blob: f02e5b48bd014bab5598e73d5d4e50ec0217c529 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{Context, Result},
blackout_target::{Test, TestServer},
byteorder::{NativeEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt},
rand::{distributions::Standard, rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng},
std::{collections::HashMap, fs::File, io::Write},
fn write_blob(rng: &mut impl Rng, root: &str, i: u64) -> Result<String> {
let mut data = vec![];
// length of extra random data in bytes
let rand_length: usize = rng.gen_range(0..6000);
data.extend(rng.sample_iter::<u8, _>(&Standard).take(rand_length));
// generate merkle root for new blob
let mut builder = MerkleTreeBuilder::new();
let merkle = builder.finish();
let path = format!("{}/{}", root, merkle.root());
// blob writing dance
let mut blob = File::create(&path)?;
blob.set_len(data.len() as u64)?;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct BlobfsCheckerboard;
impl Test for BlobfsCheckerboard {
async fn setup(&self, block_device: String, seed: u64) -> Result<()> {
log::info!("provided block device: {}", block_device);
let dev = blackout_target::find_dev(&block_device).await?;
log::info!("using equivalent block device: {}", dev);
let mut blobfs = Blobfs::new(&dev)?;
let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
log::info!("formatting provided block device with blobfs");
blobfs.format().context("failed to format blobfs")?;
let root = format!("/test-fs-root-{}", rng.gen::<u16>());
log::info!("mounting blobfs into default namespace at {}", root);
blobfs.mount(&root).context("failed to mount blobfs")?;
// Normally these tests just format in the setup, but I want a pile of files that I'm never
// going to touch again, so this is the best place to set them up. Each file has a number
// followed by a random amount of random garbage up to 6k (so the data for each blob takes
// up one block at most). We want to stay within the bounds of the provided partition, so
// query the size of the filesystem, and fill about 3/4ths of it with blobs.
let q = blobfs.query_filesystem()?;
log::info!("got query results - {:#?}", q);
let num_blobs = (((q.total_bytes - q.used_bytes) / q.block_size as u64) * 3) / 4;
let num_blobs = num_blobs - (num_blobs % 2);
log::info!("just kidding - creating {} blobs on disk for setup", num_blobs);
for i in 0..num_blobs {
let _ = write_blob(&mut rng, &root, i)?;
log::info!("unmounting blobfs");
blobfs.unmount().context("failed to unmount blobfs")?;
async fn test(&self, block_device: String, seed: u64) -> Result<()> {
log::info!("provided block device: {}", block_device);
let dev = blackout_target::find_dev(&block_device).await?;
log::info!("using equivalent block device: {}", dev);
let mut blobfs = Blobfs::new(&dev)?;
let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
let root = format!("/test-fs-root-{}", rng.gen::<u16>());
log::info!("mounting blobfs into default namespace at {}", root);
blobfs.mount(&root).context("failed to mount blobfs")?;
log::info!("some prep work...");
// Get a list of all the blobs on the partition so we can generate our load gen state. We
// have exclusive access to this block device, so they were either made by us in setup or
// made by us in a previous iteration of the test. This test is designed to be run multiple
// times in a row and could be in any state when we cut the power, so we have to
// reconstruct it based off the test invariants. Those invariants are
// 1. even number of blob "slots"
// 2. odd number blobs are never modified
// 3. even number blobs can be deleted and rewritted with new data
// 4. that means they might not be there when we start (hence "slots")
// 5. blobs start with their number, which is a u64 written in native endian with
// byteorder
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum Slot {
Blob { path: String },
let mut blobs: HashMap<u64, Slot> = HashMap::new();
// let root_proxy =;
let root_proxy =
fuchsia_fs::open_directory_in_namespace(&root, fuchsia_fs::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE)?;
// first we figure out what blobs are there.
for entry in readdir(&root_proxy).await? {
let path = format!("{}/{}", root,;
let mut blob = File::open(&path)?;
let slot_num = blob.read_u64::<NativeEndian>()?;
blobs.insert(slot_num, Slot::Blob { path });
log::info!("found {} blobs", blobs.len());
// What is the max slot number we found? If it's even, it's the number of slots, if it's
// odd, then it's the number of slots - 1. There should always be at least one slot filled
// out (odds are never touched, so really we are going to have at least 1/2 of all possible
// slots filled already).
let max_found =
blobs.keys().max().expect("Didn't find a maximum slot number. No blobs on disk?");
// Either the last even slot was filled or we found the largest odd slot so this gets the
// maximum number of slots.
let max_found = max_found + 1;
let max_slots = max_found + (max_found % 2);
debug_assert!(max_slots % 2 == 0);
let half_slots = max_slots / 2;
"max_found = {}. assuming max_slots = {} (half_slots = {})",
let mut slots = vec![Slot::Empty; max_slots as usize];
for (k, v) in blobs.into_iter() {
slots[k as usize] = v;
log::info!("generating load");
loop {
// Get a random, even numbered slot and do the "next thing" to it.
// 1. if the slot is empty, create a blob and write random data to it
// 2. if it's not empty
// - 50% chance we just open it and read the contents and close it again
// - 50% chance we delete it
// Obviously this isn't a "realistic" workload - blobs in the wild are going to spend a
// lot of time getting read before they are deleted - but we want things to change a
// lot.
let slot_num = rng.gen_range(0..half_slots as usize) * 2;
let maybe_new_slot = match &slots[slot_num] {
Slot::Empty => {
let path = write_blob(&mut rng, &root, slot_num as u64)?;
Some(Slot::Blob { path })
Slot::Blob { path } => {
if rng.gen_bool(1.0 / 2.0) {
let mut blob = File::open(&path)?;
let _ = blob.read_u64::<NativeEndian>()?;
} else {
if let Some(new_slot) = maybe_new_slot {
slots[slot_num] = new_slot;
async fn verify(&self, block_device: String, _seed: u64) -> Result<()> {
log::info!("provided block device: {}", block_device);
let dev = blackout_target::find_dev(&block_device).await?;
log::info!("using equivalent block device: {}", dev);
let mut blobfs = Blobfs::new(&dev)?;
log::info!("verifying disk with fsck");
blobfs.fsck().context("fsck failed")?;
log::info!("verification successful");
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let server = TestServer::new(BlobfsCheckerboard)?;