blob: 98440fec959f65ee6c5002a5ec17865f5f6bc0b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/zx/bti.h>
#include <lib/zx/iommu.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls-next.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/iommu.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "test_thread.h"
#include "userpager.h"
__WEAK extern zx_handle_t get_root_resource(void);
namespace pager_tests {
// Convenience macro for tests that want to create VMOs both with and without the ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY
// flag. |base_create_option| specifies the common create options to be used for both cases. The
// test body must use the local variable |create_option| to create VMOs.
#define TEST_WITH_AND_WITHOUT_TRAP_DIRTY(fn_name, base_create_option) \
void fn_name(uint32_t create_option); \
TEST(PagerWriteback, fn_name##TrapDirty) { fn_name(base_create_option | ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY); } \
TEST(PagerWriteback, fn_name##NoTrapDirty) { fn_name(base_create_option); } \
void fn_name(uint32_t create_option)
// Tests that a VMO created with TRAP_DIRTY can be supplied, and generates VMO_DIRTY requests when
// written to.
VMO_VMAR_TEST(PagerWriteback, SimpleTrapDirty) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
TestThread t1([vmo, check_vmar]() -> bool { return check_buffer(vmo, 0, 1, check_vmar); });
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Supply the page first and then attempt to write to it.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
TestThread t2([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0x77;
expected[0] = data;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, check_vmar));
// Writes to a VMO created without TRAP_DIRTY go through without blocking.
Vmo* vmo_no_trap;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmo(1, &vmo_no_trap));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo_no_trap, 0, 1));
uint8_t data = 0xcc;
ASSERT_OK(vmo_no_trap->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)));
vmo_no_trap->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
expected[0] = data;
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo_no_trap, 0, 1,, check_vmar));
// Verify that a non pager-backed vmo cannot be created with TRAP_DIRTY.
zx_handle_t handle;
zx_vmo_create(zx_system_get_page_size(), ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &handle));
// Tests that OP_DIRTY dirties pages even without a write to the VMO.
TEST(PagerWriteback, OpDirtyNoWrite) {
UserPager pager;
// Create a VMO and supply a page.
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
// Dirty the page directly with the pager op.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The page should now be dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// VMO content is unchanged.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// No page requests seen.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Tests that writing to the VMO with zx_vmo_write generates DIRTY requests as expected.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyRequestsOnVmoWrite) {
UserPager pager;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 20;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, kNumPages));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, kNumPages, 0);
TestThread t([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0x77;
// write alternate pages {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages / 2; i += 2) {
expected[i * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
if (vmo->vmo().write(&data, i * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) != ZX_OK) {
return false;
// write consecutive runs of pages too.
// pages written at this point are [0] [2,3,4] [6] [8].
expected[3 * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
if (vmo->vmo().write(&data, 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) != ZX_OK) {
return false;
uint8_t buf[5 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(buf, 0, 5 * zx_system_get_page_size());
memset(&expected[11 * zx_system_get_page_size()], 0, 5 * zx_system_get_page_size());
// pages written are [11, 16).
return vmo->vmo().write(&buf, 11 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(buf)) == ZX_OK;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages / 2; i += 2) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, i, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, i, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 3, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 3, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 11, 5, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 11, 5));
// Verify dirty ranges.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{0, 1, 0}, {2, 3, 0}, {6, 1, 0}, {8, 1, 0}, {11, 5, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// No more requests.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Tests that writing to the VMO through a VM mapping generates DIRTY requests as expected.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyRequestsViaMapping) {
UserPager pager;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 20;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, kNumPages));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, kNumPages, 0);
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
TestThread t([vmo, &ptr, &expected]() -> bool {
// Map the vmo.
if (zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "could not map vmo\n");
return false;
uint8_t data = 0xcc;
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
// write alternate pages {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages / 2; i += 2) {
expected[i * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
buf[i * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
// write consecutive runs of pages too.
// pages written at this point are [0] [2,3,4] [6] [8].
expected[3 * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
buf[3 * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
// pages written are [11, 16).
for (uint64_t i = 11; i < 16; i++) {
expected[i * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
buf[i * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
return true;
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size());
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages / 2; i += 2) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, i, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, i, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 3, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 3, 1));
// We're touching pages one by one via the mapping, so we'll see page requests for individual
// pages. Wait for the first page request and dirty the whole range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 11, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 11, 5));
// Verify dirty ranges.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{0, 1, 0}, {2, 3, 0}, {6, 1, 0}, {8, 1, 0}, {11, 5, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// No more requests.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Tests that no DIRTY requests are generated on a read.
TEST(PagerWriteback, NoDirtyRequestsOnRead) {
UserPager pager;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 3;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
uint8_t tmp;
TestThread t([vmo, &ptr, &tmp]() -> bool {
// Map the vmo.
if (zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "could not map vmo\n");
return false;
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
// Read pages.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
tmp = buf[i * zx_system_get_page_size()];
return true;
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, kNumPages));
// No dirty requests should be seen as none of the pages were dirtied.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Should be able to read from the VMO without faulting now.
uint8_t buf[kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()];
ASSERT_TRUE(vmo->vmo().read(buf, 0, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()) == ZX_OK);
// No dirty requests should be seen as none of the pages were dirtied.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// No remaining reads.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// No dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Verify contents.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, kNumPages, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Tests that DIRTY requests are generated only on the first write.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyRequestsRepeatedWrites) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
TestThread t1([vmo, &ptr, &expected]() -> bool {
// Map the vmo.
if (zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "could not map vmo\n");
return false;
uint8_t data = 0xcc;
expected[0] = data;
*reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) = data;
return true;
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Write to the page again.
TestThread t2([ptr, &expected]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xdd;
expected[0] = data;
*reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) = data;
return true;
// No more requests seen.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Tests that DIRTY requests are generated on a write to a page that was previously read from.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyRequestsOnWriteAfterRead) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
uint8_t tmp;
TestThread t1([vmo, &ptr, &tmp]() -> bool {
// Map the vmo.
if (zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "could not map vmo\n");
return false;
// Read from the page.
tmp = *reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
return true;
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
// No read or dirty requests.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Now write to the page. This should trigger a dirty request.
TestThread t2([ptr, &expected]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xdd;
expected[0] = data;
*reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) = data;
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// No more requests.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Tests that no DIRTY requests are generated for clones of pager-backed VMOs.
TEST(PagerWriteback, NoDirtyRequestsForClones) {
UserPager pager;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 3;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, kNumPages, 0);
auto clone = vmo->Clone();
// Write to the clone.
TestThread t1([&vmo = clone->vmo()]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xc, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size());
return vmo.write(data, 0, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()) == ZX_OK;
// Writing the pages in the clone should trigger faults in the parent. Wait to see the first one.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, kNumPages));
// No dirty requests.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// No dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
uint8_t expected[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(expected, 0xc, zx_system_get_page_size());
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
ASSERT_OK(clone->vmo().read(data, i * zx_system_get_page_size(), zx_system_get_page_size()));
ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(expected, data, zx_system_get_page_size()));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Write to the parent now. This should trigger dirty requests.
TestThread t2([&vmo = vmo->vmo()]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xd, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size());
return vmo.write(data, 0, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, kNumPages, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, kNumPages));
// Should now see the pages dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = kNumPages};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
memset(, 0xd, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// No remaining requests.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Tests that writes for overlapping ranges generate the expected DIRTY requests.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyRequestsOverlap) {
UserPager pager;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 20;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, kNumPages));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, kNumPages, 0);
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
// write pages [4,9).
uint8_t data[5 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write((void*)&data, 4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
TestThread t2([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
// write pages [2,9).
uint8_t data[7 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xbb, sizeof(data));
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write((void*)&data, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 4, 5, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 2, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Dirty the range [4,9).
