blob: a57039b9e8316b0ed757084507a4a0891c439bc1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <safemath/checked_math.h>
#include <storage/buffer/block_buffer.h>
namespace f2fs {
class F2fs;
class VnodeF2fs;
class FileCache;
enum class PageFlag {
kPageUptodate = 0, // It is uptodate. No need to read blocks from disk.
kPageDirty, // It needs to be written out.
kPageWriteback, // It is under writeback.
kPageLocked, // It is locked. Wait for it to be unlocked.
kPageVmoLocked, // Its vmo is locked to prevent mm from reclaiming it.
kPageMapped, // It has a valid mapping to the address space.
kPageActive, // It is being referenced.
// TODO: Clear |kPageMmapped| when all mmaped areas are unmapped.
kPageMmapped, // It is mmapped. Once set, it remains regardless of munmap.
constexpr pgoff_t kPgOffMax = std::numeric_limits<pgoff_t>::max();
// TODO: Once f2fs can get hints about memory pressure, remove it.
// Now, the maximum allowable memory for dirty data pages is 200MiB
constexpr int kMaxDirtyDataPages = 51200;
// It defines a writeback operation.
struct WritebackOperation {
pgoff_t start = 0; // All dirty Pages within the range of [start, end) are subject to writeback.
pgoff_t end = kPgOffMax;
pgoff_t to_write = kPgOffMax; // The number of dirty Pages to be written.
bool bSync = false; // If true, FileCache::Writeback() waits for writeback Pages to be
// written to disk.
bool bReleasePages =
true; // If true, it releases clean Pages while traversing FileCache::page_tree_.
VnodeCallback if_vnode = nullptr; // If set, it determines which vnodes are subject to writeback.
PageCallback if_page = nullptr; // If set, it determines which Pages are subject to writeback.
PageCallback node_page_cb = nullptr; // If set, the callback is executed. This callback is for
// node page only and is executed before writeback.
template <typename T, bool EnableAdoptionValidator = ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_IMPLEMENTED>
class PageRefCounted : public fs::VnodeRefCounted<T> {
PageRefCounted(const Page &) = delete;
PageRefCounted &operator=(const PageRefCounted &) = delete;
PageRefCounted(const PageRefCounted &&) = delete;
PageRefCounted &operator=(const PageRefCounted &&) = delete;
using ::fbl::internal::RefCountedBase<EnableAdoptionValidator>::IsLastReference;
constexpr PageRefCounted() = default;
~PageRefCounted() = default;
class Page : public PageRefCounted<Page>,
public fbl::Recyclable<Page>,
public fbl::WAVLTreeContainable<Page *> {
Page() = delete;
Page(FileCache *file_cache, pgoff_t index);
Page(const Page &) = delete;
Page &operator=(const Page &) = delete;
Page(const Page &&) = delete;
Page &operator=(const Page &&) = delete;
virtual ~Page();
void fbl_recycle() { RecyclePage(); }
pgoff_t GetKey() const { return index_; }
pgoff_t GetIndex() const { return GetKey(); }
VnodeF2fs &GetVnode() const;
FileCache &GetFileCache() const;
// A caller is allowed to access |this| via address_ after GetPage().
// Calling it ensures that VmoManager creates and maintains a vmo called VmoNode that
// |this| will use. When VmoManager does not have the corresponding VmoNode, it creates
// a discardable vmo and tracks a reference count to the vmo.
// The vmo keeps VMO_OP_LOCK as long as any corresponding RefPtr<Page> exists. The mapping
// also keeps with its vmo.
zx_status_t GetPage();
zx_status_t VmoOpUnlock(bool evict = false);
zx::status<bool> VmoOpLock();
template <typename T = void>
T *GetAddress() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(address_);
bool IsUptodate() const { return TestFlag(PageFlag::kPageUptodate); }
bool IsDirty() const { return TestFlag(PageFlag::kPageDirty); }
bool IsWriteback() const { return TestFlag(PageFlag::kPageWriteback); }
bool IsLocked() const { return TestFlag(PageFlag::kPageLocked); }
bool IsVmoLocked() const { return TestFlag(PageFlag::kPageVmoLocked); }
bool IsMapped() const { return TestFlag(PageFlag::kPageMapped); }
bool IsActive() const { return TestFlag(PageFlag::kPageActive); }
bool IsMmapped() const { return TestFlag(PageFlag::kPageMmapped); }
void ClearMapped() { ClearFlag(PageFlag::kPageMapped); }
// Each Setxxx() method atomically sets a flag and returns the previous value.
