blob: b9cd98c5908906a7fd3851916fcddd70da55e48a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
"""Validates file system accesses of a subprocess command.
This uses a traced exection wrapper (fsatrace) to invoke a command,
captures a trace of file system {read,write} operations, and validates
those access against constraints such as declared inputs and outputs.
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import dataclasses
import enum
import itertools
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import AbstractSet, Any, Callable, Collection, FrozenSet, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, TextIO, Tuple
trailing_white_spaces = re.compile("\\\s+\r?\n")
def _partition(
iterable: Iterable[Any],
predicate: Callable[[Any],
bool]) -> Tuple[Sequence[Any], Sequence[Any]]:
"""Splits sequence into two sequences based on predicate function."""
trues = []
falses = []
for item in iterable:
if predicate(item):
return trues, falses
class FileAccessType(enum.Enum):
class MatchConditions(object):
prefixes: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
suffixes: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
components: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
def matches(self, path: str) -> bool:
"""Returns true if path matches any of the conditions."""
if any(path.startswith(prefix) for prefix in self.prefixes):
return True
if any(path.endswith(suffix) for suffix in self.suffixes):
return True
if set(path.split(os.path.sep)).intersection(self.components):
return True
return False
def _find_first_index(
iterable: Iterable[Any], pred: Callable[[Any], bool]) -> int:
"""Returns the index of the first element that satisfies the predicate, or -1."""
for n, item in enumerate(iterable):
if pred(item):
return n
return -1
class ToolCommand(object):
"""This models a command for invoking a tool in a shell.
A command consists of the following components in order:
* an optional list of environment variable overrides like 'HOME=/path'
* one tool (script or binary in PATH)
* an optional list of flags and arguments passed to the tool
tokens: Sequence[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
def _tool_index(self) -> int:
# The first token that isn't 'X=Y' is the tool/script.
return _find_first_index(self.tokens, lambda x: '=' not in x)
def env_tokens(self):
"""Returns the environment overrides (X=Y) of a shell command."""
return self.tokens[:self._tool_index]
def tool(self):
"""Returns the tool/script of the command."""
return self.tokens[self._tool_index]
def args(self):
"""Returns all options and arguments after the tool of the command."""
return self.tokens[self._tool_index + 1:]
def _end_opts_index(self) -> int:
# Find the position of '--', which is conventionally used to stop option
# processing.
return _find_first_index(self.tokens, lambda x: x == '--')
def unwrap(self) -> "ToolCommand":
# Assuming that '--' separates a wrapper from a command, this unwraps
# a command one level. (For example, this script is such a wrapper,
# with the original command following '--' in trailing position.)
end_opts_index = self._end_opts_index
if end_opts_index == -1:
# Deduce that the command is not wrapped.
return self
return ToolCommand(tokens=self.tokens[end_opts_index + 1:])
class FSAccess(object):
"""Represents a single file system access."""
# One of: "read", "write" (covers touch), "delete" (covers move-from)
op: FileAccessType
# The path accessed
path: str
# TODO(fangism): for diagnostic purposes, we may want a copy of the fsatrace
# line from which this access came.
def __repr__(self):
return f"({self.op} {self.path})"
def should_check(
ignore_conditions: MatchConditions,
required_path_prefix: str = "") -> bool:
"""Predicate function use to filter out FSAccesses.
required_path_prefix: Accesses outside of this path prefix are not checked.
An empty string means: check this access.
ignore_conditions: prefixes, suffixes, components to ignore.
true if this access should be checked.
if not self.path.startswith(required_path_prefix):
return False
return not ignore_conditions.matches(self.path)
def allowed(
self, allowed_reads: FrozenSet[str],
allowed_writes: FrozenSet[str]) -> bool:
"""Validates a file system access against a set of allowed accesses.
allowed_reads: set of allowed read paths.
allowed_writes: set of allowed write paths.
True if this access is allowed.
if self.op == FileAccessType.READ:
return self.path in allowed_reads
elif self.op == FileAccessType.WRITE:
return self.path in allowed_writes
elif self.op == FileAccessType.DELETE:
# TODO(fangism): separate out forbidded_deletes
return self.path in allowed_writes
raise ValueError(f"Unknown operation: {self.op}")
# Factory functions for making FSAccess objects.
def Read(path: str):
return FSAccess(FileAccessType.READ, path)
def Write(path: str):
return FSAccess(FileAccessType.WRITE, path)
def Delete(path: str):
return FSAccess(FileAccessType.DELETE, path)
def _parse_fsatrace_line(fsatrace_line: str) -> Iterable[FSAccess]:
"""Parses an output line from fsatrace into a stream of FSAccesses.
