blob: 93e697cff3883900ad0b9461c0a2fd3cacf96759 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
#error "Fuchsia-only header"
#include <fidl/>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/transaction.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/fuchsia_vfs.h"
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/vfs_types.h"
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/vnode.h"
namespace fs {
constexpr zx_signals_t kLocalTeardownSignal = ZX_USER_SIGNAL_1;
namespace internal {
class FidlTransaction;
class Binding;
zx::status<VnodeRepresentation> Describe(const fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>& vnode, VnodeProtocol protocol,
VnodeConnectionOptions options);
// Perform basic flags sanitization.
// Returns false if the flags combination is invalid.
bool PrevalidateFlags(fuchsia_io::wire::OpenFlags flags);
zx_status_t EnforceHierarchicalRights(Rights parent_rights, VnodeConnectionOptions child_options,
VnodeConnectionOptions* out_options);
// Connection is a base class representing an open connection to a Vnode (the server-side component
// of a file descriptor). It contains the logic to synchronize connection teardown with the vfs, as
// well as shared utilities such as connection cloning and enforcement of connection rights.
// Connections will be managed in a |fbl::DoublyLinkedList|.
// This class does not implement any FIDL generated C++ interfaces per se. Rather, each
// |{Node, File, Directory, ...}| protocol is handled by a separate corresponding
// subclass, potentially delegating shared functionalities back here.
// The Vnode's methods will be invoked in response to FIDL protocol messages received over the
// channel.
// This class is thread-safe.
class Connection : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<std::unique_ptr<Connection>> {
// Closes the connection.
// The connection must not be destroyed if its wait handler is running concurrently on another
// thread.
// In practice, this means the connection must have already been remotely closed, or it must be
// destroyed on the wait handler's dispatch thread to prevent a race.
virtual ~Connection();
// Sets a signal on the channel which causes the dispatcher to asynchronously close, tear down,
// and unregister this connection from the Vfs object.
void AsyncTeardown();
// Explicitly teardown and close the connection synchronously, unregistering it from the Vfs
// object.
void SyncTeardown();
// Begins waiting for messages on the channel. |channel| is the channel on which the FIDL protocol
// will be served.
// Before calling this function, the connection ownership must be transferred to the Vfs through
// |RegisterConnection|. Cannot be called more than once in the lifetime of the connection.
zx_status_t StartDispatching(zx::channel channel);
// Drains one FIDL message from the channel and handles it. This should only be called when new
// messages arrive on the channel. In practice, this implies it should be used by a |Binding|.
// Returns if the handling succeeded. In event of failure, the caller should synchronously
// teardown the connection.
bool OnMessage();
void RegisterInflightTransaction() { vnode_->RegisterInflightTransaction(); }
void UnregisterInflightTransaction() { vnode_->UnregisterInflightTransaction(); }
// For AdvisoryLocking - the KOID of the incoming FIDL channel acts as the identifier
// (or owner) for the remote file or directory.
zx_koid_t GetChannelOwnerKoid();
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode>& vnode() { return vnode_; }
// Subclasses of |Connection| should implement a particular || protocol. This is a
// utility for creating corresponding message dispatch functions which decodes a FIDL message and
// invokes a handler on |protocol_impl|. In essence, it partially-applies the |impl| argument in
// the LLCPP |TryDispatch| function.
class FidlProtocol {
// Factory function to create a |FidlProtocol|.
// |Protocol| should be an LLCPP generated class e.g. |fuchsia_io::File|.
// |protocol_impl| should be the |this| pointer when used from a subclass.
template <typename Protocol>
static FidlProtocol Create(typename fidl::WireServer<Protocol>* protocol_impl) {
return FidlProtocol(static_cast<void*>(protocol_impl),
[](void* impl, fidl::IncomingMessage& msg, fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return fidl::WireTryDispatch<Protocol>(
static_cast<typename fidl::WireServer<Protocol>*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Dispatches |message| on |Protocol|. The function consumes the message and returns true if the
// method was recognized by the protocol. Otherwise, it leaves the message intact and returns
// false.
::fidl::DispatchResult TryDispatch(fidl::IncomingMessage& message,
fidl::Transaction* transaction) {
return dispatch_fn_(protocol_impl_, message, transaction);
FidlProtocol(const FidlProtocol&) = default;
FidlProtocol(FidlProtocol&&) = default;
FidlProtocol& operator=(const FidlProtocol&) = delete;
FidlProtocol& operator=(FidlProtocol&&) = delete;
~FidlProtocol() = default;
using TypeErasedDispatchFn = ::fidl::DispatchResult (*)(void* impl, fidl::IncomingMessage&,
FidlProtocol() = delete;
FidlProtocol(void* protocol_impl, TypeErasedDispatchFn dispatch_fn)
: protocol_impl_(protocol_impl), dispatch_fn_(dispatch_fn) {}
// Pointer to the FIDL protocol implementation.
// Note that this is not necessarily the address of the |Connection| instance
// due to multiple inheritance.
void* const protocol_impl_;
// The FIDL method dispatch function corresponding to the specific FIDL
// protocol implemented by a subclass of |Connection|.
