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// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
use pathdiff::diff_paths;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{
path::{Component, Path, PathBuf},
/// A base trait for TypePath's marker traits.
pub trait PathTypeMarker {
/// A reference to an object that implements Display, and gives the
/// displayable semantic type for this path. This is used by the Debug
/// implementation of `TypedPathBuf` to display the semantic type for the
/// path:
/// ```
/// struct MarkerStructType;
/// impl_path_type_marker!(MarkerStructType);
/// let typed_path = TypedPathBuf<MarkerStructType>::from("some/path");
/// println!("{:?}", typed_path);
/// ```
/// will print:
/// ```text
/// TypedPathBuf<MarkerStructType>("some/path")
/// ```
fn path_type_display() -> &'static dyn std::fmt::Display;
/// Implement the `PathTypeMarker` trait for a given marker-type struct. This
/// mainly simplifies the creation of a display-string for the type.
macro_rules! impl_path_type_marker {
// This macro takes an argument of the marker struct's type name, and then
// provides an implementation of 'PathTypeMarker' for it.
($struct_name:ident) => {
impl PathTypeMarker for $struct_name {
fn path_type_display() -> &'static dyn std::fmt::Display {
/// A path, in valid utf-8, which carries a marker for what kind of path it is.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TypedPathBuf<P: PathTypeMarker> {
inner: Utf8PathBuf,
_marker: PhantomData<P>,
/// This derefs into the typed version of utf8 path, not utf8 path itself, so
/// that it is easier to use in typed contexts, and makes the switchover to
/// a non-typed context more explicit.
/// This also causes any path manipulations (join, etc.) to be done without the
/// semantic type, so that the caller has to be explicit that it's still the
/// semantic type (using 'into()', for instance).
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> std::ops::Deref for TypedPathBuf<P> {
type Target = Utf8PathBuf;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> TypedPathBuf<P> {
/// Convert this TypedPathBuf into a standard (OsStr-based) `PathBuf`. This
/// both strips it of semantic type and that it's known to be Utf-8.
pub fn into_std_path_buf(self) -> PathBuf {
/// The Debug implementation displays like a type-struct that carries the marker
/// type for the path:
/// ```text
/// TypedPathBuf<MarkerStructType>("some/path")
/// ```
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> std::fmt::Debug for TypedPathBuf<P> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.debug_tuple(&format!("TypedPathBuf<{}>", P::path_type_display()))
/// The Display implementation defers to the wrapped path.
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> std::fmt::Display for TypedPathBuf<P> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
/// Implement From<> for path-like sources. Note that these also will infer the
/// semantic type, which while useful in some contexts, can cause issues in
/// places where multiple different type markers are used:
/// ```
/// fn some_func(source: TypedPathBuf<Source>, TypedPathBuf<Destination>);
/// // This infers the types of the paths:
/// some_func("source_path".into(), "destination_path".into());
/// // allowing this error:
/// some_func("destination_path".into(), "source_path",into());
/// // In these cases, it's best to strongly type one or both of them:
/// some_func(TypedPathBuf<Source>::from("source_path"), "destination_path".into());
/// // or (better)
/// some_func(TypedPathBuf<Source>::from("source_path"),
/// TypedPathBuf<Destination>::from("destination_path"));
/// ```
// inner module used to group impls and to add above documentation.
mod from_impls {
use super::*;
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> From<Utf8PathBuf> for TypedPathBuf<P> {
fn from(path: Utf8PathBuf) -> Self {
Self { inner: path, _marker: PhantomData }
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> From<String> for TypedPathBuf<P> {
fn from(s: String) -> TypedPathBuf<P> {
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> From<&str> for TypedPathBuf<P> {
fn from(s: &str) -> TypedPathBuf<P> {
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> std::str::FromStr for TypedPathBuf<P> {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
// These comparison implementations are required because #[derive(...)] will not
// derive these if `P` doesn't implement them, but `P` has no reason to
// implement them, so these implementations just pass through to the Utf8PathBuf
// implementations.
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> PartialOrd for TypedPathBuf<P> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> Ord for TypedPathBuf<P> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> PartialEq for TypedPathBuf<P> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.inner == other.inner
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> Eq for TypedPathBuf<P> {}
impl<P: PathTypeMarker> Hash for TypedPathBuf<P> {
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
/// Helper to make one path relative to a directory.
/// This is similar to GN's `rebase_path(path, new_base)`.
