blob: cacadb38f00b5cd64f320724e7d0ac2b591ed285 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The `element_management` library provides utilities for sessions to service
//! incoming [`fidl_fuchsia_element::ManagerRequest`]s.
//! Elements are instantiated as dynamic component instances in a component collection of the
//! calling component.
use {
handle_annotation_controller_stream, AnnotationError, AnnotationHolder, WatchResponder,
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
create_request_stream, ClientEnd, ControlHandle, Proxy, RequestStream, ServerEnd,
fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent, fidl_fuchsia_element as felement,
fidl_fuchsia_sys as fsys, fidl_fuchsia_ui_app as fuiapp,
fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, DurationExt},
fuchsia_component, fuchsia_scenic as scenic, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
futures::{lock::Mutex, select, FutureExt, StreamExt, TryStreamExt},
distributions::{Alphanumeric, DistString},
tracing::{error, info},
// Timeout duration for a ViewControllerProxy to close, in seconds.
static VIEW_CONTROLLER_DISMISS_TIMEOUT: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_seconds(3_i64);
// Annotations in the ElementManager namespace.
static ELEMENT_MANAGER_NS: &'static str = "element_manager";
/// Errors returned by calls to [`ElementManager`].
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ElementManagerError {
/// Returned when the element manager fails to create an element with additional services for
/// the given ServiceList. This may be because:
/// - `host_directory` is not set
/// - `provider` is set
#[error("Element spec for \"{}/{}\" contains an invalid ServiceList", name, collection)]
InvalidServiceList { name: String, collection: String },
/// Returned when the element manager fails to create an element that uses a CFv2 component
/// because the spec provides a ServiceList with additional services.
/// `Spec.additional_services` is only supported for CFv1 components.
"Element spec for \"{}/{}\" provides additional_services for a CFv2 component",
AdditionalServicesNotSupported { name: String, collection: String },
/// Returned when the element manager fails to create an element that uses a CFv2 component
/// because the spec contains arguments.
/// `Spec.arguments` is only supported for CFv1 components.
"Element spec for \"{}/{}\" provides arguments for a CFv2 component",
ArgumentsNotSupported { name: String, collection: String },
/// Returned when the element manager fails to created the component instance associated with
/// a given element.
#[error("Element {} not created at \"{}/{}\": {:?}", url, collection, name, err)]
NotCreated { name: String, collection: String, url: String, err: fcomponent::Error },
/// Returned when the element manager fails to launch a component with the fuchsia.sys
/// given launcher. This may be due to an issue with the launcher itself (not bound?).
#[error("Element {} not launched: {:?}", url, err_str)]
NotLaunched { url: String, err_str: String },
/// Returned when the element manager fails to open the exposed directory
/// of the component instance associated with a given element.
#[error("Element {} not bound at \"{}/{}\": {:?}", url, collection, name, err)]
ExposedDirNotOpened { name: String, collection: String, url: String, err: fcomponent::Error },
/// Returned when the element manager fails to bind to the component instance associated with
/// a given element.
#[error("Element {} not bound at \"{}/{}\": {:?}", url, collection, name, err_str)]
NotBound { name: String, collection: String, url: String, err_str: String },
impl ElementManagerError {
pub fn invalid_service_list(
name: impl Into<String>,
collection: impl Into<String>,
) -> ElementManagerError {
ElementManagerError::InvalidServiceList { name: name.into(), collection: collection.into() }
pub fn additional_services_not_supported(
name: impl Into<String>,
collection: impl Into<String>,
) -> ElementManagerError {
ElementManagerError::AdditionalServicesNotSupported {
name: name.into(),
collection: collection.into(),
pub fn arguments_not_supported(
name: impl Into<String>,
collection: impl Into<String>,
) -> ElementManagerError {
ElementManagerError::ArgumentsNotSupported {
name: name.into(),
collection: collection.into(),
pub fn not_created(
name: impl Into<String>,
collection: impl Into<String>,
url: impl Into<String>,
err: impl Into<fcomponent::Error>,
) -> ElementManagerError {
ElementManagerError::NotCreated {
name: name.into(),
collection: collection.into(),
url: url.into(),
err: err.into(),
pub fn not_launched(url: impl Into<String>, err_str: impl Into<String>) -> ElementManagerError {
ElementManagerError::NotLaunched { url: url.into(), err_str: err_str.into() }
pub fn exposed_dir_not_opened(
name: impl Into<String>,
collection: impl Into<String>,
url: impl Into<String>,
err: impl Into<fcomponent::Error>,
) -> ElementManagerError {
ElementManagerError::ExposedDirNotOpened {
name: name.into(),
collection: collection.into(),
url: url.into(),
err: err.into(),
pub fn not_bound(
name: impl Into<String>,
collection: impl Into<String>,
url: impl Into<String>,
err_str: impl Into<String>,
) -> ElementManagerError {
ElementManagerError::NotBound {
name: name.into(),
collection: collection.into(),
url: url.into(),
err_str: err_str.into(),
/// Checks whether the component is a *.cm or not
/// # Parameters
/// - `component_url`: The component url.
fn is_v2_component(component_url: &str) -> bool {
/// A list of services passed to an Element created from a CFv1 component.
