blob: 0db4252b57dbe711ef12e3abc8f3be9ea72be50d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "algorithm.h"
#include <lib/fitx/result.h>
#include <lib/memalloc/range.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <limits>
namespace memalloc {
constexpr uint64_t kMax = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
namespace {
constexpr uint64_t GetLeft(const Range& range) { return range.addr; }
constexpr uint64_t GetRight(const Range& range) {
return GetLeft(range) + std::min(kMax - GetLeft(range), range.size);
// Represents a 64-bit, unsigned integral interval, [Left(), Right()), whose
// inclusive endpoints may may range from 0 to UINT64_MAX -1.
// For arithmetic and overflow safety convenience, we take the right endpoint
// be exclusive, which is what disallows UINT64_MAX from being an endpoint.
// Though this limitation is unfortunate, it is not an issue in practice, as
// this type is used to represent a range of the physical address space and
// supported architectures in turn do not support addresses that high.
// The "empty" interval is represented as the only Interval with Left() ==
// Right(), which, by convention is taken to be rooted at 0.
class Interval {
// Gives the empty interval.
constexpr Interval() = default;
// Gives the interval [left, right) when left < right, and the empty interval
// otherwise.
constexpr Interval(uint64_t left, uint64_t right)
: left_(left >= right ? 0 : left), right_(left >= right ? 0 : right) {}
constexpr Interval(const Range& range) : Interval(GetLeft(range), GetRight(range)) {}
constexpr bool empty() const { return Left() == Right(); }
constexpr uint64_t Left() const { return left_; }
constexpr uint64_t Right() const { return right_; }
constexpr bool IsAdjacentTo(Interval other) const {
return Left() == other.Right() || other.Left() == Right();
constexpr bool IntersectsWith(Interval other) const {
return !empty() && !other.empty() && Left() < other.Right() && Right() > other.Left();
// Returns the subrange before the intersection with another interval.
constexpr Interval HeadBeforeIntersection(Interval other) const {
return {Left(), std::max(Left(), other.Left())};
// Returns the subrange after the intersection with another interval.
constexpr Interval TailAfterIntersection(Interval other) const {
return {std::min(Right(), other.Right()), Right()};
constexpr void MergeInto(Interval other) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((empty() || other.empty()) || IntersectsWith(other) || IsAdjacentTo(other));
if (other.empty()) {
left_ = empty() ? other.left_ : std::min(Left(), other.Left());
right_ = empty() ? other.right_ : std::max(Right(), other.Right());
constexpr Range AsRamRange() const {
return {.addr = Left(), .size = Right() - Left(), .type = Type::kFreeRam};
uint64_t left_ = 0;
uint64_t right_ = 0;
enum class EndpointType { kLeft, kRight };
struct Endpoint {
const Range* range;
EndpointType type;
constexpr bool IsLeft() const { return type == EndpointType::kLeft; }
constexpr uint64_t value() const {
return IsLeft() ? GetLeft(*range) : GetRight(*range);
// Compares by value, giving left endpoints precedence.
constexpr bool operator<(Endpoint other) const {
return value() < other.value() || (value() == other.value() && IsLeft() && !other.IsLeft());
// An array of counters indexed by Type.
class ActiveRanges {
size_t& operator[](Type type) {
uint64_t type_val = static_cast<uint64_t>(type);
switch (type_val) {
return values_[0];
return values_[1];
return values_[2];
case kMinExtendedTypeValue ... kMaxExtendedTypeValue - 1:
static_assert(kNumBaseTypes == 3);
return values_[kNumBaseTypes + static_cast<size_t>(type_val - kMinExtendedTypeValue)];
// Normalize to kReserved if unknown.
return (*this)[Type::kReserved];
// Gives the active range type with the highest relative precedence,
// std::nullopt if there are no active ranges, or fitx::failed if
// * two different extended types are active
// * both an extended type and one of kReserved or kPeripheral are active.
