blob: 9d1f9339e1be94bb7d88fe48c3483973af67bf47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "protected_ranges.h"
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include "macros.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#define DLOG_ENABLED 0
static bool dynamic_dlog_enabled = true;
static constexpr uint32_t kBacktraceLines = 1024;
static std::string backtrace[kBacktraceLines];
static std::atomic<uint32_t> next_backtrace_line = 0;
#define DLOG(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (!dynamic_dlog_enabled) { \
break; \
} \
uint32_t __line = next_backtrace_line++; \
__line = __line % kBacktraceLines; \
backtrace[__line] = fxl::StringPrintf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
static void DumpBacktrace() {
// We don't worry about dumping a few empty strings if we haven't even gotten a cycle yet; just
// for debugging.
LOG(INFO, "################# BACKTRACE BEGIN ###################");
uint32_t line = next_backtrace_line % kBacktraceLines;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kBacktraceLines; ++i, line = (line + 1) % kBacktraceLines) {
LOG(INFO, "%s", backtrace[line].c_str());
LOG(INFO, "################# BACKTRACE END ###################");
#define DLOG(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (!dynamic_dlog_enabled) { \
break; \
} \
LOG(INFO, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define DLOG(fmt, ...)
namespace {
using ProtectedRanges = protected_ranges::ProtectedRanges;
using Ranges = protected_ranges::ProtectedRanges::Ranges;
using Range = protected_ranges::Range;
bool IsAnyInternalOverlap(const Ranges& ranges) {
uint64_t last_end = 0;
for (auto& range : ranges) {
if (last_end > range.begin()) {
return true;
last_end = range.end();
return false;
// Is a covered by b?
bool IsCoveredBy(const Range& a, const Range& b) {
return b.begin() <= a.begin() && b.end() >= a.end();
// Return a - b, in the CSG sense of no negative ranges in the result. The result.first is what's
// left over on the left, and result.second is what's left over on the right. Either or both can
// be empty() depending on which parts of a are covered by b.
std::pair<Range, Range> SubtractRanges(const Range& a, const Range& b) {
// Caller must ensure this.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(Range::IsOverlap(a, b));
Range leftover_left = Range::BeginLength(a.begin(), 0);
Range leftover_right = Range::BeginLength(a.end(), 0);
if (b.begin() > a.begin()) {
leftover_left = Range::BeginEnd(a.begin(), b.begin());
if (b.end() < a.end()) {
leftover_right = Range::BeginEnd(b.end(), a.end());
return std::make_pair(std::move(leftover_left), std::move(leftover_right));
const Range* FindRangeToDelete(const Ranges& old_ranges, const Ranges& new_ranges) {
// Try to find an old range which has no overlap with any new range.
for (auto& old_range : old_ranges) {
auto [look_start, look_end] =
ProtectedRanges::IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(old_range, new_ranges);
bool found_overlap = false;
for (auto look = look_start; look != look_end; ++look) {
if (Range::IsOverlap(old_range, *look)) {
found_overlap = true;
if (!found_overlap) {
return &old_range;
return nullptr;
const Range* FindRangeToShorten(const Ranges& old_ranges, const Ranges& new_ranges,
Range* shorter_range) {
// Try to find an old range that has a portion at the beginning or a portion at the end which is
// not overlapping any new range. Which old range and which end of that range to pick doesn't
// matter because the caller will process all shorten ops quickly. If an old range can be
// shortened at both the beginning and end, we indicate these ops separately so that
// DoOpShortenRange() only has to deal with shortening at one end or the other, not both. We
// could be a little more efficient by returning a list of shorten ops to do (collected in one
// pass), but leaving the function signature this way makes the calling code more consistent
// across the different ops (some of which get spread out in time instead).
for (auto& old_range : old_ranges) {
std::optional<uint64_t> min_overlapping_range_begin;
std::optional<uint64_t> max_overlapping_range_end;
auto [look_start, look_end] =
ProtectedRanges::IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(old_range, new_ranges);
for (auto look = look_start; look != look_end; ++look) {
if (!Range::IsOverlap(old_range, *look)) {
const Range& new_range = *look;
if (!min_overlapping_range_begin || new_range.begin() < *min_overlapping_range_begin) {
min_overlapping_range_begin = {new_range.begin()};
if (!max_overlapping_range_end || new_range.end() > *max_overlapping_range_end) {
max_overlapping_range_end = {new_range.end()};
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!!min_overlapping_range_begin == !!max_overlapping_range_end);
if (min_overlapping_range_begin && *min_overlapping_range_begin > old_range.begin()) {
*shorter_range = Range::BeginEnd(*min_overlapping_range_begin, old_range.end());
return &old_range;
if (max_overlapping_range_end && *max_overlapping_range_end < old_range.end()) {
*shorter_range = Range::BeginEnd(old_range.begin(), *max_overlapping_range_end);
return &old_range;
return nullptr;
const Range* FindBestSplit(const Ranges& old_ranges, const Ranges& new_ranges,
Range* new_gap_to_stop_using) {
// Find the largest gap in new_ranges that's completely covered by an interior portion (not
// touching either extreme) of a range in old_ranges.
std::optional<Range> best_gap;
const Range* best_gap_old_range = nullptr;
for (auto& old_range : old_ranges) {
auto [look_start, look_end] =
ProtectedRanges::IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(old_range, new_ranges);
const Range old_interior = Range::BeginEnd(old_range.begin() + 1, old_range.end() - 1);
std::optional<uint64_t> prev_end;
for (auto look = look_start; look != look_end; prev_end = {look->end()}, ++look) {
if (!prev_end) {
Range new_gap = Range::BeginEnd(*prev_end, look->begin());
if (best_gap && new_gap.length() <= best_gap->length()) {
if (IsCoveredBy(new_gap, old_interior)) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!best_gap || new_gap.length() > best_gap->length());
best_gap_old_range = &old_range;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!!best_gap == !!best_gap_old_range);
if (!best_gap) {
return nullptr;
*new_gap_to_stop_using = std::move(*best_gap);
return best_gap_old_range;
const Range* FindBestMerge(const Ranges& old_ranges, const Ranges& new_ranges,
const Range** second_range_to_merge) {
// Find the smallest gap in old_ranges that's covered by new_ranges (which since new_ranges is
// coalesced, will be a single range of new_ranges doing the covering).
