blob: 064448a13d7d87cc7a12ddc0daf19cd8a05083cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace f2fs {
// start node id of a node block dedicated to the given node id
inline uint32_t StartNid(uint32_t nid) { return (nid / kNatEntryPerBlock) * kNatEntryPerBlock; }
// node block offset on the NAT area dedicated to the given start node id
inline uint64_t NatBlockOffset(uint32_t start_nid) { return start_nid / kNatEntryPerBlock; }
// # of pages to perform readahead before building free nids
constexpr int kFreeNidPages = 4;
// maximum # of free node ids to produce during build_free_nids
constexpr int kMaxFreeNids = kNatEntryPerBlock * kFreeNidPages;
// maximum readahead size for node during getting data blocks
constexpr int kMaxRaNode = 128;
// maximum cached nat entries to manage memory footprint
constexpr uint32_t kNmWoutThreshold = 64 * kNatEntryPerBlock;
// vector size for gang look-up from nat cache that consists of radix tree
constexpr uint32_t kNatvecSize = 64;
// For directory operation
constexpr size_t kNodeDir1Block = kAddrsPerInode + 1;
constexpr size_t kNodeDir2Block = kAddrsPerInode + 2;
constexpr size_t kNodeInd1Block = kAddrsPerInode + 3;
constexpr size_t kNodeInd2Block = kAddrsPerInode + 4;
constexpr size_t kNodeDIndBlock = kAddrsPerInode + 5;
// maximum node block level of data block
constexpr uint32_t kMaxNodeBlockLevel = 4;
// For node information
struct NodeInfo {
nid_t nid = 0; // node id
nid_t ino = 0; // inode number of the node's owner
block_t blk_addr = 0; // block address of the node
uint8_t version = 0; // version of the node
class NatEntry : public fbl::WAVLTreeContainable<std::unique_ptr<NatEntry>>,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<NatEntry *> {
NatEntry() = default;
NatEntry(const NatEntry &) = delete;
NatEntry &operator=(const NatEntry &) = delete;
NatEntry(const NatEntry &&) = delete;
NatEntry &operator=(const NatEntry &&) = delete;
const NodeInfo &GetNodeInfo() { return ni_; }
void SetNodeInfo(const NodeInfo &value) { ni_ = value; }
bool IsCheckpointed() const { return checkpointed_; }
void SetCheckpointed() { checkpointed_ = true; }
void ClearCheckpointed() { checkpointed_ = false; }
uint32_t GetNid() const { return ni_.nid; }
void SetNid(const nid_t value) { ni_.nid = value; }
block_t GetBlockAddress() { return ni_.blk_addr; }
void SetBlockAddress(const block_t value) { ni_.blk_addr = value; }
uint32_t GetIno() { return ni_.ino; }
void SetIno(const nid_t value) { ni_.ino = value; }
uint8_t GetVersion() { return ni_.version; }
void SetVersion(const uint8_t value) { ni_.version = value; }
ino_t GetKey() const { return ni_.nid; }
bool checkpointed_ = false; // whether it is checkpointed or not
NodeInfo ni_; // in-memory node information
inline uint8_t IncNodeVersion(uint8_t version) { return ++version; }
// For free nid mangement
enum class NidState {
kNidNew = 0, // newly added to free nid list
kNidAlloc, // it is allocated
struct FreeNid {
list_node_t list; // for free node id list
nid_t nid = 0; // node id
int state = 0; // in use or not: kNidNew or kNidAlloc
class MapTester;
class NodeManager {
// Not copyable or moveable
NodeManager(const NodeManager &) = delete;
NodeManager &operator=(const NodeManager &) = delete;
NodeManager(NodeManager &&) = delete;
NodeManager &operator=(NodeManager &&) = delete;
NodeManager(F2fs *fs);
zx_status_t NextFreeNid(nid_t *nid);
void NodeInfoFromRawNat(NodeInfo &ni, RawNatEntry &raw_ne);
zx_status_t BuildNodeManager();
void DestroyNodeManager();
zx_status_t ReadNodePage(LockedPage &page, nid_t nid, int type);
zx_status_t GetNodePage(nid_t nid, LockedPage *out);
// If an unassigned node page is encountered while following the node path, a new node page is
// assigned. Caller should acquire LockType:kFileOp.
