blob: a49f9826b45398ef4112635443b7ca81dda9f845 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace f2fs {
class InspectTree final {
explicit InspectTree(F2fs *fs);
void Initialize();
void OnOutOfSpace();
const inspect::Inspector &GetInspector() { return inspector_; }
fs_inspect::NodeCallbacks CreateCallbacks();
F2fs *fs_ = nullptr;
mutable std::mutex info_mutex_{};
fs_inspect::InfoData info_ __TA_GUARDED(info_mutex_){};
mutable std::mutex usage_mutex_{};
fs_inspect::UsageData usage_ __TA_GUARDED(usage_mutex_){};
void UpdateUsage() __TA_REQUIRES(usage_mutex_);
mutable std::mutex volume_mutex_{};
fs_inspect::VolumeData volume_ __TA_GUARDED(volume_mutex_){};
void UpdateVolumeSizeInfo() __TA_REQUIRES(volume_mutex_);
// Lasted out of space event within 5 minutes will not be counted.
static constexpr zx::duration kOutOfSpaceDuration = zx::min(5);
zx::time last_out_of_space_time_ __TA_GUARDED(volume_mutex_){zx::time::infinite_past()};
// The Inspector to which the tree is attached.
inspect::Inspector inspector_;
// In order to distinguish filesystem instances, we must attach the InspectTree to a uniquely
// named child node instead of the Inspect root. This is because fshost currently serves all
// filesystem inspect trees, and is not be required when filesystems are componentized (the tree
// can be attached directly to the inspect root in that case).
inspect::Node tree_root_;
// Filesystem inspect tree nodes.
// **MUST be declared last**, as the callbacks passed to this object use the above properties.
// This ensures that the callbacks are destroyed before any properties that they may reference.
fs_inspect::FilesystemNodes fs_inspect_nodes_;
} // namespace f2fs