std::optional<uint64_t> best_gap_size;
const Range* best_gap_left_range = nullptr;
const Range* best_gap_right_range = nullptr;
const Range* prev_range = nullptr;
for (auto& old_range : old_ranges) {
auto set_prev_range = fit::defer([&prev_range, &old_range] { prev_range = &old_range; });
if (!prev_range) {
const Range old_gap = Range::BeginEnd(prev_range->end(), old_range.begin());
if (best_gap_size && old_gap.length() >= *best_gap_size) {
auto [look_start, look_end] =
ProtectedRanges::IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(old_gap, new_ranges);
for (auto look = look_start; look != look_end; ++look) {
if (IsCoveredBy(old_gap, *look)) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!best_gap_size || old_gap.length() < *best_gap_size);
best_gap_size = {old_gap.length()};
best_gap_left_range = prev_range;
best_gap_right_range = &old_range;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!!best_gap_size == !!best_gap_left_range);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!!best_gap_size == !!best_gap_right_range);
if (!best_gap_size) {
return nullptr;
*second_range_to_merge = best_gap_right_range;
return best_gap_left_range;
Range AlignRequestedRange(const Range& range, uint64_t alignment) {
uint64_t aligned_start = fbl::round_down(range.begin(), alignment);
uint64_t aligned_end = fbl::round_up(range.end(), alignment);
return Range::BeginEnd(aligned_start, aligned_end);
} // namespace
namespace protected_ranges {
ProtectedRanges::ProtectedRanges(ProtectedRangesControl* ranges_control)
: ranges_control_(ranges_control) {
is_dynamic_ = ranges_control_->IsDynamic();
max_range_count_ = ranges_control_->MaxRangeCount();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(max_range_count_ >= 1);
is_mod_available_ = ranges_control_->HasModProtectedRange();
if (is_dynamic_) {
max_logical_range_count_ = is_mod_available_ ? max_range_count_ - 1 : max_range_count_ - 2;
} else {
max_logical_range_count_ = 1;
range_granularity_ = ranges_control_->GetRangeGranularity();
// We allow 1 byte granularity here for testing purposes mainly. Actual granularity is extremely
// likely to be at least 4KiB.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(range_granularity_ >= 1);
ProtectedRanges::~ProtectedRanges() { ZX_ASSERT(ranges_.empty()); }
uint64_t ProtectedRanges::max_logical_ranges() { return max_logical_range_count_; }
bool ProtectedRanges::AddRange(const Range& range_param) {
DLOG("AddRange() begin:");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(requested_ranges_, "requested_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(goal_ranges_, "goal_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(ranges_, "ranges_");
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(range_param, "range");
if (!is_dynamic_ && !requested_ranges_.empty()) {
// The AddRange() is logically successful, but no need to track anything
// per-range after the first range, whose required_range is the entire
// extent of the space being managed.
return true;
const Range& range = *requested_ranges_.emplace(range_param.Clone());
requested_bytes_ += range.length();
// We know that requested_ranges_ has no internal overlap.
Range new_required_range = AlignRequestedRange(range, range_granularity_);
if (!is_dynamic_) {
// If !is_dynamic_, we only get to add one range, which is the entire extent of the space being
// managed.
new_required_range = Range::BeginLength(ranges_control_->GetBase(), ranges_control_->GetSize());
const auto required_range_iter = required_ranges_.emplace(std::move(new_required_range));
const Range& required_range = *required_range_iter;
if (!FixupRangesDuringAdd(required_range)) {
// When !is_dynamic_, we won't reach here because pages were never loaned back to Zircon, so
// the commit during fixup will work.
requested_bytes_ -= range.length();
// Only erase one if there are multiple that match.
auto stash_required_range = required_range.Clone();
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(requested_ranges_, "requested_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(goal_ranges_, "goal_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(ranges_, "ranges_");
return false;
// Zero the newly requested range using the TEE. This way any protected mode devices will see
// the new buffer as filled with zeroes, instead of whatever REE-written zeroes might end up
// looking like post-scramble. In testing situations we pretend as if this is allowed at
// arbitrary granularity, but in actual use (so far) this will assert that range is aligned at
// page boundaries (partly because that's the smallest zeroing granularity that the TEE allows, by
// design).
if (is_dynamic_) {
ranges_control_->ZeroProtectedSubRange(true, range);
DLOG("AddRange() end (success):");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(requested_ranges_, "requested_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(goal_ranges_, "goal_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(ranges_, "ranges_");
return true;
void ProtectedRanges::DeleteRange(const Range& range) {
DLOG("DeleteRange() begin");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(requested_ranges_, "requested_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(goal_ranges_, "goal_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(ranges_, "ranges_");
if (!is_dynamic_) {
// At this layer, delete isn't possible if !is_dynamic_.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(requested_ranges_.find(range) != requested_ranges_.end());
requested_bytes_ -= range.length();
Range required_range = AlignRequestedRange(range, range_granularity_);
// Only erase one if there are multiple that match.
DLOG("DeleteRange() end");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(requested_ranges_, "requested_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(goal_ranges_, "goal_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(ranges_, "ranges_");
bool ProtectedRanges::FixupRangesDuringAdd(const Range& new_required_range) {
DLOG("FixupRangesDuringAdd() begin");
auto at_end = fit::defer([] { DLOG("FixupRangesDuringAdd() end"); });
// The goal of this method is to fix up ranges_ just enough to put new_required_range under a
// range in ranges_ (and in HW), so we can complete the AddRange(). In practice, we'll only see
// allocations at or very near the bottom of protected_memory_size or adjacent or nearly adjacent
// to the end of an existing range (the "near" and "nearly" is because of alignment requirements
// and plumbing those to RegionAllocator, which isn't done as of this comment, but is TODO).
