blob: c90095d42aa038506fd77264f05e940bbc5d0af8 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Components needed to verify TUF metadata and targets.
use chrono::offset::Utc;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use crate::crypto::PublicKey;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::interchange::DataInterchange;
use crate::metadata::{
Delegations, Metadata, MetadataPath, RawSignedMetadata, RawSignedMetadataSet, Role,
RootMetadata, SnapshotMetadata, TargetDescription, TargetPath, TargetsMetadata,
use crate::verify::{self, Verified};
use crate::Result;
/// Contains trusted TUF metadata and can be used to verify other metadata and targets.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Database<D: DataInterchange> {
trusted_root: Verified<RootMetadata>,
trusted_snapshot: Option<Verified<SnapshotMetadata>>,
trusted_targets: Option<Verified<TargetsMetadata>>,
trusted_timestamp: Option<Verified<TimestampMetadata>>,
trusted_delegations: HashMap<MetadataPath, Verified<TargetsMetadata>>,
interchange: PhantomData<D>,
impl<D: DataInterchange> Database<D> {
/// Create a new [`Database`] struct from a set of trusted root keys that are used to verify
/// the signed metadata. The signed root metadata must be signed with at least a
/// `root_threshold` of the provided root_keys. It is not necessary for the root metadata to
/// contain these keys.
pub fn from_root_with_trusted_keys<'a, I>(
raw_root: &RawSignedMetadata<D, RootMetadata>,
root_threshold: u32,
root_keys: I,
) -> Result<Self>
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a PublicKey>,
let verified_root = {
// Make sure the keys signed the root.
let new_root = verify::verify_signatures(raw_root, root_threshold, root_keys)?;
// Make sure the root signed itself.
let verified_root = verify::verify_signatures(
new_root.keys().iter().filter_map(|(k, v)| {
if new_root.root().key_ids().contains(k) {
} else {
Ok(Database {
trusted_root: verified_root,
trusted_snapshot: None,
trusted_targets: None,
trusted_timestamp: None,
trusted_delegations: HashMap::new(),
interchange: PhantomData,
/// Create a new [`Database`] struct from a piece of metadata that is assumed to be trusted.
/// **WARNING**: This is trust-on-first-use (TOFU) and offers weaker security guarantees than
/// the related method [`Database::from_root_with_trusted_keys`] because this method needs to
/// deserialize `raw_root` before we have verified it has been signed properly. This exposes us
/// to potential parser exploits. This method should only be used if the metadata is loaded from
/// a trusted source.
pub fn from_trusted_root(raw_root: &RawSignedMetadata<D, RootMetadata>) -> Result<Self> {
let verified_root = {
// **WARNING**: By deserializing the metadata before verification, we are exposing us
// to parser exploits.
let unverified_root = raw_root.parse_untrusted()?.assume_valid()?;
// Make sure the root signed itself.
let verified_root = verify::verify_signatures(
Ok(Database {
trusted_root: verified_root,
trusted_snapshot: None,
trusted_targets: None,
trusted_timestamp: None,
trusted_delegations: HashMap::new(),
interchange: PhantomData,
/// Create a new [`Database`] struct from a set of metadata that is assumed to be trusted. The
/// signed root metadata in the `metadata_set` must be signed with at least a `root_threshold`
/// of the provided root_keys. It is not necessary for the root metadata to contain these keys.
pub fn from_metadata_with_trusted_keys<'a, I>(
metadata_set: &RawSignedMetadataSet<D>,
root_threshold: u32,
root_keys: I,
) -> Result<Self>
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a PublicKey>,
let mut db = if let Some(root) = metadata_set.root() {
Database::from_root_with_trusted_keys(root, root_threshold, root_keys)?
} else {
return Err(Error::MissingMetadata(Role::Root));
/// Create a new [`Database`] struct from a set of metadata that is assumed to be trusted.
