blob: 14bd229959a0442d5bd2d077c48debb0f5d909c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/fake_ddk/fidl-helper.h"
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/channel.h>
namespace fake_ddk {
namespace {
// We are using lowest bit of transaction as a flag. The static assert assures us that this bit will
// always be 0 due to alignment.
static_assert(alignof(fidl::Transaction) > 1);
constexpr uintptr_t kTransactionIsBoxed = 0x1;
zx_status_t DdkReply(fidl_txn_t* txn, const fidl_outgoing_msg_t* msg) {
auto message = fidl::OutgoingMessage::FromEncodedCMessage(msg);
// If FromDdkInternalTransaction returns a unique_ptr variant, it will be destroyed when exiting
// this scope.
auto fidl_txn = FromDdkInternalTransaction(ddk::internal::Transaction::FromTxn(txn));
std::visit([&](auto&& arg) { arg->Reply(&message); }, fidl_txn);
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace
ddk::internal::Transaction MakeDdkInternalTransaction(fidl::Transaction* txn) {
device_fidl_txn_t fidl_txn = {};
fidl_txn.txn = {
.reply = DdkReply,
fidl_txn.driver_host_context = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(txn);
return ddk::internal::Transaction(fidl_txn);
ddk::internal::Transaction MakeDdkInternalTransaction(std::unique_ptr<fidl::Transaction> txn) {
device_fidl_txn_t fidl_txn = {};
fidl_txn.txn = {
.reply = DdkReply,
fidl_txn.driver_host_context = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(txn.release()) | kTransactionIsBoxed;
return ddk::internal::Transaction(fidl_txn);
std::variant<::fidl::Transaction*, std::unique_ptr<::fidl::Transaction>> FromDdkInternalTransaction(
ddk::internal::Transaction* txn) {
uintptr_t raw = txn->DriverHostCtx();
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(raw != 0, "Reused a fidl_txn_t!\n");
// Invalidate the source transaction
txn->DeviceFidlTxn()->driver_host_context = 0;
auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<fidl::Transaction*>(raw & ~kTransactionIsBoxed);
if (raw & kTransactionIsBoxed) {
return std::unique_ptr<fidl::Transaction>(ptr);
return ptr;
void FidlMessenger::Dispatch(fidl::IncomingMessage&& msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
auto ddk_txn = MakeDdkInternalTransaction(txn);
fidl_incoming_msg_t c_msg = std::move(msg).ReleaseToEncodedCMessage();
auto status = message_op_(op_ctx_, &c_msg, ddk_txn.Txn());
const bool found = status == ZX_OK || status == ZX_ERR_ASYNC;
if (!found) {
FidlHandleCloseMany(c_msg.handles, c_msg.num_handles);
zx_status_t FidlMessenger::SetMessageOp(void* op_ctx, MessageOp* op,
std::optional<zx::channel> optional_remote) {
zx_status_t status;
if (message_op_) {
// Message op was already set
message_op_ = op;
op_ctx_ = op_ctx;
// If the caller provided a remote endpoint, we use it below and assume they kept the local
// endpoint. Otherwise, create a new channel and store the local endpoint.
zx::channel remote;
if (optional_remote) {
remote = std::move(optional_remote.value());
} else {
if ((status = zx::channel::create(0, &local_, &remote)) < 0) {
return status;
if ((status = loop_.StartThread("fake_ddk_fidl")) < 0) {
return status;
auto binding = fidl::BindServer(loop_.dispatcher(), std::move(remote), this);
binding_ = std::make_unique<fidl::ServerBindingRef<FidlProtocol>>(std::move(binding));
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace fake_ddk