blob: daa339f2a9ae4c59489e6bcdbd811bbbf6249b9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::validate::{self, Action, Number, NumberType, ROOT_ID};
pub enum Step {
WithMetrics(Vec<validate::Action>, String),
pub struct Trial {
pub name: String,
pub steps: Vec<Step>,
pub fn real_trials() -> Vec<Trial> {
macro_rules! create_node {
(parent: $parent:expr, id: $id:expr, name: $name:expr) => {
validate::Action::CreateNode(validate::CreateNode {
parent: $parent,
id: $id,
name: $name.into(),
macro_rules! delete_node {
(id: $id:expr) => {
validate::Action::DeleteNode(validate::DeleteNode { id: $id })
macro_rules! create_numeric_property {
(parent: $parent:expr, id: $id:expr, name: $name:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::CreateNumericProperty(validate::CreateNumericProperty {
parent: $parent,
id: $id,
name: $name.into(),
value: $value,
macro_rules! create_bytes_property {
(parent: $parent:expr, id: $id:expr, name: $name:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::CreateBytesProperty(validate::CreateBytesProperty {
parent: $parent,
id: $id,
name: $name.into(),
value: $value.into(),
macro_rules! create_string_property {
(parent: $parent:expr, id: $id:expr, name: $name:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::CreateStringProperty(validate::CreateStringProperty {
parent: $parent,
id: $id,
name: $name.into(),
value: $value.into(),
macro_rules! set_string {
(id: $id:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::SetString(validate::SetString { id: $id, value: $value.into() })
macro_rules! set_bytes {
(id: $id:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::SetBytes(validate::SetBytes { id: $id, value: $value.into() })
macro_rules! set_number {
(id: $id:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::SetNumber(validate::SetNumber { id: $id, value: $value })
macro_rules! add_number {
(id: $id:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::AddNumber(validate::AddNumber { id: $id, value: $value })
macro_rules! subtract_number {
(id: $id:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::SubtractNumber(validate::SubtractNumber { id: $id, value: $value })
macro_rules! delete_property {
(id: $id:expr) => {
validate::Action::DeleteProperty(validate::DeleteProperty { id: $id })
macro_rules! create_array_property {
(parent: $parent:expr, id: $id:expr, name: $name:expr, slots: $slots:expr, type: $type:expr) => {
validate::Action::CreateArrayProperty(validate::CreateArrayProperty {
parent: $parent,
id: $id,
name: $name.into(),
slots: $slots,
number_type: $type,
macro_rules! array_set {
(id: $id:expr, index: $index:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::ArraySet(validate::ArraySet { id: $id, index: $index, value: $value })
macro_rules! array_add {
(id: $id:expr, index: $index:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::ArrayAdd(validate::ArrayAdd { id: $id, index: $index, value: $value })
macro_rules! array_subtract {
(id: $id:expr, index: $index:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::ArraySubtract(validate::ArraySubtract {
id: $id,
index: $index,
value: $value,
macro_rules! create_linear_histogram {
(parent: $parent:expr, id: $id:expr, name: $name:expr, floor: $floor:expr,
step_size: $step_size:expr, buckets: $buckets:expr, type: $type:ident) => {
validate::Action::CreateLinearHistogram(validate::CreateLinearHistogram {
parent: $parent,
id: $id,
name: $name.into(),
floor: Number::$type($floor),
step_size: Number::$type($step_size),
buckets: $buckets,
macro_rules! create_exponential_histogram {
(parent: $parent:expr, id: $id:expr, name: $name:expr, floor: $floor:expr,
initial_step: $initial_step:expr, step_multiplier: $step_multiplier:expr,
buckets: $buckets:expr, type: $type:ident) => {
validate::Action::CreateExponentialHistogram(validate::CreateExponentialHistogram {
parent: $parent,
id: $id,
name: $name.into(),
floor: Number::$type($floor),
initial_step: Number::$type($initial_step),
step_multiplier: Number::$type($step_multiplier),
buckets: $buckets,
macro_rules! insert {
(id: $id:expr, value: $value:expr) => {
validate::Action::Insert(validate::Insert { id: $id, value: $value })
macro_rules! insert_multiple {
(id: $id:expr, value: $value:expr, count: $count:expr) => {
validate::Action::InsertMultiple(validate::InsertMultiple {
id: $id,
value: $value,
count: $count,
fn basic_node() -> Trial {
Trial {
name: "Basic Node".into(),
steps: vec![Step::Actions(vec![
create_node!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 1, name: "child"),
create_node!(parent: 1, id: 2, name: "grandchild"),
delete_node!( id: 2),
delete_node!( id: 1 ),
// Verify they can be deleted in either order.