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 4, 5));
// Dirty the range [2,4).
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 2));
// Verify dirty ranges.
std::vector<zx_vmo_dirty_range_t> ranges;
ranges.push_back({.offset = 2, .length = 7});
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo,, ranges.size()));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
TestThread t3([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
// write pages [11,16).
uint8_t data[5 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xcc, sizeof(data));
memset( + 11 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xcc, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write((void*)&data, 11 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
TestThread t4([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
// write pages [15,19).
uint8_t data[4 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xdd, sizeof(data));
memset( + 15 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xdd, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write((void*)&data, 15 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 11, 5, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// No remaining requests.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Dirty the range [11,16).
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 11, 5));
// This should terminate t3, and wake up t4 until it blocks again for the remaining range.
// Verify dirty ranges.
ranges.push_back({.offset = 11, .length = 5});
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo,, ranges.size()));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 16, 3, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 16, 3));
// Verify dirty ranges.
ranges.back().length = 8;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo,, ranges.size()));
// The contents of page 15 can vary depending on which of t3 or t4 wrote to it last, as both were
// blocked on a dirty request for it at the same time, so there's a race.
bool outcome1 = check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true);
memset( + 15 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xcc, zx_system_get_page_size());
bool outcome2 = check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true);
ASSERT_TRUE(outcome1 || outcome2);
// No remaining requests.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Tests that DIRTY requests are generated as expected for a VMO that has random offsets in various
// page states: {Empty, Clean, Dirty}.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyRequestsRandomOffsets) {
UserPager pager;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 10;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
int page_state[kNumPages]; // 0 for empty, 1 for clean, and 2 for dirty
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
page_state[i] = rand() % 3;
if (page_state[i] == 0) {
// Page not present. Skip ahead.
} else if (page_state[i] == 1) {
// Page is present and clean.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, i, 1));
} else {
// Page is present and dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, i, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, i, 1));
// Now write to the entire range. We should see a combination of read and dirty requests.
TestThread t([&vmo = vmo->vmo()]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()];
return vmo.write(data, 0, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()) == ZX_OK;
uint64_t clean_start = 0;
uint64_t clean_len = 0;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
if (page_state[i] == 0) {
// Page is not present.
// This might break an in-progress clean run, resolve that first.
if (clean_len > 0) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, clean_start, clean_len, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, clean_start, clean_len));
// Should see a read request for this page now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, i, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, i, 1));
// After the supply, visit this page again, as it might get combined into a subsequent clean
// run. Set the page's state to clean, and decrement i.
page_state[i] = 1;
clean_start = i + 1;
clean_len = 0;
} else if (page_state[i] == 1) {
// Page is present and clean. Accumulate into the clean run.
} else {
// Page is present and dirty.
// This might break an in-progress clean run, resolve that first.
if (clean_len > 0) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, clean_start, clean_len, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, clean_start, clean_len));
clean_start = i + 1;
clean_len = 0;
// Resolve the last clean run if any.
if (clean_len > 0) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, clean_start, clean_len, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, clean_start, clean_len));
// No remaining requests.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Tests that ZX_PAGER_OP_FAIL can fail DIRTY page requests and propagate the failure up.
TEST(PagerWriteback, FailDirtyRequests) {
UserPager pager;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 2;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, kNumPages));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, kNumPages, 0);
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
TestThread t1([vmo, &ptr]() -> bool {
// Map the vmo.
if (zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "could not map vmo\n");
return false;
// Write page 0.
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
buf[0] = 0xcc;
return true;
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(t1.WaitForCrash(ptr, ZX_ERR_IO));
// No pages should be dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xdd;
// Write page 1.
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// No pages should be dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Tests that partially failed DIRTY requests allow the write to partially complete.
TEST(PagerWriteback, PartialFailDirtyRequests) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 5;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, kNumPages));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, kNumPages, 0);
// Attempt to write to all the pages so we can partially succeed the request.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
// Should see a dirty request spanning all pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, kNumPages, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Succeed a portion of the request, and fail the remaining.
constexpr uint64_t kNumSuccess = 3;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, kNumSuccess));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, kNumSuccess, kNumPages - kNumSuccess));
// We partially succeeded the previous request, so when the write resumes after blocking, we
// should see another one for the failed portion. Fail it again to indicate failure starting at
// the start offset of the new request, which will stop further retry attempts.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, kNumSuccess, kNumPages - kNumSuccess, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, kNumSuccess, kNumPages - kNumSuccess));
// The overall write should fail.
// Only the successful portion should be dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = kNumSuccess, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// The portion that succeeded should have modified contents.
memset(, 0xaa, kNumSuccess * zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Clean the modified pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, kNumSuccess));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, kNumSuccess));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Try to write again and this time fail at the start of the request.
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xbb, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
// Should see a dirty request spanning all pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, kNumPages, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Fail at the start of the request. This should terminate the blocked thread.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, 0, kNumSuccess));
// No dirty pages and no changes in VMO contents.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Tests that DIRTY requests are generated when offsets with zero page markers are written to.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyRequestsForZeroPages) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 2;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
// Supply with empty source vmo so that the destination gets zero page markers.
zx::vmo vmo_src;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0, &vmo_src));
pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), 0, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
// Verify that the pager vmo has no committed pages, i.e. it only has markers.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(0, info.committed_bytes);
// No dirty pages yet.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
// Write to the first page with zx_vmo_write.
TestThread t1([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
expected[0] = data;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Dirty the first page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify that the pager vmo has one committed page now.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Verify that the page is dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
// Map the second page of the vmo.
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(),
zx_system_get_page_size(), zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
// Write to the second page via the mapping.
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
uint8_t data = 0xbb;
TestThread t2([buf, data, &expected]() -> bool {
*buf = data;
expected[zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Dirty the second page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// Verify that the pager vmo has both pages committed now.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Verify that both the pages are now dirty.
range = {.offset = 0, .length = 2};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(data, *buf);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Tests that ZX_PAGER_OP_DIRTY works for a mix of zero and non-zero pages.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyZeroAndNonZeroPages) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 10;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
// Empty source vmo to supply with zero pages.
zx::vmo vmo_src;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0, &vmo_src));
// For each page offset, supply either a zero or a non-zero page.
uint64_t non_zero_count = 0;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
if (rand() % 2) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, i, 1));
vmo->GenerateBufferContents( + i * zx_system_get_page_size(), 1, i);
} else {
ASSERT_OK(pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), i * zx_system_get_page_size(),
zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Only non-zero pages should be committed.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(non_zero_count * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// No dirty pages yet.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Verify that we're able to dirty the entire range regardless of the type of page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, kNumPages));
// All the pages should be committed and dirty now.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = kNumPages};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Tests that ZX_PAGER_OP_FAIL can fail DIRTY page requests for zero pages.
TEST(PagerWriteback, FailDirtyRequestsForZeroPages) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
// Supply with empty source vmo so that the destination gets zero page markers.
zx::vmo vmo_src;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0, &vmo_src));
ASSERT_OK(pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), 0, zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
// Verify that the pager vmo has no committed pages, i.e. it only has markers.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(0, info.committed_bytes);
// No dirty pages yet.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
// Attempt to write to the first page.
TestThread t([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Fail the dirty request.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The thread should exit with failure.
// No committed pages still.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(0, info.committed_bytes);
// No dirty pages too.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Tests that DIRTY requests are generated for ranges including zero pages as expected.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyRequestsForZeroRanges) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 10;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
// Empty source vmo to supply with zero pages.
zx::vmo vmo_src;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0, &vmo_src));
// Supply zero page markers for pages 0 and 1.