/// This is a subset of fuchsia::sys::ServiceList that only supports a host
/// directory, not a ServiceProvider.
struct AdditionalServices {
/// List of service names.
pub names: Vec<String>,
/// A channel to the directory hosting the services in `names`.
pub host_directory: zx::Channel,
pub type GraphicalPresenterConnector =
Box<dyn Connect<Proxy = felement::GraphicalPresenterProxy> + Send + Sync>;
/// Manages the elements associated with a session.
pub struct ElementManager {
/// The realm which this element manager uses to create components.
realm: fcomponent::RealmProxy,
/// The presenter that will make launched elements visible to the user.
/// This is typically provided by the system shell, or other similar configurable component.
graphical_presenter_connector: Option<GraphicalPresenterConnector>,
/// A proxy to the `fuchsia::sys::Launcher` protocol used to create CFv1 components.
sys_launcher: fsys::LauncherProxy,
/// The collection in which elements will be launched.
/// This is only used for elements that have a CFv2 (*.cm) component URL, and has no meaning
/// for CFv1 elementes.
/// The component that is running the `ElementManager` must have a collection
/// with the same name in its CML file.
collection: String,
/// Returns whether the client should use Flatland to interact with Scenic.
/// TODO( Remove after Flatland migration is completed.
scenic_uses_flatland: bool,
impl ElementManager {
pub fn new(
realm: fcomponent::RealmProxy,
graphical_presenter_connector: Option<GraphicalPresenterConnector>,
sys_launcher: fsys::LauncherProxy,
collection: &str,
scenic_uses_flatland: bool,
) -> ElementManager {
ElementManager {
collection: collection.to_string(),
/// Adds an element to the session.
/// This method creates the component instance and binds to it, causing it to start running.
/// # Parameters
/// - `url`: The component URL of the element to add as a child.
/// - `additional_services`: Additional services to add the new component's namespace under /svc,
/// in addition to those coming from the environment. Only applicable
/// for legacy (v1) components.
/// - `arguments`: Arguments passed to the component. Only applicable for legacy (v1) components.
/// - `child_name`: The name of the element, must be unique within a session. The name must be
/// non-empty, of the form [a-z0-9-_.].
/// On success, the [`Element`] is returned back to the session.
/// # Errors
/// If the child cannot be created or bound in the current [`fidl_fuchsia_component::Realm`]. In
/// particular, it is an error to call [`launch_element`] twice with the same `child_name`.
pub async fn launch_element(
url: String,
additional_services: Option<fidl_fuchsia_sys::ServiceList>,
arguments: Option<Vec<String>>,
child_name: &str,
) -> Result<Element, ElementManagerError> {
let additional_services =
additional_services.map_or(Ok(None), |services| match services {
fsys::ServiceList {
host_directory: Some(service_host_directory),
provider: None,
} => Ok(Some(AdditionalServices { names, host_directory: service_host_directory })),
_ => Err(ElementManagerError::invalid_service_list(child_name, &self.collection)),
let element = if is_v2_component(&url) {
// `additional_services` is only supported for CFv1 components.
if additional_services.is_some() {
return Err(ElementManagerError::additional_services_not_supported(
// `arguments` is only supported for CFv1 components.
if arguments.is_some() {
return Err(ElementManagerError::arguments_not_supported(
self.launch_v2_element(&child_name, &url).await?
} else {
self.launch_v1_element(&url, additional_services, arguments).await?
/// Handles requests to the [`Manager`] protocol.
/// # Parameters
/// `stream`: The stream that receives [`Manager`] requests.
/// # Returns
/// `Ok` if the request stream has been successfully handled once the client closes
/// its connection. `Error` if a FIDL IO error was encountered.
pub async fn handle_requests(
mut stream: felement::ManagerRequestStream,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await? {
match request {
felement::ManagerRequest::ProposeElement { spec, controller, responder } => {
let mut result = self.handle_propose_element(spec, controller).await;
let _ = responder.send(&mut result);
/// Launches a CFv1 component as an element.