create_node!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 1, name: "child"),
create_node!(parent: 1, id: 2, name: "grandchild"),
delete_node!( id: 1),
delete_node!( id: 2 ),
fn basic_string() -> Trial {
Trial {
name: "Basic String".into(),
steps: vec![Step::Actions(vec![
create_string_property!(parent: ROOT_ID, id:1, name: "str", value: "foo"),
set_string!(id: 1, value: "bar"),
set_string!(id: 1, value: "This Is A Longer String"),
set_string!(id: 1, value: "."),
// Make sure it can hold a string bigger than the biggest block (3000 chars > 2040)
set_string!(id: 1, value: ["1234567890"; 300].to_vec().join("")),
delete_property!(id: 1),
fn basic_bytes() -> Trial {
Trial {
name: "Basic bytes".into(),
steps: vec![Step::Actions(vec![
create_bytes_property!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 8, name: "bytes", value: vec![1u8, 2u8]),
set_bytes!(id: 8, value: vec![3u8, 4, 5, 6, 7]),
set_bytes!(id: 8, value: vec![8u8]),
delete_property!(id: 8),
fn basic_int() -> Trial {
Trial {
name: "Basic Int".into(),
steps: vec![Step::Actions(vec![
create_numeric_property!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 5, name: "int", value: Number::IntT(10)),
set_number!(id: 5, value: Number::IntT(std::i64::MAX)),
subtract_number!(id: 5, value: Number::IntT(3)),
set_number!(id: 5, value: Number::IntT(std::i64::MIN)),
add_number!(id: 5, value: Number::IntT(2)),
delete_property!(id: 5),
fn basic_uint() -> Trial {
Trial {
name: "Basic Uint".into(),
steps: vec![Step::Actions(vec![
create_numeric_property!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 5, name: "uint", value: Number::UintT(1)),
set_number!(id: 5, value: Number::UintT(std::u64::MAX)),
subtract_number!(id: 5, value: Number::UintT(3)),
set_number!(id: 5, value: Number::UintT(0)),
add_number!(id: 5, value: Number::UintT(2)),
delete_property!(id: 5),
fn basic_double() -> Trial {
Trial {
name: "Basic Double".into(),
steps: vec![Step::Actions(vec![
create_numeric_property!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 5, name: "uint",
value: Number::DoubleT(1.0)),
set_number!(id: 5, value: Number::DoubleT(std::f64::MAX)),
subtract_number!(id: 5, value: Number::DoubleT(std::f64::MIN/10_f64)),
set_number!(id: 5, value: Number::DoubleT(std::f64::MIN)),
add_number!(id: 5, value: Number::DoubleT(std::f64::MIN / 10_f64)),
delete_property!(id: 5),
fn array_indexes_to_test() -> Vec<u64> {
let mut ret: Vec<u64> = (0..200).collect();
fn basic_int_array() -> Trial {
let mut actions = vec![create_array_property!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 5, name: "int", slots: 5,
type: NumberType::Int)];
for index in array_indexes_to_test().iter() {
actions.push(array_add!(id: 5, index: *index, value: Number::IntT(7)));
actions.push(array_subtract!(id: 5, index: *index, value: Number::IntT(3)));
actions.push(array_set!(id: 5, index: *index, value: Number::IntT(19)));
actions.push(delete_property!(id: 5));
Trial { name: "Int Array Ops".into(), steps: vec![Step::Actions(actions)] }
fn basic_uint_array() -> Trial {
let mut actions = vec![create_array_property!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 6, name: "uint", slots: 5,
type: NumberType::Uint)];
for index in array_indexes_to_test().iter() {
actions.push(array_add!(id: 6, index: *index, value: Number::UintT(11)));
actions.push(array_subtract!(id: 6, index: *index, value: Number::UintT(3)));
