blob: ce83d5c6e9c168b06a3bb0626383c06902502927 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/cobalt/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/sys/inspect/cpp/component.h>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace media::audio {
class AudioDevice;
// A singleton instance of |Reporter| handles instrumentation concerns (e.g.
// exposing information via inspect, cobalt, etc) for an audio_core instance.
// The idea is to make instrumentation as simple as possible for the code that
// does the real work. This class implements methods corresponding to the
// events that need to be reported in terms that make the most sense for the
// caller. Calls to those methods are made using the |REPORT| macro, which is
// notationally simple:
// REPORT(ThatThingHappened(details, more_details));
// Use of the macro also allows instrumentation to be dropped from the build
// using a simple gn argument, if desired (by setting ENABLE_REPORTER to 0).
// The reporter is provisioned by calling its |Init| method, also using the
// |REPORT| macro. This is done in
// REPORT(Init(component_context));
// Note that calls to methods such as |AddingDevice| allocate resources, which
// should be deallocated by e.g. |RemovingDevice|. For the time being, this
// approach seems preferable to making client code hold RAII objects.
// For the time being, this class is single-threaded. Some support for multi-
// thread access will be required when traffic metrics are added.
// TODO(dalesat): Add traffic metrics.
// TODO(35741): Allow Cobalt and Inspect to be independently disabled. We may limit Inspect to
// pre-release or developer builds, whereas Cobalt would be enabled even in production.
class Reporter {
static Reporter& Singleton();
const inspect::Inspector& inspector() { return *inspector_->inspector(); }
// The following methods are intended to be called using REP. For example:
// REPORT(Init(component_context));
void Init(sys::ComponentContext* component_context);
// Devices.
void FailedToOpenDevice(const std::string& name, bool is_input, int err);
void FailedToObtainFdioServiceChannel(const std::string& name, bool is_input, zx_status_t status);
void FailedToObtainStreamChannel(const std::string& name, bool is_input, zx_status_t status);
void AddingDevice(const std::string& name, const AudioDevice& device);
void RemovingDevice(const AudioDevice& device);
void DeviceStartupFailed(const AudioDevice& device);
void IgnoringDevice(const AudioDevice& device);
void ActivatingDevice(const AudioDevice& device);
void SettingDeviceGainInfo(const AudioDevice& device,
const fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfo& gain_info, uint32_t set_flags);
// Renderers.
void AddingRenderer(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer);
void RemovingRenderer(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer);
void SettingRendererStreamType(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer,
const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& stream_type);
void AddingRendererPayloadBuffer(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer,
uint32_t buffer_id, uint64_t size);
void RemovingRendererPayloadBuffer(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer,
uint32_t buffer_id);
void SendingRendererPacket(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer,
const fuchsia::media::StreamPacket& packet);
void SettingRendererGain(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer, float gain_db);
void SettingRendererGainWithRamp(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer, float gain_db,
zx::duration duration,
fuchsia::media::audio::RampType ramp_type);
void SettingRendererFinalGain(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer, float gain_db);
void SettingRendererMute(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer, bool muted);
void SettingRendererMinLeadTime(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer,
zx::duration min_lead_time);
void SettingRendererPtsContinuityThreshold(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer,
float threshold_seconds);
// Capturers.
void AddingCapturer(const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer& capturer);
void RemovingCapturer(const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer& capturer);
void SettingCapturerStreamType(const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer& capturer,
const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& stream_type);
void AddingCapturerPayloadBuffer(const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer& capturer,
uint32_t buffer_id, uint64_t size);
void SendingCapturerPacket(const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer& capturer,
const fuchsia::media::StreamPacket& packet);
void SettingCapturerGain(const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer& capturer, float gain_db);
void SettingCapturerGainWithRamp(const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer& capturer, float gain_db,
zx::duration duration,
fuchsia::media::audio::RampType ramp_type);
void SettingCapturerMute(const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer& capturer, bool muted);
void SettingCapturerMinFenceTime(const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer& capturer,
zx::duration min_fence_time);
// Logs an Underflow event to cobalt. output_duration_missed is the amount of time by which we
// missed a time-critical write into the output buffer.