Moves are split into two operations: delete source, write destination
fsatrace_line: one line of trace from fsatrace
0 to 2 FSAccess objects.
# ignore any lines that do not parse
op, sep, path = fsatrace_line.partition("|")
if sep != "|":
# op: operation code in [rwdtm]
if op == "r":
yield Read(path)
elif op in {"w", "t"}:
yield Write(path)
elif op == "d":
yield Delete(path)
elif op == "m":
# path: "destination|source"
# The source is deleted, and the destination is written.
dest, sep, source = path.partition("|")
if sep != "|":
raise ValueError("Malformed move line: " + fsatrace_line)
yield Delete(source)
yield Write(dest)
def parse_fsatrace_output(fsatrace_lines: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[FSAccess]:
"""Returns a stream of FSAccess objects."""
ret = []
for line in fsatrace_lines:
except Exception as e:
raise e
return ret
def _abspaths(container: Iterable[str]) -> AbstractSet[str]:
return {os.path.abspath(f) for f in container}
class AccessConstraints(object):
"""Set of file system accesses constraints."""
allowed_reads: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
allowed_writes: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
required_writes: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
# TODO(fangism): forbidden_deletes should probably include declared inputs
def inputs(self):
# allowed_reads includes allowed_writes (and required_writes), so consider
# "inputs" as their set-difference.
return self.allowed_reads - self.allowed_writes - self.required_writes
class DepEdges(object):
ins: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
outs: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
def abspaths(self) -> "DepEdges":
return DepEdges(ins=_abspaths(self.ins), outs=_abspaths(self.outs))
def parse_dep_edges(depfile_line: str) -> DepEdges:
"""Parse a single line of a depfile.
This assumes that all depfile entries are formatted onto a single line.
TODO(fangism): support more generalized forms of input, e.g. multi-line.
depfile_line: has the form "OUTPUT1 [OUTPUT2 ...]: INPUT [INPUT ...]"
A DepEdges object represending a dependency between inputs and outputs.
ValueError if unable to parse dependency entry.
outs, sep, ins = depfile_line.strip().partition(":")
if not sep:
raise ValueError("Failed to parse depfile entry:\n" + depfile_line)
return DepEdges(ins=set(shlex.split(ins)), outs=set(shlex.split(outs)))
class DepFile(object):
"""DepFile represents a collection of dependency edges."""
deps: Collection[DepEdges] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
def all_ins(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
"""Returns a set of all dependency inputs."""
return {f for dep in self.deps for f in dep.ins}
def all_outs(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
"""Returns a set of all dependency outputs."""
return {f for dep in self.deps for f in dep.outs}
def parse_depfile(depfile_lines: Iterable[str]) -> DepFile:
"""Parses a depfile into a set of inputs and outputs.
for examples of format using Ninja syntax.
depfile_lines: lines from a depfile
DepFile object, collection of dependencies.
# Go through all lines and join continuations. Doing this manually to avoid
# copies as much as possible.
lines = []
current_line = ""
for line in depfile_lines:
# Ignore empty line
if not line.strip():
if current_line:
raise ValueError(
"Line continuation followed by empty line in depfile line "
+ line)
# Ignore comments
if line.strip().startswith("#"):
if current_line:
raise ValueError(
"Line continuation followed by comment in depfile line " +
# We currently don't allow consecutive backslashes in filenames to
# simplify depfile parsing. Support can be added if use cases come up.
# Ninja's implementation:
if r"\\" in line:
raise ValueError(
f'Consecutive backslashes found in depfile line "{line}", this is not supported by action tracer'
# We currently don't have any use cases with trailing whitespaces in
# file names, so treat them as errors when they show up at the end of a
# line, because users usually want a line continuation. We can
# reconsider this check when use cases come up.
if trailing_white_spaces.match(line):
raise ValueError(
f'Backslash followed by trailing whitespaces at end of line "{line}", remove whitespaces for proper line continuation'
if line.endswith(("\\\n", "\\\r\n")):
current_line += line.rstrip("\\\r\n")
current_line += line
current_line = ""
if current_line:
raise ValueError("Line continuation found at end of file")
return DepFile(deps=[parse_dep_edges(line) for line in lines])
def abspaths_from_depfile(depfile: DepFile,
allowed_abspaths: FrozenSet[str]) -> Collection[str]:
return [
f for f in (depfile.all_ins | depfile.all_outs)
if f not in allowed_abspaths and os.path.isabs(f)
class Action(object):
"""Represents a set of parameters of a single build action."""
inputs: Sequence[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
outputs: Collection[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
depfile: Optional[str] = None
hermetic_inputs: Optional[Collection[str]] = None
parsed_depfile: Optional[DepFile] = None
def access_constraints(
self, writeable_depfile_inputs=False) -> AccessConstraints:
"""Build AccessConstraints from action attributes."""