ASSERT_OK(pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), 0, zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
ASSERT_OK(pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), zx_system_get_page_size(),
zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
// Attempt to write to the range [0, 2).
TestThread t1([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
std::vector<uint8_t> data(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa);
memset(, 0xaa, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size());
return vmo->vmo().write(, 0, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size()) == ZX_OK;
// We should see a dirty request for the range [0, 2). Verifies that the range is extended to
// include another marker.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 2, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 2));
// Verify dirty pages.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 2};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
// Supply a zero marker for page 2 and a non-zero page for page 3.
ASSERT_OK(pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(),
zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 3, 1));
// Attempt to write to the range [2, 4).
TestThread t2([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
std::vector<uint8_t> data(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb);
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size());
return vmo->vmo().write(, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(),
2 * zx_system_get_page_size()) == ZX_OK;
// We should see a dirty request for the range [2, 4). Verifies that the range is extended to
// include a non-zero clean page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 2, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 2));
// Verify dirty pages.
range = {.offset = 0, .length = 4};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 4,, true));
// For the rest of the pages, supply a mix of zero and non-zero pages, leaving a gap at the end.
for (uint64_t i = 4; i < kNumPages - 1; i++) {
if (rand() % 2) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, i, 1));
} else {
ASSERT_OK(pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), i * zx_system_get_page_size(),
zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
// Attempt to write to the range [4, 10).
TestThread t3([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
size_t len = kNumPages - 4;
std::vector<uint8_t> data(len * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xcc);
memset( + 4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xcc, len * zx_system_get_page_size());
return vmo->vmo().write(, 4 * zx_system_get_page_size(),
len * zx_system_get_page_size()) == ZX_OK;
// We should see a dirty request for pages [4, 9). Verifies that zero and non-zero clean pages get
// picked up in a single range, and that the range stops before a gap.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 4, 5, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 4, 5));
// We should now see a read request followed by a dirty request for the last gap.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 9, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 9, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 9, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 9, 1));
// Verify dirty pages.
range = {.offset = 0, .length = kNumPages};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Tests that no DIRTY requests are generated on a commit.
TEST(PagerWriteback, NoDirtyRequestsOnCommit) {
UserPager pager;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 5;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
// Supply some pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 2));
// Commit the vmo.
TestThread t([vmo]() -> bool {
return vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT, 0, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr,
0) == ZX_OK;
// Should see a read request for the uncommitted portion.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 2, kNumPages - 2, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 2, kNumPages - 2));
// The thread should be able to exit now.
// No dirty requests should be seen as none of the pages were dirtied.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// No remaining reads.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// No dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests that no DIRTY requests are generated when a mapping is created with MAP_RANGE.
TEST(PagerWriteback, NoDirtyRequestsOnMapRange) {
UserPager pager;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 3;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(kNumPages, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, kNumPages));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, kNumPages, 0);
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
TestThread t1([vmo, &ptr]() -> bool {
// Map the vmo, and populate mappings for all committed pages. We know the pages are
// pre-committed so we should not block on reads. And we should not be generating any dirty
// requests to block on either.
return zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE | ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE, 0,
vmo->vmo(), 0, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(),
&ptr) == ZX_OK;
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size());
// No dirty requests should be seen as none of the pages were dirtied.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// No reads either.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
uint8_t tmp;
TestThread t2([&ptr, &tmp]() -> bool {
// Read the mapped pages. This will not block.
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
tmp = buf[i * zx_system_get_page_size()];
return true;
// No dirty or read requests.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// No dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
TestThread t3([&ptr, &expected]() -> bool {
// Now try to write to the vmo. This should result in write faults and dirty requests.
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
uint8_t data = 0xcc;
buf[i * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
expected[i * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
return true;
// The thread will block on dirty requests for each page.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, i, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, i, 1));
// The thread should now exit.
// All pages are dirty now.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = kNumPages};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// No more dirty or read requests.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Tests that no DIRTY requests are generated when previously dirty pages are mapped and written to.
TEST(PagerWriteback, NoDirtyRequestsMapExistingDirty) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
// Dirty the page.
TestThread t1([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xcc;
expected[0] = data;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Map the page and try writing to it.
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
TestThread t2([vmo, &ptr, &expected]() -> bool {
// Map the vmo.
if (zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "could not map vmo\n");
return false;
uint8_t data = 0xdd;
*reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) = data;
expected[0] = data;
return true;
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
// No read or dirty requests.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Tests that dirty ranges cannot be queried on a clone.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
TestThread t([vmo, data]() -> bool { return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK; });
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Create a clone.
auto clone = vmo->Clone();
// Write to the clone.
uint8_t data_clone = 0x77;
ASSERT_OK(clone->vmo().write(&data_clone, 0, sizeof(data_clone)));
// Can query dirty ranges on the parent.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Verify parent contents.
memset(, data, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Cannot query dirty ranges on the clone.
uint64_t num_ranges = 0;
zx_pager_query_dirty_ranges(pager.pager().get(), clone->vmo().get(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &range, sizeof(range),
&num_ranges, nullptr));
// Verify clone contents.
memset(, data_clone, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(clone.get(), 0, 1,, true));
// Tests that WRITEBACK_BEGIN/END clean pages as expected.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
// Dirty the page by writing to it.
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
TestThread t1(
[vmo, data]() -> bool { return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK; });
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
memset(, data, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Begin writeback on the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The page is still dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// This should transition the page to clean, and a subsequent write should trigger
// another dirty request.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// No dirty pages after writeback end.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Dirty the page again.
TestThread t2([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0x77;
expected[0] = data;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// We should see a dirty request now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Tests that a write after WRITEBACK_BEGIN but before WRITEBACK_END is handled correctly.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyDuringWriteback) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
// Dirty the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Begin writeback on the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The page is still dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Write to the page before ending writeback. This should generate a dirty request.
TestThread t1([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xcc;
expected[0] = data;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
// Verify that we saw the dirty request but do not acknowledge it yet. The write will remain
// blocked.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// End the writeback. This should transition the page to clean.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The writing thread is still blocked.
// Now dirty the page, unblocking the writing thread.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The page is dirty again.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Begin another writeback, and try writing again before ending it. This time acknowledge the
// dirty request while the writeback is in progress.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Write to the page before ending writeback. This should generate a dirty request.
TestThread t2([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xdd;
expected[0] = data;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
// Verify that we saw the dirty request.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// This should reset the page state to dirty so that it is not moved to clean when the writeback
// ends later.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify that the page is dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Now end the writeback. This should *not* clean the page, as a write was accepted after
// beginning the writeback.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Tests that mapping write permissions are cleared as expected on writeback.
TEST(PagerWriteback, WritebackWithMapping) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
// Map the vmo.
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
// Write to the vmo. This will be trapped and generate a dirty request.
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
TestThread t1([buf, data, &expected]() -> bool {
*buf = data;
expected[0] = data;
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Dirty the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify that the page is dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(data, *buf);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Write to the page again. This should go through without any page faults / dirty requests.
data = 0xbb;
*buf = data;
expected[0] = data;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(data, *buf);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Start a writeback.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(data, *buf);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Write to the page again. This should result in a fault / dirty request.
TestThread t2([buf]() -> bool {
*buf = 0xcc;
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Fail the dirty request so the writeback can complete.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(t2.WaitForCrash(ptr, ZX_ERR_IO));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(data, *buf);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Complete the writeback, making the page clean.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(data, *buf);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Write to the page again. This should again be trapped.
data = 0xdd;
TestThread t3([buf, data, &expected]() -> bool {
*buf = data;
expected[0] = data;
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The page is dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(data, *buf);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Tests that the zero page marker cannot be overwritten by another page, unless written to at which
// point it is forked.
