blob: 12338bc8b9ed0610390caea0c151a9f92e509124 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
use async_utils::futures::{FutureExt as _, ReplaceValue};
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use futures::{
future::{AbortHandle, Abortable, Aborted},
stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt as _},
use log::debug;
use super::{context::Lockable, StackTime};
/// A possible timer event that may be fulfilled by calling
/// [`TimerDispatcher::commit_timer`].
struct TimerEvent<T> {
inner: T,
id: u64,
/// Internal information to keep tabs on timers.
struct TimerInfo {
id: u64,
instant: StackTime,
abort_handle: AbortHandle,
/// A context for specified for a timer type `T` that provides asynchronous
/// locking to a [`TimerHandler`].
pub(crate) trait TimerContext<T: Hash + Eq>:
Send + Sync + 'static + for<'a> Lockable<'a, <Self as TimerContext<T>>::Handler> + Clone
type Handler: TimerHandler<T>;
/// An entity responsible for receiving expired timers.
/// `TimerHandler` is used to communicate expired timers from a
/// [`TimerDispatcher`] that was spawned with some [`TimerContext`].
pub(crate) trait TimerHandler<T: Hash + Eq>: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static {
/// The provided `timer` is expired (its deadline arrived and it wasn't
/// cancelled or rescheduled).
fn handle_expired_timer(&mut self, timer: T);
/// Retrieve a mutable reference to the [`TimerDispatcher`] associated with
/// this `TimerHandler`. It *must* be the same `TimerDispatcher` instance
/// for which this handler's [`TimerContext`] was spawned with
/// [`TimerDispatcher::spawn`].
/// The provided `TimerDispatcher` must exist within the same lock context
/// as the `TimerHandler` so it can ensure the contract that timers that are
/// cancelled or rescheduled are *never* passed to
/// [`TimerHandler::handle_expired_timer`].
fn get_timer_dispatcher(&mut self) -> &mut TimerDispatcher<T>;
type TimerFut<T> = ReplaceValue<fasync::Timer, T>;
/// Shorthand for the type of futures used by [`TimerDispatcher`] internally.
type InternalFut<T> = Abortable<TimerFut<TimerEvent<T>>>;
/// Helper struct to keep track of timers for the event loop.
pub(crate) struct TimerDispatcher<T: Hash + Eq> {
// Invariant: TimerDispatcher uses a HashMap keyed on an external identifier
// T and assigns an internal "versioning" ID every time a timer is
// scheduled. The "versioning" ID is just monotonically incremented and it
// is used to disambiguate different scheduling events of the same timer T.
// TimerInfo in the HashMap will always hold the latest allocated
// "versioning" identifier, meaning that:
// - When a timer is rescheduled, we update TimerInfo::id to a new value
// - To "commit" a timer firing (through commit_timer), the TimerEvent
// given must carry the same "versioning" identifier as the one currently
// held by the HashMap in TimerInfo::id.
// The committing mechanism is invisible to external users, which just
// receive the expired timers through TimerHandler::handle_expired_timer.
// See TimerDispatcher::spawn for the critical section that makes versioning
// required.
timers: HashMap<T, TimerInfo>,
next_id: u64,
futures_sender: Option<mpsc::UnboundedSender<InternalFut<T>>>,
impl<T: Hash + Eq> Default for TimerDispatcher<T> {
fn default() -> TimerDispatcher<T> {
TimerDispatcher { timers: Default::default(), next_id: 0, futures_sender: None }
impl<T> TimerDispatcher<T>
T: Hash + Debug + Eq + Clone + Send + Sync + Unpin + 'static,
/// Spawns a [`TimerContext`] that will observe events on this
/// `TimerDispatcher` through its [`TimerHandler`].
/// # Panics
/// Panics if this `TimerDispatcher` was already spawned.
pub(crate) fn spawn<C: TimerContext<T>>(&mut self, ctx: C) {
assert!(self.futures_sender.is_none(), "TimerDispatcher already spawned");
let (sender, mut recv) = mpsc::unbounded();
self.futures_sender = Some(sender);
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
let mut futures = FuturesUnordered::<InternalFut<T>>::new();
enum PollResult<T> {
loop {
// avoid polling `futures` if it is empty
let r = if futures.is_empty() {
match {
Some(next_fut) => PollResult::InstallFuture(next_fut),
None => PollResult::ReceiverClosed,
} else {
futures::select! {
r = => match r {
Some(next_fut) => PollResult::InstallFuture(next_fut),
None => PollResult::ReceiverClosed
t = => match t {
Some(Ok(t)) => PollResult::TimerFired(t),
Some(Err(Aborted)) => PollResult::Aborted,
None => PollResult::FuturesClosed
// NB: This is the critical section that makes it so that we
// need to version timers and verify the versioning through
// `commit_timer` before passing those over to the handler. At
// this point, the timer future has already resolved. It may
// already have been aborted, in which case the version ID
// doesn't matter. But it may also have been already fulfilled.