zx_status_t GetLockedDnodePage(VnodeF2fs &vnode, pgoff_t index, LockedPage *out);
// Read-only mode of GetLockedDnodePage().
zx_status_t FindLockedDnodePage(VnodeF2fs &vnode, pgoff_t index, LockedPage *out);
zx::status<uint32_t> GetOfsInDnode(VnodeF2fs &vnode, pgoff_t index);
zx_status_t RestoreNodeSummary(uint32_t segno, SummaryBlock &sum);
static bool IsColdFile(VnodeF2fs &vnode);
void GetNodeInfo(nid_t nid, NodeInfo &out);
// It flushes all dirty node Pages that meet |operation|.if_page.
// It also removes dirty vnodes from the dirty list when there is no dirty Page for their vnodes
// and data. To ensure there is no access to the vnodes, it is called with LockType::kFileOp held
// during ckpt. This way guarantees that RecycleNode() for valid vnodes executes only at ckpt
// time.
pgoff_t SyncNodePages(WritebackOperation &operation);
pgoff_t FsyncNodePages(VnodeF2fs &vnode);
bool AllocNid(nid_t &out);
void AllocNidFailed(nid_t nid);
void AllocNidDone(nid_t nid);
zx_status_t TruncateInodeBlocks(VnodeF2fs &vnode, pgoff_t from);
// Caller should acquire LockType:kFileOp.
zx_status_t RemoveInodePage(VnodeF2fs *vnode);
// Caller should acquire LockType:kFileOp.
zx_status_t NewInodePage(Dir *parent, VnodeF2fs *child);
bool IsCheckpointedNode(nid_t nid);
void DecValidNodeCount(VnodeF2fs *vnode, uint32_t count);
bool FlushNatsInJournal();
void FlushNatEntries();
int F2fsWriteNodePage(LockedPage &page, bool is_reclaim = false);
int F2fsWriteNodePages(VnodeF2fs &vnode, bool is_reclaim = false);
zx_status_t RecoverInodePage(NodePage &page);
// Check whether the given nid is within node id range.
void CheckNidRange(const nid_t &nid) { ZX_ASSERT(nid < max_nid_); }
// members for fsck and unit tests
NodeManager(SuperblockInfo *sb);
void SetMaxNid(const nid_t value) { max_nid_ = value; }
nid_t GetMaxNid() const { return max_nid_; }
void SetNatAddress(const block_t value) { nat_blkaddr_ = value; }
block_t GetNatAddress() { return nat_blkaddr_; }
void SetFirstScanNid(const nid_t value) { init_scan_nid_ = value; }
nid_t GetFirstScanNid() const { return init_scan_nid_; }
void SetNextScanNid(const nid_t value) { next_scan_nid_ = value; }
nid_t GetNextScanNid() const { return next_scan_nid_; }
nid_t GetNatCount() const { return nat_entries_count_; }
nid_t GetFreeNidCount() const { return free_nid_count_; }
zx_status_t AllocNatBitmap(const int size) {
nat_bitmap_size_ = size;
nat_bitmap_ = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(nat_bitmap_size_);
memset(nat_bitmap_.get(), 0, nat_bitmap_size_);
return ZX_OK;
void SetNatBitmap(const uint8_t *bitmap) { memcpy(nat_bitmap_.get(), bitmap, nat_bitmap_size_); }
uint8_t *GetNatBitmap() const { return nat_bitmap_.get(); }
void GetNatBitmap(void *addr);
SuperblockInfo &GetSuperblockInfo();
friend class MapTester;
bool IncValidNodeCount(VnodeF2fs *vnode, uint32_t count);
pgoff_t CurrentNatAddr(nid_t start);
bool IsUpdatedNatPage(nid_t start);
pgoff_t NextNatAddr(pgoff_t block_addr);
void SetToNextNat(nid_t start_nid);
void GetCurrentNatPage(nid_t nid, LockedPage *out);
void GetNextNatPage(nid_t nid, LockedPage *out);
void RaNatPages(nid_t nid);
void SetNatCacheDirty(NatEntry &ne) __TA_REQUIRES(nat_tree_lock_);
void ClearNatCacheDirty(NatEntry &ne) __TA_REQUIRES(nat_tree_lock_);
NatEntry *LookupNatCache(nid_t n) __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(nat_tree_lock_);
uint32_t GangLookupNatCache(uint32_t nr, NatEntry **ep) __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(nat_tree_lock_);
void DelFromNatCache(NatEntry &entry) __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(nat_tree_lock_);
NatEntry *GrabNatEntry(nid_t nid) __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(nat_tree_lock_);
void CacheNatEntry(nid_t nid, RawNatEntry &ne);
void SetNodeAddr(NodeInfo &ni, block_t new_blkaddr);
int TryToFreeNats(int nr_shrink);
zx::status<int32_t> GetNodePath(VnodeF2fs &vnode, pgoff_t block,
int32_t (&offset)[kMaxNodeBlockLevel],
uint32_t (&noffset)[kMaxNodeBlockLevel]);
// Caller should ensure node_page is locked.