actions.push(array_set!(id: 6, index: *index, value: Number::UintT(19)));
actions.push(delete_property!(id: 6));
Trial { name: "Unt Array Ops".into(), steps: vec![Step::Actions(actions)] }
fn basic_double_array() -> Trial {
let mut actions = vec![create_array_property!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 4, name: "float", slots: 5,
type: NumberType::Double)];
for index in array_indexes_to_test().iter() {
actions.push(array_add!(id: 4, index: *index, value: Number::DoubleT(2.0)));
actions.push(array_subtract!(id: 4, index: *index, value: Number::DoubleT(3.5)));
actions.push(array_set!(id: 4, index: *index, value: Number::DoubleT(19.0)));
actions.push(delete_property!(id: 4));
Trial { name: "Int Array Ops".into(), steps: vec![Step::Actions(actions)] }
fn int_histogram_ops_trial() -> Trial {
fn push_ops(actions: &mut Vec<validate::Action>, value: i64) {
actions.push(insert!(id: 4, value: Number::IntT(value)));
actions.push(insert_multiple!(id: 4, value: Number::IntT(value), count: 3));
actions.push(insert!(id: 5, value: Number::IntT(value)));
actions.push(insert_multiple!(id: 5, value: Number::IntT(value), count: 3));
let mut actions = vec![
create_linear_histogram!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 4, name: "Lhist", floor: 5,
step_size: 3, buckets: 3, type: IntT),
create_exponential_histogram!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 5, name: "Ehist", floor: 5,
initial_step: 2, step_multiplier: 4,
buckets: 3, type: IntT),
for value in &[std::i64::MIN, std::i64::MAX, 0] {
push_ops(&mut actions, *value);
for value in -10_i64..100 {
push_ops(&mut actions, value);
actions.push(delete_property!(id: 4));
actions.push(delete_property!(id: 5));
Trial { name: "Int Histogram Ops".into(), steps: vec![Step::Actions(actions)] }
fn uint_histogram_ops_trial() -> Trial {
fn push_ops(actions: &mut Vec<validate::Action>, value: u64) {
actions.push(insert!(id: 4, value: Number::UintT(value)));
actions.push(insert_multiple!(id: 4, value: Number::UintT(value), count: 3));
actions.push(insert!(id: 5, value: Number::UintT(value)));
actions.push(insert_multiple!(id: 5, value: Number::UintT(value), count: 3));
let mut actions = vec![
create_linear_histogram!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 4, name: "Lhist", floor: 5,
step_size: 3, buckets: 3, type: UintT),
create_exponential_histogram!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 5, name: "Ehist", floor: 5,
initial_step: 2, step_multiplier: 4,
buckets: 3, type: UintT),
for value in &[std::u64::MAX, 0] {
push_ops(&mut actions, *value);
for value in 0_u64..100 {
push_ops(&mut actions, value);
actions.push(delete_property!(id: 4));
actions.push(delete_property!(id: 5));
Trial { name: "Uint Histogram Ops".into(), steps: vec![Step::Actions(actions)] }
fn double_histogram_ops_trial() -> Trial {
fn push_ops(actions: &mut Vec<validate::Action>, value: f64) {
actions.push(insert!(id: 4, value: Number::DoubleT(value)));
actions.push(insert_multiple!(id: 4, value: Number::DoubleT(value), count: 3));
actions.push(insert!(id: 5, value: Number::DoubleT(value)));
actions.push(insert_multiple!(id: 5, value: Number::DoubleT(value), count: 3));
let mut actions = vec![
// Create exponential first in this test, so that if histograms aren't supported, both
// linear and exponential will be reported as unsupported.
