blob: 63e9d6b1a8106609d8318c3ecca1bf2956256912 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/memalloc/pool-mem-config.h>
#include <lib/memalloc/pool.h>
#include <forward_list>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace {
constexpr uint64_t kChunkSize = memalloc::Pool::kBookkeepingChunkSize;
// The pool uses a callback to convert "physical" address regions allocated for
// bookkeeping space to accessible pointers. The callback for testing purposes
// just ignores that "physical" address and allocates a new chunk for the Pool
// code to store its bookkeeping data in.
memalloc::Pool::BookkeepingAddressToPointer ForTestPool() {
// The list in the (move-only) lambda just keeps the pointers all live for
// the lifetime of the Pool (which owns the wrapped and returned lambda).
using Bookkeeping = std::forward_list<std::unique_ptr<std::byte[]>>;
return [bookkeeping = Bookkeeping()](uint64_t addr, uint64_t size) mutable {
std::byte* chunk = new std::byte[size]; // Uninitialized space.
return chunk;
TEST(MemallocPoolMemConfigTests, Empty) {
memalloc::Pool pool(ForTestPool());
// Initialize with an empty pool.
memalloc::PoolMemConfig mem_config(pool);
EXPECT_EQ(mem_config.begin(), mem_config.end());
TEST(MemallocPoolMemConfigTests, Ranges) {
memalloc::Pool pool(ForTestPool());
memalloc::Range test_pool_ranges[] = {
.addr = 0,
.size = kChunkSize * 1000,
.type = memalloc::Type::kFreeRam,
.addr = kChunkSize * 50,
.size = kChunkSize * 2,
.type = memalloc::Type::kReserved,
.addr = kChunkSize * 100,
.size = kChunkSize * 5,
.type = memalloc::Type::kPeripheral,
auto alloc_result = pool.Allocate(memalloc::Type::kPoolTestPayload, kChunkSize * 100);
EXPECT_EQ(kChunkSize * 105, alloc_result.value());
constexpr zbi_mem_range_t kExpectedZbiRanges[] = {
.paddr = 0,
.length = kChunkSize * 50,
.paddr = kChunkSize * 52,
.length = kChunkSize * 48,
.paddr = kChunkSize * 100,
.length = kChunkSize * 5,
.paddr = kChunkSize * 105,
.length = kChunkSize * 895,
memalloc::PoolMemConfig mem_config(pool);
static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(mem_config.begin(), mem_config.end())));
auto it = mem_config.begin();
for (const zbi_mem_range_t& expected : kExpectedZbiRanges) {
ASSERT_NE(it, mem_config.end());
const zbi_mem_range_t range = *it++;
EXPECT_EQ(expected.paddr, range.paddr);
EXPECT_EQ(expected.length, range.length);
EXPECT_EQ(expected.type, range.type);
EXPECT_EQ(it, mem_config.end());
} // namespace