void TruncateNode(VnodeF2fs &vnode, nid_t nid, NodePage &node_page);
zx::status<uint32_t> TruncateDnode(VnodeF2fs &vnode, nid_t nid);
zx::status<uint32_t> TruncateNodes(VnodeF2fs &vnode, nid_t start_nid, uint32_t nofs, int32_t ofs,
int32_t depth);
zx_status_t TruncatePartialNodes(VnodeF2fs &vnode, const Inode &ri,
const int32_t (&offset)[kMaxNodeBlockLevel], int32_t depth);
zx_status_t NewNodePage(VnodeF2fs &vnode, nid_t nid, uint32_t ofs, LockedPage *out);
#if 0 // Use xxColdxx and RA when gc impl.
static int IsColdData(Page &page);
static void ClearColdData(Page &page);
void SetColdData(Page &page);
Page *GetNodePageRa(Page *parent, int start);
void RaNodePage(nid_t nid);
FreeNid *LookupFreeNidList(nid_t n);
void DelFromFreeNidList(FreeNid *i);
int AddFreeNid(nid_t nid);
void RemoveFreeNid(nid_t nid);
int ScanNatPage(Page &nat_page, nid_t start_nid);
void BuildFreeNids();
zx_status_t InitNodeManager();
F2fs *fs_ = nullptr;
SuperblockInfo *superblock_info_ = nullptr;
block_t nat_blkaddr_ = 0; // starting block address of NAT
nid_t max_nid_ = 0; // the maximum number of node ids
nid_t init_scan_nid_ = 0; // the first nid to be scanned
nid_t next_scan_nid_ = 0; // the next nid to be scanned
nid_t free_nid_count_ = 0; // the number of free node id
fs::SharedMutex nat_tree_lock_; // protect nat_tree_lock
uint32_t nat_entries_count_ = 0; // the number of nat cache entries
using NatTreeTraits = fbl::DefaultKeyedObjectTraits<nid_t, NatEntry>;
using NatTree = fbl::WAVLTree<nid_t, std::unique_ptr<NatEntry>, NatTreeTraits>;
using NatList = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<NatEntry *>;
NatTree nat_cache_ __TA_GUARDED(nat_tree_lock_); // cached nat entries
NatList clean_nat_list_ __TA_GUARDED(nat_tree_lock_); // a list for cached clean nats
NatList dirty_nat_list_ __TA_GUARDED(nat_tree_lock_); // a list for cached dirty nats
std::mutex free_nid_list_lock_; // protect free nid list
list_node_t free_nid_list_ __TA_GUARDED(free_nid_list_lock_); // a list for free nids
std::mutex build_lock_; // lock for building free nids
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> nat_bitmap_ = nullptr; // NAT bitmap pointer
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> nat_prev_bitmap_ = nullptr; // NAT previous checkpoint bitmap pointer
int nat_bitmap_size_ = 0; // NAT bitmap size
} // namespace f2fs