TEST_WITH_AND_WITHOUT_TRAP_DIRTY(CannotOverwriteZeroPage, 0) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
// Supply with empty source vmo so that the destination gets zero page markers.
zx::vmo vmo_src;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0, &vmo_src));
ASSERT_OK(pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), 0, zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
// Verify that the pager vmo has no committed pages, i.e. it only has markers.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(0, info.committed_bytes);
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
// No dirty pages yet.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Commit a page in the source to attempt another supply.
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
ASSERT_OK(vmo_src.write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)));
// Supplying the same page again should not overwrite the zero page marker. The supply will
// succeed as a no-op.
ASSERT_OK(pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), 0, zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
// No committed pages still.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(0, info.committed_bytes);
// The VMO is still all zeros.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Now write to the VMO. This should fork the zero page.
TestThread t1([vmo, &expected]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xbb;
expected[0] = data;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
// Wait for and acknowledge the dirty request if configured to trap dirty transitions.
if (create_option == ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Dirty the first page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify that the pager vmo has one committed page now.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Verify that the page is dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Verify written data.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Tests that VMOs created without the ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY flag track dirty pages as expected.
TEST(PagerWriteback, SimpleDirtyNoTrap) {
UserPager pager;
// Create a VMO without the ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY flag.
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmo(1, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
// No dirty pages yet.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Write to the page now. This should go through without blocking.
uint8_t data = 0x77;
expected[0] = data;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)));
// We should now have one dirty page.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Verify written data.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Begin writeback on the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The page is still dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// This should transition the page to clean, and a subsequent write should trigger
// another dirty request.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// No dirty pages after writeback end.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Map the vmo.
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
// Write to the vmo again via the mapping.
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
data = 0x55;
*buf = data;
expected[0] = data;
// The page should get dirtied again.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// No dirty or read requests seen.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Tests that VMOs created without the ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY flag track dirty pages as expected for a
// random mix of zero and non-zero pages.
TEST(PagerWriteback, DirtyNoTrapRandomOffsets) {
UserPager pager;
// Create a VMO without the ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY flag.
Vmo* vmo;
constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 10;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmo(kNumPages, &vmo));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
// Empty source vmo to supply with zero pages.
zx::vmo vmo_src;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0, &vmo_src));
// For each page offset, supply either a zero or a non-zero page.
uint64_t non_zero_count = 0;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
if (rand() % 2) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, i, 1));
vmo->GenerateBufferContents( + i * zx_system_get_page_size(), 1, i);
} else {
ASSERT_OK(pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), i * zx_system_get_page_size(),
zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
// Only non-zero pages should be committed.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(non_zero_count * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// No dirty pages yet.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Verify that we're able to write to the entire range regardless of the type of page. Alter the
// expected contents to verify later.
uint8_t data = 0x77;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
expected[i * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data++;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().write(, 0, kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size()));
// All the pages should be committed and dirty now.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(kNumPages * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = kNumPages};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, kNumPages,, true));
// Tests that adding the WRITE permission with zx_vmar_protect does not override read-only mappings
// required in order to track dirty transitions.
UserPager pager;
// Create a temporary VMAR to work with.
zx::vmar vmar;
zx_vaddr_t base_addr;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->allocate(ZX_VM_CAN_MAP_READ | ZX_VM_CAN_MAP_WRITE, 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &vmar, &base_addr));
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Buffer to verify VMO contents later.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
// Map the vmo read-only first so that the protect step below is not a no-op.
ASSERT_OK(, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0, zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
vmar.unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
// Read the VMO through the mapping so that the hardware mapping is created.
uint8_t data = *reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
ASSERT_EQ(data, expected[0]);
// Add the write permission now. This will allow us to write to the VMO below.
ASSERT_OK(vmar.protect(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, ptr, zx_system_get_page_size()));
// Write to the vmo. This should trigger a write fault. If the protect above added the write
// permission on the hardware mapping, this write will go through without generating a write
// fault for dirty tracking.
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
data = 0xaa;
TestThread t([buf, data, &expected]() -> bool {
*buf = data;
expected[0] = data;
return true;
if (create_option == ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Dirty the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify that the page is dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(data, *buf);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Tests that zero pages are supplied by the kernel for the newly extended range after a resize, and
// are not overwritten by a pager supply.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(2, create_option, &vmo));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Now try to access all the pages. The first two should result in read requests, but the last
// two should be supplied with zeros without any read requests.
TestThread t([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[4 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
return vmo->vmo().read(&data[0], 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// No more read requests seen for the newly extended range.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Verify that the last two pages are zeros.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 2, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 4,, true));
// Only two pages should be committed in the VMO.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Supply pages in the newly extended range. This should be a no-op. Since the range is already
// implicitly "supplied", another supply will be ignored.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 2, 2));
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Verify that the last two pages are still zero.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 4,, true));
// Writes for this case are tested separately in ResizeDirtyRequest. Skip the rest.
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// Write to the last two pages now.
uint8_t data[2 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().write(data, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)));
// All four pages should be committed now.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Verify the contents.
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 4,, true));
// The last two pages should be dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 2, .length = 2};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Tests that writing to the newly extended range after a resize can generate DIRTY requests as
// expected.
TEST(PagerWriteback, ResizeDirtyRequest) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(2, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY | ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 2));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Now try to write pages 1 and 2. We should see dirty requests for both.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[2 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
// No read requests seen.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Dirty request seen for the entire write range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 2, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Verify the VMO contents. (Allocate a buffer large enough to reuse across all resizes.)
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(8 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
memset( + zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Verify that pages 1 and 2 are dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 1, .length = 2};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Resize the VMO up again, and try writing to a page after a gap.
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xbb, sizeof(data));
// Write to page 4.
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
// No read requests seen.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// We should only see a dirty request for page 4.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 4, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 4, 1));
// Verify the contents again.
memset( + 4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 6,, true));
// Verify dirty ranges.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {
{1, 2, 0}, {3, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {4, 1, 0}, {5, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Resize up again, and try writing to the entire VMO at once.
TestThread t3([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[8 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xcc, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
// No read requests seen.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// We should see a dirty request for page 0.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// We should see a dirty request for page 3.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 3, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 3, 1));
// We should see a dirty request for pages 5,6,7.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 5, 3, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 5, 3));
// Verify the contents.
memset(, 0xcc, 8 * zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 8,, true));
// Verify that all the pages are dirty.
range = {.offset = 0, .length = 8};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Tests that writeback on a resized VMO works as expected.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Write to the first and the last page, leaving a gap in between.
TestThread t([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
if (vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 0, sizeof(data)) != ZX_OK) {
return false;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa);
memset( + zx_system_get_page_size(), 0, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Verify that all the pages are dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges_before[] = {{0, 1, 0}, {1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {2, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges_before,
sizeof(ranges_before) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Attempt to writeback all the pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 3));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 3));
// All pages should be clean now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Verify VMO contents.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Tests that a resize down unblocks outstanding DIRTY requests that are out-of-bounds.
TEST(PagerWriteback, ResizeWithOutstandingDirtyRequests) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(5, ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE | ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
// Supply page 1 as a zero page marker.
zx::vmo vmo_src;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0, &vmo_src));
ASSERT_OK(pager.pager().supply_pages(vmo->vmo(), zx_system_get_page_size(),
zx_system_get_page_size(), vmo_src, 0));
// Supply page 3 as an actual page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 3, 1));
// Resize the VMO up so there's a non-zero range that will be supplied as zero.