// The race comes from the fact that we don't currently have a
// lock on the context, we're going to acquire the lock in case
// the `r` is `TimerFired` below. As we await on the lock, the
// TimerEvent we're currently holding may have be invalidated by
// another Task, so it must NOT be given to to the handler.
debug!("TimerDispatcher work: {:?}", r);
match r {
PollResult::InstallFuture(fut) => futures.push(fut),
PollResult::TimerFired(t) => {
let mut handler = ctx.lock().await;
let disp = handler.get_timer_dispatcher();
match disp.commit_timer(t) {
Ok(t) => {
debug!("TimerDispatcher: firing timer {:?}", t);
Err(e) => {
debug!("TimerDispatcher: timer was stale {:?}", e);
PollResult::Aborted => {}
PollResult::ReceiverClosed | PollResult::FuturesClosed => break,
/// Schedule a new timer with identifier `timer_id` at `time`.
/// If a timer with the same `timer_id` was already scheduled, the old timer
/// is unscheduled and its expiry time is returned.
pub(crate) fn schedule_timer(&mut self, timer_id: T, time: StackTime) -> Option<StackTime> {
let next_id = self.next_id;
let sender = if let Some(s) = self.futures_sender.as_mut() {
} else {
debug!("TimerDispatcher not spawned, ignoring timer {:?}", timer_id);
return None;
// Overflowing next_id should be safe enough to hold TimerDispatcher's
// invariant about around "versioning" timer identifiers. We'll
// overlflow after 2^64 timers are scheduled (which can take a while)
// and, even then, for it to break the invariant we'd need to still have
// a timer scheduled from long ago and be unlucky enough that ordering
// ends up giving it the same ID. That seems unlikely, so we just wrap
// around and overflow next_id.
self.next_id = self.next_id.overflowing_add(1).0;
let event = TimerEvent { inner: timer_id.clone(), id: next_id };
let (abort_handle, abort_registration) = AbortHandle::new_pair();
let timeout = {
let StackTime(time) = time;
Abortable::new(fasync::Timer::new(time).replace_value(event), abort_registration)
sender.unbounded_send(timeout).expect("TimerDispatcher's task receiver is gone");
match self.timers.entry(timer_id) {
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
// If we don't have any currently scheduled timers with this
// timer_id, we're just going to insert a new value into the
// vacant entry, marking it with next_id.
let _: &mut TimerInfo =
e.insert(TimerInfo { id: next_id, instant: time, abort_handle });
Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
// If we already have a scheduled timer with this timer_id, we
// must...
let info = e.get_mut();
// the abort handle on the old timer, to prevent it from
// firing if it hasn't already:
// ...update the abort handle with the new one:
info.abort_handle = abort_handle;
// the new "versioning" timer_id next_id, effectively
// marking this newest version as the only valid one, in case
// the old timer had already fired as is currently waiting to be
// commited. = next_id;
// ...finally, we get the old instant information to be returned
// and update the TimerInfo entry with the new time value:
let old = Some(info.instant);
info.instant = time;
/// Cancels a timer with identifier `timer_id`.
/// If a timer with the provided `timer_id` was scheduled, returns the
/// expiry time for it after having cancelled it.
pub(crate) fn cancel_timer(&mut self, timer_id: &T) -> Option<StackTime> {
if let Some(t) = self.timers.remove(timer_id) {
// call the abort handle, in case the future hasn't fired yet:
} else {
/// Cancels all timers with given filter.
/// `f` will be called sequentially for all the currently scheduled timers.
/// If `f(id)` returns `true`, the timer with `id` will be cancelled.
pub(crate) fn cancel_timers_with<F: FnMut(&T) -> bool>(&mut self, mut f: F) {
self.timers.retain(|id, info| {
let discard = f(&id);
if discard {
/// Gets the time a timer with identifier `timer_id` will be invoked.