// Other placements are covered by tests in terms of logical correctness, but those other
// placements are not relevant to efficiency in practice.
// During range deletion, we immediately opportunistically delete / shorten if we can, so this
// fixup during add will never see a case where the new_required_range is initially touching more
// than 1 range in ranges_ at the start and 1 range in ranges_ at the end.
// Before the end of any op, we oportunistically coalesce ranges transiently in ranges_ if we can,
// so this fixup during add can assume that ranges_ has no ranges that are touching each other.
// In other words, a range of adjacent blocks that are protected are protected by a single range
// in ranges_, not by multiple ranges in ranges_.
// Steps:
// If ranges_ is completely empty, we can just add new_required_range to ranges_.
// Check if new_required_range is already fully covered by ranges_. If so, we don't need to do
// anything more.
// If any portion of new_required_range is not covered by ranges_, try to find the up-to-one range
// whose end we can increase to cover the not-presently-covered portion of new_required_range.
// Before returning we'll try to coalesce in case we can reduce the number of ranges in ranges_
// without needing to call UseRange() (handled by DoOpExtendRangeEnd()).
// If there's no range in ranges_ whose end we can increase to cover new_required_range, then
// if ranges_ is under max_logical_range_count_, add a new range to ranges_ just for
// new_required_range (avoiding creating any overlap) and try to coalesce before returning.
// If ranges_.size() == max_logical_range_count_, provisionally add a new range just for
// new_required_range (1 over max_logical_range_count_), and then merge the two adjacent blocks
// with the smallest gap between them to get back down to max_logical_range_count_ (1 or 2 over
// max_logical_range_count_ depending on is_mod_available). If any UseRange() fails, roll state
// back without any more calls to UseRange(), and return false.
if (ranges_.empty()) {
if (!DoOpAddRange(new_required_range)) {
return false;
return true;
const auto range_starting_after_iter = ranges_.upper_bound(
Range::BeginLength(new_required_range.begin(), std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()));
if (range_starting_after_iter != ranges_.begin()) {
DLOG("append to previous range");
// There is range starting at or before new_required_range.
auto range_starting_at_or_before_iter = range_starting_after_iter;
// Check if covered already.
if (range_starting_at_or_before_iter->begin() <= new_required_range.begin() &&
range_starting_at_or_before_iter->end() >= new_required_range.end()) {
DLOG("but already covered");
// already covered; no modifications needed
return true;
// The range_starting_at_or_before_iter can be extended to cover new_required_range. We need
// to avoid creating overlap, so we clamp using range_starting_after_iter->begin(). We know if
// range_starting_after_iter->begin() is before new_required_range.end(), then the former will
// cover the rest of the latter.
uint64_t new_begin = range_starting_at_or_before_iter->begin();
uint64_t new_end = new_required_range.end();
if (range_starting_after_iter != ranges_.end()) {
new_end = std::min(new_end, range_starting_after_iter->begin());
// Since RegionAllocator will place new ranges as close as possible to a previous allocated
// region, the strategy of just extending the previous block is more efficient in practice than
// it would be if ranges were added completely randomly. In tests we cover adding random ranges
// and we expect it to work, but efficiency of adding a range with a big gap after the previous
// range isn't a concern since that doesn't really happen outside of tests (at least for now).
if (!DoOpExtendRangeEnd(*range_starting_at_or_before_iter,
Range::BeginEnd(new_begin, new_end))) {
return false;
// We coalesce so that we can assert that ranges_ is coalesced between ops.
TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt(&ranges_, new_end);
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(ranges_, "ranges_");
return true;
// We can add a range, but we need to avoid creating any overlap. It's possible the range after
// the new range is starting at the last block of the range being added, so in that case we add
// a range that's one block shorter than new_required_range to avoid overlap, and the coalesce
// within DoOpAddRange() takes care of coalescing away the non-overlapping barely-touching
// boundary.
uint64_t new_end = std::min(new_required_range.end(), range_starting_after_iter->begin());
auto adjusted_range_to_add = Range::BeginEnd(new_required_range.begin(), new_end);
// If the new_end is the same as range_starting_after_iter->begin(), that means we'll get to
// coalesce which means we don't have to worry about potentially needing to merge some other
// pair of adjacent (but not touching) ranges, and we don't have to worry about needing to
// UseRange() (which can fail) for some other gap for a merge in addition to the UseRange() for
// the DoOpAddRange(). If not the same, then we know we can roll back the AddRange by just
// removing adjusted_range_to_add since it won't have been coalesced. And of course we don't have
// any coalescing happening at the beginning of the range we're adding here because there was no
// prior range (which would have been found above and extended to cover instead of ending up
// here).
if (!DoOpAddRange(adjusted_range_to_add)) {
return false;
if (ranges_.size() <= max_logical_range_count_) {
// We covered the range and we're still under max_logical_range_count_, so we're done.
return true;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ranges_.size() == max_logical_range_count_ + 1);
// Now we merge a couple other ranges that are relatively close together to get back down to
// max_logical_range_count_. If UseRange() fails we know we can just remove adjusted_range_to_add
// since we know we didn't coalesce above.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ranges_.find(adjusted_range_to_add) != ranges_.end());
const Range* merge_right_range;
auto merge_left_range = FindBestMerge(ranges_, goal_ranges_, &merge_right_range);
if (!DoOpMergeRanges(*merge_left_range, *merge_right_range)) {
// Roll back the DoOpAddRange() above. This also does the UnUseRange().
return false;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ranges_.size() == max_logical_range_count_);
return true;
void ProtectedRanges::FixupRangesDuringDelete(const Range& old_required_range) {
// Since we can only be using max_logical_range_count_ ranges by the time the delete is done,
// there are plenty of situations where we can't UnUseRange() on any part of old_required_range
// despite old_required_range itself no longer being required.
