blob: bca7664519ade2856d53e0aee5edad361217edf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::{
devices::{BindingId, DeviceSpecificInfo, Devices, EthernetInfo},
DeviceStatusNotifier, InterfaceControl as _, LockableContext, MutableDeviceState as _,
use anyhow::Error;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use ethernet as eth;
pub use fidl_ethernet::DeviceStatus;
use fidl_fuchsia_hardware_ethernet as fidl_ethernet;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::{TryFutureExt as _, TryStreamExt as _};
use log::{debug, error, info, trace};
use netstack3_core::{receive_frame, BufferNonSyncContext, Ctx};
use packet::serialize::Buf;
use std::ops::DerefMut as _;
pub async fn setup_ethernet(
dev: fidl_ethernet::DeviceProxy,
) -> Result<(eth::Client, fidl_fuchsia_hardware_ethernet_ext::EthernetInfo), Error> {
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(256 * eth::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE as u64)?;
let eth_client = eth::Client::new(dev, vmo, eth::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, "netstack3").await?;
let info =;
Ok((eth_client, info))
/// The worker that receives messages from the ethernet device, and passes them
/// on to the main event loop.
pub(crate) struct EthernetWorker<C> {
id: BindingId,
ctx: C,
impl<C> EthernetWorker<C> {
pub(crate) fn new(id: BindingId, ctx: C) -> Self {
EthernetWorker { id, ctx }
// TODO( Replace the duplicate associated type with
// a where clause bounding the parent trait's associated type.
// OR
// TODO( Replace the duplicate associated type with
// a bound on the parent trait's associated type.
pub(crate) trait EthernetWorkerContext:
LockableContext<NonSyncCtx = <Self as EthernetWorkerContext>::NonSyncCtx> + Send + Sync + 'static
type NonSyncCtx: for<'a> BufferNonSyncContext<Buf<&'a mut [u8]>>
+ AsRef<Devices>
+ AsMut<Devices>
+ DeviceStatusNotifier
+ Send
+ Sync;
impl<T> EthernetWorkerContext for T
T: LockableContext + Send + Sync + 'static,
T::NonSyncCtx: for<'a> BufferNonSyncContext<Buf<&'a mut [u8]>>
+ AsRef<Devices>
+ AsMut<Devices>
+ DeviceStatusNotifier
+ Send
+ Sync,
type NonSyncCtx = T::NonSyncCtx;
impl<C: EthernetWorkerContext> EthernetWorker<C> {
pub fn spawn(self, mut events: eth::EventStream) {
async move {
let Self { ref ctx, id } = self;
// TODO(brunodalbo) remove this temporary buffer, we should be
// owning buffers until processing is done, this is just an
// unnecessary copy. Also, its size is implicitly defined by the
// buffer size that we used to create the VMO, which is not
// taking into consideration the device's MTU at all.
let mut buf = [0; eth::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE];
while let Some(evt) = events.try_next().await? {
match evt {
eth::Event::StatusChanged => {
let mut ctx = ctx.lock().await;
info!("device {:?} status changed signal", id);
// We need to call get_status even if we don't use the output, since
// calling it acks the message, and prevents the device from sending
// more status changed messages.
if let Some(device) = ctx.non_sync_ctx.as_ref().get_device(id) {
let device = assert_matches!(,
DeviceSpecificInfo::Ethernet(device) => device
let EthernetInfo { common_info: _, client, mac: _, features: _, phy_up: _} = device;
if let Ok(status) = client.get_status().await {
info!("device {:?} status changed to: {:?}", id, status);
// Handle the new device state. If this results in no change, no
// state will be modified.
if status.contains(fidl_ethernet::DeviceStatus::ONLINE) {
ctx.update_device_state(id, |dev_info| {
let phy_up: &mut bool = assert_matches!(
DeviceSpecificInfo::Ethernet(EthernetInfo { common_info: _, client: _, mac: _, features: _, phy_up}) => phy_up
*phy_up = true;
ctx.enable_interface(id).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
trace!("phy enable interface failed: {:?}", e)
} else {
ctx.update_device_state(id, |dev_info| {
let phy_up: &mut bool = assert_matches!(
DeviceSpecificInfo::Ethernet(EthernetInfo { common_info: _, client: _, mac: _, features: _, phy_up}) => phy_up
*phy_up = false;
ctx.disable_interface(id).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
trace!("phy enable disable failed: {:?}", e)
eth::Event::Receive(rx, _flags) => {
let len = buf);
let mut ctx = ctx.lock().await; let Ctx { sync_ctx, non_sync_ctx } = ctx.deref_mut();
if let Some(id) =
receive_frame(sync_ctx, non_sync_ctx,id, Buf::new(&mut buf[..len], ..))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("error receiving frame: {}", e))
} else {
debug!("received ethernet frame on disabled device: {}", id);
.unwrap_or_else(|e: Error| error!("{:?}", e)),