create_exponential_histogram!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 5, name: "Ehist",
floor: std::f64::consts::PI, initial_step: 2.0,
step_multiplier: 4.0, buckets: 3, type: DoubleT),
create_linear_histogram!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 4, name: "Lhist", floor: 5.0,
step_size: 3.0, buckets: 3, type: DoubleT),
for value in &[std::f64::MIN, std::f64::MAX, std::f64::MIN_POSITIVE, 0.0] {
push_ops(&mut actions, *value);
for value in -100_i64..1000 {
push_ops(&mut actions, value as f64 / 10.0);
actions.push(delete_property!(id: 4));
actions.push(delete_property!(id: 5));
Trial { name: "Double Histogram Ops".into(), steps: vec![Step::Actions(actions)] }
fn deletions_trial() -> Trial {
// Action, being a FIDL struct, doesn't implement Clone, so we have to build a new
// Action each time we want to invoke it.
fn n1() -> Action {
create_node!(parent: ROOT_ID, id: 1, name: "root")
fn n2() -> Action {
create_node!(parent: 1, id: 2, name: "parent")
fn n3() -> Action {
create_node!(parent: 2, id: 3, name: "child")
fn p1() -> Action {
create_numeric_property!(parent: 1, id: 4, name: "root_int", value: Number::IntT(1))
fn p2() -> Action {
create_numeric_property!(parent: 2, id: 5, name: "parent_int", value: Number::IntT(2))
fn p3() -> Action {
create_numeric_property!(parent: 3, id: 6, name: "child_int", value: Number::IntT(3))
fn create() -> Vec<Action> {
vec![n1(), n2(), n3(), p1(), p2(), p3()]
fn create2() -> Vec<Action> {
vec![n1(), p1(), n2(), p2(), n3(), p3()]
fn d1() -> Action {
delete_node!(id: 1)
fn d2() -> Action {
delete_node!(id: 2)
fn d3() -> Action {
delete_node!(id: 3)
fn x1() -> Action {
delete_property!(id: 4)
fn x2() -> Action {
delete_property!(id: 5)
fn x3() -> Action {
delete_property!(id: 6)
let mut steps = Vec::new();
steps.push(Step::Actions(vec![d3(), d2(), d1(), x3(), x2(), x1()]));
steps.push(Step::WithMetrics(vec![d1(), d2()], "Delete Except Grandchild".into()));
steps.push(Step::WithMetrics(vec![d3(), x3(), x2(), x1()], "Deleted Grandchild".into()));
// This list tests all 6 sequences of node deletion.
// TODO(fxb/40843): Get the permutohedron crate and test all 720 sequences.
steps.push(Step::Actions(vec![d1(), d2(), d3(), x3(), x2(), x1()]));
steps.push(Step::Actions(vec![d1(), x3(), d2(), x1(), d3(), x2()]));
steps.push(Step::Actions(vec![d1(), x2(), d3(), x3(), d2(), x1()]));
steps.push(Step::Actions(vec![x1(), x3(), d2(), d1(), d3(), x2()]));
steps.push(Step::Actions(vec![d2(), x3(), x2(), x1(), d3(), d1()]));
steps.push(Step::Actions(vec![d3(), x3(), d2(), x1(), d1(), x2()]));
steps.push(Step::Actions(vec![x3(), d3(), d1(), x1(), d2(), x2()]));
steps.push(Step::WithMetrics(vec![], "Everything should be gone".into()));
Trial { name: "Delete With Metrics".into(), steps }
pub(crate) mod tests {
use {super::*, fidl_test_inspect_validate::*};
pub fn trial_with_action(name: &str, action: Action) -> Trial {
Trial { name: name.into(), steps: vec![Step::Actions(vec![action])] }