blob: c1902f1c0d2adf97ea99b89d6146e9ca5fbf5c23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library zx;
// Mirrors alias_workarounds[.test].fidl. We don't want to pull real syscalls
// into the test data, so these are copied here. The structs and basic types
// will eventually go away when we can make this test pull in a zx.fidl that
// contains them.
type HandleDisposition = struct {};
type HandleInfo = struct {};
type PciBar = struct {};
type PortPacket = struct {};
type WaitItem = struct {};
alias charptr = uint64;
alias const_futexptr = int32;
alias const_voidptr = uint64;
alias mutable_string = string;
alias mutable_uint32 = uint32;
alias mutable_usize = usize;
alias mutable_vector_HandleDisposition_u32size = vector<HandleDisposition>;
alias mutable_vector_WaitItem = vector<WaitItem>;
alias mutable_vector_handle_u32size = vector<handle>;
alias mutable_vector_void = vector<byte>;
alias mutable_vector_void_u32size = vector<byte>;
alias optional_PciBar = PciBar;
alias optional_PortPacket = PortPacket;
alias optional_koid = koid;
alias optional_signals = signals;
alias optional_time = time;
alias optional_uint32 = uint32;
alias optional_usize = usize;
alias vector_HandleInfo_u32size = vector<HandleInfo>;
alias vector_handle_u32size = vector<handle>;
alias vector_paddr = vector<paddr>;
alias vector_void = vector<byte>;
alias vector_void_u32size = vector<byte>;
alias voidptr = uint64;
alias string_view = uint64;
protocol Aliases {
SomeFunc(resource struct {
a charptr;
b const_futexptr;
c const_voidptr;
d mutable_string;
e mutable_uint32;
f mutable_usize;
g mutable_vector_HandleDisposition_u32size;
h mutable_vector_WaitItem;
i mutable_vector_handle_u32size;
j mutable_vector_void;
k mutable_vector_void_u32size;
l vector_HandleInfo_u32size;
m vector_handle_u32size;
n vector_paddr;
o vector_void;
p vector_void_u32size;
q voidptr;
}) -> (struct {
status status;
r optional_PciBar;
s optional_PortPacket;
t optional_koid;
u optional_signals;
v optional_time;
w optional_uint32;
x optional_usize;
y string_view;