# Action is required to write outputs and depfile, if provided.
required_writes = {path for path in self.outputs}
# Paths that the action is allowed to write.
# Actions may touch files other than their listed outputs.
allowed_writes = required_writes.copy()
allowed_reads = set(self.inputs)
if self.hermetic_inputs:
elif self.depfile:
# Writing the depfile is not required (yet), but allowed.
if os.path.exists(self.depfile):
with open(self.depfile, "r") as f:
self.parsed_depfile = parse_depfile(f)
if (writeable_depfile_inputs):
# Everything writeable is readable.
return AccessConstraints(
# Follow links in all inputs because fsatrace will log access to link
# destination instead of the link.
os.path.realpath(path) for path in allowed_reads),
# TODO( Should we follow links of outputs as well?
# What's our stance on writing to soft links?
def _sorted_join(elements: Iterable[str], joiner: str):
return joiner.join(sorted(elements))
class FSAccessSet(object):
reads: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
writes: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
deletes: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
def all_accesses(self):
return self.reads | self.writes | self.deletes
def __str__(self):
if not self.all_accesses:
return "[empty accesses]"
text = ""
if self.reads:
text += "\nReads:\n " + _sorted_join(self.reads, "\n ")
if self.writes:
text += "\nWrites:\n " + _sorted_join(self.writes, "\n ")
if self.deletes:
text += "\nDeletes:\n " + _sorted_join(self.deletes, "\n ")
# trim first newline if there is one
return text.lstrip("\n")
def finalize_filesystem_accesses(accesses: Iterable[FSAccess]) -> FSAccessSet:
"""Converts a sequence of filesystem accesses into sets of accesses.
This tracks deleted files, assuming that a file that is written and
then deleted is only a temporary, and is not counted as a final write.
Reads of temporary files are allowed and not recorded.
Deletes of files not written by this sequence of accesses are recorded.
Converting from a stream to set(s) loses access sequence information.
accesses: stream of file-system accesses.
Sets of read, written, and deleted files that should be verified
elsewhere (excluding inferred temporaries).
reads = set()
writes = set()
deletes = set()
for access in accesses:
if access.op == FileAccessType.READ:
# Reading a file that we've written is not interesting.
# Omit those, but add all others.
if access.path not in writes:
elif access.op == FileAccessType.WRITE:
elif access.op == FileAccessType.DELETE:
if access.path in writes:
# Infer that this is a temporary file.
# Allow and ignore reads to written files.
# Do not record this as a deleted file.
# All other deletes require scrutiny.
# writes contains the set of files that were not deleted
return FSAccessSet(reads=reads, writes=writes, deletes=deletes)
def check_access_permissions(
accesses: FSAccessSet, constraints: AccessConstraints) -> FSAccessSet:
"""Checks a sequence of accesses against permission constraints.
accesses: sets of file-system read/write accesses.
constraints: permitted accesses.
.allowed_reads: set of files that are allowed to be read.
.allowed_writes: set of files that are allowed to be written.
Subset of not-permitted file accesses.
# Suppress diagnostics on reading files that are written,
# regardless of whether or not those writes were allowed.
# For example, temporarily written files (not declared as outputs)
# should be allowed to be read without issue.
allowed_reads = constraints.allowed_reads | accesses.writes
unexpected_reads = accesses.reads - allowed_reads
unexpected_writes = accesses.writes - constraints.allowed_writes
return FSAccessSet(reads=unexpected_reads, writes=unexpected_writes)
def check_missing_writes(
accesses: Iterable[FSAccess],
required_writes: FrozenSet[str]) -> AbstractSet[str]:
"""Tracks sequence of access to verify that required files are written.
accesses: file-system accesses.
required_writes: paths that are expected to be written.
