blob: 4118cf223d17e26d30fd0e2ad2827d66c9c0d2bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdf/arena.h>
#include <lib/fdf/types.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
namespace driver_runtime {
class MessagePacket;
// Callable object for destroying uniquely owned message packets.
struct MessagePacketDestroyer {
inline void operator()(MessagePacket* message_packet);
// MessagePacketOwner wraps a MessagePacket in a unique_ptr that has single
// ownership of the MessagePacket and deletes it whenever it falls out of scope.
using MessagePacketOwner = std::unique_ptr<MessagePacket, MessagePacketDestroyer>;
// Holds the contents of a message written to a channel.
// TODO( we should consider recycling deleted packets.
class MessagePacket : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<MessagePacketOwner> {
static MessagePacketOwner Create(fbl::RefPtr<fdf_arena_t> arena, void* data, uint32_t num_bytes,
zx_handle_t* handles, uint32_t num_handles);
// Copies the message contents to the parameters provided.
// Returns ownership of an arena, the data and handles.
void CopyOut(fdf_arena_t** out_arena, void** out_data, uint32_t* out_num_bytes,
zx_handle_t** out_handles, uint32_t* out_num_handles);
// fdf_channel_call treats the leading bytes of the payload as a transaction id of type
// fdf_txid_t.
zx_txid_t get_txid() const {
if (num_bytes_ < sizeof(fdf_txid_t)) {
return 0;
return *static_cast<fdf_txid_t*>(data_);
void set_txid(fdf_txid_t txid) {
ZX_ASSERT(num_bytes_ >= sizeof(txid));
*(static_cast<fdf_txid_t*>(data_)) = txid;
// Returns a reference to the arena.
// The message packet retains a reference to correctly destruct itself.
fbl::RefPtr<fdf_arena_t> arena() { return arena_; }
uint32_t num_bytes() const { return num_bytes_; }
uint32_t num_handles() const { return num_handles_; }
// |MessagePacket| acquires a new reference to the arena written to the channel.
// The arena is used to create the message packet, as well as being provided
// to the user on |fdf_channel_write|. The user's reference to the arena will be
// dropped when the user calls |fdf_arena_t_destroy|.
MessagePacket(fbl::RefPtr<fdf_arena_t> arena, void* data, uint32_t num_bytes,
zx_handle_t* handles, uint32_t num_handles)
: arena_(std::move(arena)),
num_handles_(num_handles) {}
// A private destructor helps to make sure that only our custom deleter is
// ever used to destroy this object which, in turn, makes it very difficult
// to not properly recycle the object.
void TakeData(void** out_data) {
*out_data = data_;
data_ = nullptr;
void TakeHandles(zx_handle_t** out_handles) {
*out_handles = handles_;
handles_ = nullptr;
friend struct MessagePacketDestroyer;
static void Delete(MessagePacket* packet);
fbl::RefPtr<fdf_arena_t> arena_;
void* data_;
uint32_t num_bytes_;
zx_handle_t* handles_;
uint32_t num_handles_;
// This can't be defined directly in the MessagePacketDestroyer struct definition
// because MessagePacket is an incomplete type at that point.
inline void MessagePacketDestroyer::operator()(MessagePacket* message_packet) {
} // namespace driver_runtime