// The new "page" at the end should be indicated dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 5, .length = 1, .options = ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Try to write to page 1 which is a zero marker.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
// Try to write to page 3 which is an actual clean page.
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xbb;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) ==
// Try to write to page 5 which is a gap in the newly extended range.
TestThread t3([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xcc;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 5 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) ==
// Try to read page 2 which is a non-resident page.
TestThread t4([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data;
return vmo->vmo().read(&data, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) ==
// All four threads should block.
// We should see dirty requests for pages 1, 3 and 5.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 3, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 5, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// We should see a read request for page 2.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// No more requests seen.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Now resize down so that the pages all four threads are waiting for become out-of-bounds.
// All four threads should now see ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE returned for their reads/writes.
// Trying to resolve the dirty and read requests we previously saw should fail.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 1, 1));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 3, 1));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 5, 1));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// The VMO has no dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests that a resize down unblocks outstanding DIRTY requests that are out-of-bounds when the
// out-of-bounds range is in the process of being written back.
TEST(PagerWriteback, ResizeWritebackWithOutstandingDirtyRequests) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE | ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Write to a page leaving a gap.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {2, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Beging writeback for all the dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Try to write to page 1. This will trigger a DIRTY request.
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xbb, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) ==
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Try to write to page 2. This will trigger a DIRTY request.
TestThread t3([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xcc, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) ==
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Resize down so that both the DIRTY requests are now out of bounds.
// Wait for the threads to complete.
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// End the writeback we began previously. This will fail as it is out of bounds.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents again.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Tests that writing again to resized range that is being written back triggers new DIRTY requests.
TEST(PagerWriteback, ResizeWritebackNewDirtyRequestsInterleaved) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE | ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Write to a page leaving a gap.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {2, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Beging writeback for all the dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Try to write to page 1. This will trigger a DIRTY request.
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xbb, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Try to write to page 2. This will trigger a DIRTY request.
TestThread t3([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xcc, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Resolve the DIRTY requests and wait for the threads to complete.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 2, 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
memset( + zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, zx_system_get_page_size());
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xcc, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// End the writeback we began previously. This will be a no-op as both pages were dirtied again.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents again.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Should be able to write to the two dirty pages again without blocking.
uint8_t data[2 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xdd, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)));
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents again.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
memset( + zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xdd, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Tests that writing again to a written back resized range triggers new DIRTY requests.
TEST(PagerWriteback, ResizeWritebackNewDirtyRequests) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE | ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Write to a page leaving a gap.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {2, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Writeback all the dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 2));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// No dirty ranges remaining.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Try to write to page 1. This will trigger a DIRTY request.
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xbb, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
// This was a gap that we've written back. So we'll first need to supply the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 1, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Try to write to page 2. This will trigger a DIRTY request.
TestThread t3([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xcc, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Resolve the DIRTY requests and wait for the threads to complete.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 2, 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
memset( + zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, zx_system_get_page_size());
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xcc, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Tests that a write interleaved with a writeback trims / resets an awaiting clean zero range if it
// intersects it.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 3, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Start writeback for the dirty range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 3));
// Write to a page in the range, leaving a gap, such that the awaiting clean zero range gets
// trimmed.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 4,, true));
// Verify that the last three pages are dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges_before[] = {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges_before,
sizeof(ranges_before) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// End the writeback that we began previously.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 3));
// Only the second page, which is still zero should have been cleaned. The last two pages are
// still dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges_after[] = {{2, 1, 0}, {3, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges_after,
sizeof(ranges_after) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Start another writeback for the dirty range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 2, 2));
// Write to a page again such that the awaiting clean zero range gets reset.
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xbb, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 3, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 3, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
memset( + 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 4,, true));
// End the writeback we started.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 2, 2));
// We should not have been able to clean the page that was written.
range = {3, 1, 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Now attempt a writeback again for the entire VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 4));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 4));
// All pages should be clean now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Verify VMO contents.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 4,, true));
// Tests that a write outside of an awaiting clean zero range does not affect it.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 3, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Start writeback for a portion of the dirty range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Write to a page following the awaiting clean range.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 3, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 3, 1));
// Write to a page preceding the awaiting clean range.
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xbb, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
memset(, 0xbb, zx_system_get_page_size());
memset( + 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 4,, true));
// Verify that all of the pages are dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges_before[] = {{0, 1, 0}, {1, 2, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {3, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges_before,
sizeof(ranges_before) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// End the writeback that we began previously.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// The range that was written back should be clean now. The pages that were written should be
// dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges_after[] = {{0, 1, 0}, {3, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges_after,
sizeof(ranges_after) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Attempt another writeback for the entire VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 4));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 4));
// All pages should be clean now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Verify VMO contents.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 4,, true));
// Tests that a resize interleaved with a writeback trims / resets an awaiting clean zero range if
// it intersects it.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 2, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Start writeback for the dirty range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Resize the VMO down, so that part of the dirty range is still valid.
// Verify that the second page is still dirty.
range.length = 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
// Try to end the writeback that we began previously. This should fail as it is out of bounds.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Verify that the second page is still dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// End the writeback with the correct length.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// All pages should be clean now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Resize the VMO up again.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
range = {2, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Supply the second page as it has already been written back, and the user pager is expected to
// supply it.
// TODO(rashaeqbal): Supply with zeros once we have a quick OP_SUPPLY_ZERO. For now just supply
// non-zero content; the content is irrelevant for this test.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 1, 1));
vmo->GenerateBufferContents( + zx_system_get_page_size(), 1, 1);
// Verify VMO contents.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Start writeback for the dirty range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Resize the VMO down, so that the entire dirty range is invalid.
// No pages should be dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Ending the writeback we began should fail as it is out of bounds.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// All pages are clean.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Verify VMO contents.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
// Resize the VMO up again.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
range = {2, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Start writeback for the dirty range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Resize the VMO down even further to before the start of the dirty range.
// No pages should be dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Ending the writeback we began should fail as it is out of bounds.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// All pages are clean.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Verify VMO contents.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Tests that a resize beyond an awaiting clean zero range does not affect it.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 2, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Start writeback for a portion of the range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// Resize the VMO down, so that the new size falls beyond the awaiting clean range.
// Verify that the second page is still dirty.
range.length = 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Try to end the writeback that we began previously. This should succeed as the resize did not
// affect it.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// All pages should be clean now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests that writeback on a resized range that starts after a gap (zero range) is ignored.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 2, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Write to page 2 leaving a gap.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Verify dirty ranges.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {2, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Attempt writeback page 2, leaving a gap at 1.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 2, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// This should not have any effect as we're not able to consume the first gap at 1.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// But since we began writeback on a committed page, we should still see a DIRTY request on
// write (if applicable).
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xbb, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Verify dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Verify VMO contents.
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// Tests that writeback on a resized range with multiple zero ranges (gaps) terminates before the
// second gap.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 4, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Write to pages 2 and 4, leaving gaps at 1 and 3.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, sizeof(data));
if (vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) != ZX_OK) {
return false;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 4, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 4, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(5 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, zx_system_get_page_size());
memset( + 4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 5,, true));
// Verify dirty ranges.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges_before[] = {
{1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {2, 1, 0}, {3, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {4, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges_before,
sizeof(ranges_before) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Attempt writeback for all the dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 4));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 4));
// We should have been able to clean until right before the second gap at 3.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges_after[] = {{3, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {4, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges_after,
sizeof(ranges_after) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 5,, true));
// Writing to the dirty pages should still trigger DIRTY requests (if applicable).