Subset of required_writes that were not fulfilled.
missing_writes = required_writes.copy()
for access in accesses:
if access.op == FileAccessType.WRITE and access.path in missing_writes:
elif access.op == FileAccessType.DELETE and access.path in required_writes:
return missing_writes
def actually_read_files(accesses: Iterable[FSAccess]) -> AbstractSet[str]:
"""Returns subset of files that were actually used/read."""
return {
access.path for access in accesses if access.op == FileAccessType.READ
def _verbose_path(path: str) -> str:
"""When any symlinks are followed, show this."""
realpath = os.path.realpath(path)
if path != realpath:
return path + " -> " + realpath
return path
class StalenessDiagnostics(object):
"""Just a structure to capture results of diagnosing outputs."""
required_writes: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
nonexistent_outputs: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
# If there are stale_outputs, then it must have been compared against a
# newest_input.
newest_input: Optional[str] = None
stale_outputs: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
def has_findings(self):
return self.nonexistent_outputs or self.stale_outputs
def print_findings(self, stream: TextIO):
"""Prints human-readable diagnostics.
stream: a file stream, like sys.stderr.
required_writes_formatted = "\n".join(
_verbose_path(f) for f in self.required_writes)
Required writes:
""", file=stream)
if self.nonexistent_outputs:
nonexistent_outputs_formatted = "\n".join(
_verbose_path(f) for f in self.nonexistent_outputs)
Missing outputs:
if self.stale_outputs:
stale_outputs_formatted = "\n".join(
_verbose_path(f) for f in self.stale_outputs)
Stale outputs: (older than newest input: {self.newest_input})
def realpath_ctime(path: str) -> int:
"""Follow symlinks before getting ctime.
This reflects Ninja's behavior of using `stat()` instead of `lstat()`
on symlinks.
path: file or symlink
ctime of the realpath of path.
return os.path.getctime(os.path.realpath(path))
def diagnose_stale_outputs(
accesses: Iterable[FSAccess],
access_constraints: AccessConstraints) -> StalenessDiagnostics:
"""Analyzes access stream for missing writes.
Also compares timestamps of inputs relative to outputs
to determine staleness.
accesses: trace of file system accesses.
access_constraints: access that may/must[not] occur.
Structure of findings, including missing/stale outputs.
# Verify that outputs are written as promised.
missing_writes = check_missing_writes(
accesses, access_constraints.required_writes)
# Distinguish stale from nonexistent output files.
untouched_outputs, nonexistent_outputs = _partition(
missing_writes, os.path.exists)
# Check that timestamps relative to inputs (allowed_reads) are newer,
# in which case, not-writing outputs is acceptable.
# Determines file use based on the `accesses` trace,
# not the stat() filesystem function.
read_files = actually_read_files(accesses)
# Ignore allowed-but-unused inputs.
# Outputs are readable, but should not be considered as inputs.
used_inputs = access_constraints.inputs.intersection(read_files)
# Compare timestamps vs. newest input to find stale outputs.
stale_outputs = set()
newest_input = None
if used_inputs and untouched_outputs:
# All links in inputs are followed to their destinations already in
# previous steps, so realpath_ctime is unnecessary on them.
newest_input = max(used_inputs, key=os.path.getctime)
# Filter out untouched outputs that are still newer than used inputs.
input_timestamp = os.path.getctime(newest_input)
stale_outputs = {
out for out in untouched_outputs
if realpath_ctime(out) < input_timestamp
return StalenessDiagnostics(
def main_arg_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
"""Construct the argument parser, called by main()."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Traces a GN action and enforces strict inputs/outputs",
"Path to fsatrace binary. If omitted, it will search for one in PATH.")
"--label", required=True, help="The wrapped target's label")
"--trace-output", required=True, help="Where to store the trace")
help="Whether to keep trace output after the checks are successful")
"--no-keep-raw-trace", action="store_false", dest="keep_raw_trace")
choices=["action", "action_foreach"],
help="Type of target being wrapped",
parser.add_argument("--inputs", nargs="*", help="action#inputs")
parser.add_argument("--outputs", nargs="*", help="action#outputs")
parser.add_argument("--depfile", help="action#depfile")
help="Path to file listing extra inputs for this command")
"On failing tracing checks, exit with this code. Use 0 to report findings without failing.",
help="Extra file-path prefix that should be ignored.")
# Want --foo (default:True) and --no-foo (False).
# This is ugly, trying to emulate argparse.BooleanOptionalAction,
# which isn't available until Python 3.9.
help="Check permissions on file reads and writes")
# This affects the set of files that are allowed to be written.
# TODO(fangism): remove this flag entirely, disallowing writes to inputs
"Allow writes to inputs found in depfiles. Only effective with --check-access-permissions."
