blob: 794dfadb965645123f6c741f6710a4944db8e03e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
#error "Fuchsia-only header"
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/connection.h"
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/fuchsia_vfs.h"
namespace fs {
// A specialization of |Vfs| which tracks FIDL connections. and integrates them with Vnode requests.
// This implementation is the normal one used on Fuchsia. It will not work in host builds.
// This class is thread-safe, but it is unsafe to shutdown the dispatch loop before shutting down
// the ManagedVfs object.
class ManagedVfs : public FuchsiaVfs {
explicit ManagedVfs(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
// The ManagedVfs destructor is only safe to execute if no connections are actively registered.
// To ensure that this state is achieved, it is recommended that clients issue a call to
// |Shutdown| before calling the destructor.
~ManagedVfs() override;
// Asynchronously drop all connections managed by the VFS.
// Invokes |handler| once when all connections are destroyed. It is safe to delete ManagedVfs from
// within the closure.
// It is unsafe to call Shutdown multiple times.
void Shutdown(ShutdownCallback handler) override __TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
void CloseAllConnectionsForVnode(const Vnode& node,
CloseAllConnectionsForVnodeCallback callback) final;
bool IsTerminating() const final;
// Posts the task for FinishShutdown if it is safe to do so.
void MaybeAsyncFinishShutdown() __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Identifies if the filesystem has closed existing connections and prevents news ones. This will
// allow use to call FinishShutdown and terminate.
bool NoMoreClients() const __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Invokes the handler from |Shutdown| once all connections have been released and remotes have
// been unmounted.
void FinishShutdown(async_dispatcher_t*, async::TaskBase*, zx_status_t status)
zx_status_t RegisterConnection(std::unique_ptr<internal::Connection> connection,
zx::channel channel) final __TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
void UnregisterConnection(internal::Connection* connection) final __TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
// Called when all connections to the VFS are closed.
virtual void OnNoConnections() {}
std::mutex lock_;
// All live connections. There can be more than one connection per node.
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<internal::Connection>> connections_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
std::atomic_bool is_shutting_down_ = false;
async::TaskMethod<ManagedVfs, &ManagedVfs::FinishShutdown> shutdown_task_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_){
ShutdownCallback shutdown_handler_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
closing_connections_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
} // namespace fs