blob: 8e5be02954ee15d2bff00dc0f724722543019a80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !build_with_native_toolchain
// +build !build_with_native_toolchain
package netstack
import (
func TestValidateIPAddressMask(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
addr tcpip.Address
prefixLen uint8
want bool
{addr: "\x0a\x0b\xe0\x00", prefixLen: 32, want: true},
{addr: "\x0a\x0b\xe0\x00", prefixLen: 20, want: true},
{addr: "\x0a\x0b\xe0\x00", prefixLen: 19, want: true},
{addr: "\x0a\x0b\xe0\x00", prefixLen: 18, want: false},
{addr: "\x0a\x0b\xef\x00", prefixLen: 25, want: true},
{addr: "\x0a\x0b\xef\x00", prefixLen: 24, want: true},
{addr: "\x0a\x0b\xef\x00", prefixLen: 23, want: false},
{addr: "\x00\x00\x00\x00", prefixLen: 0, want: true},
{addr: "\x00\x00\x00\x00", prefixLen: 32, want: true},
{addr: "\x00\x00\x00\x00", prefixLen: 33, want: false},
} {
addr := fidlconv.ToNetIpAddress(tc.addr)
if got := validateSubnet(net.Subnet{Addr: addr, PrefixLen: tc.prefixLen}); got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("got validateSubnet(%v) = %t, want = %t", addr, got, tc.want)
func AssertNoError(t *testing.T, err error) {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Received unexpected error:\n%+v", err)
func TestFuchsiaNetStack(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Add and Delete Forwarding Entries", func(t *testing.T) {
ns, _ := newNetstack(t, netstackTestOptions{})
t.Cleanup(addNoopEndpoint(t, ns, "").RemoveByUser)
ni := stackImpl{ns: ns}
table, err := ni.GetForwardingTable(context.Background())
AssertNoError(t, err)
nonexistentSubnet := net.Subnet{
Addr: fidlconv.ToNetIpAddress("\xaa\x0b\xe0\x00"),
PrefixLen: 19,
badMaskSubnet := net.Subnet{
Addr: fidlconv.ToNetIpAddress("\xc0\xa8\x11\x01"),
PrefixLen: 19,
localSubnet := net.Subnet{
Addr: fidlconv.ToNetIpAddress("\xc0\xa8\x20\x00"),
PrefixLen: 19,
defaultSubnet := net.Subnet{
Addr: fidlconv.ToNetIpAddress("\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
PrefixLen: 0,
invalidRoute := stack.ForwardingEntry{
Subnet: localSubnet,
DeviceId: 789,
localRoute := stack.ForwardingEntry{
Subnet: localSubnet,
DeviceId: 1,
wantLocalRoute := localRoute
wantLocalRoute.Metric = uint32(defaultInterfaceMetric)
nextHop := fidlconv.ToNetIpAddress("\xc0\xa8\x20\x01")
defaultRoute := stack.ForwardingEntry{
Subnet: defaultSubnet,
NextHop: &nextHop,
DeviceId: 1,
wantDefaultRoute := defaultRoute
wantDefaultRoute.Metric = uint32(defaultInterfaceMetric)
// Add an invalid entry.
addResult, err := ni.AddForwardingEntry(context.Background(), invalidRoute)
AssertNoError(t, err)
if addResult != stack.StackAddForwardingEntryResultWithErr(stack.ErrorInvalidArgs) {
t.Errorf("got ni.AddForwardingEntry(%#v) = %#v, want = Err(ErrorInvalidArgs)", invalidRoute, addResult)
// Add a local subnet route.
addResult, err = ni.AddForwardingEntry(context.Background(), localRoute)
AssertNoError(t, err)
if addResult != stack.StackAddForwardingEntryResultWithResponse(stack.StackAddForwardingEntryResponse{}) {
t.Fatalf("got ni.AddForwardingEntry(%#v) = %#v, want = Response()", localRoute, addResult)
table, err = ni.GetForwardingTable(context.Background())
AssertNoError(t, err)
expectedTable := []stack.ForwardingEntry{wantLocalRoute}
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedTable, table, cmpopts.IgnoreTypes(struct{}{})); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("forwarding table mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
// Add the same entry again.