/// **WARNING**: This is trust-on-first-use (TOFU) and offers weaker security guarantees than
/// the related method [`Database::from_metadata_with_trusted_keys`] because this method needs
/// to deserialize the root metadata from `metadata_set` before we have verified it has been
/// signed properly. This exposes us to potential parser exploits. This method should only be
/// used if the metadata is loaded from a trusted source.
pub fn from_trusted_metadata(metadata_set: &RawSignedMetadataSet<D>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut db = if let Some(root) = metadata_set.root() {
} else {
return Err(Error::MissingMetadata(Role::Root));
/// An immutable reference to the root metadata.
pub fn trusted_root(&self) -> &Verified<RootMetadata> {
/// An immutable reference to the optional targets metadata.
pub fn trusted_targets(&self) -> Option<&Verified<TargetsMetadata>> {
/// An immutable reference to the optional snapshot metadata.
pub fn trusted_snapshot(&self) -> Option<&Verified<SnapshotMetadata>> {
/// An immutable reference to the optional timestamp metadata.
pub fn trusted_timestamp(&self) -> Option<&Verified<TimestampMetadata>> {
/// An immutable reference to the delegated metadata.
pub fn trusted_delegations(&self) -> &HashMap<MetadataPath, Verified<TargetsMetadata>> {
fn trusted_timestamp_version(&self) -> u32 {
.map(|t| t.version())
fn trusted_snapshot_version(&self) -> u32 {
.map(|t| t.version())
fn trusted_targets_version(&self) -> u32 {
.map(|t| t.version())
fn trusted_delegation_version(&self, role: &MetadataPath) -> u32 {
.map(|t| t.version())
/// Verify and update metadata. Returns true if any of the metadata was updated.
pub fn update_metadata(&mut self, metadata: &RawSignedMetadataSet<D>) -> Result<bool> {
let updated = if let Some(root) = metadata.root() {
} else {
if self.update_metadata_after_root(metadata)? {
} else {
fn update_metadata_after_root(
&mut self,
metadata_set: &RawSignedMetadataSet<D>,
) -> Result<bool> {
let mut updated = false;
if let Some(timestamp) = metadata_set.timestamp() {
if self.update_timestamp(timestamp)?.is_some() {
updated = true;
if let Some(snapshot) = metadata_set.snapshot() {
if self.update_snapshot(snapshot)? {
updated = true;
if let Some(targets) = metadata_set.targets() {
if self.update_targets(targets)? {
updated = true;
/// Verify and update the root metadata.
pub fn update_root(&mut self, raw_root: &RawSignedMetadata<D, RootMetadata>) -> Result<()> {
let verified = {
let trusted_root = &self.trusted_root;
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.1.3:
// Check signatures. Version N+1 of the root metadata file MUST have been signed
// by: (1) a threshold of keys specified in the trusted root metadata file (version
// N), and (2) a threshold of keys specified in the new root metadata file being
// validated (version N+1). If version N+1 is not signed as required, discard it,
// abort the update cycle, and report the signature failure. On the next update
// cycle, begin at step 0 and version N of the root metadata file. Verify the
// trusted root signed the new root.
let new_root = verify::verify_signatures(
// Verify the new root signed itself.
let new_root = verify::verify_signatures(
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.1.4:
// Check for a rollback attack. The version number of the trusted root metadata
// file (version N) must be less than or equal to the version number of the new
// root metadata file (version N+1). Effectively, this means checking that the
// version number signed in the new root metadata file is indeed N+1. If the
// version of the new root metadata file is less than the trusted metadata file,
// discard it, abort the update cycle, and report the rollback attack. On the next
// update cycle, begin at step 0 and version N of the root metadata file.
let next_root_version = trusted_root.version().checked_add(1).ok_or_else(|| {
Error::VerificationFailure("root version should be less than max u32".into())
if new_root.version() != next_root_version {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(format!(
"Attempted to roll back root metadata at version {} to {}.",
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.1.5:
// Note that the expiration of the new (intermediate) root metadata file does not matter yet, because we will check for it in step 1.8.
