blob: 6ff51f3085fdd36e2cc5ba4cabcfd7dbd66e21da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "algorithm.h"
#include <lib/memalloc/range.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "test.h"
namespace {
constexpr uint64_t kMax = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
using memalloc::RangeStream;
using memalloc::Type;
using memalloc::internal::RangeIterationContext;
void TestFindNormalizedRamRanges(cpp20::span<memalloc::Range> input,
cpp20::span<const memalloc::Range> expected) {
std::vector<memalloc::Range> actual;
memalloc::FindNormalizedRamRanges(input, [&actual](const memalloc::Range& range) {
return true;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CompareRanges(expected, {actual}));
void TestFindNormalizedRanges(cpp20::span<memalloc::Range> input,
cpp20::span<const memalloc::Range> expected) {
const size_t scratch_size = memalloc::FindNormalizedRangesScratchSize(input.size());
auto scratch = std::make_unique<void*[]>(scratch_size);
std::vector<memalloc::Range> actual;
auto result = memalloc::FindNormalizedRanges(input, {scratch.get(), scratch_size},
[&actual](const memalloc::Range& range) {
return true;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CompareRanges(expected, {actual}));
void ExpectBadOverlap(cpp20::span<memalloc::Range> input) {
const size_t scratch_size = memalloc::FindNormalizedRangesScratchSize(input.size());
auto scratch = std::make_unique<void*[]>(scratch_size);
constexpr auto noop = [](const memalloc::Range& range) { return true; };
auto result = memalloc::FindNormalizedRanges(input, {scratch.get(), scratch_size}, noop);
void TestRangeStream(cpp20::span<cpp20::span<memalloc::Range>> inputs,
cpp20::span<const memalloc::Range> expected) {
std::vector<RangeIterationContext> state(inputs.begin(), inputs.end());
memalloc::RangeStream stream({state});
size_t num_ranges = 0;
for (auto input : inputs) {
num_ranges += input.size();
EXPECT_EQ(num_ranges, stream.size());
std::vector<memalloc::Range> actual;
for (const memalloc::Range* range = stream(); range; range = stream()) {
EXPECT_EQ(actual.size(), stream.size());
EXPECT_EQ(actual.empty(), stream.empty());
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CompareRanges(expected, {actual}));
// Repeated calls should yield nullptr.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, stream());
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, stream());
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, stream());
// Resetting the stream should put it back in its initial state.
for (const memalloc::Range* range = stream(); range; range = stream()) {
EXPECT_EQ(actual.size(), stream.size());
EXPECT_EQ(actual.empty(), stream.empty());
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CompareRanges(expected, {actual}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, NoRanges) {
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({}, {}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({}, {}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, OneRamRange) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// RAM: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {ranges}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {ranges}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, OneNonRamRange) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// reserved: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kReserved},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {ranges}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, MultipleNonRamRanges) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// reserved: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kReserved},
// reserved: [5, 15)
{.addr = 5, .size = 10, .type = Type::kReserved},
// reserved: [15, 20)
{.addr = 15, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// peripheral: [25, 30)
{.addr = 25, .size = 5, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// reserved: [0, 20)
{.addr = 0, .size = 20, .type = Type::kReserved},
// peripheral: [25, 30)
{.addr = 25, .size = 5, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, TwoIntersectingRamRanges) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// RAM: [10, 20)
{.addr = 10, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [15, 30)
{.addr = 15, .size = 15, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// RAM: [10, 30)
{.addr = 10, .size = 20, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, TwoAdjacentRamRanges) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// RAM: [10, 15)
{.addr = 10, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [15, 30)
{.addr = 15, .size = 15, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// [10, 30)
{.addr = 10, .size = 20, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, TwoFullyDisjointRamRanges) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// RAM: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [15, 30)
{.addr = 15, .size = 15, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// [15, 30)
{.addr = 15, .size = 15, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, MixedFullyDisjointRanges) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// RAM: [0, 5)
{.addr = 0, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// reserved: [10, 15)
{.addr = 10, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [20, 30)
{.addr = 20, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// peripheral: [40, 45)
{.addr = 40, .size = 5, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
// reserved: [50, 55)
{.addr = 50, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [60, UINT64_MAX)
{.addr = 60, .size = kMax - 60, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized_ram[] = {
// [0, 5)
{.addr = 0, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// [20, 30)
{.addr = 20, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// [60, UINT64_MAX)
{.addr = 60, .size = kMax - 60, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// RAM: [0, 5)
{.addr = 0, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// reserved: [10, 15)
{.addr = 10, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [20, 30)
{.addr = 20, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// peripheral: [40, 45)
{.addr = 40, .size = 5, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
// reserved: [50, 55)
{.addr = 50, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [60, UINT64_MAX)
{.addr = 60, .size = kMax - 60, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {normalized_ram}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, HighlyIntersectingLikeRanges) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// RAM: [0, 5)
{.addr = 0, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [1, 6)
{.addr = 1, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [1, 10)
{.addr = 1, .size = 9, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [2, 7)
{.addr = 2, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [2, 10)
{.addr = 2, .size = 8, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [3, 8)
{.addr = 3, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [3, 10)
{.addr = 3, .size = 7, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [4, 9)
{.addr = 4, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [4, 10)
{.addr = 4, .size = 6, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [5, 5)
{.addr = 5, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [5, 5)
{.addr = 5, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [6, 10)
{.addr = 6, .size = 4, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [7, 10)
{.addr = 7, .size = 3, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [8, 10)
{.addr = 8, .size = 2, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [9, 10)
{.addr = 9, .size = 1, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [10, 10) (i.e., Ø).
