blob: 6194fd9233a3cdbb264c8e78d1807842a002e507 [file] [log] [blame]
key: Runtime Observation
use-case: |
I want to understand what my component is doing at runtime.
- Inspect
- Logs
- Structured Logs
description: |
It is often useful to be able to look at what you component is actually doing when it runs on a
system. Fuchsia, like most systems, supports [Logging][Logs] so components may
provide human-readable output on their state. Logs may be augmented with
[Structured Data][Structured Logs] that is typed and can be aggregated by other tools.
Fuchsia components have the unique ability to [publish their ongoing state for inspection using
the Inspect feature][Inspect]. Generally, Inspect tells you what your component is doing
<i>right now</i> while Logs tell you how you got there. Both are useful to have a comprehensive
view of component status.
related-problems: []