// Instead of trying to do fixup that's particularly specific to delete, we can run as much
// genereral incremental optimization as we can without needing to call UseRange().
while (!StepTowardOptimalRangesInternal(false))
void ProtectedRanges::DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(const Range& range, const char* info) {
if constexpr (!DLOG_ENABLED) {
if (!dynamic_dlog_enabled) {
uint64_t base = ranges_control_->GetBase();
uint64_t size = ranges_control_->GetSize();
uint64_t granularity = ranges_control_->GetRangeGranularity();
ZX_ASSERT(base % granularity == 0);
ZX_ASSERT(size % granularity == 0);
std::string line;
for (uint64_t i = base; i < range.begin(); ++i) {
line += '.';
for (uint64_t i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); ++i) {
line += 'R';
for (uint64_t i = range.end(); i < base + size; ++i) {
line += '.';
DLOG("%s - %s", line.c_str(), info);
void ProtectedRanges::DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(const Ranges& ranges, const char* info) {
if constexpr (!DLOG_ENABLED) {
if (!dynamic_dlog_enabled) {
uint32_t range_ordinal = 0;
uint64_t base = ranges_control_->GetBase();
uint64_t size = ranges_control_->GetSize();
uint64_t granularity = ranges_control_->GetRangeGranularity();
ZX_ASSERT(base % granularity == 0);
ZX_ASSERT(size % granularity == 0);
uint64_t prev_end = base;
// We're not that concerned about efficiency for this method since we never call it outside
// debugging and unit tests.
std::string line;
for (auto& iter : ranges) {
if (iter.begin() < prev_end) {
DLOG("%s", line.c_str());
line = "";
prev_end = 0;
for (uint64_t j = prev_end; j < iter.begin(); ++j) {
line += '_';
for (uint64_t j = iter.begin(); j != iter.end(); ++j) {
line += '0' + range_ordinal % 10;
prev_end = iter.end();
if (size > prev_end - base) {
for (uint64_t j = prev_end; j != base + size; ++j) {
line += '_';
DLOG("%s - %s", line.c_str(), info);
void ProtectedRanges::DebugDumpOffset(uint64_t offset, const char* info) {
if constexpr (!DLOG_ENABLED) {
if (!dynamic_dlog_enabled) {
uint64_t base = ranges_control_->GetBase();
uint64_t size = ranges_control_->GetSize();
uint64_t granularity = ranges_control_->GetRangeGranularity();
ZX_ASSERT(base % granularity == 0);
ZX_ASSERT(size % granularity == 0);
std::string line;
for (uint64_t i = base; i < offset; ++i) {
line += '.';
line += '^';
for (uint64_t i = offset + 1; i < base + size; ++i) {
line += '.';
DLOG("%s - %s", line.c_str(), info);
void ProtectedRanges::DebugDumpBacktrace() {
void ProtectedRanges::DynamicSetDlogEnabled(bool enabled) {
dynamic_dlog_enabled = enabled;
bool ProtectedRanges::StepTowardOptimalRanges() {
// Here we know that ranges_ won't have any internal overlap. At other places within ops in
// StepTowardOptimalRangesInternal(), this won't be true.
bool result = StepTowardOptimalRangesInternal(true);
return result;
bool ProtectedRanges::StepTowardOptimalRangesInternal(bool allow_use_range) {
DLOG("StepTowardOptimalRangesInternal(%u) begin", allow_use_range);
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(requested_ranges_, "requested_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(goal_ranges_, "goal_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(ranges_, "ranges_");
auto log_when_done = fit::defer([this, allow_use_range] {
DLOG("StepTowardOptimalRangesInternal(%u) end", allow_use_range);
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(requested_ranges_, "requested_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(goal_ranges_, "goal_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(ranges_, "ranges_");
// It's fine that this way of checking will result in one extra call after the previous call made
// the last needed change.
if (ranges_ == goal_ranges_) {
DLOG("ranges_ == goal_ranges_");
return true;
// We must find at least one thing we can do to get ranges_ closer to goal_ranges_ before
// returning.
// Both ranges_ and goal_ranges_ are maintained as fully coalesced, so we need to ensure that
// ranges_ is always coalesced before returning.
// Priority:
// * clean delete
// * clean shorten
// * if ranges_.size() < max_logical_range_count_
// * split (pick max size gap) or add(ever needed?)
// * else
// * merge (pick min size gap) then split (pick max size gap)
auto range_to_delete = FindRangeToDelete(ranges_, goal_ranges_);
if (range_to_delete) {
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(*range_to_delete, "range_to_delete");
return false;
Range shorter_range;
auto range_to_shorten = FindRangeToShorten(ranges_, goal_ranges_, &shorter_range);
if (range_to_shorten) {
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(*range_to_shorten, "range_to_shorten");
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(shorter_range, "shorter_range");
DoOpShortenRange(*range_to_shorten, shorter_range);
return false;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ranges_.size() <= max_logical_range_count_);
// We know that once we're done with splits, we're also done with merges. Intuitively this can be
// understood by considering that if we didn't need to do a merge to achieve a split elsewhere, we
// wouldn't have the merge as a goal in the first place. The count of implied splits is always >=
// the count of implied merges.
Range new_gap_to_stop_using;
auto range_to_split = FindBestSplit(ranges_, goal_ranges_, &new_gap_to_stop_using);
if (range_to_split) {
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(*range_to_split, "range_to_split");
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(new_gap_to_stop_using, "new_gap_to_stop_using");
// Merge first if we need to reclaim a range overall, since merge can fail so it's easier to
// unwind if merge doesn't work. When merge does work (now or a little while later), we'll
// quickly also split (which won't fail) which will allow other pages to be loaned to Zircon.
