blob: 8f886f27a2c076e301b14002b82a251aa391113a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{Error, Result},
byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt},
serde::{Deserialize, Serialize},
std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
std::io::{Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom},
/// ZBIs must start with a container type that contains all of the sections in
/// the ZBI. It is largely there to verify the binary blob is actually a ZBI and
/// to inform the reader how far to read into the blob.
const ZBI_TYPE_CONTAINER: u32 = 0x544f4f42;
/// LSW of sha256("bootitem")
const ZBI_ITEM_MAGIC: u32 = 0xb5781729;
/// ZBI header size in bytes.
const ZBI_HEADER_SIZE: u64 = 32;
/// Set in the flags if the section is compressed. We assume all compression
/// is ZSTD. If this flag is set ZbiHeader.extra will be the uncompressed
/// size of the image.
const ZBI_FLAG_STORAGE_COMPRESSED: u32 = 0x00000001;
/// Magic number for the vboot structure which can encase a ZBI.
const VBOOT_MAGIC: u64 = 0x534f454d4f524843;
/// Defines all of the known ZBI section types. These are used to partition
/// the Zircon boot image into sections.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum ZbiType {
AcpiRsdp = 0x50445352,
BootVersion = 0x53525642,
BootloaderFile = 0x4C465442,
Cmdline = 0x4c444d43,
CpuConfig = 0x43555043,
CpuTopology = 0x544F504F,
Crashlog = 0x4d4f4f42,
Discard = 0x50494b53,
DriverBoardInfo = 0x4953426D,
DriverBoardPrivate = 0x524F426D,
DriverMacAddress = 0x43414D6D,
DriverPartitionMap = 0x5452506D,
E820MemoryTable = 0x30323845,
EfiMemoryMap = 0x4d494645,
EfiSystemTable = 0x53494645,
FrameBuffer = 0x42465753,
ImageArgs = 0x47524149,
KernelDriver = 0x5652444B,
MemoryConfig = 0x434D454D,
Nvram = 0x4c4c564e,
NvramDeprecated = 0x4c4c5643,
PlatformId = 0x44494C50,
RebootReason = 0x42525748,
SerialNumber = 0x4e4c5253,
Smbios = 0x49424d53,
StorageBootfs = 0x42534642,
StorageBootfsFactory = 0x46534642,
StorageRamdisk = 0x4b534452,
KernelArm64 = 0x384e524b,
KernelX64 = 0x4C4E524B,
/// ZbiSection holder that contains the type and an uncompressed buffer
/// containing the data.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ZbiSection {
pub section_type: ZbiType,
pub buffer: Vec<u8>,
/// Rust clone of zircon/boot/image.h
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
struct ZbiHeader {
zbi_type: u32,
length: u32,
extra: u32,
flags: u32,
reserved_0: u32,
reserved_1: u32,
magic: u32,
crc32: u32,
impl ZbiHeader {
pub fn parse(cursor: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
zbi_type: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
length: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
extra: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
flags: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
reserved_0: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
reserved_1: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
magic: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
crc32: cursor.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?,
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ZbiError {
#[error("Zbi container header type does not match expected value {0}")]
#[error("Zbi container header magic value doesn't match expected value {0}")]
#[error("Zbi item header magic value doesn't match expected value")]
/// Responsible for extracting the zbi from the package and reading the zbi
/// data from it.
pub struct ZbiReader {
cursor: Cursor<Vec<u8>>,
impl ZbiReader {
pub fn new(zbi_buffer: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
Self { cursor: Cursor::new(zbi_buffer) }
pub fn parse(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<ZbiSection>> {
// The ZBI can be wrapped inside a vboot file. If this is the
// case before parsing the ZBI seek out the kernel partition holding
// the ZBI inside the VBoot image.
let magic = self.cursor.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()?;
if magic == VBOOT_MAGIC {
VBootSeeker::seek_to_partition(&mut self.cursor)?;
// Parse the header and validate it is a ZBI.