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.1.8:
// Check for a freeze attack. The latest known time should be lower than the
// expiration timestamp in the trusted root metadata file (version N). If the
// trusted root metadata file has expired, abort the update cycle, report the
// potential freeze attack. On the next update cycle, begin at step 0 and version N
// of the root metadata file.
// FIXME: root metadata expiration is performed in Client. We should restructure things
// such that it is performed here.
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.1.9:
// If the timestamp and / or snapshot keys have been rotated, then delete the
// trusted timestamp and snapshot metadata files. This is done in order to recover
// from fast-forward attacks after the repository has been compromised and
// recovered. A fast-forward attack happens when attackers arbitrarily increase the
// version numbers of: (1) the timestamp metadata, (2) the snapshot metadata, and /
// or (3) the targets, or a delegated targets, metadata file in the snapshot
// metadata. Please see the Mercury paper for more details.
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.1.6:
// 1.6. Set the trusted root metadata file to the new root metadata file.
self.trusted_root = verified;
/// Verify and update the timestamp metadata.
/// Returns a reference to the parsed metadata if the metadata was newer.
pub fn update_timestamp(
&mut self,
raw_timestamp: &RawSignedMetadata<D, TimestampMetadata>,
) -> Result<Option<&Verified<TimestampMetadata>>> {
let verified = {
// FIXME( Should we
// check if the root metadata is expired here? We do that in the other `Database::update_*`
// methods, but not here.
let trusted_root = &self.trusted_root;
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.2.1:
// Check signatures. The new timestamp metadata file must have been signed by a
// threshold of keys specified in the trusted root metadata file. If the new
// timestamp metadata file is not properly signed, discard it, abort the update
// cycle, and report the signature failure.
let new_timestamp = verify::verify_signatures(
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.2.2: Check for a rollback attack.
// TUF-1.0.5 §
// The version number of the trusted timestamp metadata file, if any, must be less
// than or equal to the version number of the new timestamp metadata file. If the
// new timestamp metadata file is older than the trusted timestamp metadata file,
// discard it, abort the update cycle, and report the potential rollback attack.
let trusted_timestamp_version = self.trusted_timestamp_version();
match new_timestamp.version().cmp(&trusted_timestamp_version) {
Ordering::Less => {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(format!(
"Attempted to roll back timestamp metadata at version {} to {}.",
Ordering::Equal => {
return Ok(None);
Ordering::Greater => {}
// TUF-1.0.5 §
// The version number of the snapshot metadata file in the trusted timestamp
// metadata file, if any, MUST be less than or equal to its version number in the
// new timestamp metadata file. If not, discard the new timestamp metadadata file,
// abort the update cycle, and report the failure.
// FIXME(#294): Implement this section.
// FIXME(#297): forgetting the trusted snapshot here is not part of the spec. Do we need to
// do it?
if self.trusted_snapshot_version() != new_timestamp.snapshot().version() {
self.trusted_snapshot = None;
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.2.3:
// Check for a freeze attack. The latest known time should be lower than the
// expiration timestamp in the new timestamp metadata file. If so, the new
// timestamp metadata file becomes the trusted timestamp metadata file. If the new
// timestamp metadata file has expired, discard it, abort the update cycle, and
// report the potential freeze attack.
if new_timestamp.expires() <= &Utc::now() {
return Err(Error::ExpiredMetadata(Role::Timestamp));
self.trusted_timestamp = Some(verified);
/// Verify and update the snapshot metadata.
pub fn update_snapshot(
&mut self,
raw_snapshot: &RawSignedMetadata<D, SnapshotMetadata>,
) -> Result<bool> {
let verified = {
// FIXME( Checking if
// this metadata expired isn't part of the spec. Do we actually want to do this?
let trusted_root = self.trusted_root_unexpired()?;
let trusted_timestamp = self.trusted_timestamp_unexpired()?;
let trusted_snapshot_version = self.trusted_snapshot_version();
match trusted_timestamp
Ordering::Less => {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(format!(
"Attempted to roll back snapshot metadata at version {} to {}.",
Ordering::Equal => {
return Ok(false);
Ordering::Greater => {}
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.3.1:
// Check against timestamp metadata. The hashes and version number of the new
// snapshot metadata file MUST match the hashes (if any) and version number listed
// in the trusted timestamp metadata. If hashes and version do not match, discard
// the new snapshot metadata, abort the update cycle, and report the failure.