{.addr = 10, .size = 0, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, MixedRanges1) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// reserved: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [5, 15), though we only expect [10, 15) to be free.
{.addr = 5, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [20, 60), though we only expect to [20, 30) and [40, 60) to be free.
{.addr = 20, .size = 40, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// reserved: [30, 35)
{.addr = 30, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// reserved: [35, 40)
{.addr = 35, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// peripheral: [60, 80)
{.addr = 60, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
const memalloc::Range normalized_ram[] = {
// [10, 15)
{.addr = 10, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// [20, 30)
{.addr = 20, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// [40, 60)
{.addr = 40, .size = 20, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// reserved: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [10, 15)
{.addr = 10, .size = 5, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [20, 30)
{.addr = 20, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// reserved: [30, 40)
{.addr = 30, .size = 10, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [40, 60)
{.addr = 40, .size = 20, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// peripheral: [60, 80)
{.addr = 60, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {normalized_ram}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, MixedRanges2) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// reserved: [0, 60)
{.addr = 0, .size = 60, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [5, 90)
{.addr = 5, .size = 85, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [10, 40)
{.addr = 10, .size = 30, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// reserved: [80, 100)
{.addr = 80, .size = 20, .type = Type::kReserved},
const memalloc::Range normalized_ram[] = {
// RAM: [60, 80)
{.addr = 60, .size = 20, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// reserved: [0, 60)
{.addr = 0, .size = 60, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [60, 80)
{.addr = 60, .size = 20, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// reserved: [80, 100)
{.addr = 80, .size = 20, .type = Type::kReserved},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {normalized_ram}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, MixedRanges3) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// RAM: [0, 90)
{.addr = 0, .size = 90, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// reserved: [10, 70)
{.addr = 10, .size = 60, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [20, 30)
{.addr = 20, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [40, 50)
{.addr = 40, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [60, 80)
{.addr = 60, .size = 20, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized_ram[] = {
// RAM: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [70, 90)
{.addr = 70, .size = 20, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// RAM: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// reserved: [10, 70)
{.addr = 10, .size = 60, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [70, 90)
{.addr = 70, .size = 20, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {normalized_ram}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, OverlapPrecedence) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// RAM: [0, 10), dominated by the next reserved range.
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// peripheral: [0, 20), dominated by the next reserved range.
{.addr = 0, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
// reserved: [0, 30), dominated by no other range.
{.addr = 0, .size = 30, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [30, 40), dominated by the next peripheral range.
{.addr = 30, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// peripheral: [40, 50), dominated by no other range.
{.addr = 30, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
// RAM: [50, 60), dominated by the next range of extended type.
{.addr = 50, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// phys kernel image: [50, 70), dominated by no other range.
{.addr = 50, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPhysKernel},
// RAM: [70, 80), dominated by no other range.
{.addr = 70, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// phys kernel image: [80, 90), merged into nearby like ranges.
{.addr = 80, .size = 10, .type = Type::kPhysKernel},
// phys kernel image: [80, 100).
{.addr = 80, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPhysKernel},
const memalloc::Range normalized_ram[] = {
// [70, 80).
{.addr = 70, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// reserved: [0, 30).
{.addr = 0, .size = 30, .type = Type::kReserved},
// peripheral: [30, 50)
{.addr = 30, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
// phys kernel image: [50, 70), dominated by no other range.
{.addr = 50, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPhysKernel},
// RAM: [70, 80).
{.addr = 70, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// phys kernel image: [80, 100).