/// To do the calculation, both 'path' and 'base' are made absolute, using the
/// current working dir as the basis for converting a relative path to absolute,
/// and then the relative path from one to the other is computed.
pub fn path_relative_from(path: impl AsRef<Path>, base: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let path = normalized_absolute_path(&path).with_context(|| {
format!("converting path to normalized absolute path: {}", path.as_ref().display())
let base = normalized_absolute_path(&base).with_context(|| {
format!("converting base to normalized absolute path: {}", base.as_ref().display())
diff_paths(&path, &base).ok_or_else(|| {
anyhow!("unable to compute relative path to {} from {}", path.display(), base.display())
/// Helper to make a path relative to the path to a file. This is the same as
/// [path_relative_from(file.parent()?)]
pub fn path_relative_from_file(path: impl AsRef<Path>, file: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let file = file.as_ref();
let base = file.parent().ok_or_else(|| {
"The path to the file to be relative to does not appear to be the path to a file: {}",
path_relative_from(path, base)
fn normalized_absolute_path(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let path = path.as_ref();
if path.is_relative() {
} else {
/// Helper to resolve a path that's relative to some other path into a
/// normalized path.
/// # Example
/// a file at: `some/path/to/a/manifest.txt`
/// contains within it the path: `../some/internal/path`.
/// ```
/// use assembly_util::path_to_string::resolve_path;
/// let rebased = resolve_path("../some/internal/path", "some/path/to/some/manifest.txt")
/// assert_eq!(rebased.unwrap(), "some/path/to/some/internal/path")
/// ```
pub fn resolve_path_from_file(
path: impl AsRef<Path>,
resolve_from: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let resolve_from = resolve_from.as_ref();
let resolve_from_dir = resolve_from
.with_context(|| format!("Not a path to a file: {}", resolve_from.display()))?;
resolve_path(path, resolve_from_dir)
/// Helper to resolve a path that's relative to some other path into a
/// normalized path.
/// # Example
/// a file at: `some/path/to/some/manifest_dir/some_file.txt`
/// contains within it the path: `../some/internal/path`.
/// ```
/// use assembly_util::path_to_string::resolve_path;
/// let rebased = resolve_path("../some/internal/path", "some/path/to/some/manifest_dir/")
/// assert_eq!(rebased.unwrap(), "some/path/to/some/internal/path")
/// ```
pub fn resolve_path(path: impl AsRef<Path>, resolve_from: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let resolve_from = resolve_from.as_ref();
if path.is_absolute() {
} else {
normalize_path_impl(resolve_from.components().chain(path.components())).with_context(|| {
format!("resolving {} from {}", path.display(), resolve_from.display())
/// Given a path with internal `.` and `..`, normalize out those path segments.
/// This does not consult the filesystem to follow symlinks, it only operates
/// on the path components themselves.
pub fn normalize_path(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<PathBuf> {
.with_context(|| format!("Normalizing: {}", path.as_ref().display()))
fn normalize_path_impl<'a>(
path_components: impl IntoIterator<Item = Component<'a>>,
) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let result =
path_components.into_iter().try_fold(Vec::new(), |mut components, component| {
match component {
// accumulate normal segments.
value @ Component::Normal(_) => components.push(value),
// Drop current directory segments.
Component::CurDir => {}
// Parent dir segments require special handling
Component::ParentDir => {
// Inspect the last item in the acculuated path
let popped = components.pop();
match popped {
// acculator is empty, so just append the parent.
None => components.push(Component::ParentDir),
// If the last item was normal, then drop it.
Some(Component::Normal(_)) => {}
// The last item was a parent, and this is a parent, so push
// them BOTH onto the stack (we're going deeper).
Some(value @ Component::ParentDir) => {
// If the last item in the stack is an absolute path root
// then fail.
Some(Component::RootDir) | Some(Component::Prefix(_)) => {
return Err(anyhow!("Attempted to get parent of path root"))
// Never pushed to stack, can't happen.
Some(Component::CurDir) => unreachable!(),
// absolute path roots get pushed onto the stack, but only if empty.