// FIXME: rust-tuf checks the hash during download, but it would be better if we
// checked the hash here to make it easier to validate we've correctly implemented the
// spec.
// NOTE( Technically
// we're supposed to check the version before checking the signature, but we do it
// afterwards. That PR proposes formally moving the version check to after signature
// verification.
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.3.2:
// The new snapshot metadata file MUST have been signed by a threshold of keys
// specified in the trusted root metadata file. If the new snapshot metadata file
// is not signed as required, discard it, abort the update cycle, and report the
// signature failure.
let new_snapshot = verify::verify_signatures(
// FIXME( Actually check
// the version.
if new_snapshot.version() != trusted_timestamp.snapshot().version() {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(format!(
"The timestamp metadata reported that the snapshot metadata should be at \
version {} but version {} was found instead.",
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.3.3: Check for a rollback attack.
// TUF-1.0.5 §
// The version number of the trusted snapshot metadata file, if any, MUST be less
// than or equal to the version number of the new snapshot metadata file. If the
// new snapshot metadata file is older than the trusted metadata file, discard it,
// abort the update cycle, and report the potential rollback attack.
if new_snapshot.version() < trusted_snapshot_version {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(format!(
"Attempted to roll back snapshot metadata at version {} to {}",
// TUF-1.0.5 §
// The version number of the targets metadata file, and all delegated targets
// metadata files (if any), in the trusted snapshot metadata file, if any, MUST be
// less than or equal to its version number in the new snapshot metadata file.
// Furthermore, any targets metadata filename that was listed in the trusted
// snapshot metadata file, if any, MUST continue to be listed in the new snapshot
// metadata file. If any of these conditions are not met, discard the new snapshot
// metadadata file, abort the update cycle, and report the failure.
// FIXME(#295): Implement this section.
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.3.4:
// Check for a freeze attack. The latest known time should be lower than the
// expiration timestamp in the new snapshot metadata file. If so, the new snapshot
// metadata file becomes the trusted snapshot metadata file. If the new snapshot
// metadata file is expired, discard it, abort the update cycle, and report the
// potential freeze attack.
// FIXME(#297): Verify why we don't check expiration here:
// Note: this doesn't check the expiration because we need to be able to update it
// regardless so we can prevent rollback attacks againsts targets/delegations.
// FIXME(#297): purging targets is not part of the spec. Do we need to do it?
if self
.map(|s| s.version())
!= verified
.map(|m| m.version())
self.trusted_targets = None;
self.trusted_snapshot = Some(verified);
// FIXME(#297): purging delegates is not part of the spec. Do we need to do it?
fn purge_delegations(&mut self) {
let purge = {
let trusted_snapshot = match self.trusted_snapshot() {
Some(s) => s,
None => return,
let mut purge = HashSet::new();
for (role, trusted_definition) in trusted_snapshot.meta().iter() {
let trusted_delegation = match self.trusted_delegations.get(role) {
Some(d) => d,
None => continue,
if trusted_delegation.version() > trusted_definition.version() {
let _ = purge.insert(role.clone());
for role in &purge {
let _ = self.trusted_delegations.remove(role);
/// Verify and update the targets metadata.
pub fn update_targets(
&mut self,
raw_targets: &RawSignedMetadata<D, TargetsMetadata>,
) -> Result<bool> {
let verified = {
// FIXME( Checking if
// this metadata expired isn't part of the spec. Do we actually want to do this?
let trusted_root = self.trusted_root_unexpired()?;
let trusted_snapshot = self.trusted_snapshot_unexpired()?;
// FIXME(#295): TUF-1.0.5 § says this check should be done when updating the
// snapshot, not here.