/// `sys_launcher` must not be None.
/// # Parameters
/// - `child_url`: The component url of the child added to the session. This function launches
/// components using a fuchsia::sys::Launcher. It supports all CFv1 component
/// URL schemes, such as URLs starting with `https`, and Fuchsia component URLs
/// ending in `.cmx`. Fuchsia components ending in `.cm` should use
/// `launch_child_component()` instead.
/// - `additional_services`: Additional services to add the new component's namespace under /svc,
/// in addition to those coming from the environment.
/// - `arguments`: Arguments to pass to the component.
/// # Returns
/// An Element backed by the CFv1 component, or an error if the element could not be launched.
async fn launch_v1_element(
child_url: &str,
additional_services: Option<AdditionalServices>,
arguments: Option<Vec<String>>,
) -> Result<Element, ElementManagerError> {
let mut launch_options = fuchsia_component::client::LaunchOptions::new();
if let Some(services) = additional_services {
launch_options.set_additional_services(services.names, services.host_directory);
let app = fuchsia_component::client::launch_with_options(
.map_err(|err: Error| ElementManagerError::not_launched(child_url, err.to_string()))?;
Ok(Element::from_app(app, child_url))
/// Launches a CFv2 component as an element.
/// The component is created as a child in the Element Manager's realm.
/// # Parameters
/// - `child_name`: The name of the element, must be unique within a session. The name must be
/// non-empty, of the form [a-z0-9-_.].
/// - `child_url`: The component url of the child added to the session.
/// # Returns
/// An Element backed by the CFv2 component.
async fn launch_v2_element(
child_name: &str,
child_url: &str,
) -> Result<Element, ElementManagerError> {
collection = %self.collection,
.map_err(|err: fcomponent::Error| {
ElementManagerError::not_created(child_name, &self.collection, child_url, err)
let exposed_directory = match realm_management::open_child_component_exposed_dir(
Ok(exposed_directory) => exposed_directory,
Err(err) => {
return Err(ElementManagerError::exposed_dir_not_opened(
// Connect to fuchsia.component.Binder in order to start the component.
let _ = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_protocol_at_dir_root::<
.map_err(|err| {
/// Attempts to connect to the element's view provider and if it does
/// expose the view provider will tell the proxy to present the view.
async fn present_view_for_element(
element: &mut Element,
initial_annotations: Vec<felement::Annotation>,
annotation_controller: Option<ClientEnd<felement::AnnotationControllerMarker>>,
) -> Result<felement::ViewControllerProxy, Error> {
let view_provider = element.connect_to_protocol::<fuiapp::ViewProviderMarker>()?;
let scenic::ViewRefPair { mut control_ref, mut view_ref } = scenic::ViewRefPair::new()?;
let view_ref_dup = scenic::duplicate_view_ref(&view_ref)?;
let mut view_spec = felement::ViewSpec {
annotations: Some(initial_annotations),
view_ref: Some(view_ref_dup),
if self.scenic_uses_flatland {
let link_token_pair = scenic::flatland::ViewCreationTokenPair::new()?;
view_provider.create_view2(fuiapp::CreateView2Args {
view_creation_token: Some(link_token_pair.view_creation_token),
view_spec.viewport_creation_token = Some(link_token_pair.viewport_creation_token);
// TODO( Instead of passing |view_ref_dup| we should let the child send
// us the one they minted for Flatland.
} else {
let token_pair = scenic::ViewTokenPair::new()?;
// note: this call will never fail since connecting to a service is
// always successful and create_view doesn't have a return value.
// If there is no view provider, the view_holder_token will be invalidated
// and the presenter can choose to close the view controller if it
// only wants to allow graphical views.
&mut control_ref,
&mut view_ref,
view_spec.view_holder_token = Some(token_pair.view_holder_token);
let (view_controller_proxy, server_end) =
if let Some(graphical_presenter_connector) = &self.graphical_presenter_connector {
.present_view(view_spec, annotation_controller, Some(server_end))
.map_err(|err| format_err!("Failed to present element: {:?}", err))?;
async fn handle_propose_element(
spec: felement::Spec,
element_controller: Option<ServerEnd<felement::ControllerMarker>>,
) -> Result<(), felement::ProposeElementError> {
let component_url = spec.component_url.ok_or_else(|| {
error!("ProposeElement() failed to launch element: spec.component_url is missing");
let url_key = felement::AnnotationKey {
namespace: ELEMENT_MANAGER_NS.to_string(),
value: "url".to_string(),
let mut initial_annotations = match spec.annotations {
Some(annotations) => annotations,
None => vec![],
if !initial_annotations.iter().any(|annotation| annotation.key == url_key) {
initial_annotations.push(felement::Annotation {
key: url_key,
value: felement::AnnotationValue::Text(component_url.to_string()),
// Create AnnotationHolder and populate the initial annotations from the Spec.