// The sequence of merges and splits to get ranges_ the rest of the way to goal_ranges_ is the
// reason we spread out calls to StepTowardOptimalRanges() using a timer, to give Zircon a
// chance to start using the newly-loaned pages before we reclaim yet other pages for another
// merge.
if (ranges_.size() == max_logical_range_count_) {
if (!allow_use_range) {
DLOG("ranges_.size() == max_logical_range_count_ && !allow_use_range");
// We can't do any more without calling UseRange(), so we shouldn't do any more immediately
// (and quickly) during DeleteRange().
return true;
const Range* second_range_to_merge;
auto first_range_to_merge = FindBestMerge(ranges_, goal_ranges_, &second_range_to_merge);
if (first_range_to_merge) {
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(*first_range_to_merge, "first_range_to_merge");
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(*second_range_to_merge, "second_range_to_merge");
if (!DoOpMergeRanges(*first_range_to_merge, *second_range_to_merge)) {
// We want to get called again to try this merge again fairly soon. UseRange() failed,
// but it should succeed in a little while. The sooner we can succeed the UseRange(),
// the sooner we can do a split to loan some other pages to Zircon, and the sooner we can
// reach goal_ranges_, which overall will be loaning as many pages to Zircon as possible.
// But unfortunately it's quite possible to get stuck with too few pages available to play
// "slider puzzle" to get closer to goal_ranges_.
return false;
// Now that any needed merge is done we can do a split, but the split we do won't
// necessarily be the same split we found before, because the merge may have merged the
// range we found before with another range, so we need to find the/a split again just in
// case it has changed due to the merge.
// If there was a split to do before, and all we've done since then is merge, we do know
// that there will still be at least that gap to stop using now, so at least one split to do
// now.
range_to_split = FindBestSplit(ranges_, goal_ranges_, &new_gap_to_stop_using);
DoOpSplitRange(*range_to_split, new_gap_to_stop_using);
return false;
ZX_PANIC("Failed to match any update cases; no progress made.\n");
// We won't reach here, but since we haven't reached goal_ranges_, logically we'd return false if
// we reached here, despite having made no progress.
return false;
std::pair<Ranges::iterator, Ranges::iterator>
ProtectedRanges::IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(const Range& range,
const Ranges& ranges) {
// For an r in ranges to intersect with the first byte of range, the r must begin <=
// range.begin(). We need to find the first such range which also has r.end() > range.begin(),
// if any.
// All prior ranges will not overlap because either ranges is not allowed to have overlapping
// ranges, or in the case of required_ranges_, there can be overlap/duplicates, but the
// overlap/duplication is highly restricted. The restrictions imply that any two ranges a and b
// in required_ranges_ will satisfy (a.begin() <= b.begin()) == (a.end() <= b.end()). This
// restriction is asserted in
// First we get the first r in ranges with r.begin() >= range.begin().
auto first_ge_begin = ranges.lower_bound(Range::BeginLength(range.begin(), 0));
auto look_begin = first_ge_begin;
// This loop isn't really adding any time complexity overall since the caller will be iterating
// over all these ranges anyway.
while (look_begin != ranges.begin() &&
(look_begin == ranges.end() || look_begin->end() > range.begin())) {
// Bump look_begin forward again if it turns out that the current look_begin is entirely before
// range, so the caller doesn't really need to look at the current look_begin.
if (look_begin != ranges.end() && look_begin->end() <= range.begin()) {
// For an r in ranges to intersect with the last block of range, the r must have r.begin() <
// range.end() (in other words r.begin() <= range.end() - 1). No r in ranges with r.begin() >=
// range.end() can be overlapping range. Since ranges is ordered, we can stop looking once we've
// looked at the last r in ranges with r.begin() < range.end(), just prior to the first r in
// ranges with r.begin() >= range.end().
auto first_begin_ge_range_end = ranges.lower_bound(Range::BeginLength(range.end(), 0));
auto look_end = first_begin_ge_range_end;
return std::make_pair(look_begin, look_end);
void ProtectedRanges::PropagateRequiredRangesToGoalRanges(const Range& diff_range) {
DLOG("PropagateRequiredRangesToGoalRanges() begin");
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(diff_range, "diff_range");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(coalesced_required_ranges_, "coalesced_required_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(interior_unused_ranges_, "interior_unused_ranges_");
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(coalesced_required_ranges_.empty() ||
interior_unused_ranges_.size() + 1 == coalesced_required_ranges_.size());
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(largest_interior_unused_ranges_, "largest_interior_unused_ranges_");
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(largest_interior_unused_ranges_.size() ==
std::min(max_logical_range_count_ - 1, interior_unused_ranges_.size()));
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(goal_ranges_, "goal_ranges_");
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(largest_interior_unused_ranges_.empty() ||
goal_ranges_.size() == largest_interior_unused_ranges_.size() + 1);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(goal_ranges_.size() <= max_logical_range_count_);
DLOG("PropagateRequiredRangesToGoalRanges() end");
void ProtectedRanges::UpdateCoalescedRequiredRanges(const Range& diff_range) {
// Properties of required_ranges_ that help with this step:
// * ordered by (begin(), length()) (lexicographically)
// * only up to one range can be covering both of two adjacent blocks
// Summary of steps:
// * subtract diff_range from coalesced_required_ranges_, in the CSG sense (no negative ranges
// in the result)
// * find look_start, look_end portion of required_ranges_ that is guaranteed to be all the
// ranges in required_ranges_ that overlap any part of diff_range; this relies on look_start
// being the longest of the ranges that have the same begin() as look_start (or it would also
// be fine if it were before that longest range with the same begin(), but it happens to be
// the longest of the ranges with the same begin() which is slightly nicer)
// * establish an empty "in_progress" range positioned at the start of diff_range with zero
// length
// * iterate [look_start, look_end), at each in_progress begin value finding the max end
// value (end clamped by diff_range.end()), and adding/appending that max-len range to
// in_progress, flushing any non-empty "in_progress" to coalesced_required_ranges_ when any
// gap is detected (including a gap at start of diff_range, or at the end of diff_range)