let trusted_targets_description = trusted_snapshot
.ok_or_else(|| {
"Snapshot metadata had no description of the targets metadata".into(),
let trusted_targets_version = self.trusted_targets_version();
match trusted_targets_description
Ordering::Less => {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(format!(
"Attempted to roll back targets metadata at version {} to {}.",
Ordering::Equal => {
return Ok(false);
Ordering::Greater => {}
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.4.1:
// Check against snapshot metadata. The hashes and version number of the new
// targets metadata file MUST match the hashes (if any) and version number listed
// in the trusted snapshot metadata. This is done, in part, to prevent a
// mix-and-match attack by man-in-the-middle attackers. If the new targets metadata
// file does not match, discard it, abort the update cycle, and report the failure.
// FIXME: rust-tuf checks the hash during download, but it would be better if we
// checked the hash here to make it easier to validate we've correctly implemented the
// spec.
// NOTE( Technically
// we're supposed to check the version before checking the signature, but we do it
// afterwards. That PR proposes formally moving the version check to after signature
// verification.
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.4.2:
// Check for an arbitrary software attack. The new targets metadata file MUST have
// been signed by a threshold of keys specified in the trusted root metadata file.
// If the new targets metadata file is not signed as required, discard it, abort
// the update cycle, and report the failure.
let new_targets = verify::verify_signatures(
// FIXME( Actually check
// the version.
if new_targets.version() != trusted_targets_description.version() {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(format!(
"The timestamp metadata reported that the targets metadata should be at \
version {} but version {} was found instead.",
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.4.3:
// Check for a freeze attack. The latest known time should be lower than the
// expiration timestamp in the new targets metadata file. If so, the new targets
// metadata file becomes the trusted targets metadata file. If the new targets
// metadata file is expired, discard it, abort the update cycle, and report the
// potential freeze attack.
if new_targets.expires() <= &Utc::now() {
return Err(Error::ExpiredMetadata(Role::Snapshot));
self.trusted_targets = Some(verified);
/// Find the signing keys and metadata for the delegation given by `role`, as seen from the
/// point of view of `parent_role`.
fn find_delegation_threshold_and_keys(
parent_role: &MetadataPath,
role: &MetadataPath,
) -> Option<(u32, Vec<&PublicKey>)> {
// Find the parent TargetsMetadata that is expected to refer to `role`.
let trusted_parent = {
if parent_role == &MetadataPath::from_role(&Role::Targets) {
} else {
// Only consider targets metadata that define delegations.
let trusted_delegations = match trusted_parent.delegations() {
Some(d) => d,
None => return None,
for trusted_delegation in trusted_delegations.roles() {
if trusted_delegation.role() != role {
// Filter the delegations keys to just the ones for this delegation.
let authorized_keys = trusted_delegations
.filter_map(|(k, v)| {
if trusted_delegation.key_ids().contains(k) {
} else {
return Some((trusted_delegation.threshold(), authorized_keys));
/// Verify and update a delegation metadata.
pub fn update_delegation(
&mut self,
parent_role: &MetadataPath,
role: &MetadataPath,
raw_delegation: &RawSignedMetadata<D, TargetsMetadata>,
) -> Result<bool> {
let verified = {
// FIXME( Checking if
// this metadata expired isn't part of the spec. Do we actually want to do this?
let _ = self.trusted_root_unexpired()?;
let trusted_snapshot = self.trusted_snapshot_unexpired()?;
let trusted_targets = self.trusted_targets_unexpired()?;
if trusted_targets.delegations().is_none() {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(
"Delegations not authorized".into(),
let trusted_delegation_description = match trusted_snapshot.meta().get(role) {
Some(d) => d,
None => {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(format!(
"The degated role {:?} was not present in the snapshot metadata.",
let trusted_delegation_version = self.trusted_delegation_version(role);
if trusted_delegation_description.version() < trusted_delegation_version {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(format!(
"Snapshot metadata did listed delegation {:?} version as {} but current\
version is {}",
// FIXME(#279) update_delegation trusts tuf::Client to provide too much information,
// making this difficult to verify as correct.