let mut annotation_holder = AnnotationHolder::new();
annotation_holder.update_annotations(initial_annotations, vec![]).map_err(|err| {
error!(?err, "ProposeElement() failed to set initial annotations");
let mut child_name = Alphanumeric.sample_string(&mut thread_rng(), 16);
let mut element = self
.launch_element(component_url, spec.additional_services, spec.arguments, &child_name)
.map_err(|err| match err {
ElementManagerError::NotCreated { .. } => felement::ProposeElementError::NotFound,
err => {
error!(?err, "ProposeElement() failed to launch element");
let (annotation_controller_client_end, annotation_controller_stream) =
let initial_view_annotations = annotation_holder.get_annotations().unwrap();
let view_controller_proxy = self
&mut element,
.map_err(|err| {
// TODO( ProposeElement should propagate GraphicalPresenter errors back to caller
error!(?err, "ProposeElement() failed to present element");
let element_controller_stream = match element_controller {
Some(controller) => match controller.into_stream() {
Ok(stream) => Ok(Some(stream)),
Err(_) => Err(felement::ProposeElementError::InvalidArgs),
None => Ok(None),
/// Runs the Element until it receives a signal to shutdown.
/// The Element can receive a signal to shut down from any of the
/// following:
/// - Element. The component represented by the element can close on its own.
/// - ControllerRequestStream. The element controller can signal that the element should close.
/// - ViewControllerProxy. The view controller can signal that the element can close.
/// The Element will shutdown when any of these signals are received.
/// The Element will also listen for any incoming events from the element controller and
/// forward them to the view controller.
async fn run_element_until_closed(
element: Element,
annotation_holder: AnnotationHolder,
controller_stream: Option<felement::ControllerRequestStream>,
annotation_controller_stream: felement::AnnotationControllerRequestStream,
view_controller_proxy: Option<felement::ViewControllerProxy>,
) {
let annotation_holder = Arc::new(Mutex::new(annotation_holder));
// This task will fall out of scope when the select!() below returns.
let _annotation_task = fasync::Task::spawn(handle_annotation_controller_stream(
_ = await_element_close(element).fuse() => {
// signals that a element has died without being told to close.
// We could tell the view to dismiss here but we need to signal
// that there was a crash. The current contract is that if the
// view controller binding closes without a dismiss then the
// presenter should treat this as a crash and respond accordingly.
if let Some(proxy) = view_controller_proxy {
// We want to allow the presenter the ability to dismiss
// the view so we tell it to dismiss and then wait for
// the view controller stream to close.
let _ = proxy.dismiss();
let timeout = fuchsia_async::Timer::new(VIEW_CONTROLLER_DISMISS_TIMEOUT.after_now());
wait_for_view_controller_close_or_timeout(proxy, timeout).await;
_ = wait_for_optional_view_controller_close(view_controller_proxy.clone()).fuse() => {
// signals that the presenter would like to close the element.
// We do not need to do anything here but exit which will cause
// the element to be dropped and will kill the component.
_ = handle_element_controller_stream(annotation_holder.clone(), controller_stream).fuse() => {
// the proposer has decided they want to shut down the element.
if let Some(proxy) = view_controller_proxy {
// We want to allow the presenter the ability to dismiss
// the view so we tell it to dismiss and then wait for
// the view controller stream to close.
let _ = proxy.dismiss();
let timeout = fuchsia_async::Timer::new(VIEW_CONTROLLER_DISMISS_TIMEOUT.after_now());
wait_for_view_controller_close_or_timeout(proxy, timeout).await;
/// Waits for the element to signal that it closed
async fn await_element_close(element: Element) {
let channel = element.directory_channel();
let _ =
fasync::OnSignals::new(&channel.as_handle_ref(), zx::Signals::CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED).await;
/// Waits for the view controller to signal that it wants to close.
/// if the ViewControllerProxy is None then this future will never resolve.
async fn wait_for_optional_view_controller_close(proxy: Option<felement::ViewControllerProxy>) {
if let Some(proxy) = proxy {
} else {
// If the view controller is None then we never exit and rely
// on the other futures to signal the end of the element.
