blob: 07144b3cae5fd0a1aeb5abe1e6f4559227a1fa9b [file] [log] [blame]
name: Inspect
team: Diagnostics
Home: /docs/development/diagnostics/inspect
description: |
Expose structured state about a component. Monitor the state of a component at an
instant in time.
The Inspect tool allows a component to expose an arbitrary hierarchy of typed key/value pairs
and update it over the course of its execution. This data can be snapshotted and inspected
while the component is still running.
Inspect is commonly used to represent information about the working set and recent history
of a component to help during debugging.
Component authors use Inspect by depending on a library in their language of choice (Rust, C++,
and Dart are currently supported), and calling the appropriate methods to mutate their
recorded state.
Inspect data may be read using the <code>ffx component inspect</code>
tool or <code>ffx target snapshot</code>.
- Triage
name: Logs
team: Diagnostics
Writing Logs: /docs/development/diagnostics/logs/recording
Viewing Logs: /docs/development/diagnostics/logs/viewing
description: |
Print string logs during the execution of a component.
Fuchsia, like many systems, supports basic logging of strings to record some information
when particular lines of source code are executed.
Logs are aggregated by the Archivist component. They may be read using `ffx log`.
- Structured Logs
name: Structured Logs
team: Diagnostics
Structured log encoding reference: /docs/reference/platform-spec/diagnostics/logs-encoding
description: |
Store structured key/value pairs in log messages.
In addition to text-based logs, Fuchsia supports fully structured
log records encoded as typed key/value hierarchies.
Developers may write structured logs using the <code>tracing</code> crate macros in Rust
or the <code>FX_SLOG</code> macro in C++.