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[2 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xbb, sizeof(data));
return vmo->vmo().write(&data[0], 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 3, 2, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 3, 2));
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
range = {3, 2, 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
memset( + 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 5,, true));
// Tests that a WritebackBegin on a resized range followed by a partial WritebackEnd works as
// expected.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 4, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Writeback only a portion of the dirty range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// Verify that the written back portion has been cleaned.
range = {2, 3, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Writeback another portion of the dirty range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 2, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Verify that the written back portion has been cleaned.
range = {3, 2, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Writeback the remaining portion of the dirty range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 3, 2));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 3, 2));
// Verify that all pages are clean now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests repeated writebacks on a resized range.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 4, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Start writeback for the entire range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 4));
// Start another writeback but for a smaller sub-range. This should override the previous
// writeback.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// Now try to end the first writeback we started.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 4));
// We should only have been able to clean pages per the second writeback.
range = {3, 2, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// End the second writeback we started. This should be a no-op.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 2));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Attempting to end the writeback without starting another one should have no effect.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 4));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Begin another writeback.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 4));
// Starting a redundant writeback for the same range should be a no-op.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 4));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// End the writeback.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 4));
// Verify that all pages are clean now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// End the redundant writeback we started. This should be a no-op.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 4));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests that a resized range that has mappings can be written back as expected.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Map the resized VMO.
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE | ZX_VM_ALLOW_FAULTS, 0,
vmo->vmo(), 0, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size());
// Commit a page in the resized range.
TestThread t1([ptr]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
buf[zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
return true;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
range.options = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
memset( + zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, sizeof(uint8_t));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
// Writeback the VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 2));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 2));
// Verify that all pages are clean.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Trying to write to the committed page again should trap as write permissions will have been
// cleared.
TestThread t2([ptr]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xbb;
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
buf[zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
return true;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// The page should now be dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
memset( + zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, sizeof(uint8_t));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
// Tests that a resized range that has mappings and is in the process of being written back is
// dirtied again on a write.
TEST_WITH_AND_WITHOUT_TRAP_DIRTY(ResizeWritebackInterleavedWriteWithMapping, ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Newly extended range should be dirty and zero.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {1, 5, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Map the resized VMO.
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE | ZX_VM_ALLOW_FAULTS, 0,
vmo->vmo(), 0, 6 * zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, 6 * zx_system_get_page_size());
// Beging a writeback for the dirty range.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 5));
// Write to two pages in the resized range leaving gaps.
TestThread t1([ptr]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
buf[2 * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
buf[4 * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
return true;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 4, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 4, 1));
// Verify dirty ranges.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges1[] = {{1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO},
{2, 1, 0},
{4, 1, 0},
pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges1, sizeof(ranges1) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Verify VMO contents.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(6 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, sizeof(uint8_t));
memset( + 4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xaa, sizeof(uint8_t));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 6,, true));
// We should be able to write to the two committed pages again without blocking as they were
// dirtied after beginning the writeback.
uint8_t data = 0xbb;
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
buf[2 * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
buf[4 * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges1, sizeof(ranges1) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, sizeof(uint8_t));
memset( + 4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xbb, sizeof(uint8_t));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 6,, true));
// End the writeback we started previously. We should only be able to clean the first gap (zero
// range).
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 5));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges2[] = {
{2, 1, 0}, {3, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {4, 1, 0}, {5, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}};
pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges2, sizeof(ranges2) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Try to write to a gap. This should block as well.
TestThread t3([ptr]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xdd;
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
buf[3 * zx_system_get_page_size()] = data;
return true;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 3, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 3, 1));
// Verify dirty ranges.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges3[] = {{2, 3, 0}, {5, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}};
pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges3, sizeof(ranges3) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Verify VMO contents.
memset( + 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0xdd, sizeof(uint8_t));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 6,, true));
// Writeback the dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 2, 4));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 2, 4));
// All pages should be clean now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 6,, true));
// Test that OP_ZERO writes zeros in a pager-backed VMO.
TEST(PagerWriteback, OpZero) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(2, ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE, &vmo));
// Supply only one page and let the other be faulted in.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify VMO contents for the supplied page.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(4 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Verify that no pages are dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Zero both the pages.
TestThread t([vmo]() -> bool {
return vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, 0, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0) ==
// We should see a read request for the second page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// Verify that the contents are zero.
memset(, 0, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
// Verify that zero content is dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 2, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Zero the tail end of the VMO that was newly extended. This should be a no-op as it is already
// zero.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(),
2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0));
// Only the first two pages that we supplied previously should be committed in the VMO.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{0, 2, 0}, {2, 2, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 4,, true));
// No more page requests seen.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Test OP_ZERO on a pager-backed VMO created with ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY.
TEST(PagerWriteback, OpZeroTrapDirty) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE | ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Verify that no pages are dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Zero the page.
TestThread t([vmo]() -> bool {
return vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, 0, zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0) == ZX_OK;
// We should see a dirty request for the page as the zero'ing is equivalent to a VMO write.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify that the contents are zero.
memset(, 0, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// Verify that zero content is dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Zero the tail end of the VMO that was newly extended. This should be a no-op as it is already
// zero.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, zx_system_get_page_size(),
2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0));
// Only the first page that we supplied previously should be committed in the VMO.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Verify dirty ranges and VMO contents.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{0, 1, 0}, {1, 2, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// No more page requests seen.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Test that OP_ZERO is a no-op over a newly extended (but not written back yet) uncommitted range.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Verify VMO contents and dirty pages.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 1, .length = 2, .options = ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Only the single page we supplied previously should be committed.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Zero the newly extended range.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, zx_system_get_page_size(),
2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0));
// This should be a no-op and not alter the VMO's pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Only the single page we supplied previously should be committed.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Test that OP_ZERO can decommit committed pages in a newly extended (but not written back yet)
// range.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Verify VMO contents and dirty pages.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 1, .length = 2, .options = ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Write to a page in the newly extended range leaving a gap
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
TestThread t1([vmo, data]() -> bool {
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Verify VMO contents and dirty pages.
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), data, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {2, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Check that two pages are committed.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Now zero the entire VMO.
TestThread t2([vmo]() -> bool {
return vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, 0, 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0) ==
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify that the VMO is now all zeros.
memset(, 0, 3 * zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 3,, true));
// We should have been able to decommit the newly extended page.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Verify dirty ranges.
ranges[0] = {0, 1, 0};
ranges[1] = {1, 2, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Test OP_ZERO on a clone of a pager-backed VMO.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(2, create_option, &vmo));
// Supply one page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// Create a clone and zero it entirely.
auto clone1 = vmo->Clone();
ASSERT_OK(clone1->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, 0, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0));
// No page requests were seen.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Verify that the clone reads zeros.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(clone1.get(), 0, 2,, true));
// Verify that the parent is unaltered. Only one page should have been committed as we supplied
// that previously. Zero'ing the other page in the clone should have proceeded without committing
// the page in the parent.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents( + zx_system_get_page_size(), 1, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 1, 1,, true));
// No pages should be dirty in the parent.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The clone does not support dirty pages.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(clone1.get(), nullptr, 0));
// Create another clone and this time only zero a portion of it - an unsupplied page.
auto clone2 = vmo->Clone();
ASSERT_OK(clone2->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, 0, zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0));
// No page requests were seen.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Verify that the clone reads the zeroed page as zero but is still able to see the other page
// from the parent.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(clone2.get(), 0, 2,, true));
// Verify that the parent is unaltered.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 1, 1,, true));
// No pages should be dirty in the parent.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The clone does not support dirty pages.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(clone2.get(), nullptr, 0));
// Supply the remaining page in the parent.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Create another clone and zero only a portion of it - a supplied page this time.
auto clone3 = vmo->Clone();
ASSERT_OK(clone3->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, 0, zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0));
// No page requests were seen.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Verify that the clone reads the zeroed page as zero but is still able to see the other page
// from the parent.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(clone3.get(), 0, 2,, true));
// Verify the parent's contents.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
// No pages should be dirty in the parent.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The clone does not support dirty pages.