/// Waits for this view controller to close.
async fn wait_for_view_controller_close(proxy: felement::ViewControllerProxy) {
let stream = proxy.take_event_stream();
let _ = stream.collect::<Vec<_>>().await;
/// Waits for this view controller to close.
async fn wait_for_view_controller_close_or_timeout(
proxy: felement::ViewControllerProxy,
timeout: fasync::Timer,
) {
let _ = futures::future::select(timeout, Box::pin(wait_for_view_controller_close(proxy))).await;
/// Handles element Controller protocol requests.
/// If the `ControllerRequestStream` is None then this future will never resolve.
/// # Parameters
/// - `annotation_holder`: The [`AnnotationHolder`] for the controlled element.
/// - `stream`: The stream of [`Controller`] requests.
async fn handle_element_controller_stream(
annotation_holder: Arc<Mutex<AnnotationHolder>>,
stream: Option<felement::ControllerRequestStream>,
) {
// TODO( Unify this with handle_annotation_controller_stream(), once FIDL
// provides a mechanism to do so.
if let Some(mut stream) = stream {
let mut watch_subscriber = annotation_holder.lock().await.new_watch_subscriber();
while let Ok(Some(request)) = stream.try_next().await {
match request {
felement::ControllerRequest::UpdateAnnotations {
} => {
let result = annotation_holder
.update_annotations(annotations_to_set, annotations_to_delete);
match result {
Ok(()) => responder.send(&mut Ok(())),
Err(AnnotationError::Update(e)) => responder.send(&mut Err(e)),
Err(_) => unreachable!(),
felement::ControllerRequest::GetAnnotations { responder } => {
let result = annotation_holder.lock().await.get_annotations();
match result {
Ok(annotation_vec) => responder.send(&mut Ok(annotation_vec)),
Err(AnnotationError::Get(e)) => responder.send(&mut Err(e)),
Err(_) => unreachable!(),
felement::ControllerRequest::WatchAnnotations { responder } => {
if let Err(e) = watch_subscriber
// There is already a `WatchAnnotations` request pending for the client. Since the responder gets dropped (TODO(, the connection will be closed to indicate unexpected client behavior.
error!("ControllerRequest error: {}. Dropping connection", e);
} else {
// If the element controller is None then we never exit and rely
// on the other futures to signal the end of the element.
mod tests {
use {
super::{ElementManager, ElementManagerError},
endpoints::{spawn_stream_handler, ServerEnd},
fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent, fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fidl_fuchsia_sys as fsys,
fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
futures::{channel::mpsc::channel, prelude::*},
session_testing::{spawn_directory_server, spawn_noop_directory_server},
/// Tests that launching a component with a cmx file successfully returns an Element
/// with outgoing directory routing appropriate for v1 components.
async fn launch_v1_element_success() {
lazy_static! {
static ref CREATE_COMPONENT_CALL_COUNT: Counter = Counter::new(0);
const ELEMENT_COUNT: usize = 1;
let component_url = "test_url.cmx";
let child_name = "child";
let child_collection = "elements";
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |_realm_request| async move {
panic!("Realm should not receive any requests as it's only used for v2 components")
let (directory_open_sender, directory_open_receiver) = channel::<String>(1);
let directory_request_handler = move |directory_request| match directory_request {
fio::DirectoryRequest::Open { path: capability_path, .. } => {
let mut result_sender = directory_open_sender.clone();
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
let _ = result_sender.send(capability_path).await;
_ => panic!("Directory handler received an unexpected request"),
let (create_component_sender, create_component_receiver) = channel::<()>(ELEMENT_COUNT);
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |launcher_request| {
let directory_request_handler = directory_request_handler.clone();
let mut result_sender = create_component_sender.clone();
async move {
match launcher_request {
fsys::LauncherRequest::CreateComponent {
launch_info: fsys::LaunchInfo { url, directory_request, .. },
} => {
assert_eq!(url, component_url);
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {;
let _ = result_sender.send(()).await;
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, child_collection, false);
let result =
element_manager.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), None, None, child_name).await;
let element = result.unwrap();
assert!(format!("{:?}", element).contains(component_url));
// Verify that the CreateComponent was actually called.