// It is called when the first reference is made.
bool SetActive() { return SetFlag(PageFlag::kPageActive); }
// It is called after the last reference is destroyed in FileCache::Downgrade().
void ClearActive() { ClearFlag(PageFlag::kPageActive); }
void Lock() {
while (flags_[static_cast<uint8_t>(PageFlag::kPageLocked)].test_and_set(
std::memory_order_acquire)) {
flags_[static_cast<uint8_t>(PageFlag::kPageLocked)].wait(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool TryLock() {
if (!flags_[static_cast<uint8_t>(PageFlag::kPageLocked)].test_and_set(
std::memory_order_acquire)) {
return false;
return true;
void Unlock() {
if (IsLocked()) {
// It ensures that |this| is written to disk if IsDirty() is true.
void WaitOnWriteback();
bool SetWriteback();
void ClearWriteback();
bool SetUptodate();
void ClearUptodate();
bool SetDirty();
bool ClearDirtyForIo();
// It ensures that the contents of |this| is synchronized with the corresponding pager backed vmo.
void SetMmapped();
bool ClearMmapped();
// It invalidates |this| for truncate and punch-a-hole operations.
// It clears PageFlag::kPageUptodate and PageFlag::kPageDirty. If a caller invalidates
// |this| that is under writeback, writeback keeps going. So, it is recommended to invalidate
// its block address in a dnode or nat entry first.
void Invalidate();
void ZeroUserSegment(uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
if (start < end && end <= BlockSize()) {
std::memset(GetAddress<uint8_t>() + start, 0, end - start);
uint32_t BlockSize() const { return kPageSize; }
// It notifies VmoManager that there is no reference to |this|.
void RecyclePage();
zx_status_t Map();
void WaitOnFlag(PageFlag flag) {
while (flags_[static_cast<uint8_t>(flag)].test(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
flags_[static_cast<uint8_t>(flag)].wait(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool TestFlag(PageFlag flag) const {
return flags_[static_cast<uint8_t>(flag)].test(std::memory_order_acquire);
void ClearFlag(PageFlag flag) {
void WakeupFlag(PageFlag flag) { flags_[static_cast<uint8_t>(flag)].notify_all(); }
bool SetFlag(PageFlag flag) {
return flags_[static_cast<uint8_t>(flag)].test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire);
// After a successful call to GetPage(), it has a valid mapping and virtual address
// through which a user can access to the vmo. It is valid only when IsMapped() returns true.
zx_vaddr_t address_ = 0;
// It is used to track the status of a page by using PageFlag
std::array<std::atomic_flag, static_cast<uint8_t>(PageFlag::kPageFlagSize)> flags_ = {
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
FsBlock blk_;
#endif // __Fuchsia__
// It indicates FileCache to which |this| belongs.
FileCache *file_cache_ = nullptr;
// It is used as the key of |this| in a lookup table (i.e., FileCache::page_tree_).
// It indicates different information according to the type of FileCache::vnode_ such as file,
// node, and meta vnodes. For file vnodes, it has file offset. For node vnodes, it indicates the
// node id. For meta vnode, it points to the block address to which the metadata is written.
const pgoff_t index_;
F2fs *fs_ = nullptr;
// LockedPage is a wrapper class for f2fs::Page lock management.
// When LockedPage holds "fbl::RefPtr<Page> page" and the page is not nullptr, it guarantees that
// the page is locked.
// The syntax looks something like...
// fbl::RefPtr<Page> unlocked_page;
// {
// LockedPage locked_page(unlocked_page);
// do something requiring page lock...
// }
// When Page is used as a function parameter, you should use `Page&` type for unlocked page, and use
// `LockedPage&` type for locked page.
class LockedPage final {
LockedPage() : page_(nullptr) {}
LockedPage(const LockedPage &) = delete;
LockedPage &operator=(const LockedPage &) = delete;
LockedPage(LockedPage &&p) {
page_ = std::move(p.page_);
p.page_ = nullptr;
LockedPage &operator=(LockedPage &&p) {
page_ = std::move(p.page_);
p.page_ = nullptr;
return *this;
LockedPage(fbl::RefPtr<Page> page, bool try_lock = true) {
page_ = page;
if (try_lock) {
~LockedPage() { reset(); }
void reset() {
if (page_ != nullptr) {
// release() returns the unlocked page without changing its ref_count.
// After release() is called, the LockedPage instance no longer has the ownership of the Page.
// Therefore, the LockedPage instance should no longer be referenced.
fbl::RefPtr<Page> release() {
if (page_ != nullptr) {
return fbl::RefPtr<Page>(std::move(page_));
// CopyRefPtr() returns copied RefPtr, so that increases ref_count of page.
