blob: 18af7d2edd76085f041ba51316c6c4f0750b7b2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.driver.compat/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fidl/fuchsia.driver.framework/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/driver2/devfs_exporter.h>
#include <lib/driver2/logger.h>
#include <lib/driver2/namespace.h>
#include <lib/driver2/start_args.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/fpromise/promise.h>
#include <lib/service/llcpp/service_handler.h>
#include <lib/sys/component/cpp/outgoing_directory.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "src/devices/lib/compat/symbols.h"
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/pseudo_dir.h"
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/synchronous_vfs.h"
namespace compat {
// This represents a protocol that a driver is offering to a child driver.
struct ProtocolOffer {
// The name of the protocol being offered. The driver is responsible for
// making sure this protocol has been exported in it's outgoing directory.
std::string protocol_name;
// A callback that will be called when this protocol is going out of scope.
// This is useful if a driver is exposing a protocol to multiple children,
// and would like to perform cleanup if all children are removed.
std::shared_ptr<fit::deferred_callback> remove_protocol_callback;
// This represents a service that a driver is offering to a child driver.
struct ServiceOffer {
struct RenamedInstance {
std::string source_name;
std::string target_name;
// The name of the service being offered. The driver is responsible for
// making sure this service has been exported in its outgoing directory.
std::string service_name;
// The list of instance names that the driver wishes to perform while offering
// the service.
std::vector<RenamedInstance> renamed_instances;
// The list of instances the driver wishes to offer with this service.
// If this is empty, all instances will be included.
// NOTE: If a rename is happening, this should be the list of new names.
std::vector<std::string> included_instances;
// A callback that will be called when this service offer is going out of scope.
// This is useful if a driver is exposing a service to multiple children,
// and would like to perform cleanup if all children are removed.
std::shared_ptr<fit::deferred_callback> remove_service_callback;
class ChildOffers {
void AddProtocol(ProtocolOffer offer) { protocol_offers_.push_back(std::move(offer)); }
void AddService(ServiceOffer offer) { service_offers_.push_back(std::move(offer)); }
std::vector<fuchsia_component_decl::wire::Offer> CreateOffers(fidl::ArenaBase& arena);
std::vector<ProtocolOffer> protocol_offers_;
std::vector<ServiceOffer> service_offers_;
using Metadata = std::vector<uint8_t>;
using MetadataMap = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, const Metadata>;
// The DeviceServer class vends the fuchsia_driver_compat::Device interface.
// It represents a single device.
class DeviceServer : public fidl::WireServer<fuchsia_driver_compat::Device> {
DeviceServer(std::string topological_path, MetadataMap metadata)
: topological_path_(std::move(topological_path)), metadata_(std::move(metadata)) {}
// Functions to implement the DFv1 device API.
zx_status_t AddMetadata(uint32_t type, const void* data, size_t size);
zx_status_t GetMetadata(uint32_t type, void* buf, size_t buflen, size_t* actual);
zx_status_t GetMetadataSize(uint32_t type, size_t* out_size);
void set_dir(fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> dir) { dir_ = std::move(dir); }
// fuchsia.driver.compat.Compat
void GetTopologicalPath(GetTopologicalPathRequestView request,
GetTopologicalPathCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void GetMetadata(GetMetadataRequestView request, GetMetadataCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void ConnectFidl(ConnectFidlRequestView request, ConnectFidlCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
std::string topological_path_;
MetadataMap metadata_;
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> dir_;
class Child;
// The Interop class holds information about what this component is exposing in its namespace.
// This class is used to expose things in the outgoing namespace in a way that a child
// compat driver can understand.
class Interop {
// Create an Interop. Each parameter here is an unowned pointer, so these objects must outlive
// the Interop class.
static zx::status<Interop> Create(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, const driver::Namespace* ns,
component::OutgoingDirectory* outgoing);
// Take a Child, and export its fuchsia.driver.compat service, and it export it to devfs.
fpromise::promise<void, zx_status_t> ExportChild(Child* child, fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> dev_node);
friend class Child;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
const driver::Namespace* ns_;
component::OutgoingDirectory* outgoing_;
std::unique_ptr<fs::SynchronousVfs> vfs_;
fbl::RefPtr<fs::PseudoDir> devfs_exports_;
driver::DevfsExporter exporter_;
zx::status<fidl::WireSharedClient<fuchsia_driver_compat::Device>> ConnectToParentDevice(
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, const driver::Namespace* ns, std::string_view name = "default");
// The Child class represents a child device.
// When a Child is removed, it will remove the services it added in the
// outgoing directory.
class Child {
Child(std::string name, uint32_t proto_id, std::string topological_path, MetadataMap metadata)
: topological_path_(std::move(topological_path)),
compat_device_(topological_path_, std::move(metadata)) {}
DeviceServer& compat_device() { return compat_device_; }
std::string_view name() { return name_; }
std::string_view topological_path() { return topological_path_; }
uint32_t proto_id() { return proto_id_; }
ChildOffers& offers() { return offers_; }
// This is a way to give the child shared ownership over something.
// When child is removed, there will be one less reference to callback,
// and callback will be called when all references are removed.
void AddCallback(std::shared_ptr<fit::deferred_callback> callback) {
// Create a vector of offers based on the service instances that have been added to the child.
std::vector<fuchsia_component_decl::wire::Offer> CreateOffers(fidl::ArenaBase& arena);
std::string topological_path_;
std::string name_;
uint32_t proto_id_;
DeviceServer compat_device_;
ChildOffers offers_;
// A list of callbacks to potentially call when this class is destructed.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<fit::deferred_callback>> callbacks_;
} // namespace compat