// Now use the element api to open a service in the element's outgoing dir. Verify
// that the directory channel received the request with the correct path.
let (_client_channel, server_channel) = zx::Channel::create().unwrap();
let _ = element.connect_to_named_protocol_with_channel("myProtocol", server_channel);
let open_paths = directory_open_receiver.take(1).collect::<Vec<_>>().await;
// While a standard v1 component publishes its services to "svc/...", LaunchInfo.directory_request,
// which is mocked in the test setup, points to the "svc" subdirectory in production. This is why
// the expected path does not contain the "svc/" prefix.
assert_eq!(vec!["myProtocol"], open_paths);
/// Tests that launching multiple v1 components (without "*.cm") successfully returns [`Ok`].
async fn launch_multiple_v1_element_success() {
lazy_static! {
static ref CREATE_COMPONENT_CALL_COUNT: Counter = Counter::new(0);
const ELEMENT_COUNT: usize = 2;
let (sender, receiver) = channel::<()>(ELEMENT_COUNT);
let a_component_url = "a_url.cmx";
let a_child_name = "a_child";
let b_component_url = "";
let b_child_name = "b_child";
let child_collection = "elements";
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |_realm_request| async move {
panic!("Realm should not receive any requests as it's only used for v2 components")
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |launcher_request| {
let mut result_sender = sender.clone();
async move {
let _ = &launcher_request;
match launcher_request {
fsys::LauncherRequest::CreateComponent {
launch_info: fsys::LaunchInfo { .. },
} => fasync::Task::spawn(async move {;
let _ = result_sender.send(()).await.expect("Could not create component.");
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, child_collection, false);
.launch_element(a_component_url.to_string(), None, None, a_child_name)
.launch_element(b_component_url.to_string(), None, None, b_child_name)
// Verify that the CreateComponent was actually called.
/// Tests that launching an element with a *.cmx URL and `additional_services` ServiceList
/// passes the services to the component Launcher.
async fn launch_v1_element_with_additional_services() {
lazy_static! {
static ref CREATE_COMPONENT_CALL_COUNT: Counter = Counter::new(0);
let component_url = "test_url.cmx";
let child_name = "child";
let child_collection = "elements";
const ELEMENT_COUNT: usize = 1;
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |_realm_request| async move {
panic!("Realm should not receive any requests as it's only used for v2 components")
// Spawn a directory server from which the element can connect to services.
let (directory_open_sender, directory_open_receiver) = channel::<String>(1);
let directory_request_handler = move |directory_request| match directory_request {
fio::DirectoryRequest::Open { path: capability_path, .. } => {
let mut result_sender = directory_open_sender.clone();
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
let _ = result_sender.send(capability_path).await;
_ => panic!("Directory handler received an unexpected request"),
let (dir_client, dir_server) = fidl::Channel::create().unwrap();
// The element receives the client side handle to the directory
// through `additional_services.host_directory`.
let service_name = "myService";
let additional_services = fsys::ServiceList {
names: vec![service_name.to_string()],
host_directory: Some(dir_client),
provider: None,
let (create_component_sender, create_component_receiver) = channel::<()>(ELEMENT_COUNT);
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |launcher_request| {
let mut result_sender = create_component_sender.clone();
async move {
match launcher_request {
fsys::LauncherRequest::CreateComponent {
launch_info: fsys::LaunchInfo { url, additional_services, .. },
} => {
assert_eq!(url, component_url);
let services = additional_services.unwrap();
let host_directory = services.host_directory.unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![service_name.to_string()], services.names);
// Connect to the service hosted in `additional_services.host_directory`.
let (_client_channel, server_channel) = zx::Channel::create().unwrap();
fdio::service_connect_at(&host_directory, service_name, server_channel)
.expect("could not connect to service");
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {;
let _ = result_sender.send(()).await;
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, child_collection, false);
let result = element_manager
.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), Some(additional_services), None, child_name)
let element = result.unwrap();
assert!(format!("{:?}", element).contains(component_url));
// Verify that the CreateComponent was actually called.
// Verify that the element opened a path in `host_directory` that matches the
// service name as a result of connecting to the service.
let open_paths = directory_open_receiver.take(1).collect::<Vec<_>>().await;
assert_eq!(vec![service_name], open_paths);
/// Tests that launching an element with a *.cmx URL and `arguments` passes the arguments
/// to the component Launcher.
async fn launch_v1_element_with_arguments() {
lazy_static! {
static ref CREATE_COMPONENT_CALL_COUNT: Counter = Counter::new(0);
static ref TEST_ARGS: Vec<String> = vec!["hello".to_string(), "world".to_string()];
let component_url = "test_url.cmx";
let child_name = "child";
let child_collection = "elements";
const ELEMENT_COUNT: usize = 1;
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |_realm_request| async move {
panic!("Realm should not receive any requests as it's only used for v2 components")
let (create_component_sender, create_component_receiver) = channel::<()>(ELEMENT_COUNT);
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |launcher_request| {
let mut result_sender = create_component_sender.clone();
async move {
match launcher_request {
fsys::LauncherRequest::CreateComponent {
launch_info: fsys::LaunchInfo { url, arguments, .. },
} => {
assert_eq!(url, component_url);
assert_eq!(arguments.unwrap(), *TEST_ARGS);
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {;
let _ = result_sender.send(()).await;
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, child_collection, false);
let result = element_manager
.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), None, Some(TEST_ARGS.clone()), child_name)
let element = result.unwrap();
assert!(format!("{:?}", element).contains(component_url));
// Verify that the CreateComponent was actually called.