// * upon reaching diff_range.end(), flush in_progress
// * call common code to try coalesce at diff_range.begin() and at diff_range.end() in case
// there's a range in coalesced_required_ranges_ that is barely touching a newly-built range
// within diff_range
// * done
auto [subtract_begin, subtract_end] =
IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(diff_range, coalesced_required_ranges_);
Ranges::iterator next;
for (auto iter = subtract_begin; iter != subtract_end; iter = next) {
next = iter;
auto& existing_range = *iter;
if (!Range::IsOverlap(existing_range, diff_range)) {
auto [leftover_left, leftover_right] = SubtractRanges(existing_range, diff_range);
if (!leftover_left.empty()) {
if (!leftover_right.empty()) {
auto [scan_begin, scan_end] =
IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(diff_range, required_ranges_);
Range in_progress = Range::BeginLength(diff_range.begin(), 0);
auto flush_in_progress = [this, &in_progress, &diff_range](uint64_t gap_end) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(gap_end > in_progress.end() || gap_end == diff_range.end());
// flush in_progress and logically skip gap
if (!in_progress.empty()) {
in_progress = Range::BeginLength(gap_end, 0);
for (auto iter = scan_begin; iter != scan_end; ++iter) {
if (iter->begin() > in_progress.end()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(iter->begin() < diff_range.end());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(iter->begin() <= in_progress.end());
if (iter->end() <= in_progress.end()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(iter->end() > in_progress.end());
uint64_t new_end = std::min(diff_range.end(), iter->end());
in_progress = Range::BeginEnd(in_progress.begin(), new_end);
TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt(&coalesced_required_ranges_, diff_range.begin());
TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt(&coalesced_required_ranges_, diff_range.end());
void ProtectedRanges::UpdateInteriorUnusedRanges(const Range& diff_range) {
DLOG("UpdateInteriorUnusedRanges() begin");
auto before_return = fit::defer([] { DLOG("UpdateInteriorUnusedRanges() end"); });
// The interior unused ranges are the gaps in coalesced_required_ranges_, where a "gap" is all the
// contiguous non-covered pages that have a range of coalesced_required_ranges_ on either side.
// The addresses before the first coalesced_required_ranges_ range's begin(), or after the last
// range's end(), are not considered "gaps" in this context (are not interior unused ranges).
if (coalesced_required_ranges_.size() < 2) {
// To have an interior range we'd need there to be any interior.
// The diff_range is the required_range that was potentially changed in
// coalesced_required_ranges_. Due to overlaps in required_ranges_, not all parts of diff_range
// necessarily changed, and there are situations where none of diff_range changed.
// Our strategy is to replace a part of interior_unused_ranges_. We remove that part and
// re-build that part, expanding enough to account for the interior_unused_ranges_ being the
// invert of coalesced_required_ranges_. Expanding also picks up on a newly-added range creating
// a newly-interior unused range, and picks up on a newly-deleted range allowing two adjacent
// unused ranges to be merged or causing a previously-interior unused range to become no longer
// interior.
// To delete and re-build enough of interior_unused_ranges_, we're looking for the last range in
// coalesced_required_ranges_ that has end() < diff_range.begin(), and we're looking for the first
// range in coalesced_required_ranges_ that has begin() > diff_range.end(). In some call paths,
// it's possible that the changes to diff_range interact with that much extra space on one side or
// the other or both (we count merging or splitting two ranges in unused_interior_ranges_ as
// "interacting" with those ranges).
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(diff_range, "diff_range");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(coalesced_required_ranges_, "coalesced_required_ranges_");
DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(interior_unused_ranges_, "interior_unused_ranges_");
auto [rebuild_begin, rebuild_end] =
IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(diff_range, coalesced_required_ranges_);
// expand rebuild_begin to include the range before any gap overlapping with diff_range
if (rebuild_begin != coalesced_required_ranges_.begin() &&
(rebuild_begin == coalesced_required_ranges_.end() ||
rebuild_begin->end() > diff_range.begin())) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(rebuild_begin == coalesced_required_ranges_.begin() ||
rebuild_begin->end() <= diff_range.begin());
std::optional<uint64_t> maybe_carve_begin;
if (rebuild_begin == coalesced_required_ranges_.begin()) {
maybe_carve_begin = {};
DLOG("maybe_carve_begin: {}");
} else {
maybe_carve_begin = {rebuild_begin->end()};
DebugDumpOffset(*maybe_carve_begin, "maybe_carve_begin");
// expand rebuild_end; below we want to iterate up to and including the first range in
// coalesced_required_ranges_ with begin() >= diff_range.end() (include the range after any gap
// that overlaps with diff_range), so we need to bump rebuild_end later by one range.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(rebuild_end == coalesced_required_ranges_.end() ||
rebuild_end->begin() >= diff_range.end());
std::optional<uint64_t> maybe_carve_end;
if (rebuild_end == coalesced_required_ranges_.end()) {
maybe_carve_end = {};
DLOG("maybe_carve_end: {}");
} else {
maybe_carve_end = {rebuild_end->begin()};
DebugDumpOffset(*maybe_carve_end, "maybe_carve_end");
if (rebuild_end != coalesced_required_ranges_.end()) {
// Now we find which ranges of interior_unused_ranges_ are completely covered by
// [rebuild.begin.end(), (rebuild_end - 1).begin())
if (!interior_unused_ranges_.empty()) {
uint64_t carve_begin;
uint64_t carve_end;
if (maybe_carve_begin) {
carve_begin = *maybe_carve_begin;
} else {
carve_begin = interior_unused_ranges_.begin()->begin();
DebugDumpOffset(carve_begin, "carve_begin");
if (maybe_carve_end) {
carve_end = *maybe_carve_end;
} else {
carve_end = interior_unused_ranges_.rbegin()->end();
DebugDumpOffset(carve_end, "carve_end");
if (carve_begin < carve_end) {
const Range carve_range = Range::BeginEnd(carve_begin, carve_end);
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(carve_range, "carve_range");
auto [carve_begin_iter, carve_end_iter] =
IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(carve_range, interior_unused_ranges_);
Ranges::iterator next;
for (auto iter = carve_begin_iter; iter != carve_end_iter; iter = next) {
next = iter;
DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(*iter, "*iter");
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(IsCoveredBy(*iter, carve_range));
// Now we can find the gaps implied by [rebuild_begin, rebuild_end) and put those in
// interior_unused_ranges_.