# TODO(fangism): This check is blocked on *.py being in the ignored set.
default=False, # Goal: always True (remove this flag)
help="Check that inputs do not belong to the set of ignored files")
# Positional args are the command (tool+args) to run and trace.
parser.add_argument("command", nargs="*", help="action#command")
return parser
def _tool_is_python(tool: str) -> bool:
base = os.path.basename(tool)
return base == "python" or base.startswith("python3")
def get_python_script(command: ToolCommand) -> Optional[str]:
"""If the script being invoked is python, return the relevant .py file"""
# Cover both cases when the tool:
# 1. is executed directly, for example: ./
if command.tool.endswith(('.py', '.pyz')):
return command.tool
# 2. is explicitly executed by an interpreter
# for example: path/to/prebuilt/python3.8
elif _tool_is_python(command.tool):
script_index = _find_first_index(
command.args, lambda x: x.endswith(('.py', '.pyz')))
assert script_index != -1, f"Expected to find Python script after interpreter: {command.args}"
return command.args[script_index]
return None
def is_known_wrapper(command: ToolCommand) -> bool:
"""Is this a command-wrapping script?
True if the command is one of the known wrapper scripts that encapsulates
another command in tail position after '--'.
if python_script := get_python_script(command):
return os.path.basename(python_script) in {
"", ""
return False
def all_parent_dirs(abspath: str) -> AbstractSet[str]:
"""Identifies all parent dirs of a given path.
abspath: absolute path to a file or dir, which need not exist.
Set of all ancestor directories of `abspath`.
dirs = set()
temp_path = os.path.dirname(abspath)
while temp_path and temp_path != os.path.sep:
temp_path = os.path.dirname(temp_path)
return dirs
def detect_all_dirs(paths: Iterable[str]) -> AbstractSet[str]:
"""Evaluates the set of directories seen from a collection of paths.
paths: sequence of file or directory paths.
Set union of all ancestor directories of paths.
dirs = set()
for path in paths:
return dirs
def main():
parser = main_arg_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
command = ToolCommand(tokens=args.command)
# Unwrap certain command wrapper scripts.
while is_known_wrapper(command):
command = command.unwrap()
# Ensure trace_output directory exists
trace_output_dir = os.path.dirname(args.trace_output)
os.makedirs(trace_output_dir, exist_ok=True)
retval =
] + command.tokens)
# Identify the intended tool from the original command.
script = command.tool
if python_script := get_python_script(command):
script = python_script
# Scripts with known issues
ignored_scripts = {
# Because the clippy linter is effectively the same as the rust compiler,
# and we don't enforce hemeticity on rustc, we also exempt clippy.
# When recursively copying a directory, shutil.copy_tree first recursively
# deletes the old files. It has to read directories to delete all the files
# in them, and those files arent listed in the generated depfile.
if os.path.basename(script) in ignored_scripts:
return retval
hermetic_inputs = None
depfile = args.depfile
if args.hermetic_inputs_file:
assert args.depfile, '--hermetic-inputs-file requires --depfile!'
with open(args.hermetic_inputs_file) as f:
hermetic_inputs = [os.path.abspath(l.strip()) for l in f]
# Generate the depfile here. Take care of creating the output directory
# if needed.
depfile_dir = os.path.dirname(args.depfile)
if not os.path.exists(depfile_dir):
with open(args.depfile, 'w') as f:
'%s: %s\n' %
(' '.join(args.outputs), ' '.join(hermetic_inputs)))
# Compute constraints from action properties (from args).
action = Action(
access_constraints = action.access_constraints(
# Limit most access checks to files under src_root.
src_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()))