/// Tests that launching a *.cm element successfully returns an Element with
/// outgoing directory routing appropriate for v2 components.
async fn launch_v2_element_success() {
let component_url = "fuchsia-pkg://";
let child_name = "child";
let child_collection = "elements";
let (directory_open_sender, directory_open_receiver) = channel::<String>(1);
let directory_request_handler = move |directory_request| match directory_request {
fio::DirectoryRequest::Open { path: capability_path, .. } => {
let mut result_sender = directory_open_sender.clone();
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
let _ = result_sender.send(capability_path).await;
_ => panic!("Directory handler received an unexpected request"),
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |realm_request| {
let directory_request_handler = directory_request_handler.clone();
async move {
match realm_request {
fcomponent::RealmRequest::CreateChild {
args: _,
} => {
assert_eq!(decl.url.unwrap(), component_url);
assert_eq!(, child_name);
assert_eq!(&, child_collection);
let _ = responder.send(&mut Ok(()));
fcomponent::RealmRequest::OpenExposedDir { child, exposed_dir, responder } => {
assert_eq!(child.collection, Some(child_collection.to_string()));
spawn_directory_server(exposed_dir, directory_request_handler);
let _ = responder.send(&mut Ok(()));
_ => panic!("Realm handler received an unexpected request"),
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |_launcher_request| async move {
panic!("Launcher should not receive any requests as it's only used for v1 components")
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, child_collection, false);
let result =
element_manager.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), None, None, child_name).await;
let element = result.unwrap();
// Now use the element api to open a service in the element's outgoing dir. Verify
// that the directory channel received the request with the correct path.
let (_client_channel, server_channel) = zx::Channel::create().unwrap();
let _ = element.connect_to_named_protocol_with_channel("myProtocol", server_channel);
let open_paths = directory_open_receiver.take(2).collect::<Vec<_>>().await;
assert_eq!(vec![fcomponent::BinderMarker::DEBUG_NAME, "myProtocol"], open_paths);
/// Tests that adding a .cm element does not use fuchsia.sys.Launcher.
async fn launch_element_success_not_use_launcher() {
let component_url = "fuchsia-pkg://";
let child_name = "child";
let child_collection = "elements";
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |realm_request| async move {
match realm_request {
fcomponent::RealmRequest::CreateChild { collection, decl, args: _, responder } => {
assert_eq!(decl.url.unwrap(), component_url);
assert_eq!(, child_name);
assert_eq!(&, child_collection);
let _ = responder.send(&mut Ok(()));
fcomponent::RealmRequest::OpenExposedDir { child, exposed_dir, responder } => {
assert_eq!(child.collection, Some(child_collection.to_string()));
let _ = responder.send(&mut Ok(()));
_ => panic!("Realm handler received an unexpected request"),
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |_launcher_request| async move {
panic!("Launcher should not receive any requests as it's only used for v1 components")
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, child_collection, false);
.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), None, None, child_name)
/// Tests that launching a CFv1 element with a ServiceList that specifies a `provider`
/// returns `ElementManagerError::InvalidServiceList`.
async fn launch_v1_element_with_service_list_provider() {
let component_url = "fuchsia-pkg://";
let (channel, _) = fidl::Channel::create().unwrap();
let provider = fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd::<fsys::ServiceProviderMarker>::new(channel);
// This ServiceList is invalid because it specifies a `provider` that is not None.
let additional_services = fsys::ServiceList {
names: vec!["fuchsia.service.Foo".to_string()],
host_directory: None,
provider: Some(provider),
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |_launcher_request| async move {
panic!("Launcher should not receive any requests as the spec is invalid")
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |_realm_request| async move {
panic!("Realm should not receive any requests since the child won't be created")
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, "", false);
let result = element_manager
.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), Some(additional_services), None, "")
assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap(), ElementManagerError::invalid_service_list("", ""));
/// Tests that launching a *.cm element with a spec that contains `additional_services`
/// returns `ProposeElementError::AdditionalServicesNotSupported`
async fn launch_v2_element_with_additional_services() {
// This is a CFv2 component URL. `additional_services` is only supported for v1 components.