/// If a timer with the provided `timer_id` exists, returns the expiry
/// time for it; `None` otherwise.
pub(crate) fn scheduled_time(&self, timer_id: &T) -> Option<StackTime> {
self.timers.get(timer_id).map(|t| t.instant)
/// Retrieves the internal timer value of a [`TimerEvent`].
/// `commit_timer` will "commit" `event` for consumption, if `event` is
/// still valid to be triggered. If `commit_timer` returns `Ok`, then
/// `TimerDispatcher` will "forget" about the timer identifier contained in
/// `event`, meaning subsequent calls to [`cancel_timer`] or
/// [`schedule_timer`] will return `None`.
/// [`cancel_timer`]: TimerDispatcher::cancel_timer
/// [`schedule_timer`]: TimerDispatcher::schedule_timer
fn commit_timer(&mut self, event: TimerEvent<T>) -> Result<T, TimerEvent<T>> {
match self.timers.entry(event.inner.clone()) {
Entry::Occupied(e) => {
// The event is only valid if its id matches the one in the
// HashMap:
if e.get().id == {
let _: TimerInfo = e.remove();
} else {
Entry::Vacant(_) => Err(event),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::bindings::{context::Lockable, integration_tests::set_logger_for_test};
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, DurationNum};
use futures::{channel::mpsc, lock::Mutex, task::Poll, Future, StreamExt};
use std::sync::Arc;
type TestDispatcher = TimerDispatcher<usize>;
struct TimerData {
dispatcher: TestDispatcher,
fired: mpsc::UnboundedSender<usize>,
impl TimerHandler<usize> for TimerData {
fn handle_expired_timer(&mut self, timer: usize) {
self.fired.unbounded_send(timer).expect("Can't fire timer")
fn get_timer_dispatcher(&mut self) -> &mut TimerDispatcher<usize> {
&mut self.dispatcher
struct TestContext(Arc<Mutex<TimerData>>);
impl TestContext {
fn new() -> (Self, mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<usize>) {
let (fired, receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();
let inner =
Arc::new(Mutex::new(TimerData { dispatcher: TestDispatcher::default(), fired }));
(Self(inner), receiver)
fn with_disp_sync<R, F: FnOnce(&mut TestDispatcher) -> R>(&mut self, f: F) -> R {
f(&mut self.0.try_lock().expect("Failed to lock dispatcher synchronously").dispatcher)
impl<'a> Lockable<'a, TimerData> for TestContext {
type Guard = futures::lock::MutexGuard<'a, TimerData>;
type Fut = futures::lock::MutexLockFuture<'a, TimerData>;
fn lock(&'a self) -> Self::Fut {
let Self(arc) = self;
impl TimerContext<usize> for TestContext {
type Handler = TimerData;
fn nanos_from_now(nanos: i64) -> StackTime {
fn run_in_executor<R, Fut: Future<Output = R>>(
executor: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
f: Fut,
) -> R {
loop {
match executor.run_one_step(&mut f) {
Some(Poll::Ready(x)) => break x,
None => panic!("Executor stalled"),
Some(Poll::Pending) => (),
fn run_until_stalled(executor: &mut fasync::TestExecutor) {
let fut = futures::future::ready(());
loop {
match executor.run_one_step(&mut fut) {
Some(Poll::Ready(())) => (),
None => break,
Some(Poll::Pending) => (),
fn test_timers_fire() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time().unwrap();
let (t, mut fired) = TestContext::new();
run_in_executor(&mut executor, async {
let mut d = t.lock().await;
assert_eq!(d.dispatcher.schedule_timer(1, nanos_from_now(1)), None);
assert_eq!(d.dispatcher.schedule_timer(2, nanos_from_now(2)), None);
assert_matches!(fired.try_next(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError { .. }));
assert_eq!(run_in_executor(&mut executor,, 1);
assert_matches!(fired.try_next(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError { .. }));
assert_eq!(run_in_executor(&mut executor,, 2);
fn test_get_scheduled_instant() {
let mut _executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time().unwrap();
let (t, _) = TestContext::new();
let mut lock = t.0.try_lock().unwrap();
let d = &mut lock.dispatcher;
// Timer 1 is scheduled.
let time1 = nanos_from_now(1);
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(1, time1), None);
assert_eq!(d.scheduled_time(&1).unwrap(), time1);
// Timer 2 does not exist yet.
assert_eq!(d.scheduled_time(&2), None);
// Timer 1 is scheduled.
let time2 = nanos_from_now(2);
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(2, time2), None);
assert_eq!(d.scheduled_time(&1).unwrap(), time1);
assert_eq!(d.scheduled_time(&2).unwrap(), time2);
// Cancel Timer 1.
assert_eq!(d.cancel_timer(&1).unwrap(), time1);
assert_eq!(d.scheduled_time(&1), None);
// Timer 2 should still be scheduled.
assert_eq!(d.scheduled_time(&2).unwrap(), time2);
fn test_cancel() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time().unwrap();
let (mut t, mut rcv) = TestContext::new();
// timer 1 and 2 are scheduled.