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(clone3.get(), nullptr, 0));
// Test OP_ZERO that conflicts with a simultaneous resize.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(3, create_option, &vmo));
// Supply the first two pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 2));
// Verify VMO contents for the supplied pages.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 2, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
// Verify that no pages are dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// Dirty the first page so that it can be zeroed without blocking.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Zero all the pages.
TestThread t([vmo]() -> bool {
zx_status_t status =
vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, 0, 3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0);
return status == ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
// If we're trapping writes, the thread will block on a dirty request for page 1. Otherwise it
// will block on a read request for page 2.
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
} else {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// While the thread is blocked on the page request, shrink the VMO. This should unblock the
// waiting thread and the OP_ZERO should fail with ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
// Verify VMO contents for the remaining page.
memset(, 0, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// No more page requests were seen.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageReadRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// Test OP_ZERO on partial pages.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify VMO contents and dirty pages.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Resize the VMO up.
// Verify VMO contents and dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 1, .length = 1, .options = ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Zero a few bytes in the middle of first page.
TestThread t([vmo]() -> bool {
return vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, sizeof(uint64_t), sizeof(uint64_t), nullptr, 0) ==
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify VMO contents.
memset( + sizeof(uint64_t), 0, sizeof(uint64_t));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
// The first page should also be dirty now.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{0, 1, 0}, {1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Zero a range starting partway into the first page and ending before the end of the second page.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, zx_system_get_page_size() - sizeof(uint64_t),
zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0));
// Verify VMO contents.
memset( + zx_system_get_page_size() - sizeof(uint64_t), 0, sizeof(uint64_t));
// Verify dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Tests that dirty pages can be written back after detach.
TEST_WITH_AND_WITHOUT_TRAP_DIRTY(WritebackDirtyPagesAfterDetach, 0) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Write to a page.
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
TestThread t([vmo, data]() -> bool { return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK; });
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// Dirty the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// We should have committed the page.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Verify that the page is dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Detach the VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageComplete(vmo->GetKey(), ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Verify that the page is still dirty.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Should be able to read the page and verify its contents.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
memset(, data, sizeof(data));
// We should be able to read the dirty range both through mappings and with a VMO read.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, false));
// Writeback the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Verify that the page is clean now.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests that a newly resized range can be written back after detach.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
// Resize the VMO up and write a page leaving a gap.
uint8_t data = 0xbb;
TestThread t([vmo, data]() -> bool {
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// Dirty the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 2, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 2, 1));
// Verify dirty ranges.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t ranges[] = {{1, 1, ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO}, {2, 1, 0}};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Only the last page should be committed.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Detach the VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageComplete(vmo->GetKey(), ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Everything beyond the original size is dirty so should remain intact.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, ranges, sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(zx_vmo_dirty_range_t)));
// Verify VMO contents in the dirty range.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(3 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
memset( + 2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), data, sizeof(data));
// We should be able to read the dirty range both through mappings and with a VMO read.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 1, 2,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 1, 2, + zx_system_get_page_size(), false));
// Can writeback the dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 1, 2));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 1, 2));
// No more dirty pages.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests that clean pages are decommitted on detach.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// We have one committed page.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// No dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Detach the VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageComplete(vmo->GetKey(), ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// No dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// No committed pages.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(0, info.committed_bytes);
// Tests that DIRTY requests cannot be generated after detach.
VMO_VMAR_TEST(PagerWriteback, NoDirtyRequestsAfterDetach) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo1;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo1, 0, 1));
// Verify that no pages are dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo1, nullptr, 0));
// Detach the VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageComplete(vmo1->GetKey(), ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Try to write to the VMO. As we are starting with a clean page, this would have generated a
// DIRTY request pre-detach, but will now fail.
if (check_vmar) {
TestThread t1([vmo1]() -> bool {
auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(vmo1->GetBaseAddr());
*ptr = 0xaa;
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(t1.WaitForCrash(vmo1->GetBaseAddr(), ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE));
} else {
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, vmo1->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)));
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo1, 0, &offset, &length));
// No pages are dirty still.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo1, nullptr, 0));
// Try again but this time with an AwaitingClean page, which would also have generated a DIRTY
// request before the detach.
Vmo* vmo2;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo2));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo2, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo2, 0, 1));
// Verify that the page is dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo2, &range, 1));
// Being writeback, putting the page in AwaitingClean.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo2, 0, 1));
// Detach the VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageComplete(vmo2->GetKey(), ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Try to write to the VMO. This will fail.
if (check_vmar) {
TestThread t2([vmo2]() -> bool {
auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(vmo2->GetBaseAddr());
*ptr = 0xaa;
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(t2.WaitForCrash(vmo2->GetBaseAddr(), ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE));
} else {
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, vmo2->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)));
// The page is still dirty (AwaitingClean, but not clean yet).
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo2, &range, 1));
// End the writeback. This should clean the page.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo2, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo2, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo2, 0, &offset, &length));
// Tests that detach with a pending DIRTY request fails the request.
VMO_VMAR_TEST(PagerWriteback, DetachWithPendingDirtyRequest) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// We have one committed page.
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(zx_system_get_page_size(), info.committed_bytes);
// Try to write.
TestThread t([vmo, check_vmar]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
if (check_vmar) {
auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(vmo->GetBaseAddr());
*ptr = data;
return true;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;
// Wait for the dirty request.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Detach the VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageComplete(vmo->GetKey(), ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// The thread should terminate.
if (check_vmar) {
ASSERT_TRUE(t.WaitForCrash(vmo->GetBaseAddr(), ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE));
} else {
// Verify that no pages are dirty.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// No pages are committed.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(0, info.committed_bytes);
// Tests that failing a DIRTY request after the VMO is detached is a no-op.
TEST(PagerWriteback, FailDirtyRequestAfterDetach) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
TestThread t([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Detach the VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageComplete(vmo->GetKey(), ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// The write should fail.
// No more requests seen.
uint64_t offset, length;
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// This is a no-op.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.GetPageDirtyRequest(vmo, 0, &offset, &length));
// The page was not dirtied.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests that a VMO is marked modified on a zx_vmo_write.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// Dirty the page in preparation for the write, avoiding the need to trap.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The VMO hasn't been written to yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Write to the VMO.
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)));
// The VMO should be marked modified.
// Querying the modified state should have reset the modified flag.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
memset(, data, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Tests that a VMO is marked modified when written through a mapping.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// Dirty the page in preparation for the write, avoiding the need to trap.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Map the VMO.
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
// The VMO hasn't been written to yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Write to the VMO via the mapping.
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
uint8_t data = 0xbb;
*buf = data;
// The VMO should be marked modified.
// Querying the modified state should have reset the modified flag.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
memset(, data, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Tests that a VMO is marked modified on resize.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The VMO hasn't been resized yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Resize the VMO down.
// The VMO should be marked modified.
// Querying the modified state should have reset the modified flag.
// Verify dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Resize the VMO up.
// The VMO should be marked modified.