addResult, err = ni.AddForwardingEntry(context.Background(), localRoute)
AssertNoError(t, err)
if addResult != stack.StackAddForwardingEntryResultWithResponse(stack.StackAddForwardingEntryResponse{}) {
t.Errorf("got ni.AddForwardingEntry(%#v) = %#v, want = Response()", localRoute, addResult)
table, err = ni.GetForwardingTable(context.Background())
AssertNoError(t, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedTable, table, cmpopts.IgnoreTypes(struct{}{})); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("forwarding table mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
// Add default route.
addResult, err = ni.AddForwardingEntry(context.Background(), defaultRoute)
AssertNoError(t, err)
if addResult != stack.StackAddForwardingEntryResultWithResponse(stack.StackAddForwardingEntryResponse{}) {
t.Errorf("got ni.AddForwardingEntry(%#v) = %#v, want = Response()", defaultRoute, addResult)
table, err = ni.GetForwardingTable(context.Background())
AssertNoError(t, err)
expectedTable = append(expectedTable, wantDefaultRoute)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedTable, table, cmpopts.IgnoreTypes(struct{}{})); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("forwarding table mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
// Remove nonexistent subnet.
delResult, err := ni.DelForwardingEntry(context.Background(), stack.ForwardingEntry{Subnet: nonexistentSubnet})
AssertNoError(t, err)
if delResult != stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResultWithErr(stack.ErrorNotFound) {
t.Errorf("got ni.DelForwardingEntry(%#v) = %#v, want = Err(ErrorNotFound)", nonexistentSubnet, delResult)
// Remove subnet with bad subnet mask.
delResult, err = ni.DelForwardingEntry(context.Background(), stack.ForwardingEntry{Subnet: badMaskSubnet})
AssertNoError(t, err)
if delResult != stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResultWithErr(stack.ErrorInvalidArgs) {
t.Errorf("got ni.DelForwardingEntry(%#v) = %#v, want = Err(ErrorInvalidArgs)", badMaskSubnet, delResult)
// Remove local route.
delResult, err = ni.DelForwardingEntry(context.Background(), stack.ForwardingEntry{Subnet: localSubnet})
AssertNoError(t, err)
if delResult != stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResultWithResponse(stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResponse{}) {
t.Fatalf("got ni.DelForwardingEntry(%#v) = Err(%s), want = Response()", localRoute, delResult.Err)
table, err = ni.GetForwardingTable(context.Background())
AssertNoError(t, err)
expectedTable = []stack.ForwardingEntry{wantDefaultRoute}
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedTable, table, cmpopts.IgnoreTypes(struct{}{})); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("forwarding table mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
// Remove default route.