// TUF-1.0.5 §5.4.1:
// Check against snapshot metadata. The hashes and version number of the new
// targets metadata file MUST match the hashes (if any) and version number listed
// in the trusted snapshot metadata. This is done, in part, to prevent a
// mix-and-match attack by man-in-the-middle attackers. If the new targets metadata
// file does not match, discard it, abort the update cycle, and report the failure.
let (threshold, keys) = self
.find_delegation_threshold_and_keys(parent_role, role)
.ok_or_else(|| {
"The delegated role {:?} is not known to the base \
targets metadata or any known delegated targets metadata",
let new_delegation = verify::verify_signatures(raw_delegation, threshold, keys)?;
if trusted_delegation_version == trusted_delegation_description.version() {
return Ok(false);
if new_delegation.version() != trusted_delegation_description.version() {
return Err(Error::VerificationFailure(format!(
"The snapshot metadata reported that the delegation {:?} should be at \
version {} but version {} was found instead.",
if new_delegation.expires() <= &Utc::now() {
// TODO this needs to be chagned to accept a MetadataPath and not Role
return Err(Error::ExpiredMetadata(Role::Targets));
let _ = self.trusted_delegations.insert(role.clone(), verified);
/// Get a reference to the description needed to verify the target defined by the given
/// `TargetPath`. Returns an `Error` if the target is not defined in the trusted
/// metadata. This may mean the target exists somewhere in the metadata, but the chain of trust
/// to that target may be invalid or incomplete.
pub fn target_description(&self, target_path: &TargetPath) -> Result<TargetDescription> {
let _ = self.trusted_root_unexpired()?;
let _ = self.trusted_snapshot_unexpired()?;
let targets = self.trusted_targets_unexpired()?;
if let Some(d) = targets.targets().get(target_path) {
return Ok(d.clone());
fn lookup<D: DataInterchange>(
tuf: &Database<D>,
default_terminate: bool,
current_depth: u32,
target_path: &TargetPath,
delegations: &Delegations,
parents: &[HashSet<TargetPath>],
visited: &mut HashSet<MetadataPath>,
) -> (bool, Option<TargetDescription>) {
for delegation in delegations.roles() {
if visited.contains(delegation.role()) {
return (delegation.terminating(), None);
let _ = visited.insert(delegation.role().clone());
let mut new_parents = parents.to_owned();
if current_depth > 0 && !target_path.matches_chain(parents) {
return (delegation.terminating(), None);
let trusted_delegation = match tuf.trusted_delegations.get(delegation.role()) {
Some(trusted_delegation) => trusted_delegation,
None => return (delegation.terminating(), None),
if trusted_delegation.expires() <= &Utc::now() {
return (delegation.terminating(), None);
if let Some(target) = trusted_delegation.targets().get(target_path) {
return (delegation.terminating(), Some(target.clone()));
if let Some(trusted_child_delegation) = trusted_delegation.delegations() {
let mut new_parents = parents.to_vec();
let (term, res) = lookup(
current_depth + 1,
if term {
return (true, res);
} else if res.is_some() {
return (term, res);
(default_terminate, None)
match targets.delegations() {
Some(d) => {
let mut visited = HashSet::new();
lookup(self, false, 0, target_path, d, &[], &mut visited)
None => Err(Error::TargetUnavailable),
fn purge_metadata(&mut self) {
self.trusted_snapshot = None;
self.trusted_targets = None;
self.trusted_timestamp = None;