abs_root @ Component::RootDir | abs_root @ Component::Prefix(_) => {
if components.is_empty() {
} else {
return Err(anyhow!(
"Encountered a path root that wasn't in the root position"
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{iter::FromIterator, path::PathBuf};
struct TestPathType {}
fn make_typed_path_from_string() {
let original: String = "/this/is/a/string".to_string();
let typed = TypedPathBuf::<TestPathType>::from_str(&original).unwrap();
assert_eq!(typed.to_string(), original);
fn make_typed_path_from_str() {
let original: &str = "/this/is/a/string";
let typed = TypedPathBuf::<TestPathType>::from_str(&original).unwrap();
assert_eq!(typed.to_string(), original);
fn path_type_deserialization() {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Sample {
pub path: TypedPathBuf<TestPathType>,
let parsed: Sample = serde_json::from_str("{ \"path\": \"this/is/a/path\"}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(parsed.path, TypedPathBuf::<TestPathType>::from("this/is/a/path"));
fn path_type_serialization() {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
struct Sample {
pub path: TypedPathBuf<TestPathType>,
let sample = Sample { path: "this/is/a/path".into() };
let expected = serde_json::json!({ "path": "this/is/a/path"});
assert_eq!(serde_json::to_value(sample).unwrap(), expected);
fn typed_path_debug_impl() {
let typed = TypedPathBuf::<TestPathType>::from("some/path");
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", typed), "TypedPathBuf<TestPathType>(\"some/path\")");
fn typed_path_display_impl() {
let typed = TypedPathBuf::<TestPathType>::from("some/path");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", typed), "some/path");
fn typed_path_buf_into_path_buf() {
let typed = TypedPathBuf::<TestPathType>::from("some/path");
assert_eq!(typed.into_std_path_buf(), PathBuf::from("some/path"));
fn typed_path_derefs_into_utf8_path() {
let typed = TypedPathBuf::<TestPathType>::from("some/path");
let utf8_path = Utf8PathBuf::from("some/path");
assert_eq!(*typed, utf8_path);
fn resolve_path_from_file_simple() {
let result = resolve_path_from_file("an/internal/path", "path/to/manifest.txt").unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, PathBuf::from("path/to/an/internal/path"))
fn resolve_path_from_file_fails_root() {
let result = resolve_path_from_file("an/internal/path", "/");
fn resolve_path_simple() {
let result = resolve_path("an/internal/path", "path/to/manifest_dir").unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, PathBuf::from("path/to/manifest_dir/an/internal/path"))
fn resolve_path_with_abs_manifest_path_stays_abs() {
let result = resolve_path("an/internal/path", "/path/to/manifest_dir").unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, PathBuf::from("/path/to/manifest_dir/an/internal/path"))
fn resolve_path_removes_cur_dirs() {
let result = resolve_path("./an/./internal/path", "./path/to/./manifest_dir").unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, PathBuf::from("path/to/manifest_dir/an/internal/path"))
fn resolve_path_with_simple_parent_dirs() {
let result = resolve_path("../../an/internal/path", "path/to/manifest_dir").unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, PathBuf::from("path/an/internal/path"))
fn resolve_path_with_parent_dirs_past_manifest_start() {
let result = resolve_path("../../../../an/internal/path", "path/to/manifest_dir").unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, PathBuf::from("../an/internal/path"))
fn resolve_path_with_abs_internal_path() {
let result = resolve_path("/an/absolute/path", "path/to/manifest_dir").unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, PathBuf::from("/an/absolute/path"))
fn resolve_path_fails_with_parent_dirs_past_abs_manifest() {
let result = resolve_path("../../../../an/internal/path", "/path/to/manifest_dir");
fn test_relative_from_absolute_when_already_relative() {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
let base = cwd.join("path/to/base/dir");
let path = "path/but/to/another/dir";
let relative_path = path_relative_from(path, base).unwrap();
assert_eq!(relative_path, PathBuf::from("../../../but/to/another/dir"));
fn test_relative_from_absolute_when_absolute() {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
let base = cwd.join("path/to/base/dir");
let path = cwd.join("path/but/to/another/dir");
let relative_path = path_relative_from(path, base).unwrap();
assert_eq!(relative_path, PathBuf::from("../../../but/to/another/dir"));
fn test_relative_from_relative_when_absolute_and_different_from_root() {
let base = "../some/relative/path";
let path = "/an/absolute/path";
// The relative path to an absolute path from a relative base (relative
// to cwd), is the number of ParendDir components needed to reach the
// root, and then the absolute path itself. It's only this long when
// the paths have nothing in common from the root.
// To compute this path, we need to convert the "normal" segments of the
// cwd path into ParentDir ("..") components.
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
let expected_path = PathBuf::from_iter(
.filter_map(|comp| match comp {
Component::Normal(_) => Some(Component::ParentDir),
_ => None,
// Skip one of the '..' segments, because the 'base' we are
// using in this test starts with a '..', and normalizing
// cwd.join(base) will remove the last component from cwd.
// Join that path with 'some/relative/path' converted to '..' segments
// And join that path with the 'path' itself.
let relative_path = path_relative_from(path, base).unwrap();
assert_eq!(relative_path, expected_path);
fn test_relative_from_relative_when_absolute_and_shared_root_path() {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
let base = "some/relative/path";
let path = cwd.join("foo/bar");
let relative_path = path_relative_from(path, base).unwrap();
assert_eq!(relative_path, PathBuf::from("../../../foo/bar"));
fn test_relative_from_relative_when_relative() {
let base = "some/relative/path";
let path = "another/relative/path";
let relative_path = path_relative_from(path, base).unwrap();
assert_eq!(relative_path, PathBuf::from("../../../another/relative/path"));
fn test_relative_from_when_base_has_parent_component() {
path_relative_from("foo/bar", "baz/different_thing").unwrap(),
path_relative_from("foo/bar", "baz/thing/../different_thing").unwrap(),
fn test_relative_from_file_simple() {
let file = "some/path/to/file.txt";
let path = "some/path/to/data/file";
let relative_path = path_relative_from_file(path, file).unwrap();
assert_eq!(relative_path, PathBuf::from("data/file"));
fn test_relative_from_file_when_file_not_a_file() {
let file = "/";
let path = "some/path/to/data/file";
let relative_path = path_relative_from_file(path, file);