// The page remains locked, and still managed by the LockedPage instance.
fbl::RefPtr<Page> CopyRefPtr() { return fbl::RefPtr<Page>(page_); }
template <typename T = Page>
T &GetPage() {
return static_cast<T &>(*page_);
Page *get() { return page_.get(); }
Page &operator*() { return *page_; }
Page *operator->() { return page_.get(); }
explicit operator bool() const { return bool(page_); }
// Comparison against nullptr operators (of the form, myptr == nullptr).
bool operator==(decltype(nullptr)) const { return (page_ == nullptr); }
bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr)) const { return (page_ != nullptr); }
fbl::RefPtr<Page> page_ = nullptr;
class FileCache {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
FileCache(VnodeF2fs *vnode, VmoManager *vmo_manager);
#else // __Fuchsia__
FileCache(VnodeF2fs *vnode);
#endif // __Fuchsia__
FileCache() = delete;
FileCache(const FileCache &) = delete;
FileCache &operator=(const FileCache &) = delete;
FileCache(const FileCache &&) = delete;
FileCache &operator=(const FileCache &&) = delete;
// It returns a locked Page corresponding to |index| from |page_tree_|.
// If there is no Page, it creates and returns a locked Page.
zx_status_t GetPage(const pgoff_t index, LockedPage *out) __TA_EXCLUDES(tree_lock_);
// It returns an unlocked Page corresponding to |index| from |page_tree|.
// If it fails to find the Page in |page_tree_|, it returns ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND.
zx_status_t FindPage(const pgoff_t index, fbl::RefPtr<Page> *out) __TA_EXCLUDES(tree_lock_);
// It tries to write out dirty Pages that meets |operation| in |page_tree_|.
pgoff_t Writeback(WritebackOperation &operation) __TA_EXCLUDES(tree_lock_);
// It invalidates Pages within the range of |start| to |end| in |page_tree_|.
std::vector<LockedPage> InvalidatePages(pgoff_t start, pgoff_t end) __TA_EXCLUDES(tree_lock_);
// It removes all Pages from |page_tree_|. It should be called when no one can get access to
// |vnode_|. (e.g., fbl_recycle()) It assumes that all active Pages are under writeback.
void Reset() __TA_EXCLUDES(tree_lock_);
VnodeF2fs &GetVnode() const { return *vnode_; }
// Only Page::RecyclePage() is allowed to call it.
void Downgrade(Page *raw_page) __TA_EXCLUDES(tree_lock_);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
VmoManager &GetVmoManager() { return *vmo_manager_; }
#endif // __Fuchsia__
// If |page| is unlocked, it returns a locked |page|. If |page| is already locked,
// it returns ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE after waiting for |page| to be unlocked. While waiting,
// |tree_lock_| keeps unlocked to prevent a deadlock problem that would occur when two threads
// try to call FileCache::GetPage() for Pages in a duplicate range. When the locked
// |page| is unlocked, it acquires |tree_lock_| again and returns ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE since
// it is not allowed to acquire |tree_lock_| with |page| locked. Then, a caller may retry it
// with the same |page|.
zx::status<LockedPage> GetLockedPage(fbl::RefPtr<Page> page) __TA_REQUIRES(tree_lock_);
// It returns a set of locked dirty Pages that meet |operation|.
std::vector<LockedPage> GetLockedDirtyPagesUnsafe(const WritebackOperation &operation)
zx::status<LockedPage> GetPageUnsafe(const pgoff_t index) __TA_REQUIRES(tree_lock_);
zx_status_t AddPageUnsafe(const fbl::RefPtr<Page> &page) __TA_REQUIRES(tree_lock_);
zx_status_t EvictUnsafe(Page *page) __TA_REQUIRES(tree_lock_);
std::vector<LockedPage> GetLockedPagesUnsafe(pgoff_t start = 0, pgoff_t end = kPgOffMax)
// It evicts all Pages within the range of |start| to |end| and returns them locked.
// When a caller resets returned Pages after doing some necessary work, they will be deleted.
std::vector<LockedPage> CleanupPagesUnsafe(pgoff_t start = 0, pgoff_t end = kPgOffMax)
using PageTreeTraits = fbl::DefaultKeyedObjectTraits<pgoff_t, Page>;
using PageTree = fbl::WAVLTree<pgoff_t, Page *, PageTreeTraits>;
fs::SharedMutex tree_lock_;
std::condition_variable_any recycle_cvar_;
PageTree page_tree_ __TA_GUARDED(tree_lock_);
VnodeF2fs *vnode_;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
VmoManager *vmo_manager_;
#endif // __Fuchsia__
} // namespace f2fs