let component_url = "fuchsia-pkg://";
let (channel, _) = fidl::Channel::create().unwrap();
let additional_services = fsys::ServiceList {
names: vec!["fuchsia.service.Foo".to_string()],
host_directory: Some(channel),
provider: None,
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |_launcher_request| async move {
panic!("Launcher should not receive any requests as it's only used for v1 components")
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |_realm_request| async move {
panic!("Realm should not receive any requests since the child won't be created")
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, "", false);
let result = element_manager
.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), Some(additional_services), None, "")
ElementManagerError::additional_services_not_supported("", "")
/// Tests that launching a *.cm element with a spec that contains `arguments`
/// returns `ProposeElementError::ArgumentsNotSupported`
async fn launch_v2_element_with_arguments() {
// This is a CFv2 component URL. `arguments` is only supported for v1 components.
let component_url = "fuchsia-pkg://";
let arguments = vec!["hello".to_string(), "world".to_string()];
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |_launcher_request| async move {
panic!("Launcher should not receive any requests as it's only used for v1 components")
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |_realm_request| async move {
panic!("Realm should not receive any requests since the child won't be created")
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, "", false);
let result = element_manager
.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), None, Some(arguments), "")
assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap(), ElementManagerError::arguments_not_supported("", ""));
/// Tests that launching an element which is not successfully created in the realm returns an
/// appropriate error.
async fn launch_element_create_error_internal() {
let component_url = "fuchsia-pkg://";
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |_launcher_request| async move {
panic!("Launcher should not receive any requests as it's only used for v1 components")
// The following match errors if it sees a bind request: since the child was not created
// successfully the bind should not be called.
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |realm_request| async move {
match realm_request {
fcomponent::RealmRequest::CreateChild {
collection: _,
decl: _,
args: _,
} => {
let _ = responder.send(&mut Err(fcomponent::Error::Internal));
_ => panic!("Realm handler received an unexpected request"),
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, "", false);
let result =
element_manager.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), None, None, "").await;
ElementManagerError::not_created("", "", component_url, fcomponent::Error::Internal)
/// Tests that adding an element which is not successfully created in the realm returns an
/// appropriate error.
async fn launch_element_create_error_no_space() {
let component_url = "fuchsia-pkg://";
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |_launcher_request| async move {
panic!("Launcher should not receive any requests as it's only used for v1 components")
// The following match errors if it sees a bind request: since the child was not created
// successfully the bind should not be called.
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |realm_request| async move {
match realm_request {
fcomponent::RealmRequest::CreateChild {
collection: _,
decl: _,
args: _,
} => {
let _ = responder.send(&mut Err(fcomponent::Error::ResourceUnavailable));
_ => panic!("Realm handler received an unexpected request"),
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, "", false);
let result =
element_manager.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), None, None, "").await;
/// Tests that adding an element which can't have its exposed directory opened
/// returns an appropriate error.
async fn open_exposed_dir_error() {
let component_url = "fuchsia-pkg://";
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |_launcher_request| async move {
panic!("Launcher should not receive any requests as it's only used for v1 components")
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |realm_request| async move {
match realm_request {
fcomponent::RealmRequest::CreateChild {
collection: _,
decl: _,
args: _,
} => {
let _ = responder.send(&mut Ok(()));
fcomponent::RealmRequest::OpenExposedDir {
child: _,
exposed_dir: _,
} => {
let _ = responder.send(&mut Err(fcomponent::Error::InstanceCannotResolve));
_ => panic!("Realm handler received an unexpected request"),
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, "", false);
let result =
element_manager.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), None, None, "").await;
/// Tests that adding an element which is not successfully bound in the realm returns an
/// appropriate error.
async fn launch_element_bind_error() {
let component_url = "fuchsia-pkg://";
let launcher = spawn_stream_handler(move |_launcher_request| async move {
panic!("Launcher should not receive any requests as it's only used for v1 components")
let realm = spawn_stream_handler(move |realm_request| async move {
match realm_request {
fcomponent::RealmRequest::CreateChild {
collection: _,
decl: _,
args: _,
} => {
let _ = responder.send(&mut Ok(()));
fcomponent::RealmRequest::OpenExposedDir {
child: _,
exposed_dir: _,
} => {
// By not binding a server implementation to the provided `exposed_dir`
// field, a PEER_CLOSED signal will be observed. Thus, the library
// can assume that the component did not launch.
let _ = responder.send(&mut Ok(()));
_ => panic!("Realm handler received an unexpected request"),
let element_manager = ElementManager::new(realm, None, launcher, "", false);
let result =
element_manager.launch_element(component_url.to_string(), None, None, "").await;
"Failed to open protocol in directory"