TypeErasedDispatchFn const dispatch_fn_;
// Create a connection bound to a particular vnode.
// The VFS will be notified when remote side closes the connection.
// |vfs| is the VFS which is responsible for dispatching operations to the vnode.
// |vnode| is the vnode which will handle I/O requests.
// |protocol| is the (potentially negotiated) vnode protocol that will be used to interact with
// the vnode over this connection.
// |options| are client-specified options for this connection, converted from the flags and
// rights passed during the || or || FIDL
// call.
Connection(fs::FuchsiaVfs* vfs, fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> vnode, VnodeProtocol protocol,
VnodeConnectionOptions options, FidlProtocol fidl_protocol);
VnodeProtocol protocol() const { return protocol_; }
const VnodeConnectionOptions& options() const { return options_; }
void set_append(bool append) { options_.flags.append = append; }
FuchsiaVfs* vfs() const { return vfs_; }
zx::event& token() { return token_; }
virtual void OnTeardown() {}
// Flags which can be modified by SetFlags.
constexpr static fuchsia_io::wire::OpenFlags kSettableStatusFlags =
// All flags which indicate state of the connection (excluding rights).
constexpr static fuchsia_io::wire::OpenFlags kStatusFlags =
kSettableStatusFlags | fuchsia_io::wire::OpenFlags::kNodeReference;
// Node operations. Note that these provide the shared implementation of ||
// methods, used by all connection subclasses.
// To simplify ownership handling, prefer using the |Vnode_*| types in return values, while using
// the generated FIDL types in method arguments. This is because return values must recursively
// own any child objects and handles to avoid a dangling reference.
void NodeClone(fuchsia_io::wire::OpenFlags flags, fidl::ServerEnd<fuchsia_io::Node> channel);
zx::status<> NodeClose();
zx::status<VnodeRepresentation> NodeDescribe();
void NodeSync(fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)> callback);
zx::status<VnodeAttributes> NodeGetAttr();
zx::status<> NodeSetAttr(fuchsia_io::wire::NodeAttributeFlags flags,
const fuchsia_io::wire::NodeAttributes& attributes);
zx::status<fuchsia_io::wire::OpenFlags> NodeGetFlags();
zx::status<> NodeSetFlags(fuchsia_io::wire::OpenFlags flags);
// The contract of the Vnode API is that there should be a balancing |Close| call for every |Open|
// call made on a vnode. Calls |Close| on the underlying vnode explicitly if necessary.
zx_status_t EnsureVnodeClosed();
bool vnode_is_open_;
// If we have received a |Node.Close| call on this connection.
bool closing_ = false;
// The Vfs instance which owns this connection. Connections must not outlive the Vfs, hence this
// borrowing is safe.
fs::FuchsiaVfs* const vfs_;
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> vnode_;
// State related to FIDL message dispatching. See |Binding|.
std::shared_ptr<Binding> binding_;
// The operational protocol that is used to interact with the vnode over this connection. It
// provides finer grained information than the FIDL protocol, e.g. both a regular file and a
// vmo-file could speak ||.
VnodeProtocol protocol_;
// Client-specified connection options containing flags and rights passed during the
// || or || FIDL call. Permissions on the underlying
// Vnode are granted on a per-connection basis, and accessible from |options_.rights|.
// Importantly, rights are hierarchical over Open/Clone. It is never allowed to derive a
// Connection with more rights than the originating connection.
VnodeConnectionOptions options_;
// Handle to event which allows client to refer to open vnodes in multi-path operations (see:
// link, rename). Defaults to ZX_HANDLE_INVALID. Validated on the server-side using cookies.
zx::event token_ = {};
// See documentation on |FidlProtocol|.
FidlProtocol fidl_protocol_;
// |Binding| contains state related to FIDL message dispatching. After starting FIDL message
// dispatching, each |Connection| maintains one corresponding binding instance in |binding_|. When
// processing an in-flight request, the binding is borrowed via a |std::weak_ptr| by the in-flight
// transaction, and no more message dispatching will happen until the transaction goes out of scope,
// when binding is again exclusively owned by the connection.
// This object contains an |async::WaitMethod| struct to wait for signals.
class Binding final {
Binding(Connection& connection, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, zx::channel channel);
Binding(const Binding&) = delete;
Binding& operator=(const Binding&) = delete;
Binding(Binding&&) = delete;
Binding& operator=(Binding&&) = delete;
// Begins waiting for messages on the channel.
zx_status_t StartDispatching();
// Stops waiting for messages on the channel.
void CancelDispatching();
void AsyncTeardown();
zx::channel& channel() { return channel_; }
void RegisterInflightTransaction() { connection_.RegisterInflightTransaction(); }
void UnregisterInflightTransaction() { connection_.UnregisterInflightTransaction(); }
// Callback for when new signals arrive on the channel, which could be: readable, peer closed,
// async teardown request, etc.
void HandleSignals(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::WaitBase* wait, zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal);
async::WaitMethod<Binding, &Binding::HandleSignals> wait_;
// The connection which owns this binding.
Connection& connection_;
// The dispatcher for reading messages and handling FIDL requests.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
// Channel on which the connection is being served.
zx::channel channel_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fs