std::optional<uint64_t> prev_end;
for (auto iter = rebuild_begin; iter != rebuild_end; prev_end = {iter->end()}, ++iter) {
if (!prev_end) {
auto gap_range = Range::BeginEnd(*prev_end, iter->begin());
// No need to coalesce since we expanded enough to find complete ranges in interior_unused_ranges_
// that we remove in their entirety and then we add ranges that won't be touching each other or
// the untouched range prior or subsequent.
void ProtectedRanges::BuildLargestInteriorUnusedRanges() {
// The largest_interior_unused_ranges_ are the top (up to) max_logical_ranges_count_ - 1 ranges
// from interior_unused_ranges_by_length_, sorted by position instead of by length.
// Since largest_interior_unused_ranges_.size() is limited by max_logical_ranges_count_ - 1,
// there's not much reason to bother doing the update incrementally. Instead we can just toss the
// current ranges and re-build. If we needed to do this incrementally it'd pretty much boil down
// to just using the last part of interior_unused_ranges_by_length_ instead of having separate
// Ranges for this, but at least for now it's nice to have this explicitly separate for debug and
// test.
uint64_t ranges_to_use =
std::min(max_logical_range_count_ - 1, interior_unused_ranges_by_length_.size());
uint64_t range_count = 0;
for (auto iter = interior_unused_ranges_by_length_.rbegin(); range_count != ranges_to_use;
++range_count, ++iter) {
void ProtectedRanges::BuildGoalRanges() {
// goal_ranges_ are the up to max_logical_ranges_count_ - 2 gaps in
// largest_interior_unused_ranges_ plus a range at the start and end that covers the first+ and
// last- blocks in coalesced_required_ranges_ without covering any blocks in
// largest_interior_unused_ranges_.
// Peel off the cases that are so degenerate that they would just create more conditionals (or
// more min()/max()) to account for them further down if we didn't peel them off here.
if (coalesced_required_ranges_.empty()) {
} else if (coalesced_required_ranges_.size() == 1) {
// At this point we know we have at least one interior unused range, but unless we have two, we
// won't actually find any gaps. May as well let the loop find out there are no gaps rather than
// checking separately.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(coalesced_required_ranges_.size() >= 2);
// If just 1 range, the loop body will run only once and never build any gap_range(s).
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(largest_interior_unused_ranges_.size() >= 1);
std::optional<uint64_t> prev_end;
for (auto iter = largest_interior_unused_ranges_.begin();
iter != largest_interior_unused_ranges_.end(); prev_end = iter->end(), ++iter) {
if (!prev_end) {
// The gap_range in interior unused ranges is covering some used blocks, and possibly also some
// un-used blocks that we need to cover just to keep the number of protection ranges within HW
// limits.
auto gap_range = Range::BeginEnd(*prev_end, iter->begin());
// There may be gaps in coalesced_required_ranges_ that are being covered by these ranges, but
// those gaps were not among the largest gaps, so we do intentionally want to cover them.
auto left_range = Range::BeginEnd(coalesced_required_ranges_.begin()->begin(),
auto right_range = Range::BeginEnd(largest_interior_unused_ranges_.rbegin()->end(),
bool ProtectedRanges::DoOpAddRange(const Range& new_range_param) {
auto new_range = new_range_param.Clone();
if (!ranges_control_->UseRange(new_range)) {
return false;
ranges_bytes_ += new_range_param.length();
TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt(&ranges_, new_range_param.begin());
TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt(&ranges_, new_range_param.end());
return true;
void ProtectedRanges::DoOpDelRange(const Range& old_range) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ranges_.find(old_range) != ranges_.end());
ranges_bytes_ -= old_range.length();
auto stash_old_range = old_range.Clone();
// No need to call TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt(ranges_, ...) here since this is a delete.
void ProtectedRanges::DoOpShortenRange(const Range& old_range, const Range& new_range_param) {
// The caller can ask for a shorten where new_range is still in active use (ongoing protected DMA
// to/from new_range), and it's this method's job to accomplish the shorten without disrupting any
// DMA to/from new_range.
// This method must ensure that the calls made to ranges_control_ must not cause the TEE to need
// to zero any part of any range that overlaps new_range, since the TEE would be allowed to
// disrupt ongoing DMA to/from that overlapping portion of new_range, which we don't want.
// We avoid disrupting ongoing DMA to/from new_range by creating a temp_range which covers the
// portion of old_range that's going away, so that we can delay any zeroing by the TEE until the
// last ranges_control_ step below, at which point there's no longer any other range overlapping
// temp_range, so only DMA to/from temp_range can be disrupted (not DMA to/from any part of
// new_range).
// This method is only called when we already know that there isn't any ongoing DMA to/from
// temp_range.
