access should crash");
ASSERT_DEATH([&] { completer.EnableNextDispatch(); }, "concurrent access should crash");
ASSERT_DEATH([&] { completer.ToAsync(); }, "concurrent access should crash");
t.join(); // Don't accidentally invoke ~Completer() while `t` is still in Reply().
// If there is a serialization error, it does not need to be closed or replied to.
TEST(LlcppTransaction, transaction_error) {
Transaction txn{};
fidl::WireInterface<::fidl_test_coding_fuchsia::Llcpp>::EnumActionCompleter::Sync completer(&txn);
// We are using the fact that 2 isn't a valid enum value to cause an error.
fidl::Result result = completer.Reply(static_cast<fidl_test_coding_fuchsia::wire::TestEnum>(2));
namespace test_async_completer_deleted_methods {
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct test : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct test<T, std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>().EnableNextDispatch())>> : std::true_type {};
// Invoking `FooCompleter::Async::EnableNextDispatch` should be a compile-time error.
TEST(LlcppCompleter, AsyncCompleterCannotEnableNextDispatch) {
Transaction txn{};
Completer completer(&txn);
// Not relevant to the test, but required to neutralize the completer.
} // namespace test_async_completer_deleted_methods
namespace test_sync_completer_deleted_methods {
template <typename T>
T TryToMove(T t) {
return std::move(t);
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct test : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct test<T, std::void_t<decltype(TryToMove<T>(std::declval<T>()))>> : std::true_type {};
// Invoking move construction on `FooCompleter::Sync` should be a compile-time error.
TEST(LlcppCompleter, SyncCompleterCannotBeMoved) {
Transaction txn{};
Completer completer(&txn);
// Sync one cannot be moved.
// Async one can be moved.
// Not relevant to the test, but required to neutralize the completer.
} // namespace test_sync_completer_deleted_methods
} // namespace