{.addr = 80, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPhysKernel},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, {normalized_ram}));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestFindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, {normalized}));
TEST(MemallocFindTests, BadOverlaps) {
// Extended with extended.
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// phys kernel image: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kPhysKernel},
// data ZBI : [5, 10)
{.addr = 5, .size = 5, .type = Type::kDataZbi},
// Extended with reserved.
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// phys kernel image: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kPhysKernel},
// reserved: [0, 20)
{.addr = 0, .size = 20, .type = Type::kReserved},
// Extended with reserved.
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// phys kernel image: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kPhysKernel},
// reserved: [0, 20)
{.addr = 0, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
TEST(MemallocFindTests, CanShortCircuit) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// RAM: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// peripheral: [20, 30)
{.addr = 20, .size = 10, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
// reserved: [40, 50)
{.addr = 40, .size = 10, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [60, 70)
{.addr = 60, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [80, 90)
{.addr = 80, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const memalloc::Range normalized[] = {
// RAM: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// peripheral: [20, 30)
{.addr = 20, .size = 10, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
// reserved: [40, 50)
{.addr = 40, .size = 10, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [60, 70)
{.addr = 60, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [80, 90)
{.addr = 80, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
const size_t scratch_size = 4 * sizeof(ranges) * sizeof(void*);
auto scratch_ptr = std::make_unique<void*[]>(scratch_size);
cpp20::span<void*> scratch{scratch_ptr.get(), scratch_size};
std::vector<memalloc::Range> outputs;
auto record_first_n = [&outputs](size_t n) -> memalloc::RangeCallback {
ZX_ASSERT(n > 0);
return [&outputs, countdown = n](const memalloc::Range& range) mutable {
return --countdown > 0;
// Only record the first RAM range.
memalloc::FindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, record_first_n(1));
ASSERT_EQ(1u, outputs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[0], outputs[0]);
// Only record the first range.
auto result = memalloc::FindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, scratch, record_first_n(1));
ASSERT_EQ(1u, outputs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[0], outputs[0]);
// Only record the first two RAM ranges.
memalloc::FindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, record_first_n(2));
ASSERT_EQ(2u, outputs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[0], outputs[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[3], outputs[1]);
// Only record the first two ranges.
result = memalloc::FindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, scratch, record_first_n(2));
ASSERT_EQ(2u, outputs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[0], outputs[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[1], outputs[1]);
// Only record the first three RAM ranges.
memalloc::FindNormalizedRamRanges({ranges}, record_first_n(3));
ASSERT_EQ(3u, outputs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[0], outputs[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[3], outputs[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[4], outputs[2]);
// Only record the first three ranges.
result = memalloc::FindNormalizedRanges({ranges}, scratch, record_first_n(3));
ASSERT_EQ(3u, outputs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[0], outputs[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[1], outputs[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(normalized[2], outputs[2]);
TEST(MemallocRangeStreamTests, Empty) {
memalloc::RangeStream stream({});
EXPECT_EQ(0u, stream.size());
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestRangeStream({}, {}));
TEST(MemallocRangeStreamTests, OutputIsSorted) {
memalloc::Range ranges[] = {
// reserved: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [5, 15)
{.addr = 5, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [20, 60)
{.addr = 20, .size = 40, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// reserved: [30, 35)
{.addr = 30, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// reserved: [35, 40)
{.addr = 35, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// peripheral: [60, 80)
{.addr = 60, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
std::default_random_engine engine{0xc0ffee};
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dist(0, std::size(ranges));
auto make_partition = [&](std::vector<cpp20::span<memalloc::Range>>& parts) {
size_t idx = 0;
while (idx < std::size(ranges)) {
size_t part_size = (dist(engine) % (std::size(ranges) - idx)) + 1;
parts.push_back({std::begin(ranges) + idx, part_size});
idx += part_size;
const memalloc::Range expected[] = {
// reserved: [0, 10)
{.addr = 0, .size = 10, .type = Type::kReserved},
// RAM: [5, 15), though we only expect [10, 15) to be free.
{.addr = 5, .size = 10, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// RAM: [20, 60), though we only expect to [20, 30) and [40, 60) to be free.
{.addr = 20, .size = 40, .type = Type::kFreeRam},
// reserved: [30, 35)
{.addr = 30, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// reserved: [35, 40)
{.addr = 35, .size = 5, .type = Type::kReserved},
// peripheral: [60, 80)
{.addr = 60, .size = 20, .type = Type::kPeripheral},
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
std::vector<cpp20::span<memalloc::Range>> parts;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestRangeStream({parts}, expected));
} // namespace