// Querying the modified state should have reset the modified flag.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
memset(, 0, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 2, .options = ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Tests that a VMO is marked modified on a ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// Dirty the page in preparation for the write, avoiding the need to trap.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The VMO hasn't been written to yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Zero the VMO.
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, 0, zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0));
// The VMO should be marked modified.
// Querying the modified state should have reset the modified flag.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
memset(, 0, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Tests that a VMO is not marked modified on a zx_vmo_read.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The VMO hasn't been written to yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Read from the VMO.
uint8_t data;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().read(&data, 0, sizeof(data)));
// The VMO shouldn't be modified.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests that a VMO is not marked modified when read through a mapping.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Map the VMO.
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
// The VMO hasn't been written to yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Read from the VMO via the mapping.
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
uint8_t data = *buf;
// The VMO shouldn't be modified.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(*(uint8_t*)(, data);
// Tests that a VMO is not marked modified when a write is failed by failing a DIRTY request.
TEST(PagerWriteback, NotModifiedOnFailedDirtyRequest) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The VMO hasn't been written to yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Try to write to the VMO.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Fail the dirty request.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The VMO should not be modified.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Map the VMO.
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo->vmo(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
// Try to write to the VMO via the mapping.
TestThread t2([ptr]() -> bool {
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
*buf = 0xbb;
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Fail the dirty request.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, 0, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(t2.WaitForCrash(ptr, ZX_ERR_IO));
// The VMO should not be modified.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests that a VMO is not marked modified on a failed zx_vmo_write.
TEST_WITH_AND_WITHOUT_TRAP_DIRTY(NotModifiedOnFailedVmoWrite, 0) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// Dirty the page in preparation for the write, avoiding the need to trap.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The VMO hasn't been written to yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Write to the VMO with the source buffer set up such that the copying fails. Make the source
// buffer pager backed too, and fail reads from it.
Vmo* src_vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmo(1, &src_vmo));
// Map the source VMO.
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, src_vmo->vmo(), 0,
zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, zx_system_get_page_size());
// Attempt the VMO write.
TestThread t([vmo, ptr]() -> bool {
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
return vmo->vmo().write(buf, 0, sizeof(uint8_t)) == ZX_OK;
// We should see a read request when the VMO write attempts reading from the source VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(src_vmo, 0, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Fail the read request so that the write fails.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(src_vmo, 0, 1));
// The VMO should not be modified.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
// We mark pages dirty when they are looked up, i.e. *before* writing to them, so they will still
// be reported as dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Tests that a VMO is not marked modified on a failed resize.
// Please do not use get_root_resource() in new code. See
if (!&get_root_resource) {
printf("Root resource not available, skipping\n");
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(2, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 2));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 2, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The VMO hasn't been resized yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Pin a page.
zx::iommu iommu;
zx::bti bti;
zx::pmt pmt;
zx::unowned_resource root_res(get_root_resource());
zx_iommu_desc_dummy_t desc;
ASSERT_OK(zx_iommu_create(get_root_resource(), ZX_IOMMU_TYPE_DUMMY, &desc, sizeof(desc),
ASSERT_OK(zx::bti::create(iommu, 0, 0xdeadbeef, &bti));
zx_paddr_t addr;
ASSERT_OK(, vmo->vmo(), zx_system_get_page_size(),
zx_system_get_page_size(), &addr, 1, &pmt));
// Try to resize down across the pinned page. The resize should fail.
ASSERT_EQ(vmo->vmo().set_size(zx_system_get_page_size()), ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
if (pmt) {
// The VMO should not be modified.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// Tests that a VMO is marked modified when a zx_vmo_write partially succeeds.
TEST_WITH_AND_WITHOUT_TRAP_DIRTY(ModifiedOnPartialVmoWrite, 0) {
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(2, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 2));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 2, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The VMO hasn't been written to yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// Dirty the pages in preparation for the write, avoiding the need to trap.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 2));
// Write to the VMO with the source buffer set up such that the copying partially fails. Make the
// source buffer pager backed too, and fail reads from it.
Vmo* src_vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmo(2, &src_vmo));
// Supply a single page in the source, so we can partially read from it.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(src_vmo, 0, 1));
// Map the source VMO.
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, src_vmo->vmo(), 0,
2 * zx_system_get_page_size(), &ptr));
auto unmap = fit::defer([&]() {
// Cleanup the mapping we created.
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size());
// Attempt the VMO write.
TestThread t([vmo, ptr]() -> bool {
auto buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
return vmo->vmo().write(buf, 0, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size()) == ZX_OK;
// We should see a read request when the VMO write attempts reading from the source VMO.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageRead(src_vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Fail the read request so that the write fails.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(src_vmo, 1, 1));
// The write partially succeeded, so the VMO should be modified.
// Verify dirty pages and contents.
src_vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
// We mark pages dirty when they are looked up, i.e. *before* writing to them, so they will still
// be reported as dirty.
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 2, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// We will now try a partial write by failing dirty requests, which is only relevant for
if (!(create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY)) {
// Start with clean pages again.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackBeginPages(vmo, 0, 2));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WritebackEndPages(vmo, 0, 2));
// Dirty a single page, so that writing to the other generates a dirty request.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// Try to write to the VMO.
TestThread t1([vmo]() -> bool {
uint8_t data[2 * zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xaa, 2 * zx_system_get_page_size());
return vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)) == ZX_OK;
// Should see a dirty request for page 1.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.WaitForPageDirty(vmo, 1, 1, ZX_TIME_INFINITE));
// Fail the dirty request.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.FailPages(vmo, 1, 1));
// The write succeeded partially, so the VMO should be modified.
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
memset(, 0xaa, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 2,, true));
range.length = 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// Tests that a clone cannot be marked modified.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The VMO hasn't been written to, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Create a clone.
auto clone = vmo->Clone();
// Write to the clone.
uint8_t data[zx_system_get_page_size()];
memset(data, 0xcc, zx_system_get_page_size());
ASSERT_OK(clone->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)));
// The VMO should not be modified.
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
// The clone should not support the modified query.
zx_pager_vmo_stats_t stats;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, zx_pager_query_vmo_stats(pager.pager().get(), clone->vmo().get(),
0, &stats, sizeof(stats)));
// Verify clone contents.
memcpy(, data, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(clone.get(), 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_FALSE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(clone.get(), nullptr, 0));
// Tests that querying the modified state without the reset option does not reset.
UserPager pager;
Vmo* vmo;
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.CreateVmoWithOptions(1, create_option, &vmo));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.SupplyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
vmo->GenerateBufferContents(, 1, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, nullptr, 0));
if (create_option & ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY) {
// Dirty the page in preparation for the write, avoiding the need to trap.
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.DirtyPages(vmo, 0, 1));
// The VMO hasn't been written to yet, so it shouldn't be marked modified.
// Write to the VMO.
uint8_t data = 0xaa;
ASSERT_OK(vmo->vmo().write(&data, 0, sizeof(data)));
// Verify modified state without resetting it.
zx_pager_vmo_stats_t stats;
zx_pager_query_vmo_stats(pager.pager().get(), vmo->vmo().get(), 0, &stats, sizeof(stats)));
// Verify contents and dirty ranges.
memset(, data, sizeof(data));
ASSERT_TRUE(check_buffer_data(vmo, 0, 1,, true));
zx_vmo_dirty_range_t range = {.offset = 0, .length = 1, .options = 0};
ASSERT_TRUE(pager.VerifyDirtyRanges(vmo, &range, 1));
// The VMO should still be marked modified.
// Querying the modified state now with the reset option should have reset the modified flag.
} // namespace pager_tests