fn trusted_root_unexpired(&self) -> Result<&RootMetadata> {
let trusted_root = &self.trusted_root;
if trusted_root.expires() <= &Utc::now() {
return Err(Error::ExpiredMetadata(Role::Root));
fn trusted_snapshot_unexpired(&self) -> Result<&SnapshotMetadata> {
match self.trusted_snapshot {
Some(ref trusted_snapshot) => {
if trusted_snapshot.expires() <= &Utc::now() {
return Err(Error::ExpiredMetadata(Role::Snapshot));
None => Err(Error::MissingMetadata(Role::Snapshot)),
fn trusted_targets_unexpired(&self) -> Result<&TargetsMetadata> {
match self.trusted_targets {
Some(ref trusted_targets) => {
if trusted_targets.expires() <= &Utc::now() {
return Err(Error::ExpiredMetadata(Role::Targets));
None => Err(Error::MissingMetadata(Role::Targets)),
fn trusted_timestamp_unexpired(&self) -> Result<&TimestampMetadata> {
match self.trusted_timestamp {
Some(ref trusted_timestamp) => {
if trusted_timestamp.expires() <= &Utc::now() {
return Err(Error::ExpiredMetadata(Role::Timestamp));
None => Err(Error::MissingMetadata(Role::Timestamp)),
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::crypto::{Ed25519PrivateKey, HashAlgorithm, PrivateKey};
use crate::interchange::Json;
use crate::metadata::{
RawSignedMetadataSetBuilder, RootMetadataBuilder, SnapshotMetadataBuilder,
TargetsMetadataBuilder, TimestampMetadataBuilder,
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::iter::once;
lazy_static! {
static ref KEYS: Vec<Ed25519PrivateKey> = {
let keys: &[&[u8]] = &[
.map(|b| Ed25519PrivateKey::from_pkcs8(b).unwrap())
fn root_trusted_keys_success() {
let root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let raw_root = root.to_raw().unwrap();
Database::from_root_with_trusted_keys(&raw_root, 1, once(KEYS[0].public())),
fn root_trusted_keys_failure() {
let root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let raw_root = root.to_raw().unwrap();
Database::from_root_with_trusted_keys(&raw_root, 1, once(KEYS[1].public())),
Err(Error::VerificationFailure(s)) if s == "Signature threshold not met: 0/1"
fn from_trusted_metadata_success() {
let root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let metadata = RawSignedMetadataSetBuilder::new().root(root).build();
assert_matches!(Database::from_trusted_metadata(&metadata), Ok(_));
fn from_trusted_metadata_failure() {
let root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let metadata = RawSignedMetadataSetBuilder::new().root(root).build();
Err(Error::VerificationFailure(s)) if s == "Signature threshold not met: 0/1"
fn from_metadata_with_trusted_keys_success() {
let root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let metadata = RawSignedMetadataSetBuilder::new().root(root).build();
Database::from_metadata_with_trusted_keys(&metadata, 1, once(KEYS[0].public())),
fn from_metadata_with_trusted_keys_failure() {
let root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let metadata = RawSignedMetadataSetBuilder::new().root(root).build();
Database::from_metadata_with_trusted_keys(&metadata, 1, once(KEYS[1].public())),
Err(Error::VerificationFailure(s)) if s == "Signature threshold not met: 0/1"
fn good_root_rotation() {
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_root(&raw_root).unwrap();
let mut root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
// add the original key's signature to make it cross signed
let raw_root = root.to_raw().unwrap();
assert_matches!(tuf.update_root(&raw_root), Ok(()));
// second update with the same metadata should fail.