let container_header = ZbiHeader::parse(&mut self.cursor)?;
if container_header.zbi_type != ZBI_TYPE_CONTAINER {
return Err(Error::new(ZbiError::InvalidContainerHeader(container_header.zbi_type)));
if container_header.magic != ZBI_ITEM_MAGIC {
return Err(Error::new(ZbiError::InvalidContainerMagic(container_header.magic)));
let container_end = self.cursor.position() + (container_header.length as u64);
let mut zbi_sections = vec![];
if container_end == self.cursor.position() {
return Ok(zbi_sections);
// Iterate until we cannot parse section headers anymore or reach
// the end.
while let Ok(section_header) = ZbiHeader::parse(&mut self.cursor) {
if section_header.magic != ZBI_ITEM_MAGIC {
return Err(Error::new(ZbiError::InvalidItemMagic {}));
let section_type = ZbiReader::section_type(section_header.zbi_type);
if section_type == ZbiType::Unknown {
info!("Unknown zbi section: {}", section_header.zbi_type);
let data_len = usize::try_from(section_header.length)?;
let mut section_data = vec![0; data_len];
self.cursor.read_exact(&mut section_data)?;
// Decompress the block.
let decompressed_data = zstd::decompress(&section_data, section_header.extra)?;
zbi_sections.push(ZbiSection { section_type, buffer: decompressed_data });
} else {
zbi_sections.push(ZbiSection { section_type, buffer: section_data });
// All items are 8 byte aligned, skip if the end of the block isn't.
let position: u64 = self.cursor.position();
if position % 8 != 0 {
let padding: u64 = 8 - (position % 8);;
// Exit if we have arrived at the end of the container length.
if self.cursor.position() >= container_end {
fn section_type(zbi_type: u32) -> ZbiType {
match zbi_type {
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::Discard as u32 => ZbiType::Discard,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::StorageRamdisk as u32 => ZbiType::StorageRamdisk,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::StorageBootfs as u32 => ZbiType::StorageBootfs,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::StorageBootfsFactory as u32 => {
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::Cmdline as u32 => ZbiType::Cmdline,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::Crashlog as u32 => ZbiType::Crashlog,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::Nvram as u32 => ZbiType::Nvram,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::NvramDeprecated as u32 => ZbiType::NvramDeprecated,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::PlatformId as u32 => ZbiType::PlatformId,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::DriverBoardInfo as u32 => ZbiType::DriverBoardInfo,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::CpuConfig as u32 => ZbiType::CpuConfig,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::CpuTopology as u32 => ZbiType::CpuTopology,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::MemoryConfig as u32 => ZbiType::MemoryConfig,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::KernelDriver as u32 => ZbiType::KernelDriver,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::AcpiRsdp as u32 => ZbiType::AcpiRsdp,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::Smbios as u32 => ZbiType::Smbios,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::EfiMemoryMap as u32 => ZbiType::EfiMemoryMap,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::EfiSystemTable as u32 => ZbiType::EfiSystemTable,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::E820MemoryTable as u32 => ZbiType::E820MemoryTable,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::FrameBuffer as u32 => ZbiType::FrameBuffer,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::ImageArgs as u32 => ZbiType::ImageArgs,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::BootVersion as u32 => ZbiType::BootVersion,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::DriverMacAddress as u32 => ZbiType::DriverMacAddress,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::DriverPartitionMap as u32 => {
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::DriverBoardPrivate as u32 => {
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::RebootReason as u32 => ZbiType::RebootReason,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::SerialNumber as u32 => ZbiType::SerialNumber,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::BootloaderFile as u32 => ZbiType::BootloaderFile,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::KernelArm64 as u32 => ZbiType::KernelArm64,
zbi_type if zbi_type == ZbiType::KernelX64 as u32 => ZbiType::KernelX64,
_ => ZbiType::Unknown,
struct VBootSeeker {}
impl VBootSeeker {
/// Seeks from the start of a vboot image scanning for the ZBI header that
/// is wrapped within it. This doesn't attempt to understand the underlying
/// VBoot format it just attempts to find the inner ZBI partition.