void OutputUnderflow(zx::duration output_duration_missed, zx::time uptime_to_underflow);
void InitInspect();
void InitCobalt();
struct Device {
Device(inspect::Node node) : node_(std::move(node)) {
gain_db_ = node_.CreateDouble("gain db", 0.0);
muted_ = node_.CreateUint("muted", 0);
agc_supported_ = node_.CreateUint("agc supported", 0);
agc_enabled_ = node_.CreateUint("agc enabled", 0);
inspect::Node node_;
inspect::DoubleProperty gain_db_;
inspect::UintProperty muted_;
inspect::UintProperty agc_supported_;
inspect::UintProperty agc_enabled_;
struct Output : public Device {
Output(inspect::Node node) : Device(std::move(node)) {}
struct Input : public Device {
Input(inspect::Node node) : Device(std::move(node)) {}
struct PayloadBuffer {
PayloadBuffer(inspect::Node node, uint64_t size) : node_(std::move(node)) {
size_ = node_.CreateUint("size", size);
packets_ = node_.CreateUint("packets", 0);
inspect::Node node_;
inspect::UintProperty size_;
inspect::UintProperty packets_;
struct ClientPort {
ClientPort(inspect::Node node) : node_(std::move(node)) {
sample_format_ = node_.CreateUint("sample format", 0);
channels_ = node_.CreateUint("channels", 0);
frames_per_second_ = node_.CreateUint("frames per second", 0);
payload_buffers_node_ = node_.CreateChild("payload buffers");
gain_db_ = node_.CreateDouble("gain db", 0.0);
muted_ = node_.CreateUint("muted", 0);
set_gain_with_ramp_calls_ = node_.CreateUint("calls to SetGainWithRamp", 0);
inspect::Node node_;
inspect::UintProperty sample_format_;
inspect::UintProperty channels_;
inspect::UintProperty frames_per_second_;
inspect::Node payload_buffers_node_;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, PayloadBuffer> payload_buffers_;
inspect::DoubleProperty gain_db_;
inspect::UintProperty muted_;
// We're just counting these calls for now. |SetGainWithRamp| isn't
// implemented and should never be called.
inspect::UintProperty set_gain_with_ramp_calls_;
struct Renderer : ClientPort {
Renderer(inspect::Node node) : ClientPort(std::move(node)) {
min_lead_time_ns_ = node_.CreateUint("min lead time (ns)", 0);
pts_continuity_threshold_seconds_ = node_.CreateDouble("pts continuity threshold (s)", 0.0);
final_stream_gain_ = node_.CreateDouble("final stream gain (post-volume) dbfs", 0.0);
inspect::UintProperty min_lead_time_ns_;
inspect::DoubleProperty pts_continuity_threshold_seconds_;
inspect::DoubleProperty final_stream_gain_;
struct Capturer : ClientPort {
Capturer(inspect::Node node) : ClientPort(std::move(node)) {
min_fence_time_ns_ = node_.CreateUint("min fence time (ns)", 0);
inspect::UintProperty min_fence_time_ns_;
Device* FindOutput(const AudioDevice& device);
Device* FindInput(const AudioDevice& device);
Renderer* FindRenderer(const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer& renderer);
Capturer* FindCapturer(const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer& capturer);
std::string NextRendererName();
std::string NextCapturerName();
sys::ComponentContext* component_context_ = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<sys::ComponentInspector> inspector_;
inspect::UintProperty failed_to_open_device_count_;
inspect::UintProperty failed_to_obtain_fdio_service_channel_count_;
inspect::UintProperty failed_to_obtain_stream_channel_count_;
inspect::UintProperty device_startup_failed_count_;
inspect::Node outputs_node_;
inspect::Node inputs_node_;
inspect::Node renderers_node_;
inspect::Node capturers_node_;
std::unordered_map<const AudioDevice*, Output> outputs_;
std::unordered_map<const AudioDevice*, Input> inputs_;
std::unordered_map<const fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer*, Renderer> renderers_;
std::unordered_map<const fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer*, Capturer> capturers_;
uint64_t next_renderer_name_ = 0;
uint64_t next_capturer_name_ = 0;
// Connection to cobalt to log telemetry
fuchsia::cobalt::LoggerFactoryPtr cobalt_factory_;
fuchsia::cobalt::LoggerPtr cobalt_logger_;
#define REPORT(x) media::audio::Reporter::Singleton().x
#define REPORT(x) (void)0
} // namespace media::audio