fitx::result<fitx::failed, std::optional<Type>> DominantType() {
// First look through the base types in reverse-order of precedence (so
// "last wins").
std::optional<Type> active_base;
for (Type type : {Type::kFreeRam, Type::kPeripheral, Type::kReserved}) {
if ((*this)[type] > 0) {
active_base = type;
std::optional<Type> active_extended;
for (uint64_t i = kMinExtendedTypeValue; i < kMaxExtendedTypeValue; ++i) {
Type type = static_cast<Type>(i);
if ((*this)[type] > 0) {
// If there is a non-kFreeRam base type or another extended type
// active, that's an error.
if ((active_base && *active_base != Type::kFreeRam) || active_extended) {
return fitx::failed();
active_extended = type;
// Give an active extended type precedence, as we now know that it can only
// carve out subranges of active free RAM.
if (active_extended) {
return fitx::ok(*active_extended);
if (active_base) {
return fitx::ok(*active_base);
return fitx::ok(std::nullopt);
std::array<size_t, kNumBaseTypes + kNumExtendedTypes> values_ = {};
} // namespace
const Range* RangeStream::operator()() {
static constexpr auto at_end = [](const auto& ctx) { return ctx.it_ == ctx.ranges_.end(); };
// Dereferencing a cpp20::span iterator returns a reference.
constexpr auto to_ptr = [](auto it) -> const Range* { return &(*it); };
// We want to take the lexicographic minimum among the ranges currently
// pointed to by the context.
auto state_it =
std::min_element(state_.begin(), state_.end(), [](const auto& ctx_a, const auto& ctx_b) {
// Take any non-'end' iterator to be strictly less than any 'end' one.
if (at_end(ctx_a)) {
return false;
if (at_end(ctx_b)) {
return !at_end(ctx_a);
return *ctx_a.it_ < *ctx_b.it_;
if (state_it == state_.end() || at_end(*state_it)) {
return nullptr;
return to_ptr(state_it->it_++);
void FindNormalizedRamRanges(RangeStream ranges, RangeCallback cb) {
// Having sorted lexicographically on range endpoints (as RangeStream
// does) is crucial to the following logic. With this ordering, given a range
// of interest, the moment we come across a range disjoint from it, we know
// that all subsequent ranges will similarly be disjoint. This allows us to
// straightforwardly disambiguate the contiguous regions among
// arbitrarily-overlapping ranges.
// The current RAM range of interest. With each new RAM range we come across,
// we see if it can be merged into the candidate and update accordingly; with
// each new non-RAM range, we see if it intersects with the candidate and
// truncate accordingly. Once we know that subsequent ranges are disjoint, we
// know that the candidate is contiguous and we see if it meets our
// constraints; otherwise we move onto the next one.
Interval candidate;
// Tracks the last contiguous range of memory that is the union of all
// non-RAM types.
Interval current_non_ram;
for (const Range* range = ranges(); range != nullptr; range = ranges()) {
Interval interval(*range);
if (interval.empty()) {
if (range->type == Type::kFreeRam) {
// Check to see if this new RAM interval intersects with the current
// non-RAM interval we're tracking. If they intersect, it would be at
// the head of the new interval; if so, update the new interval to just
// cover the tail.
if (interval.IntersectsWith(current_non_ram)) {
interval = interval.TailAfterIntersection(current_non_ram);
if (interval.empty()) {
// Merge the new RAM range into the current candidate if possible.
if (candidate.IntersectsWith(interval) || candidate.IsAdjacentTo(interval)) {
} else {
// Found new, disjoint RAM interval. The candidate is guaranteed to not
// intersect with any subsequent ranges. Emit and move on.
if (!candidate.empty() && !cb(candidate.AsRamRange())) {
candidate = interval;
} else {
// Check to see if the candidate RAM intersects with this new non-RAM
// interval. If it does, emit the pre-intersection head and then update
// the candidate as the post-intersection tail.
if (candidate.IntersectsWith(interval)) {
Interval before = candidate.HeadBeforeIntersection(interval);
if (!before.empty() && !cb(before.AsRamRange())) {
candidate = candidate.TailAfterIntersection(interval);
if (current_non_ram.IntersectsWith(interval) || current_non_ram.IsAdjacentTo(interval)) {
} else {
current_non_ram = interval;
// There are no more ranges. Since we compared each new RAM interval against the
// the current non-RAM interval and each new non-RAM interval against the
// candidate, refitting as we went, we can be sure that the remaining
// candidate is disjoint from the remaining non-RAM interval (% emptiness).