delResult, err = ni.DelForwardingEntry(context.Background(), stack.ForwardingEntry{Subnet: defaultSubnet})
AssertNoError(t, err)
if delResult != stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResultWithResponse(stack.StackDelForwardingEntryResponse{}) {
t.Fatalf("got ni.DelForwardingEntry(%#v) = Err(%s), want = Response()", localRoute, delResult.Err)
table, err = ni.GetForwardingTable(context.Background())
AssertNoError(t, err)
expectedTable = []stack.ForwardingEntry{}
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedTable, table, cmpopts.IgnoreTypes(struct{}{})); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("forwarding table mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
t.Run("Enable and Disable IP Forwarding", func(t *testing.T) {
ns, _ := newNetstack(t, netstackTestOptions{})
ifs1 := addNoopEndpoint(t, ns, "")
ifs2 := addNoopEndpoint(t, ns, "")
ni := stackImpl{ns: ns}
protocols := [...]struct {
tcpip tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber
fidl net.IpVersion
tcpip: ipv4.ProtocolNumber,
fidl: net.IpVersionV4,
tcpip: ipv6.ProtocolNumber,
fidl: net.IpVersionV6,
nicIDs := [...]tcpip.NICID{ifs1.nicid, ifs2.nicid}
checkForwarding := func(nicID tcpip.NICID, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, ipVersion net.IpVersion, want bool) {
if got, err := ns.stack.NICForwarding(nicID, netProto); err != nil {
t.Errorf("ns.stack.NICForwarding(%d, %d): %s", nicID, netProto, err)
} else if got != want {
t.Errorf("got ns.stack.NICForwarding(%d, %d) = %t, want = %t", nicID, netProto, got, want)
checkAllForwarding := func(want bool) {
for _, protocol := range protocols {
for _, nicID := range nicIDs {
checkForwarding(nicID, protocol.tcpip, protocol.fidl, want)
if t.Failed() {
checkAllForwardingExcept := func(want bool, exceptNICID tcpip.NICID, exceptProtocol net.IpVersion) {
for _, protocol := range protocols {
for _, nicID := range nicIDs {
want := want
if nicID == exceptNICID && protocol.fidl == exceptProtocol {
want = !want
checkForwarding(nicID, protocol.tcpip, protocol.fidl, want)
if t.Failed() {
setInterfaceForwarding := func(nicID tcpip.NICID, ipVersion net.IpVersion, enabled bool) {
resp, err := ni.SetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecated(context.Background(), uint64(nicID), ipVersion, enabled)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ni.SetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecated(_, uint64(%d), %d, %t): %s", nicID, ipVersion, enabled, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(stack.StackSetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecatedResultWithResponse(stack.StackSetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecatedResponse{}), resp); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("ni.SetInterfaceIpForwardingDeprecated(_, %d, %d, %t) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", nicID, ipVersion, enabled, diff)
// Forwarding should initially be disabled.
// We should be able to enable forwarding on a single interface.
setInterfaceForwarding(ifs1.nicid, net.IpVersionV4, true)
checkAllForwardingExcept(false, ifs1.nicid, net.IpVersionV4)
setInterfaceForwarding(ifs1.nicid, net.IpVersionV6, true)
setInterfaceForwarding(ifs2.nicid, net.IpVersionV4, true)
setInterfaceForwarding(ifs2.nicid, net.IpVersionV6, true)
// We should be able to disable forwarding on a single interface.
setInterfaceForwarding(ifs1.nicid, net.IpVersionV4, false)
checkAllForwardingExcept(true, ifs1.nicid, net.IpVersionV4)
t.Run("Remove loopback interface", func(t *testing.T) {
ns, _ := newNetstack(t, netstackTestOptions{})
if err := ns.addLoopback(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ns.addLoopback() = %s", err)
ni := stackImpl{ns: ns}
nicId, ok := func() (uint64, bool) {
for nicId, info := range ns.stack.NICInfo() {
if info.Flags.Loopback {
return uint64(nicId), true
return 0, false
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("failed to find loopback interface")
delResult, err := ni.DelEthernetInterface(context.Background(), nicId)
AssertNoError(t, err)
if delResult != stack.StackDelEthernetInterfaceResultWithErr(stack.ErrorNotSupported) {
t.Errorf("got ni.DelEthernetInterface(%d) = %#v, want = Err(ErrorNotSupported)", nicId, delResult)
func TestDnsServerWatcher(t *testing.T) {
ns, _ := newNetstack(t, netstackTestOptions{})
watcherCollection := newDnsServerWatcherCollection(ns.dnsConfig.GetServersCacheAndChannel)
ni := stackImpl{ns: ns, dnsWatchers: watcherCollection}
request, watcher, err := name.NewDnsServerWatcherWithCtxInterfaceRequest()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create watcher request: %s", err)
defer func() {
_ = request.Close()
_ = watcher.Close()
if err := ni.GetDnsServerWatcher(context.Background(), request); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get watcher: %s", err)