pub fn seek_to_partition(cursor: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<()> {
const SEEK_ALIGNMENT: u64 = 4;
let mut header = ZbiHeader::parse(cursor)?;
let mut cur_pos = cursor.position();
while header.zbi_type != ZBI_TYPE_CONTAINER || header.magic != ZBI_ITEM_MAGIC {
cur_pos += SEEK_ALIGNMENT;
header = ZbiHeader::parse(cursor)?;
cursor.set_position(cursor.position() - ZBI_HEADER_SIZE);
info!("Found ZBI inside VBoot at position: {}", cursor.position());
mod tests {
use {super::*, std::convert::TryInto};
fn test_zbi_empty_container() {
let container_header = ZbiHeader {
length: 0,
extra: 0,
flags: 0,
reserved_0: 0,
reserved_1: 0,
crc32: 0,
let zbi_bytes = bincode::serialize(&container_header).unwrap();
let mut reader = ZbiReader::new(zbi_bytes);
let sections = reader.parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(sections.len(), 0);
fn test_zbi_sections() {
let mut container_header = ZbiHeader {
length: 0,
extra: 0,
flags: 0,
reserved_0: 0,
reserved_1: 0,
crc32: 0,
let section_header = ZbiHeader {
zbi_type: ZbiType::Discard as u32,
length: 10,
extra: 10,
flags: 0,
reserved_0: 0,
reserved_1: 0,
crc32: 0,
let section_data: Vec<u8> = vec![0; 10];
let mut section_bytes: Vec<u8> = bincode::serialize(&section_header).unwrap();
container_header.length = u32::try_from(section_bytes.len()).unwrap();
let mut zbi_bytes: Vec<u8> = bincode::serialize(&container_header).unwrap();
let mut reader = ZbiReader::new(zbi_bytes);
let sections = reader.parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(sections.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(sections[0].buffer.len(), 10);
fn test_zbi_compressed_sections() {
let mut container_header = ZbiHeader {
length: 0,
extra: 0,
flags: 0,
reserved_0: 0,
reserved_1: 0,
crc32: 0,
let uncompressed_len: u32 = 4096;
let uncompressed_data: Vec<u8> = vec![0; uncompressed_len.try_into().unwrap()];
let section_data = zstd::compress(&uncompressed_data, uncompressed_len, 3).unwrap();
let section_header = ZbiHeader {
zbi_type: ZbiType::Discard as u32,
length: u32::try_from(section_data.len()).unwrap(),
extra: 4096,
reserved_0: 0,
reserved_1: 0,
crc32: 0,
let mut section_bytes: Vec<u8> = bincode::serialize(&section_header).unwrap();
container_header.length = u32::try_from(section_bytes.len()).unwrap();
let mut zbi_bytes: Vec<u8> = bincode::serialize(&container_header).unwrap();
let mut reader = ZbiReader::new(zbi_bytes);
let sections = reader.parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(sections.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(sections[0].buffer.len(), uncompressed_len as usize);
fn test_zbi_sections_unaligned() {
let mut container_header = ZbiHeader {
length: 0,
extra: 0,
flags: 0,
reserved_0: 0,
reserved_1: 0,
crc32: 0,
let section_header = ZbiHeader {
zbi_type: ZbiType::Discard as u32,
length: 7,
extra: 7,
flags: 0,
reserved_0: 0,
reserved_1: 0,
crc32: 0,
let section_data: Vec<u8> = vec![0; 7];
let section_header_two = ZbiHeader {
zbi_type: ZbiType::Discard as u32,
length: 10,
extra: 10,
flags: 0,
reserved_0: 0,
reserved_1: 0,
crc32: 0,
let section_data_two: Vec<u8> = vec![0; 10];
let mut section_bytes: Vec<u8> = bincode::serialize(&section_header).unwrap();
let padding_len = 8 - (section_bytes.len() % 8);
let padding = vec![0; padding_len];
container_header.length = u32::try_from(section_bytes.len()).unwrap();
let mut zbi_bytes: Vec<u8> = bincode::serialize(&container_header).unwrap();
let mut reader = ZbiReader::new(zbi_bytes);
let sections = reader.parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(sections.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(sections[0].buffer.len(), 7);
assert_eq!(sections[1].buffer.len(), 10);