# Paths that are ignored
ignored_prefixes = {
### C/C++
# Clang standard libraries, compiler runtime, etc are not strict inputs.
src_root, "prebuilt", "third_party", "clang", "linux-x64", "lib/"),
### Python
# Python scripts access Python prebuilts for the interpreter,
# standard library, and other things that are not strict inputs
# to Python scripts.
os.path.join(src_root, "prebuilt", "third_party", "python3/"),
### Dart
# TODO(jayzhuang): flutter's dart_libraries currently don't have sources
# listed, fix that and remove this exception.
os.path.join(src_root, "third_party", "dart-pkg", "git", "flutter/"),
# Dart provides prebuilt libs and their snapshots for its standard libraries
# that are not strict inputs to Dart programs.
os.path.join(src_root, "prebuilt", "third_party", "dart/"),
# The Dart format and analyzer want to write to $HOME/.dart/...
# but there is no HOME defined when running `fx build`, so they end
# up writing to the output directory instead. Ignore these since this
# is harmless. This is favored to setting a fake HOME value in
# the `hermetic-env` script (used by `fx build`), because it allows
# catching other tools trying to write to $HOME in the future.
# This only affects local builds.
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".dart/"),
### Flutter
# Implicit engine deps
os.path.join(src_root, "prebuilt", "third_party", "sky_engine", "lib/"),
# Ignored prefixes are to be given relative to the root_build_dir (since
# that is the only rebase_path() option from GN that can be used.
for prefix in args.ignore_prefix:
os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), prefix)))
ignored_suffixes = {
# TODO(jayzhuang): Figure out whether `.dart_tool/package_config.json`
# should be included in inputs.
# Allow Flutter to read and write tool states.
# Allow actions to read .fx-build-dir to figure out the current build
# directory.
# This only affects local builds.
os.path.join(src_root, ".fx-build-dir"),
ignored_path_parts = {
# Python creates these directories with bytecode caches
# some actions are known to generate implicit outputs in
# these directories that are unknown before the metadata collection phase.
# It was decided to tolerate this behavior.
# Kazoo golden-test writes temporary test files, we ignore accesses to
# them.
# This temporary directory is only used to find nonterministic outputs.
# Dart kernel actions write intermediate outputs in order to generate
# the final `.dil` file. These intermediate outputs cannot be determined
# at GN gen time, so write them to `__untraced_dart_kernel__` and ignore
# accesses to them.
# Flutter dart components collects flutter assets in an output directory
# which cannot be determined at GN gen time, so write them to
# `__untraced_flutter_assets__` and ignore accesses to them.
# our current dartdoc implementation seems
# to be throwing aberrant unexpected reads and is also missing
# some writes. We declare this exemption temporarily until it is fixed.
# It's ok to access */.git/* if your action is sensitive to .git contents.
for args_input in args.inputs:
if ".git" in args_input.split(os.sep):
# TODO(fangism): for suffixes that we always ignore for writing, such as
# safe or intended side-effect byproducts, make sure no declared inputs ever
# match them.
raw_trace = ""
with open(args.trace_output, "r") as trace:
raw_trace =
# Parse trace file.
all_accesses = parse_fsatrace_output(raw_trace.splitlines())
# Record all directories ever seen, so we know to ignore them.
all_dirs = detect_all_dirs(access.path for access in all_accesses)
# Files' contents are what matters for reproducibilty.
# Ignore directory accesses, including symlinked dirs.
# Also filter out temporary directories that no longer exist.
file_accesses = [
access for access in all_accesses if not (
os.path.isdir(os.path.realpath(access.path)) or
access.path in all_dirs)
# Filter out accesses we don't want to track.
ignore_conditions = MatchConditions(
exit_code = 0
# Make sure no declared inputs match ignored patterns.
# Ignored files should never be depended on by other actions.
declared_ignored_inputs = {
path for path in action.inputs if ignore_conditions.matches(path)
if args.check_inputs_not_in_ignored_set and declared_ignored_inputs:
ignored_inputs_formatted = "\n ".join(declared_ignored_inputs)
The following inputs of {args.label} are ignored by action tracing, and thus,
should not be declared as dependencies.
exit_code = 1
# Filter out access we don't want to track.
filtered_accesses = [
access for access in file_accesses if access.should_check(
# Ignore accesses that fall outside of the source root.
file_access_sets = finalize_filesystem_accesses(filtered_accesses)
# Check for overall correctness, print diagnostics,
# and exit with the right code.
if args.check_access_permissions and retval == 0:
# Verify the filesystem access trace.
unexpected_accesses = check_access_permissions(
accesses=file_access_sets, constraints=access_constraints)
if unexpected_accesses.all_accesses:
unexpected_accesses_formatted = str(unexpected_accesses)
Unexpected file accesses building {args.label}:
Full access trace in build directory: {args.trace_output}
exit_code = args.failed_check_status
elif not args.keep_raw_trace:
if action.parsed_depfile:
allowed_abspaths = {"/usr/bin/env"}
abspaths = abspaths_from_depfile(
action.parsed_depfile, allowed_abspaths)
if abspaths:
exit_code = args.failed_check_status
one_path_per_line = '\n'.join(sorted(abspaths))
Found the following files with absolute paths in depfile {action.depfile} for {args.label}:
if retval != 0:
# Always forward the action's non-zero exit code, regardless of tracer findings.
return retval
return exit_code
if __name__ == "__main__":