// timer 1 is going to be cancelled even before we allow the loop to
// run.
let time1 = nanos_from_now(1);
let time2 = nanos_from_now(2);
let time3 = nanos_from_now(5);
t.with_disp_sync(|d| {
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(1, time1), None);
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(2, time2), None);
assert_eq!(d.cancel_timer(&1).unwrap(), time1);
let r = run_in_executor(&mut executor,;
t.with_disp_sync(|d| {
// can't cancel 2 anymore, it has already fired
assert_eq!(d.cancel_timer(&2), None);
// only event 2 should come out because 1 was cancelled:
assert_eq!(r, 2);
// schedule another timer and wait for it, just to prove that timer 1's
// event never gets fired:
t.with_disp_sync(|d| {
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(3, time3), None);
let r = run_in_executor(&mut executor,;
assert_eq!(r, 3);
fn test_late_cancel() {
// test that late cancellation will work (meaning the internal timer
// future will fire, but we'll cancel it before the timer dispatcher has
// a chance to commit it).
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time().unwrap();
let time1 = nanos_from_now(1);
let time2 = nanos_from_now(2);
let time3 = nanos_from_now(3);
let (t, mut rcv) = TestContext::new();
let d = &mut t.0.try_lock().unwrap().dispatcher;
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(1, time1), None);
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(2, time2), None);
// run the executor until it's stalled. We're still locking the
// context mutex, meaning the dispatcher task is waiting for us.
run_until_stalled(&mut executor);
// now we cancel the first timer
assert_eq!(d.cancel_timer(&1).unwrap(), time1);
run_until_stalled(&mut executor);
assert_matches!(rcv.try_next(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError { .. }));
let d = &mut t.0.try_lock().unwrap().dispatcher;
// do the same thing again, we'll let the timer expire, but we're
// holding the lock so the executor will stall waiting for the
// context lock.
run_until_stalled(&mut executor);
// reschedule timer2
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(2, time3).unwrap(), time2);
run_until_stalled(&mut executor);
assert_matches!(rcv.try_next(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError { .. }));
// finally after setting the time to the rescheduled time, we should get
// the rescheduled timer 2.
assert_eq!(run_in_executor(&mut executor,, 2);
fn test_reschedule() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time().unwrap();
let (mut t, mut rcv) = TestContext::new();
// timer 1 and 2 are scheduled.
// timer 1 is going to be rescheduled even before we allow the loop to
// run.
let time1 = nanos_from_now(1);
let time2 = nanos_from_now(2);
let resched1 = nanos_from_now(3);
let resched2 = nanos_from_now(4);
t.with_disp_sync(|d| {
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(1, time1), None);
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(2, time2), None);
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(1, resched1).unwrap(), time1);
let r = run_in_executor(&mut executor,;
// only event 2 should come out:
assert_eq!(r, 2);
t.with_disp_sync(|d| {
// we can schedule timer 2 again, and it returns None because it has
// already fired.
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(2, resched2), None);
// now we can go at it again and get the rescheduled timers:
assert_eq!(run_in_executor(&mut executor,, 1);
assert_eq!(run_in_executor(&mut executor,, 2);
fn test_cancel_with() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time().unwrap();
let (mut t, mut rcv) = TestContext::new();
t.with_disp_sync(|d| {
// schedule 4 timers:
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(1, nanos_from_now(1)), None);
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(2, nanos_from_now(2)), None);
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(3, nanos_from_now(3)), None);
assert_eq!(d.schedule_timer(4, nanos_from_now(4)), None);
// cancel timers 1, 3, and 4.
d.cancel_timers_with(|id| *id != 2);
// check that only one timer remains
assert_eq!(d.timers.len(), 1);
// advance time so that all timers would've been fired.
// get the timer and assert that it is the timer with id == 2.
let r = run_in_executor(&mut executor,;
assert_eq!(r, 2);