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(candidate.empty() || current_non_ram.empty() ||
if (!candidate.empty()) {
fitx::result<fitx::failed> FindNormalizedRanges(RangeStream ranges, cpp20::span<void*> scratch,
RangeCallback cb) {
if (ranges.empty()) {
return fitx::ok();
// This algorithm relies on creating a sorted array of endpoints. For every
// range, we need two endpoints, each of which we represent with two words.
static_assert(std::alignment_of_v<void*> % std::alignment_of_v<Endpoint> == 0);
static_assert(sizeof(Endpoint) == 2 * sizeof(void*));
const size_t min_size_bytes = FindNormalizedRangesScratchSize(ranges.size()) * sizeof(void*);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(scratch.size_bytes() >= min_size_bytes,
"scratch space must be at least 4*sizeof(void*) times the number of ranges "
"(%zu) in bytes: expected >= %zu bytes; got %zu bytes",
ranges.size(), min_size_bytes, scratch.size_bytes());
cpp20::span<Endpoint> endpoints{reinterpret_cast<Endpoint*>(, 2 * ranges.size()};
for (size_t i = 0; i < ranges.size(); ++i) {
const Range* range = ranges();
endpoints[2 * i] = {range, EndpointType::kLeft};
endpoints[2 * i + 1] = {range, EndpointType::kRight};
std::sort(endpoints.begin(), endpoints.end());
// The following algorithm is simple, but rather subtle. It works as follows.
// We iterate through endpoints sorted by value and maintain counters that
// gives the number of the original ranges that are 'active' at this point in
// time: if we see a left endpoint, the associated counter is incremented; if
// we see a right endpoint, it is decremented. We also maintain the the type
// and start value of the normalized range we are currently building up.
// After processing each endpoint of a specific value, we take stock of the
// counters: every positive counter corresponds to a collection of active
// ranges of that associated type. If there are active ranges, let TYPE be
// the most dominant among them (i.e., with the highest relative precedence):
// then we are either in the process of building up a normalized TYPE range
// or have just started to; if the former, then carry on; if the latter, it
// is time to emit the previous normalized range we had been building up, as
// we have just found its end. If all counters are zero, we are no longer
// building up a normalized range and should clear the tracked start and type.
ActiveRanges counters;
std::optional<Type> curr_type;
uint64_t curr_start = endpoints.front().value();
uint64_t curr_value = curr_start;
// Processes an "event", given by seeing a new active, normalized range type.
// If std::nullopt, there are no active ranges at this time.
auto process_event = [&](std::optional<Type> active_type) -> bool {
// Still building up the same range.
if (active_type == curr_type) {
return true;
// If we have been building up a (non-empty) normalized range of a
// different type, emit it.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(curr_start <= curr_value);
if (curr_type && curr_start < curr_value) {
if (!cb({.addr = curr_start, .size = curr_value - curr_start, .type = *curr_type})) {
return false;
curr_start = curr_value;
curr_type = active_type;
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < endpoints.size();) {
curr_value = endpoints[i].value();
do {
const Endpoint& endpoint = endpoints[i];
const Type type = endpoint.range->type;
if (endpoint.IsLeft()) {
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(counters[type] > 0);
} while (i < endpoints.size() && endpoints[i].value() == curr_value);
auto result = counters.DominantType();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
if (!process_event(std::move(result).value())) {
return fitx::ok();
// There should be no active ranges tracked now, normalized or otherwise.
return fitx::ok();
} // namespace memalloc