fn no_cross_sign_root_rotation() {
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_root(&raw_root).unwrap();
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
fn good_timestamp_update() {
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_root(&raw_root).unwrap();
let snapshot = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
let timestamp =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let raw_timestamp = timestamp.to_raw().unwrap();
// second update should do nothing
assert_matches!(tuf.update_timestamp(&raw_timestamp), Ok(None))
fn bad_timestamp_update_wrong_key() {
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_root(&raw_root).unwrap();
let snapshot = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
let raw_timestamp =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
// sign it with the root key
fn good_snapshot_update() {
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_root(&raw_root).unwrap();
let snapshot = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new().signed(&KEYS[1]).unwrap();
let raw_snapshot = snapshot.to_raw().unwrap();
let raw_timestamp =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
assert_matches!(tuf.update_snapshot(&raw_snapshot), Ok(true));
// second update should do nothing
assert_matches!(tuf.update_snapshot(&raw_snapshot), Ok(false));
fn bad_snapshot_update_wrong_key() {
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_root(&raw_root).unwrap();
let snapshot = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
let raw_snapshot = snapshot.to_raw().unwrap();
let raw_timestamp =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
// sign it with the targets key
fn bad_snapshot_update_wrong_version() {
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_root(&raw_root).unwrap();
let snapshot = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
let raw_timestamp =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let raw_snapshot = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
fn good_targets_update() {
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_root(&raw_root).unwrap();
let signed_targets = TargetsMetadataBuilder::new()
let raw_targets = signed_targets.to_raw().unwrap();
let snapshot = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
.insert_metadata(&signed_targets, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let raw_snapshot = snapshot.to_raw().unwrap();
let raw_timestamp =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
assert_matches!(tuf.update_targets(&raw_targets), Ok(true));
// second update should do nothing
assert_matches!(tuf.update_targets(&raw_targets), Ok(false));
fn bad_targets_update_wrong_key() {
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_root(&raw_root).unwrap();
let signed_targets = TargetsMetadataBuilder::new()
// sign it with the timestamp key
let raw_targets = signed_targets.to_raw().unwrap();
let snapshot = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
.insert_metadata(&signed_targets, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let raw_snapshot = snapshot.to_raw().unwrap();
let raw_timestamp =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
fn bad_targets_update_wrong_version() {
let raw_root = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_root(&raw_root).unwrap();
let signed_targets = TargetsMetadataBuilder::new()
let snapshot = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
.insert_metadata(&signed_targets, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let raw_snapshot = snapshot.to_raw().unwrap();
let raw_timestamp =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let raw_targets = TargetsMetadataBuilder::new()
fn test_update_metadata_succeeds_with_good_metadata() {
let raw_root1 = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let signed_targets1 = TargetsMetadataBuilder::new()
let raw_targets1 = signed_targets1.to_raw().unwrap();
let snapshot1 = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
.insert_metadata(&signed_targets1, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let raw_snapshot1 = snapshot1.to_raw().unwrap();
let raw_timestamp1 =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot1, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let metadata1 = RawSignedMetadataSetBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_metadata(&metadata1).unwrap();
let raw_root2 = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let signed_targets2 = TargetsMetadataBuilder::new()
let raw_targets2 = signed_targets2.to_raw().unwrap();
let snapshot2 = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
.insert_metadata(&signed_targets2, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let raw_snapshot2 = snapshot2.to_raw().unwrap();
let raw_timestamp2 =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot2, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let metadata2 = RawSignedMetadataSetBuilder::new()
assert_matches!(tuf.update_metadata(&metadata2), Ok(true));
fn test_update_metadata_fails_with_bad_metadata() {
let raw_root1 = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let signed_targets1 = TargetsMetadataBuilder::new()
let raw_targets1 = signed_targets1.to_raw().unwrap();
let snapshot1 = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
.insert_metadata(&signed_targets1, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let raw_snapshot1 = snapshot1.to_raw().unwrap();
let raw_timestamp1 =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot1, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let metadata1 = RawSignedMetadataSetBuilder::new()
let mut tuf = Database::from_trusted_metadata(&metadata1).unwrap();
let raw_root2 = RootMetadataBuilder::new()
let signed_targets2 = TargetsMetadataBuilder::new()
let raw_targets2 = signed_targets2.to_raw().unwrap();
let snapshot2 = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
.insert_metadata(&signed_targets2, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let raw_snapshot2 = snapshot2.to_raw().unwrap();
let raw_timestamp2 =
TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot2, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
let metadata2 = RawSignedMetadataSetBuilder::new()
Err(Error::VerificationFailure(s)) if s == "Signature threshold not met: 0/1"