blob: d0648e008bb91cc7f28d704f72f02877e196a9d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/efi/testing/stub_boot_services.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace efi {
namespace {
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::DoAll;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
// Defined by the EFI standard.
constexpr size_t kMemoryPageSize = 4096;
// We need to stash the global StubBootServices object here since there's
// no "self" parameter to any of these functions.
StubBootServices* active_stub = nullptr;
// Wrapper to bounce the EFI C function pointer into our global StubBootServices
// object.
template <auto func, typename... Args>
EFIAPI efi_status Wrap(Args... args) {
if (!active_stub) {
// Someone held onto the underlying function table after deleting
// the parent StubBootServices.
return (active_stub->*func)(args...);
// Wrapper for BootServices functions which return void.
template <auto func, typename... Args>
EFIAPI void WrapVoid(Args... args) {
ASSERT_NE(active_stub, nullptr) << "BootServices stub does not exist";
} // namespace
: services_{.AllocatePages = Wrap<&StubBootServices::AllocatePages>,
.FreePages = Wrap<&StubBootServices::FreePages>,
.GetMemoryMap = Wrap<&StubBootServices::GetMemoryMap>,
.AllocatePool = Wrap<&StubBootServices::AllocatePool>,
.FreePool = Wrap<&StubBootServices::FreePool>,
.CreateEvent = Wrap<&StubBootServices::CreateEvent>,
.SetTimer = Wrap<&StubBootServices::SetTimer>,
.CloseEvent = Wrap<&StubBootServices::CloseEvent>,
.CheckEvent = Wrap<&StubBootServices::CheckEvent>,
.LocateHandle = Wrap<&StubBootServices::LocateHandle>,
.OpenProtocol = Wrap<&StubBootServices::OpenProtocol>,
.CloseProtocol = Wrap<&StubBootServices::CloseProtocol>,
.LocateHandleBuffer = Wrap<&StubBootServices::LocateHandleBuffer>,
.LocateProtocol = Wrap<&StubBootServices::LocateProtocol>,
.CopyMem = WrapVoid<&StubBootServices::CopyMem>,
.SetMem = WrapVoid<&StubBootServices::SetMem>} {
if (active_stub) {
// We cannot support multiple StubBootServices due to the global singleton
// nature. Rather than causing hard-to-debug test behavior here, just fail
// loudly and immediately.
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot create multiple StubBootService objects - exiting\n");
active_stub = this;
StubBootServices::~StubBootServices() { active_stub = nullptr; }
efi_status StubBootServices::AllocatePages(efi_allocate_type /*type*/, efi_memory_type memory_type,
size_t pages, efi_physical_addr* memory) {
void* addr = nullptr;
efi_status result = AllocatePool(memory_type, pages * kMemoryPageSize, &addr);
*memory = reinterpret_cast<efi_physical_addr>(addr);
return result;
efi_status StubBootServices::FreePages(efi_physical_addr memory, size_t /*pages*/) {
efi_status StubBootServices::AllocatePool(efi_memory_type /*pool_type*/, size_t size, void** buf) {
*buf = malloc(size);
if (*buf == nullptr) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Failed to allocate " << size << " bytes";
// Initialize to some garbage to try to catch any code that might be assuming
// memory will always be 0-initialized.
memset(*buf, 0x5A, size);
efi_status StubBootServices::FreePool(void* buf) {
void StubBootServices::CopyMem(void* dest, const void* src, size_t len) {
ASSERT_NE(dest, nullptr) << "CopyMem() should always supply a valid destination buffer";
ASSERT_NE(src, nullptr) << "CopyMem() should always supply a valid source buffer";
// Use memmove() rather than memcpy(); the UEFI CopyMem() function supports
// overlapping buffers.
memmove(dest, src, len);
void StubBootServices::SetMem(void* buf, size_t len, uint8_t val) {
ASSERT_NE(buf, nullptr) << "SetMem() should always supply a valid buffer";
memset(buf, val, len);
void MockBootServices::ExpectOpenProtocol(efi_handle handle, efi_guid guid, void* protocol) {
EXPECT_CALL(*this, OpenProtocol(handle, MatchGuid(guid), _, _, _, _))
.WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<2>(protocol), Return(EFI_SUCCESS)));
void MockBootServices::ExpectCloseProtocol(efi_handle handle, efi_guid guid) {
EXPECT_CALL(*this, CloseProtocol(handle, MatchGuid(guid), _, _)).WillOnce(Return(EFI_SUCCESS));
void MockBootServices::SetDefaultProtocol(efi_handle handle, efi_guid guid, void* protocol) {
ON_CALL(*this, OpenProtocol(handle, MatchGuid(guid), _, _, _, _))
.WillByDefault(DoAll(SetArgPointee<2>(protocol), Return(EFI_SUCCESS)));
ON_CALL(*this, CloseProtocol(handle, MatchGuid(guid), _, _)).WillByDefault(Return(EFI_SUCCESS));
} // namespace efi