Range new_range = new_range_param.Clone();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ranges_.find(old_range) != ranges_.end());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(old_range.begin() == new_range.begin() || old_range.end() == new_range.end());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(new_range.length() < old_range.length());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ranges_.size() <= max_logical_range_count_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(max_range_count_ - max_logical_range_count_ >= (is_mod_available_ ? 1 : 2));
Range temp_range;
if (old_range.begin() == new_range.begin()) {
temp_range = Range::BeginEnd(new_range.end(), old_range.end());
} else {
temp_range = Range::BeginEnd(old_range.begin(), new_range.begin());
if (is_mod_available_) {
ranges_control_->ModProtectedRange(old_range, new_range);
} else {
ranges_bytes_ -= old_range.length();
ranges_bytes_ += new_range.length();
bool ProtectedRanges::DoOpMergeRanges(const Range& first_range, const Range& second_range) {
// We never create two ranges in ranges_ without immediately coalescing them back to one range via
// TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt(ranges_, ...), so DoOpMergeRanges() is only ever used if there's at
// least a one block gap between first_range and second_range.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(first_range.end() < second_range.begin());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(max_range_count_ - max_logical_range_count_ >= (is_mod_available_ ? 0 : 1));
const Range gap_going_away = Range::BeginEnd(first_range.end(), second_range.begin());
if (!ranges_control_->UseRange(gap_going_away)) {
return false;
Range new_range = Range::BeginEnd(first_range.begin(), second_range.end());
if (is_mod_available_) {
ranges_control_->ModProtectedRange(first_range, new_range);
} else {
ranges_bytes_ -= first_range.length();
ranges_bytes_ -= second_range.length();
ranges_bytes_ += new_range.length();
return true;
void ProtectedRanges::DoOpSplitRange(const Range& range_to_split,
const Range& new_gap_to_stop_using) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(range_to_split.begin() < new_gap_to_stop_using.begin());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(new_gap_to_stop_using.end() < range_to_split.end());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ranges_.size() <= max_logical_range_count_ - 1);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(max_range_count_ - max_logical_range_count_ >= (is_mod_available_ ? 1 : 2));
Range new_left_range = Range::BeginEnd(range_to_split.begin(), new_gap_to_stop_using.begin());
Range new_right_range = Range::BeginEnd(new_gap_to_stop_using.end(), range_to_split.end());
if (is_mod_available_) {
ranges_control_->ModProtectedRange(range_to_split, new_right_range);
} else {
ranges_bytes_ -= range_to_split.length();
ranges_bytes_ += new_left_range.length();
ranges_bytes_ += new_right_range.length();
bool ProtectedRanges::DoOpExtendRangeEnd(const Range& old_range, const Range& new_range_param) {
auto new_range = new_range_param.Clone();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(old_range.begin() == new_range.begin());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(new_range.end() > old_range.end());
if (!ranges_control_->UseRange(Range::BeginEnd(old_range.end(), new_range.end()))) {
return false;
// Since we're only extending the end of a range, we can get away with just adding the new range
// and deleting the old range, since the deletion of the old range will not need to zero any
// blocks, so the TEE won't need to change the old_range per-device DMA write permissions.
// Using add/del here instead of mod only uses 1 transient range which is <= 2, so no reason to
// use mod here.
ranges_bytes_ -= old_range.length();
ranges_bytes_ += new_range.length();
auto new_range_end = new_range.end();
TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt(&ranges_, new_range_end);
return true;
void ProtectedRanges::TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt(Ranges* ranges, uint64_t location) {
// Determine if we actually have two adjacent barely-touching blocks that touch at location.
if (ranges->size() < 2) {
auto second_block_iter = ranges->lower_bound(Range::BeginLength(location, 0));
if (second_block_iter == ranges->end()) {
// There's no block with begin() == location, so no suitable pair of blocks to weld at location.
if (second_block_iter->begin() != location) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(second_block_iter->begin() > location);
// There's no block starting at exactly location, so there can be no pair of blocks
// barely-touching at location.
if (second_block_iter == ranges->begin()) {
// No block before second_block_iter, so no welding at location is possible.
auto first_block_iter = second_block_iter;
if (first_block_iter->end() != location) {
// There's a gap, so no welding at location is possible.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(first_block_iter->end() < location);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(first_block_iter->end() == location);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(second_block_iter->begin() == location);
Range new_range = Range::BeginEnd(first_block_iter->begin(), second_block_iter->end());
if (ranges == &ranges_) {
// Really do the coalesce, since ranges_ mirrors HW, so keep HW up to date.
// Welding two blocks is possible.
// Since we use this in the AddRange() path and may already be at max_logical_ranges_ + 1, we
// need to use mod if available.
if (is_mod_available_) {
ranges_control_->ModProtectedRange(*first_block_iter, new_range);
} else {
// un-covered pages / un-used pages
double ProtectedRanges::GetEfficiency() {
// un-covered bytes
uint64_t un_covered_bytes = ranges_control_->GetSize() - ranges_bytes_;
// un-used bytes
uint64_t un_used_bytes = ranges_control_->GetSize() - requested_bytes_;
return static_cast<double>(un_covered_bytes) / static_cast<double>(un_used_bytes);
// un-covered pages / total pages
double ProtectedRanges::GetLoanableRatio() {
// un-covered bytes
uint64_t un_covered_bytes = GetLoanableBytes();
// total bytes
uint64_t total_bytes = ranges_control_->GetSize();
return static_cast<double>(un_covered_bytes) / static_cast<double>(total_bytes);
uint64_t ProtectedRanges::GetLoanableBytes() { return ranges_control_->GetSize() - ranges_bytes_; }
bool Range::IsOverlap(const Range& a, const Range& b) {
if (a.end() <= b.begin()) {
return false;
if (b.end() <= a.begin()) {
return false;
return true;
Range Range::Intersect(const Range& a, const Range& b) {
// Caller should check if we need to intersect before calling intersect, just to avoid building
// stuff we won't use. Alternately we could relax this and return an arbitrary empty range.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(Range::IsOverlap(a, b));
// This is intended to work for a ranges that may include the last block before a uint64_t wraps.
// Note that I did not say that this won't wrap in that situation; this is meant to get the
// correct answer by exploiting the wrapping (which isn't UB for uint64_t).
uint64_t new_begin = std::max(a.begin(), b.begin());
uint64_t new_last = std::min(a.end() - 1, b.end() - 1);
uint64_t new_end = new_last + 1;
uint64_t new_length = new_end - new_begin;
return Range::BeginLength(new_begin, new_length);
} // namespace protected_ranges